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First Grade
Top Dog
Safe * Respectful * Responsible * Kind
Mallory Hasseler, Room 19
Phone: 457-1404 ex: 2319

As of August 8, 2015 there are

26 children in our class:
13 boys
13 girls

This packet includes the most important information you need to know all year long, wonder, or
hear your child talk about. There is a lot of information, but please take the time to read
everything in this packet. Save the packet for reference throughout the school year. Please ask
if there is something I have not addressed.

Proposed General Schedule

8:45 First bell
8:50 Language Arts Block:
Differentiated Groups - identified by reading needs and
development. Reading instruction may include word building,
fluency, sight words, comprehension and guided reading.
Whole Group Reading Instruction
read aloud
phonological awareness
assign and read homework book
Daily Practice
math practice
doubles facts
Free Time and optional snack

Behavioral, Social, and Academic


11:40 Lunch
12:00 Recess
12:20 Theme work, science
1:05 Special
Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday -Spanish
Thursday - Physical Education (need gym shoes)
Friday - STEM
1:55 Math Instrution
2:45 Recess
3:00 Theme
3:41 End of school day *Note the new time

Behavior Expectations and

Go 4 It
Sandy Hill's school-wide behavior expectations
to be safe, respectful, responsible, and kind.
Positive reinforcement is given as a result of
making good choices and there are many
forms your child will receive this reinforcement.
Verbal and nonverbal reinforcement will be a
constant but your child will also be recognized
by receiving a Sand Dollars from anyone to
spend at the school store. When our whole
class is making good choices we can earn a
Pack Paw. The more Sand Dollars and Pack
Paws we earn the more students will be
concretely rewarded.
Sand Dollars / Pack Paws
Sand Dollars are paper dollars students earn
and save to purchase items in the Sand Dollar
Pack Paws are what the whole class receives
for making responsible choices. We celebrate
when we reach our goals.

Class Promise
Our class creates a series of expectations of our
selves and others in order to make this the best
learning environment. We recite these
expectations daily and hold each other
Students earn bucket fills, sand dollars, and
swag tags for

Swag Tags
Swag Tags will be collected on a chain kept at
school. Students can show off the swag they
earn throughout the year. Think of these like

Bucket Filling
Our classroom of Top Dogs uses the bucket
filling metaphor as a way of guiding students in
making appropriate decisions about their daily
behavior. The bucket filling idea is inspired by
the book Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by
Carol McCloud. In this story, kids experience
that being kind and showing love to one
another fills others empty buckets while the
opposite behavior empties buckets. In our
classroom, an imaginary personal bucket fills
and empties as students make choices
throughout the day. The bucket system is a
visual way for students to manage their
behavior based on the expected school-wide
behaviors of being responsible, safe, respectful,
and kind alongside our classroom promise to
one another.
In the classroom, there are four buckets that
represent buckets being a drop, half, and full.
Each day, students fill their buckets based on
appropriate behavior choices. Students start
the day in a neutral zone. When your child
demonstrates behavior that is exceptional, they
will move up a bucket level.
Important note: Whether or not your child is in
the full bucket at the end of the day should
NOT be the indicator of whether he/she had a
good behavior day. We want students not to
have to be rewarded all the time or only make
the right choice when they know they will be
rewarded. This is why the verbal positive
reinforcement and full bucket status will be
given sporadically. Again, I will be focusing on
just moving up during a school day is
considered success and you should too!

Other Positives
Positive remarks
Extra Responsibility
To name a few

Negative Consequences
The Go 4 It program uses minors and majors/
office referrals. Minors are given for minor
poor choices such as not listening to directions.
After a child receives 3 minors, I will make
contact with home.
An office referral/major is a major poor choice
and the child will be referred to the office. I
encourage you to ask your children about
behavior on a daily basis so that they feel
accountable for their actions.

English/Language Arts

Reading instruction is based on the Common Core standards and includes but is not limited to
understanding print, read aloud, sight word practice, decoding, phonological awareness, fluency,
vocabulary, and comprehension. Reading instruction and practice happens in differentiated small
and whole groups. Throughout the year your children will be assessed and placed in a similar
ability small group within the classroom to receive instruction and practice. The grade level will be
sorted by needs and placed in one of three instructional groups for a portion of the morning. The
students will continually be assessed in order to monitor progress and to guide instruction.
Our curriculum also includes learning the writing process. The writing process includes penmanship,
journaling, drafting, revising, and proofreading. Grammar rules and writing elements will guide our
practice. Proper penmanship is reinforced since handwriting is a communication tool and neat
handwriting enhances learning and confidence. Please reinforce this necessary skill at home as
we practice it at school.
Spelling is an essential element of reading and writing. If you find that the words are not
challenging for your child, it would be great practice for your child to practice with two or three of
the words in written sentences. The goal is for your children to use the words correctly in their
written work and to read them fluently. There will be a spelling test at the end of each week a list is
sent home.


It is important for the students to show or prove that they know math concepts. Our math
curriculum addresses the Common Core standards. Math learning will consist of using
manipulatives, small group work, hands-on, and pencil and paper activities. A goal is for students
to show their thinking using several strategies.
Students practice quick recall of addition and subtraction equations through the use of the
Doubles strategy. Doubles describes the method of remembering math facts based on a number
plus itself; for example, 2+2=4.


Assessments are a constant required part of education and your child will take several formal and
informal assessments throughout the year. These assessments are done face-to-face, with pencil
and paper, or on the computer. Computer skills such as manipulating the mouse, finger touch
pad, adjusting sound, minimizing and maxing the screen are essential skills used when a test is
taken on the computer.


Your child will have any combination of math, reading, or spelling homework 10 to 20 minutes most
school nights. Each day, homework books at your childs reading level will be sent home with your
child. Please read at least one each night. It is expected that these books are read daily and
returned on Friday. Please assist your child in reading his or her homework book and make sure it is
returned to school each week. Reading on a daily basis with your child is one of the most
important things you can do with them.
Spelling words will be sent home on Friday in my newsletter to be practiced daily for the test on the
following Friday.
Math homework will sometimes go home on Monday and will need to be returned completed
sometime during the week. The purpose of this homework is to communicate what your child is
learning at school and to challenge your child one more time to show knowledge independently.
Math homework will be review; your child should be able to complete the homework
independently. I suggest that your child do his or her math homework immediately on Monday
afternoon or at another regular time so that it does not become an afterthought.
20 Minute Rule! If your child is struggling with his or her MATH homework for 20 minutes or more then
that homework is inappropriate for your child. Please write on the homework 20 minute rule and
return. This way I will know that your child is struggling in this area and will address it at school. This
way you, as a parent, do not have to fight with your child about homework. Because homework is
review from the previous week I would like the student to be able to complete it by him or herself.
Since you are aware of the homework schedule, I appreciate your commitment encouraging your
child to do the work. I would rather students work be turned in late than not at all. The homework
is not for me, it is repeated practice that is crucial for your child to comprehend and gain
confidence. My goal is to enable your children to
have the confidence and knowledge to do the
work independently at home.
Book Bag
Math Review
during the

Book Bag



Book Bag



Book Bag




All Week

There are lots of opportunities to volunteer in many ways. Volunteers are coordinated by the Sandy
Hill Family Connection. I appreciate hallway reading volunteers and someone to come weekly or
once a month to help out at school with prep, copying, sorting, etc... I also appreciate a volunteer
to take the lead as a room parent to organize holiday parties for Halloween, Christmas, and
Valentines Day. All parents are invited to help out at these parties. Contact SHFC before
volunteering to fill out a background check.

Friday Folder

Your child will have two folders: take home folder and Friday folder. The Friday Folder will be sent
home every Friday and should be returned on Monday. Important notes, assignments, spelling
word list, and information are sent home in this folder. Please be sure to check this every weekend.
There is a chance that I will not have the opportunity to check this Monday morning so please send
any important papers or correspondence with your child outside of the Friday Folder.

Daily Folder

Each child will also have a folder which they will take home every night. Homework books,
important notes, and completed work will be sent home in this folder daily. Please check the
folder every evening. Return the folder to the backpack again each day. The folder helps to
encourage organization. If you send a note to school for a teacher or other important paper
please be sure to inform your student so that they can pass it on as I will not check these folders.

Show and Share

Show and share is a time for students to get to know and make connections with one another.
Most Fridays, we will take time to share about and show an object that tells about us. Make sure
that the object fits inside your child's backpack and that it is appropriate for school. Please
contact me if you have questions.


You may but do not feel obligated to celebrate your child's birthday at school by sending a
birthday treat. We will always have our own little celebration as a class. I prefer non-edible treats;
suggestions are stickers, pencils, bookmarks or erasers, be as creative as you want. Please refrain
from sharing food treats; students may have food allergies and this eliminates the temptation.
Birthday celebrations should not interrupt our school routine.


Lunch options are hot lunch or cold lunch which will be eaten with other kids in the gym. In the
event that your child forgets his or her cold lunch, if noticed early on in the day, you will receive a
phone call. If missing lunch is noticed later in the morning, your child will be provided a cheese
sandwich with optional hot lunch sides for the day. Please contact food service if you have any
questions regarding hot lunch.
Please provide your child breakfast EVERY morning as hunger can be a huge distraction. Breakfast
is available at school for a small fee. Contact Food Service with questions.


We will have an optional morning snack. No candy or pop please. The snack must not be messy
as it will be eaten in our classroom. The snack is optional and I will not provide snacks for forgotten
or lack of snack. We have a drinking fountain in the classroom for easy access but your child is also
welcome to keep a water bottle in their backpack for easy access.
Students may bring a snack to enjoy during afternoon outside recess. Afternoon snack is also
optional. Since children are running, jumping, and moving during recess please make sure the
snack is not easy to choke on.
Some Fridays, Sandy Hill Family Connection sells popcorn for 25 cents. First graders may eat this
popcorn during afternoon recess or take it home.
At this time I am not aware of any allergies.


Open lines of communication are necessary for a positive and respectful environment for your
child, self, and myself. I appreciate any contact that you feel comfortable giving. We can easily
communicate through email:, telephone message: 457-1404 x: 2319, notes,
or by stopping in. My website also has information. You can find it here:
Please read the weekly newsletter that will be emailed each weekend. The newsletter includes
spelling words, learning targets for the following week, and other important news.


For the safety of our students Sandy Hill asks that all parents/visitors/volunteers sign in at the office
before you make your way to the classroom. I am held responsible for the safety of your child and
all my students. If you are dropping your child off or picking up at the end of the day there are a
couple of options: meet at a designated spot on the playground, meet at the parent pickup area
in the hallway in front of the office without signing in, or sign in and then come to our classroom.
Thank you for being a good example, by checking in at the office, even if I know you.

Whew! Thats about it for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please save this
document to refer to if you have questions in the future.

I truly believe that children are unique

individuals who are capable of doing
great things when given the opportunity
and respect to do so. My personal goals
are to meet their needs socially,
emotionally physically, and
academically. I am excited to work
together this year to help grow,
encourage, and provide learning
experiences for your child. Thank you for
entrusting and sharing your child with
me. I am blessed to be a teacher!
Thank you,

Mallory Hasseler

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