Engl 2010 Relfection Eport

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Reflection Paper Ty Jensen

Ty Jensen
ENGL 2010
James Beatty
Reflection paper

I Learned a lot this semester in 2010. Sadly, most of it has been through the book since I
fell ill and had to have surgery so I wasnt able to attend class much. Jim was a very awesome
professor and worked with me through my medical problems, he is a very understanding
professor and I would recommend taking his course to anyone. There are nine expected learning
outcomes for this course and I believe there were three that really helped me.
Out of the nine class expected learning outcomes I believe I did number one: writing in
different genres well and the revising rough drafts, and getting better with doing sources
correctly. This semester we chose one topic and used it for all the papers. Each paper was a
different writing type on this topic like memoir, and position papers. I liked using the same topic
on all papers. This semester I finally somehow learned (no other English teacher has taught me
this) that when you cite in APA you are supposed to do it alphabetically; I never knew that so its
nice that I learned that so I can now do it the right way. The thing I enjoyed most about the class
was the revising of papers. I liked it because of how Jim did the peer reviews and it really gives
you great feedback on your paper.
The topic I chose for this semester was the Opiate Overdose deaths crisis. I made this
decision because my best friend died of overdose earlier this year. Decisions I had to make were
what exactly was I going to talk about? I talked about how more needs to be done to prevent
opiate overdose and during that process I discovered that there is a reversal antidote to overdose
called Narcan. I then thought oh I bet all police all this and discovered that only a few police

Reflection Paper Ty Jensen

departments in America carry it, so because of that I dedicated my last paper to why all police
should carry Narcan and why it should be easily accessible to people in this country. During my
research I learned a lot about opiate overdose more than I ever knew before so Im glad I chose
the topic.
Jim uses an awesome peer review system. The way it works ensures that your paper gets
read by 3-5 peers. Your paper gets passed around to multiple students and on each pass of the
paper there is a new topic that the reviewer works on. For example, one topic to focus on one
pass could be the thesis and conclusion, and then another pass will be on did they use the sources
rights etc. I really liked how he did it because 1: No one knows who said what because the paper
was passed so many times, and 2: a lot of input and advice for your paper, and 3: it makes it
easier to criticize and to be more comfortable since more than just one person is reading your
For my revisions I just took the advice from Jim and they are found here in my Eportfolio
and all of the changes I made are highlighted. When I first turned my paper in I had some weak
what ifs so I hope in these revisions I have made stronger what ifs
I would suggest taking this course from Jim anytime. He was a great professor who
obviously enjoyed his job and liked helping his students succeed. He is very understanding and
will work with you through problems so you can pass his class. 10/10

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