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The physical or chemical properties of

Celite Corporation products represent

typical, average values obtained
in accordance with accepted test
methods and are subject to normal
manufacturing variations. They are
supplied as a technical service
and are subject to change without
notice. Check the nearest Celite
Corporation sales office to assure
current information.

Beer Filtration with Diatomite

Filtration using diatomite continues to be the simplest and most exible process available
for the ltration of beer. Filtration with diatomite has been used in food and beverage
applications for over 70 years. The longevity and worldwide acceptance of diatomite
ltration technology can be attributed to the fact it offers the most complete and economic
ltration option. Specically:

Process Simplicity
Utilized extensively around the world, with a proven track record, ltration with diatomite
is a trusted process based on simple principles of engineering and mechanics. Insensitive
to process uctuations or minor upsets, ltrations using diatomite are remarkably easy to
control and maintain, even in the most demanding production environments. The process
allows for quick changeover when ltering different liquids, minimizing mixing of beer types.
This is especially important in the multi-brand brewery.
Since diatomite is naturally inert, there is no possibility of contamination from chemical
treatments. Moreover, since no harmful concentrates result, special handling and disposal
systems are not required.

Process Flexibility
Filtration with diatomite offers exceptional performance on a wide variety of pressure and
vacuum lters. It is equally effective on horizontal and vertical leaf pressure lters, plate
and frame presses, candle lters, and rotary vacuum precoat lters, to name but a few.

Celite Corporation

A World Minerals Company

P.O. Box 519

Lompoc, CA 93438-0519
Tel: 800-893-4445
Fax: 805-735-7981
FA - 559

Printed in U.S.A.

Many modes of dynamic ltration are enabled when using powdered media such as
diatomite. These include conditions of constant ow rate, constant pressure, or fully
variable conditions that allow each user to easily design the most efcient and exible
system for their needs. Furthermore, a broad spectrum of carefully engineered diatomite
grades are commercially available from Celite. These can be used alone or in combination
to efciently and economically achieve the most demanding clarity requirement, regardless
of the variability in the beer being processed. This is accomplished
without sacricing critical properties like
avor and color.

Cost Effectiveness
Relative to other technologies, ltration with diatomite requires lower initial
capital investment, lower maintenance costs and lower operating costs.

Diatomite ltration is highly selective, resulting in the ability to optimize
your process. The ltration process can also be highly automated, resulting
in the exclusion of only the solids that you want to remove.

Why is ltration with diatomite so consistently effective

at clarifying beer without affecting avor and other

Filtration with diatomite will continue to be the most efcient and

economic process for the ltration of beer.
No two breweries are exactly alike. The economics of
ltration will therefore vary depending upon the make-up
of the beer, location, equipment, scale and a number of
other factors. However, there is one constant: ltration
with diatomite is almost universally the most efcient and
economic option available to the brewer.
Diatomite ltration integrates well with other separation
technologies such as centrifugation and advances in
precoat supports. It allows for the integration of silica gel
with the body feeding process. In addition, as illustrated
in the chart below, the technology responds well to
automation and continuous improvement initiatives.

Unlike most ltration technologies, diatomite ltration is not simply a mechanical process. It has the unique
ability to keep the desirable components in the beer, while eliminating those components that are undesirable.
Consequently, it does not remove the color, avor or head-retention proteins but does capture haze. Diatomite
ltration is simple and does not require specialized operator expertise.


Contrast this to other mechanical separation methods. If you use a 0.4 micron membrane, the beer may be
cloudy to start and not become clear until some hours into the operation when the pores have closed somewhat.
If you choose a membrane with 0.3 microns, the ltration may be effective for the rst few hours of the cycle,
but then foam retention or color may start to be affected as the pores start to blind.



Variable Costs ($/hL)

The hypothesis is that diatomite ltration works mechanically for large particles (>4 micron, like yeast), but
uses another mechanism for micron and submicron hazes. It appears that the natural porosity of diatomite
plays an important role. Localized micro-charges attract the small suspended solids of opposite charge. With
the linear velocities associated with purely mechanical separation techniques like cross ow ltration, this
does not occur. This results in a more difcult and fussier performance than with diatomite ltration.

Past Practice

Current Practice





Celite Corporation is the largest producer of highquality diatomite products in the world. For more
information on how Celite lter aids can optimize
your beer ltration process, please contact us
toll free at (800) 893-4445 or visit our website at

Cost Effectiveness
Relative to other technologies, ltration with diatomite requires lower initial
capital investment, lower maintenance costs and lower operating costs.

Diatomite ltration is highly selective, resulting in the ability to optimize
your process. The ltration process can also be highly automated, resulting
in the exclusion of only the solids that you want to remove.

Why is ltration with diatomite so consistently effective

at clarifying beer without affecting avor and other

Filtration with diatomite will continue to be the most efcient and

economic process for the ltration of beer.
No two breweries are exactly alike. The economics of
ltration will therefore vary depending upon the make-up
of the beer, location, equipment, scale and a number of
other factors. However, there is one constant: ltration
with diatomite is almost universally the most efcient and
economic option available to the brewer.
Diatomite ltration integrates well with other separation
technologies such as centrifugation and advances in
precoat supports. It allows for the integration of silica gel
with the body feeding process. In addition, as illustrated
in the chart below, the technology responds well to
automation and continuous improvement initiatives.

Unlike most ltration technologies, diatomite ltration is not simply a mechanical process. It has the unique
ability to keep the desirable components in the beer, while eliminating those components that are undesirable.
Consequently, it does not remove the color, avor or head-retention proteins but does capture haze. Diatomite
ltration is simple and does not require specialized operator expertise.


Contrast this to other mechanical separation methods. If you use a 0.4 micron membrane, the beer may be
cloudy to start and not become clear until some hours into the operation when the pores have closed somewhat.
If you choose a membrane with 0.3 microns, the ltration may be effective for the rst few hours of the cycle,
but then foam retention or color may start to be affected as the pores start to blind.



Variable Costs ($/hL)

The hypothesis is that diatomite ltration works mechanically for large particles (>4 micron, like yeast), but
uses another mechanism for micron and submicron hazes. It appears that the natural porosity of diatomite
plays an important role. Localized micro-charges attract the small suspended solids of opposite charge. With
the linear velocities associated with purely mechanical separation techniques like cross ow ltration, this
does not occur. This results in a more difcult and fussier performance than with diatomite ltration.

Past Practice

Current Practice





Celite Corporation is the largest producer of highquality diatomite products in the world. For more
information on how Celite lter aids can optimize
your beer ltration process, please contact us
toll free at (800) 893-4445 or visit our website at

The physical or chemical properties of

Celite Corporation products represent
typical, average values obtained
in accordance with accepted test
methods and are subject to normal
manufacturing variations. They are
supplied as a technical service
and are subject to change without
notice. Check the nearest Celite
Corporation sales office to assure
current information.

Beer Filtration with Diatomite

Filtration using diatomite continues to be the simplest and most exible process available
for the ltration of beer. Filtration with diatomite has been used in food and beverage
applications for over 70 years. The longevity and worldwide acceptance of diatomite
ltration technology can be attributed to the fact it offers the most complete and economic
ltration option. Specically:

Process Simplicity
Utilized extensively around the world, with a proven track record, ltration with diatomite
is a trusted process based on simple principles of engineering and mechanics. Insensitive
to process uctuations or minor upsets, ltrations using diatomite are remarkably easy to
control and maintain, even in the most demanding production environments. The process
allows for quick changeover when ltering different liquids, minimizing mixing of beer types.
This is especially important in the multi-brand brewery.
Since diatomite is naturally inert, there is no possibility of contamination from chemical
treatments. Moreover, since no harmful concentrates result, special handling and disposal
systems are not required.

Process Flexibility
Filtration with diatomite offers exceptional performance on a wide variety of pressure and
vacuum lters. It is equally effective on horizontal and vertical leaf pressure lters, plate
and frame presses, candle lters, and rotary vacuum precoat lters, to name but a few.

Celite Corporation

A World Minerals Company

P.O. Box 519

Lompoc, CA 93438-0519
Tel: 800-893-4445
Fax: 805-735-7981
FA - 559

Printed in U.S.A.

Many modes of dynamic ltration are enabled when using powdered media such as
diatomite. These include conditions of constant ow rate, constant pressure, or fully
variable conditions that allow each user to easily design the most efcient and exible
system for their needs. Furthermore, a broad spectrum of carefully engineered diatomite
grades are commercially available from Celite. These can be used alone or in combination
to efciently and economically achieve the most demanding clarity requirement, regardless
of the variability in the beer being processed. This is accomplished
without sacricing critical properties like
avor and color.

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