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No matter where you are on lifes curve, one fact is

inescapable. Every day, you are getting older. The
question is, how gracefully will you age?
Will you remain healthy and grow wiser? Or will
your health deteriorate, causing the quality of
your life to decline?
Theres no question some people age better than
others. There are billions of dollars in cosmetics
sold each year vying for those customers who want
the next big anti-aging fix.
But aging well is more than skin deep. Its not even
completely up to your genetics, either.
The answer, as it turns out, has a great deal
to do with the choices you make now. None of us
like to think about the reality of aging, but if you
knew there were things you could do right now
to look younger and remain healthier as you age,
wouldnt you want to get started?
The choices you make today have a cumulative
effect on aging. Thats why we put together this
reportto help you understand the actions you
can take that will really increase your vitality and
help you age well.
The big truth here is that how young you look is
deeply connected to how healthy you are. You
know how getting a terrible night of sleep can age
you ten years in the mirror overnight? Your overall
health. Has a huge affect on how you look, too. So
well primarily address the health side of aging,
because theres a huge between what you eat,
how you look, and how you feel.
For far too many people, the wisdom years
are characterized by dementia. In fact, almost
half of those aged 85 and older in the U.S.
have Alzheimers disease or some other form
of dementia. And the number of people with
Alzheimers and other dementias worldwide
is expected to quadruple between now and 2050.

Aging doesnt only show up in your brain. Rates of

heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes all increase
dramatically with age and they are all shattering
families, weakening resolve, and taking lives.
Fortunately, you can do something about all this.
There are clear, scientifically proven steps you can take
that will radically increase your chances of not only
adding years to your life, but also of adding bounce to
your step and youthful vigor to your years.
And it all starts with food.
A lot of attention has been paid and money spent
on supplements and exotic super foods., but the real
super foods turn out to be remarkably accessible and
The foods that can make the biggest difference to
the greatest number of people offer critical minerals,
vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, and a
host of other important phytonutrients that are good
for your brain, your immune system, and your vitality
and that can help you lose weight and gain strength.
Here are my top 10 anti-aging super foods. I bet some
of these will surprise you. Bon apptit!

CEO, The Food Revolution


Until recently, you wouldnt have expected to see

coffee listed as a health food. For decades, weve
been advised to drink less of it.
But now, it turns out, that advice was wrong.
In fact, coffee brings a stunning array of anti-aging
health benefits.
The Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and
Dementia (CAIDE) study tracked more than 1,400

individuals over the course of 21 years to look at a

broad range of diet and lifestyle choices and health
outcomes. In the study, people who drank 3-5 cups
of coffee per day at midlife were found to have a
65% decreased risk of dementia in later life.
And in another study, 34,670 women in Sweden
were tracked for more than 10 years. Those who
drank no coffee were at elevated risk of stroke,
while the women who drank at least a cup per day
reduced their risk of stroke by 22 to 25%.
Also, abundant studies exist on the relationship
between coffee and cancer. On this topic, the data
is overwhelming.
Consumption of caffeinated coffee could cut
mouth and throat cancer risk by 50%, according
to one study.
Other studies found drinking coffee to reduce the
risk of many types of cancer uterine cancer,
prostate cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, breast
cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.
In some cases, coffee drinkers seemed to do best
with 3-5 cups per day. In other cases, only one cup
per day appeared optimal.
Coffee consumption has also been found to lead
to decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. And even
for people who have it coffee can prolong life
expectancy. In fact, one 20-year study of 3,837
type 2 diabetics found coffee consumption to be
correlated with a 30% decreased risk of death
from any cause.
Coffee turns out to be loaded with antioxidants
(which help to prevent the damaging effects of
oxidation on cells throughout your body). In fact,
coffee is the #1 source of antioxidants in the

American diet by a wide margin.

When you hear all this, and you add in the facts
that coffee consumption is also tied to weight
loss and reduced rates of Parkinsons disease, and
that its been shown to be good for your mood,
reaction time, memory, vigilance, and general
cognitive function, the question might naturally
emerge why didnt I know all this before?
Of course, theres more to the story. The caffeine
in coffee makes some people feel jittery, anxious,
and restless. And for many people, it can become
addictive leading to headaches and withdrawal
symptoms when they miss a day. Also, pregnant
women are advised to drink less coffee because
fetuses are highly sensitive to it. And coffee that
comes packed with sugar, artificial flavorings,
factory farmed milk, and high fructose corn syrup
may not be a net benefit to anyones health.

So just because coffee is correlated to a broad range

of health benefits doesnt mean that everyone
should drink it by the gallon, or guzzle the Salted
Caramel Mocha at Starbucks. But the data is pretty
clear that a fresh brewed cup of unadulterated
coffee offers a great many health benefits.
Unfortunately, few studies exist on the health
effects of decaffeinated coffee. But we do have
studies telling us that decaffeinated coffee has
about 75% of the antioxidants of the caffeinated
version. And while many decaffeination methods
involve use of solvents like methylene chloride
or ethyl acetate, the Swiss Water Process is
a more environmentally friendly and
chemical-free method.

Enjoy Coffee Consciously

Because coffee accounts for almost half of the total
exports from tropical countries, coffee production
has a massive impact on the lives and livelihoods
of hundreds of millions of families and farmers.
Regrettably, many of them are living in poverty.
Therefore, the kinds of coffee we choose have a
profound impact on the kind of world we shape
for future generations. Fair trade, shade grown,
and organic coffee are the types to reach for to
help to shape a fairer and healthier world.
If thats something you want, your choice of
coffee can make a powerful impact on the
lives of many, including your own.


Turmeric has been popular in India for more than

5,000 years, and this is widely thought to be one
of the primary reasons why both Indias rural and
urban populations have among the lowest rates of
Alzheimers disease (AD) in the world. In fact, India
has less than 2% as many AD related-deaths, per
100,000 people, compared with the United States.
In the U.S., which has the worlds second highest
AD rate (after Finland), a recent study of 3 patients
with AD offered a ray of hope. When participants

took less than a gram of turmeric daily, for 3

months, they had some extraordinary results.
Researchers described how the patients
behavioral symptoms were improved remarkably
as a result of consuming 764 milligrams of turmeric
(100 mg of curcumin) per day. After only 3 months
of treatment, the patients symptoms and the
burden on their caregivers were decreased
significantly. After a year, the results were even
Turmeric is well known for its bright orange color.
In fact, it is sometimes used as a coloring agent.
The orange of turmeric comes from a polyphenol
called curcumin and curcumin turns out to be
something of a miracle compound.
A promising study from 2013 conducted by
scientists with Chinas Center for Hypertension
and Metabolic Diseases illustrated how curcumin
may help aging blood vessels to relax, thereby
increasing blood flow to the brain. The researchers,
writing in the journal Cellular Physiology and
Biochemistry, summarized by saying:

Our findings provide... evidence that curcumin

treatment may be an effective therapeutic
strategy to reverse age-related cerebrovascular
Hundreds of studies have demonstrated
curcumins ability to help reduce unhealthy levels
of inflammation, protect against heavy metal
toxicity, lower heart disease risk, and to prevent
or even reverse Alzheimers disease, as well as
other forms of dementia.
Also, many studies demonstrate curcumins
potential to destroy multi-drug resistant cancer
and cancer stem cells, and to protect against

radiation-induced damage.
How much do you need?
Thats hard to know. Research has found low
rates of certain types of cancer in countries where
people eat 100 to 200 mg of curcumin per day over
long periods of time. The daily intake of curcumin
in India is thought to be about 125 mg. To get that
much, you need to consume about a teaspoon of
turmeric powder daily.
If that seems like a lot (and to many people it
does), you may want to consider taking a curcumin
supplement. Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute
has developed a curcumin supplement that
includes a potent delivery enhancer (made using
organic lecithin and organic turmeric oil),which
they say has been found to increase bioavailability
by 500%. Their supplement is 100% vegetarian,
organic, soy-free, and non-GMO. If youd like to
find our more, visit:

Enjoy Turmeric
Turmeric appears to be one of those spices with
minimal toxicity and tremendous benefits. Its
a flavorful addition to sauces, curries, stir-fries,
and casseroles. But, youll get better curcumin
absorption if you combine turmeric with some
black pepper and a bit of (healthy) fat. Enjoy it
often in as many ways as you can!

The blueberry is one of the few fruits native to

North America. Native Americans traditionally
used the berries and other parts of the plant for
medicine and for good reason. Blueberries are
not only delicious theyre also anti-aging rock
A study published in The Annals of Neurology
analyzed data from 16,000 women with an average
age of 74, and found that the women with the
highest levels of blueberry consumption delayed
their cognitive aging by as much as 2 years.
When you consider the enormous costs of
cognitive aging, a 2 year extension in healthy

brain function would make a profound impact

on millions of families, and would save far more
money than even buying a lifetimes supply of the
most expensive organic blueberries would cost.

be prevented, but also reversed, by feeding

blueberries to older rats. Moreover, the
improvement persisted for at least a month after
they put the animals back on a standard diet.

The science illustrating a major link between

blueberries and brain health is extensive.

In a study with 9 elderly human participants,

Robert Krikorian and a team at the University of
Cincinnati found that, compared to a comparable
group that was given a placebo, participants
who were given blueberry juice scored higher on
memory tests, had improved word list recall, and
experienced lower depressive symptoms.

For example, scientists at the United States

Department of Agriculture research center at
Tufts University have been studying the beneficial
effects of blueberries on brain function in animal
models for over a decade.
A recent study found that object memory loss
that occurs normally with age can not only

Numerous studies have linked blueberry

consumption to reduced rates of cancer and of
cardiovascular disease.

Enjoy Blueberries
When theyre in season, you can enjoy them fresh.
Out of season, you can easily find them frozen
or dried. You can add them to salads, breakfast
cereals, or smoothies. Or simply eat them by the
handful. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,
and all other berries contain fabulous anti-aging
and health-giving benefits, too!


Popeye was on to something. Tursn out, spinach

actually does boost muscle strength, according to
the findings of Swedish researchers.
And it seems like every day another study is
coming out showing the extraordinary power
of green vegetables. These nutrient dynamos
include not only spinach, but also broccoli,
bok choy, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, cabbage,
collards, mustard greens, kale, beet greens,
and even leaf lettuce.

In 2015, researchers at Rush University in Chicago

evaluated the diet and mental function of 950
elderly people. After adjusting for variables such as
education, exercise and family history of dementia,
the researchers found that those participants who
ate leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and
kale, once or twice a day experienced significantly
less cognitive decline than those who didnt.
In fact, participants who ate greens halted their
mental decline by an average of 11 years.
Greens bring powerful antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and cytoprotective properties.
For a specific example, cabbage, broccoli, and
Brussels sprouts contain compounds known as
isothiocyanates and indoles, which can prevent
oxidative damage and fight cancer cells in ways
that chemicals from other vegetables cant.
Several studies examined the impact of
cruciferous vegetables (such as kale, collards,
cabbage, and bok choy) on the aging process,
and found some extraordinary results.
In one study, published in The Annals of Neurology,
researchers tracked the diet and lifestyle choices
of 13,388 women over the course of 29 years.
These women were given a series of tests
measuring their cognitive function. Women
with the highest consumption of cruciferous
vegetables declined less than women who
ate only a little of these vegetables.
Greens appear to be particularly helpful in
cancer protection. Researchers discovered that
components in these veggies can protect your
body from the free radicals that can damage
your cells DNA.

They may also help you eliminate cancer-causing

chemicals, help slow the growth of tumors, and
encourage cancer cells to die. Studies have also
linked increased consumption of greens with a
decrease in breast, lung, colorectal, and
prostate cancers.
As if thats not enough, greens are also good
sources of vitamin C (which protects cells as
an antioxidant and by supporting the immune
system). Many greens are also good sources
of manganese, folate, potassium, dietary fiber,
calcium, and other nutrients, which support bone
health, protect against cognitive decline, and help
prevent age-related eye problems.

Enjoy Greens
Green vegetables can be enjoyed raw as a salad,
and can also be steamed, baked, dehydrated into
chips, used as a wrap even broiled. If you want to
maximize your chances of a long and healthy life
bring on the greens!

The story of tea begins in China. According to

legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen
Nung, a renowned herbalist, was sitting beneath
a tree while his servant boiled drinking water.
Some leaves from the tree blew into the water,
and emperor Shen Nung decided to try the
infusion his servant had accidentally created.
And so the emperor enjoyed the first teatime
in the history of the world.
It would take another several thousand before
tea was to become the national drink of China
some time around the year 700 AD.
And its only now that we are discovering how
powerful and health-giving tea really is. (Here we
mean tea as in the green leaves of the camellia
sinensis plantnot herbal teas, like peppermint or
chamomile, which have their own distinct health-

giving properties. True tea plants and plantations

are only grown in certain parts of the world, like
India and China.)
There are 4 types of tea: green, white, black,
and oolong. All of these can be derived from the
same plant, and all are being studied for their
considerable health-giving properties.
Dried green tea leaves, which are about 40%
polyphenols by weight, seem to be the most
potent. White and green teas contain the
most EGCG, which is one of the most powerful
And next to water, tea is the most widely
consumed beverage in the world. (Yes, even ahead
of Coca-Cola and coffee.)

broad range of cancers, including cancers of the breast (one

study found that 3 cups a day of tea reduced the risk of breast
cancer by a third), colon,skin, lung, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, pancreas, liver, and more.
When a team of scientists monitored 29,335 Finnish men and
women over the course of 12.9 years, they came to the
conclusion that drinking tea was linked to a meaningful
reduction in the risk of Parkinsons disease. This was true in
both men and women, even after factoring for other variables
like smoking, physical activity, age, and body mass index.
Of course, unless its been decaffeinated, tea has caffeine
(more in black and oolong than in green or white). The health
effects of caffeine are a controversial topic. But in moderation,
a considerable body of evidence shows that the caffeine in
tea may increase memory, help to ward off Alzheimers, protect
against skin cancer and cataracts, prevent weight gain, help
with asthma and even be good for virility.

Researchers have known for years that rates of

prostate cancer are considerably lower in Asian
countries. Many scientists believe this is because of
the high consumption of plant foods among Asian
populations. But some also think the consumption
of green tea the most popular tea in Japan, China,
and other Asian countries could play a role.

Also keep in mind that many bottled tea products

are mostly sugar-water. For example, Liptons
Lemon Iced Tea comes with 31 grams of added
sugar. Thats probably not a healthy beverage
for anyone.

When it comes to the health benefits of tea,

prostate cancer prevention is just the tip of the
iceberg. For example:

Enjoy Tea

Green tea contains catechins, which increase the bodys ability

to burn fat as fuel, leading to improved muscle endurance.
Green tea has been found to help improve body composition
and fight osteoporosis by enhancing bone strength.
Studies have found that drinking tea of any type can help to
protect against cardiovascular disease, and may reduce the
risk of heart attack. Tea consumption has also been linked to
reduced rates of Alzheimers Disease, obesity, arthritis,
diabetes, infections, malaria, and even AIDS.

If youre going to buy pre-bottled tea, its best to

check the label to be sure its either unsweetened
or only lightly sweetened. And if you brew it
yourself, try it plain, or with a squeeze of lemon
and/or just a dab of honey or other sweetener.
Teatime can make a huge contribution to your
wellness, but not if you over-sweeten it.

The antioxidants in tea are believed to help protect against a

Whole Grains

Grains have been getting a bad wrap recently, with

many Paleo eaters avoiding them altogether. Its
widely recognized that gluten is harmful for some
people, and that refined grains have no significant
place in a healthy diet.
But as it turns out, thousands of studies have
found considerable value in whole grains (including
amaranth, millet, buckwheat, teff, wheat, corn,
barley, oats, rye, spelt, and more) as part of a
balanced diet.
Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,
whole grains can lower the risk of age-related
illnesses, such ascardiovascular disease, gum
disease, and cancer.

Because theyre digested more slowly than

processed grains, they can also help prevent
high blood sugar and diabetes.
The fiber-rich bran, nutrient-packed germ, and
starchy endosperm are all natural components of
whole grains. Refined grains have had the bran
and germ removed, and in the process they lose a
great deal of nutrition, fiber, and health-promoting
Whole grains are good sources of fiber and
magnesium, and they can provide some protein,
too. Individual whole grains vary several types
are also good sources of manganese, thiamin,
niacin, vitamin B-6, and/or selenium.
Many whole grains have been linked to a
reduction in cancer risk. According to one metaanalysis of studies, consumption of an average of
approximately 6 ounces of whole grains per day
reduced colorectal cancer risk by 21 percent.
Considering that 141,000 Americans are expected
to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year,
this means that if the average American ate just 6
ounces of whole grains per day, in one year alone
we could prevent an estimated 29,000 cases of
colorectal cancer and save more
than 10,000 lives.
Dietary fiberis present in all whole grains, which
could be one of the primary reasons that whole
grains are so effective in fighting colorectal cancer.
Each 10-gram increase in dietary fiber is linked to a
10% lower risk of colorectal cancer. And fiber from
whole grains seems to be the most effective kind
of all in fighting cancer even more so than fiber
that comes from fruits and vegetables.


Other compounds found in whole grains being

studied for their cancer-fighting properties include
protease inhibitors, phytic acid, phenolic acids,
and saponins all of which have shown effects on
cell signaling, gene expression, and inflammation,
and all of which may help to slow the development
of cancers.
Studies conducted over 10-year periods have also
linked consumption of whole grains to weight
loss. Nicola McKeown, Ph.D. and a team of Tufts
researchers studied 434 adults between the ages
of 60 to 80, comparing their diet to their body fat
and abdominal fat composition. Whole grain intake
and cereal fiber intake were strongly correlated
with lower total percent body fat and lower
abdominal (trunk fat) mass.

effective as part of a diet that is rich with other

whole plants foods, including fresh vegetables,
seeds, nuts, legumes, and fruits.
One dietary pattern thats been gaining traction
recently, thanks in no small part to the successful
results that came from the first major study of it,
is the Mind Diet, developed by Professor Martha
Clare Morris at Chicagos Rush University.
This diet advises people to eat at least 3 servings
of whole grains, a salad, and one other vegetable
each day, along with a glass of wine. The diet
also includes nuts, poultry, berries, and fish. And
its been linked to a stunning 50% reduction in
Alzheimers rates, as well as to a reduction in rates
of heart disease and other ailments.

If you havent already, make sure you especially

get to know the tremendously nutritious pseudo
grains these are quinoa, amaranth, millet, and
buckwheat. They are technically seeds, and they
hold some special nutritional power.
According to a 14-year long Harvard study, eating
a bowl of quinoa per day may lower your risk of
premature death from diseases like cancer, heart
disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes by 17
Quinoa is high in antioxidants, and its a complete
protein, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino
acids. Just be sure to soak it or rinse it before you
cook it doing so will remove bitter compounds,
leading to a sweeter tasting meal.
Of course, if you eat too much of anything,
including whole grains, and not enough of other
things (like fresh vegetables), youre going to
wind up deficient in critical nutrients, and aging
faster than you would like. Whole grains are most

Enjoy Whole Grains

A variety of whole grains can be nutritious
and delicious. Many are best sprouted, or rinsed,
before cooking. Some are good over stir-fries,
or in soups or casseroles.
For optimal nutrition, enjoy whole grains that
havent been processed into flour because flour
digests more rapidly and can throw your blood
sugar levels out of balance. You might also want
to avoid eating too much rice because even
organically grown brown rice can carry unsafe
levels of arsenic.



Foods from the legume family include beans,

peas, lentils, peanuts, and soybeans. There are
thousands of colorful legumes, and together they
are a critical source of protein and fiber for billions
of people worldwide.
Legumes are packed with many critical nutrients.
Lets start with fiber - which is pretty important,
considering less than 5% of Americans get the
recommended amount of it. Fiber is critical to
digestion. It supports weight loss, cardiovascular
health, bowel movements, and helps to prevent
type 2 diabetes.
Its also been linked in some studies to reduced
rates of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and

prostate cancer. Whats more, healthful gut

bacteria feed on fiber, and use it to produce
compounds that may protect colon cells.
Legumes are one of the best sources of fiber.
Legumes also contain folate, iron, magnesium
and potassium, which can help with general
body function and also with neuron firing. They
figure prominently in most Alzheimers prevention
diets. They also contain choline, a B vitamin that
boosts acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter critical
for brain function).
Legumes also turn out to be potent
In an 8-year study in Uruguay involving more than
3,539 cancer cases and 2,032 hospital controls,
scientists found that the highest rates of bean and
lentil consumption were associated with a 25%
reduction in overall cancer rates.
Eating beans and lentils was also correlated with a
decreased risk of cancers of the entire digestive
tract including mouth, stomach, colon, and
rectal cancers as well as cancer of the kidney.
A study of more than 58,000 men in the
Netherlands found that those with the highest
intakes of legumes had a risk of prostate cancer
that was 29% lower than those with the
lowest intakes.
Similarly, in a case-control study of 1,619 North
American men diagnosed with prostate cancer and
1,618 healthy men matched for age and ethnicity,
those with the highest legume intakes had a risk
of prostate cancer that was 38% lower than those
with the lowest intakes.
What is it about legumes that might help with
cancer prevention?


For one thing, people who eat more legumes are

likely to eat less of the stuff we know can cause
cancer like processed foods and especially
processed meats. But thats not the whole story.
Most legumes are also outstanding sources
of phytochemicals, including triterpenoids,
flavonoids, inositol, protease inhibitors, and
sterols. Legumes also contain other healthpromoting substances that may protect against
cancer, including lignans and saponins.

Enjoy Legumes
Add a serving of legumes a few times a week
(you can soak and then cook dry beans, or even
just take them from a can) to your menu, and
youll be reaping some health-giving benefits.
You do need to know how to cook beans if youre
preparing them yourself or else you might get
gas. Read to the end for some fantastic recipes!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Your body can make most of the types of fats it
needs from other fats or raw materials, but that
isnt the case for omega-3 fatty acids. Your body
needs to get these fats directly from food.

Omega-3 fats are an integral part of cell

membranes throughout the body. They provide
the starting point for making hormones that
regulate blood clotting, contraction, and relaxation
of artery walls, and inflammation.
Omega-3 fats have been shown to help prevent
heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus,
eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may help to
protect against cancer and other conditions.
In addition, although more study is needed,


research has found omega-3s to show potential

to reduce inflammation in the early stages of
Alzheimers disease.
People whose diets contain daily omega-3s have
been shown to have a 26% lower risk of having
brain lesions that cause dementia compared with
those who do not. These fatty acids help your
brain to stay in top shape.
Omega-3 fatty acids are thus named because
there are three of them ALA (alpha-linolenic
acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid).
All three are critical to human health. DHA, in
particular, is a major structural fat in the human

brain and eyes, representing about 97% of all

omega-3 fats in the brain and 93% of all omega-3
fats in the retina. DHA is a major structural
component of the cerebral cortex, the part of the
brain responsible for memory, language, creativity,
emotion, and attention.
Having adequate levels of DHA can protect you
from age-related mental decline, and significantly
reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimers.
Seniors with higher levels of DHA are 47% less
likely to develop dementia and 39% less likely to

develop Alzheimers compared with other seniors

who have low levels.
ALA is found in some plant foods. EPA and DHA are
found mainly in fish and certain algae. The human
body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, though
the efficiency of conversion varies from person to
person. Some people may do just fine if they eat
plenty of ALA. Others seem to benefit from some
direct form of DHA or EPA whether from fish or
fish oil, or from an algae-based supplement.
The commonly recognized plant foods highest in
ALA are flax seeds, chia seeds, canola oil, camelina
oil, walnuts, and hemp seeds. EPA and DHA are
especially found in salmon, anchovies, herring,
sardines, and other fatty fish as well as in certain
forms of algae.
Many leading scientists agree that the optimal
ratio of omega 6 fatty acids (found mainly in
vegetable oils) to omega-3 fatty acids is about 1:1.
But in the diets of most people today, the average
ratio is closer to 15:1. This imbalance has been
found to fuel cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Thats
why cutting down on overconsumption of omega-6
oils (which are especially high in corn, soy,
safflower, and sunflower oils) may be as important
as increasing consumption of omega-3s to your
overall balance.
If you choose to eat fish, this can be a good source
of omega-3 fatty acids. But you do need to look
out for mercury and heavy metal contamination.
Wild salmon, sardines, and herring are all fish
that are high in omega-3s and relatively low in
contamination. Watch out for farmed salmon,
though it often has much higher levels of mercury


and heavy metals. Some people also prefer to take

molecularly distilled fish oil supplements.
If you choose not to eat fish, whether for ethical
or environmental reasons, it is almost certainly
best for you to incorporate abundant ALA omega3s into your diet, and you should likely consider
taking an algal DHA supplement, too. For pregnant
women, especially, some form of direct DHA
consumption is very strongly recommended.

Enjoy Omega 3 Fatty Acids

While flax oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, the
whole flax seed delivers not only ALA, but also
highly nutritious lignans and fiber. But you do
need to grind it up first or it will likely pass straight
through your digestive tract and come out whole
on the other end.
You can get a dedicated coffee grinder to make
your own fresh flax meal or buy it ground, and
keep it in the freezer because the oils are highly
perishable. Chia seeds are delicious made into
puddings, added to smoothies and juices, or
sprinkled on a salad.
If you choose to eat fish, there are many ways to
prepare it including baking, pan frying, or grilling.
It can even be added to a salad or a stew. And
canned fish contains the same omega-3
benefits as fresh.
If you decide to take an algae DHA supplement,
keep in mind that many of them are extracted
using hexane, which is toxic and which leads to a
poorer quality supplement. Garden of Life makes
one that is hexane-free you can find out more
by clicking here. If you want a premium source of
sustainably managed wild Alaskan fish that is low in
heavy metals, check out Vital Choice Organics here.


A recent archeological dig in Israel found evidence

that nuts formed a major part of human ancestors
diet 780,000 years ago. Dig researchers discovered
7 varieties of nuts, along with stone tools to crack
them open. These stone tools, called nutting
stones, are similar to those found in the United
States and Europe which archeologists date back
4,000 to 8,000 years.
Today, many of us enjoy walnuts, almonds, pecans,
Brazil nuts, pistachios, cashews, macadamia
nuts, and hazelnuts, plus an honorary nut we call
peanuts (even though peanuts are technically a
legume) with enthusiasm.


Yet we are only beginning to appreciate the vast

nutritional benefits that nuts give us. They are rich
in high-quality protein, fiber, minerals, tocopherols,
phytosterols, vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, and
phenolic compounds.

Also, a clinical study published in the International

Journal of Impotence Research looked at what
happened to men with erectile dysfunction
who ate 3-4 handfuls of pistachios a day for
three weeks.

Epidemiologic studies have linked nut

consumption with reduced rates of heart disease
and gallstones, as well as beneficial effects on
hypertension, cancer, and inflammation. Recent
studies have also indicated that nut consumption
can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.

They experienced a significant improvement in

blood flow through the penis, and significantly
firmer erections. The researchers concluded that
three weeks of pistachios resulted in a significant
improvement in erectile functionwithout any
side effects.

One study involving over 9,000 North Americans

found that those who ate nuts at least 5 times per
week gained, on average, an extra 2 years of life
The nut eaters also experienced a 50% reduction
in heart disease risk.
Another large-scale, 30-year study found that
people who regularly ate one ounce of nuts at
least seven times per week were 20 percent less
likely to die of a health-related illness, compared
to those who avoided nuts in their diet.
Many nuts have also been linked to lower rates
of certain cancers. Studies done on walnuts, in
particular, have found that they appear to be
particularly protective against breast and
prostate cancers.
Walnuts and many other nuts contain a number
of potent nutrients that can help fight cancer
and boost overall health. These include ellagic
acid, a phytochemical antioxidant, and gammatocopherol, a type of vitamin E both of which
have strong anti-inflammatory and cancerprotective effects.

Enjoy Nuts
Based on numerous studies, it appears that eating
1-2 ounces of nuts 5 days per week leads to
tremendous health benefits. You can enjoy nuts
plain, with a sprinkling of salt, in a trail mix, in a nut
loaf or casserole, blended into nut milk, added to
smoothies, or prepared into nut cheeses, or even
pie crusts.
With walnuts, because of their high
omega-3 fatty acid content, fresh
is best. You can get a nutcracker
and crack them yourself, or you
can get them already shelled,
in which case its best to either
eat them soon after purchase,
or store them in the refrigerator
or freezer. Nuts of all kinds can
make a great healthy snack to
munch on at just about any time
of the day.



For several centuries in pre-modern Latin America,

cacao beans were considered valuable enough to
use as currency. Both the Mayans and the Aztecs
believed the cacao bean had magical properties,
suitable for use in the most sacred rituals of birth,
marriage, and death.
More recently, chocolate was vilified, as many socalled experts said it caused acne, and called it a
junk food. And its true that when its paired with

large amounts of sugar, the final product does have

some drawbacks. But dont blame the chocolate.
In fact, science is now proving that the Mayans and
the Aztecs were on to something.The Kuna people
of the San Blas islands, off the coast of Panama,
never seem to have lost it today, as they have for
eons, they drink a cocoa beverage daily.
Despite intense poverty, an International Journal
of Medical Science article reports, that the Kuna
who keep drinking cocoa in their home islands
enjoy much lower death rates from heart attacks,
strokes, diabetes, and cancer than those who give
up their beloved cocoa drink when they move to
mainland cities and suburbs. Heart disease rates
among the coca-drinking Kuna are a stunning 9
times less than that of mainland Panamanians.
Many scientists believe that the Kuna owe their
expanded heart health and longevity to the cocoa
beverage they drink so generously and that
supplies them with abundant flavanols, which help
to preserve the healthy function of blood vessels.
Maintaining youthful blood vessels has been
found to lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes, kidney disease, and dementia.
But flavanols arent the only phytonutrient in
chocolate. Scientists are learning that chocolate
is also a plentiful source of antioxidants, including
the very same polyphenols that are so renowned
in red wine and green tea. These are substances
that reduce the ongoing cellular and arterial
damage caused by oxidative reactions. In laymans
terms they help fight cancer and heart disease.
A 1999 Harvard study of 8,000 men discovered
that those who ate chocolate as many as three
times a month lived a year longer than those who


Are chocolates benefits limited to the health of

the body? Hardly. Chocolate has long been renown
for its remarkable effects on the human mood.
It turns out that chocolate is high in a number of
compounds, like theobromine, phenethylamine,
and anandamide, that have been linked to mood
elevation, stress reduction, and even to enhanced
feelings of love and euphoria.
No wonder so many people delight in this ancient

Enjoy Chocolate
If you want to make the most of your chocolate,
remember this: Dark chocolate is higher in the
good stuff, and also has less added sugar. Thats
why dark chocolate, preferably with at least a 70%
cacao content, is the way to go.
And because of the well-documented link between
chocolate and abusive worker treatment (including
child slavery), choosing organic and/or fair trade
matters a great deal.


Sweet Potato, Chickpea & Broccoli Curry

This recipe combines beans, cruciferous vegetables
and turmeric in one delicious dish.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
Calories per serving: 136
Fat per serving: 1.4g


This simple curry recipe combines 3 anti-aging

super foods beans, cruciferous vegetables,
and turmeric in one delicious dish. You may
wish to eat this dish by itself or over brown rice
or quinoa. The flavors on this curry are also
great the next day. Transfer leftovers to a
dish, let them cool, cover, and then
refrigerate for up to 3 days.

Toast cumin seeds, turmeric, coriander, ginger,
cinnamon, and cayenne in a large pot over
medium heat, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes.
Add onion and stir quickly to coat with toasted
spices. Mix in 1/2 cup water and cook over
medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until onion
begins to soften, about 3 minutes.
Reduce heat to medium.

1 cup water, used in smaller quantities
1 onion, diced or thinly sliced
2 medium sweet potatoes, with skins, diced (34 cups)
(white or red potatoes work, too)
1/2 head broccoli, cut into bite-size florets (34 cups)
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds or ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/81/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes or 1 1/2 cups
freshly chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons apple juice concentrate or 1 tablespoon
of maple syrup (optional)

Add sweet potatoes. Continue cooking, stirring

often, about 5 minutes. Add water, 1/4 cup at a
time, if needed to prevent sticking.
Add in tomatoes, apple juice concentrate or maple
syrup (if using), chickpeas, and salt. Stir to mix,
then cover and simmer about 10 minutes.
Add in broccoli last and cook until it is bright green
and sweet potatoes are soft.
Serve and enjoy!
Variation: For a sweeter curry, add cup golden
raisins with the tomatoes, apple juice concentrate,
and salt.

Nutrition Information: Number of servings:
6, Serving size: 235g, Calories: 136, Fat: 1.4g,
Saturated fat: 0.2g, Carbohydrates: 26.5g, Sugar:
8.6g, Sodium: 466mg, Fiber: 6.1g, Protein: 5.5g,
Cholesterol: 0mg

1 can or 1 cups of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained

1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)

Adapted from The Cancer Survivors Guide by

Neal D. Barnard and Jennifer K. Reilly



Blueberry Chia Pick-Me-Up

Start your day with Blueberries and Chia Seeds,
rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes
Yield: 4 cups
Serving Size: 1 cup
Calories per serving: 205
Fat per serving: 8.1g

This refreshing beverage makes a delightful

afternoon snack, or you may wish to enjoy it
as part of a healthy breakfast. With 2 super
foods, chia seeds and blueberries, this could
be a great way to start your day. Once chia
seeds are soaked in liquid, the tender,
tapioca-like seeds have a delectably
crunchy center. They are a great source
of omega-3 fatty acids, and provide
significant fiber and protein.

Place chia seeds in a pitcher and pour in milk.
Stir chia seeds and milk until all seeds are fully
immersed in the liquid. Place the pitcher in the
refrigerator and let it sit for 15 minutes. Take it out
of the refrigerator, stir it well, and replace it back
into the refrigerator for another 15 minutes.
Remove the pitcher from the refrigerator, stir in
the maple syrup and blueberries. Pour into
4 glasses or mugs.

6 tablespoons of chia seeds
3 cups cold soy*/almond/rice milk

Nutrition Information: Number of servings:

4, Serving size: 282 g, Calories: 205, Fat: 8.1g,
Saturated fat: 0.92g, Carbohydrates: 27g, Sugar:
14.8g, Sodium: 68.3mg, Fiber: 8.1g, Protein: 8.4g,
Cholesterol: 0mg

2 tablespoons maple syrup

*= To avoid GMO-containing versions of these

items, use organic or non-GMO certified

2 cups fresh or frozen defrosted blueberries

Recipe by Marge Wurgel



Strain into cups. Sweeten to taste.

Chai Tea (no nutritional profile)


Waste-Not Whole-Grain-and-Raisin
Breakfast Pudding (Whole Grains
and Nuts)

8 marathi moggu

8 cardamom seeds

8 cloves

4 black peppercorns

1 star anise
2 cinnamon sticks pieces
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder or 1 inch fresh ginger
2 cups nondairy milk

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 8 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Serving Size: 1 cup
Calories per serving: 264

Fat per serving: 10 g

4 teaspoons black tea, green tea or rooibos

sweeten with agave or evaporated cane juice
(vegan sugar) to taste

This comforting, fragrant beverage is full of

flavor and nutrition.Traditionally drank in India to
preserve health and increase peace of mind, this
beverage is becoming popular elsewhere, too.
Enjoy this dairy-free version without worry in the
morning or as an afternoon treat. When you make
this recipe, your house will smell amazing, and
youll be improving your health in numerous ways.

Place the cardamom, cloves, marathi moggu, star
anise and peppercorns in a bag and crush with a
heavy skillet. Or use a morter and pestle.
Place the crushed spices in a medium saucepan,
along with the cinnamon sticks, ginger, milk, and 2
cups water; bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add
the tea bags, cover, and let steep for 10 minutes.

This cereal is a great way to use leftover cooked

grains. You can serve it hot for breakfast, or cold as
a pudding dessert. Almost any leftover grain will
work in place of rice. For variations, you can try
quinoa with almonds and dates, or millet with dried
blueberries and walnuts. Keep some extra cooked
grains in the refrigerator, and you can prepare this


recipe quickly and easily any time you want.

3 cups cooked brown rice (or other whole grain)

Recipe from May All Be Fed, Diet for a

New World by John Robbins

Tabouli With Quinoa (Pseudo Grain)

Calories per serving: 160

Fat per serving: 4.3g

1/2 cup raisins

cup pure maple syrup
1 cup soy*/almond/rice/other milk
1/2 cup coarsely chopped raw almonds or other nuts,
toasted (optional)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
Additional milk beverage for serving

Put all the ingredients into a medium saucepan
and stir together.
Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then
immediately reduce the heat to low and simmer,
stirring often to avoid scorching, until thickened,
5 to 8 minutes.
Put into individual bowls and serve immediately
with a little of your favorite milk beverage
drizzled on top.

*Its important to purchase organic or certified
non-GMO versions of this ingredient.
Nutrition Information: Serving size: about 1 cup or
264 g, Calories: 388, Fat: 10 g, Saturated fat: 0.9 g,
Carbohydrates: 67.5 g, Sugar: 26.9 g, Sodium: 33.3
mg, Fiber: 6 g, Protein: 9.7 g, Cholesterol: 0 mg

This salad, which uses the pseudo-grain quinoa,

is fresh tasting and satisfying. You can make it
completely raw by sprouting the quinoa overnight
or for a couple of days, or you can cook the quinoa
if you prefer. Quinoa is naturally gluten free, and is
one of only a few plant foods that are considered a
complete protein.

1 bunch mint - minced

1 bunch parsley - minced

3 green onions - chopped

5 tomatoes, chopped

1 cup quinoa

1 tablespoon olive oil


juice from half a lemon

To sprout quinoa:
Rinse well and drain.
Soak, covered in water in a covered glass jar for 8
hours or overnight.

Nutrition Information Number of servings:
6, Serving size: 194g, Calories: 160, Fat: 4.3g,
Saturated fat: 0.6g, Carbohydrates: 25.1g, Sugar:
3g, Sodium: 33.2mg, Fiber: 4.3g, Protein: 6g,
Cholesterol: 0mg
Recipe by Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei, Responsible
Eating And Living (REAL)

Drain and rinse.

Quinoa can be used immediately or allowed to
sprout further for another day or two. To continue
sprouting, place in a jar, replace jar lid with cheese
cloth or paper towel.
Rinse 2-3 times a day and drain, until tails form.
Tails can grow - inches long. Then rinse well
and store in a jar in the refrigerator until
ready to use.
To cook quinoa:
Rinse well and drain.
Place in a small pot with 2 cups water.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, covered
until water is absorbed, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Remove from heat and fluff with a fork.
Allow to cool before using in this salad.
To make the Tabouli Salad:
Mix mint, parsley, green onions, tomatoes and
quinoa in a bowl. Add the lemon juice and olive oil
and mix well.
Salt to taste.
Variation: Add one or two chopped cucumbers.


Baked Apples

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 60 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Calories per serving: 138
Fat per serving: 2.7g


Treat yourself to a luscious breakfast, brunch, or

dessert that is as unbelievably delicious as it is
unbelievably good for you. Among other health
benefits, cinnamon lowers blood sugar. And
nutmeg has some amazing health benefits, too,
like giving you trace minerals to help keep your
immune system strong. You can serve this dish
plain or with non-dairy yogurt.

*= To avoid GMO-containing versions of these
items, use organic or non-GMO certified
Nutrition Information: Number of servings:
4, Serving size: 192g, Calories: 138, Fat: 2.7g,
Saturated fat: 0.3g, Carbohydrates: 30.6g, Sugar:
22.2g, Sodium: 2.5mg, Fiber: 5.88g, Protein: 1.6g,
Cholesterol: 0mg
Recipe by Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei,


Responsible Eating And Living (REAL)

4 medium apples, cored, from the top to the center,

removing the seeds.
2-3 tablespoons raw almonds
2-3 tablespoons raisins

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

About 1-2 cups water

Preheat oven to 350F.
Chop the almonds and raisins into a coarse
meal and mix with the spices.
Place the apples in a baking dish and add a
small amount of water, to about 1/2 inch
in depth. Fill the cored centers with the
almond/raisin mixture. Larger apples
will need more filling.
Bake until apples are soft, about 40-50 minutes.
Remove from oven.
Plate each apple with some of remaining juice
in the baking dish and serve plain or with soy*/
almond/other types of yogurt.


Chocolate Gelato

Yield: 5 servings, 2 1/2 cups

Serving Size: 1/2 cup
Calories per serving: 352
Fat per serving: 10.6g
5-Minute, 5-ingredient Chocolate Gelato


Want a super quick treat you dont have to feel

guilty about? This is likely to be the easiest frozen
dessert youve ever made. It doesnt require an
ice cream maker, and its still scoop-able after
freezing! It tastes so good after blending, you can
opt to enjoy as a chocolate mousse or pudding
straight away or freeze to a soft-set for gelato.

Coconut Milk Note:
Use regular coconut milk (rather
than light) from a can in this recipe. Before using
refrigerate it overnight, or for a few days. The thick
cream will rise to the top and be easy to scoop and
measure. Use only the thick cream.

Date Note:
1 cup refrigerated coconut cream (from can of regular
coconut milk, see note)
1 cup (packed) pitted dates (see note)
1 cup frozen banana pieces

Dates must be soft to easily puree. Some pitted

dates can be old and dry. If your dates arent soft,
try presoaking them in non-dairy milk for a halfhour or so until they soften.

3 TB cocoa powder
1/4 tsp sea salt

Vanilla Note:

optional: 1/4 1/2 tsp vanilla bean powder or seeds from

one vanilla bean or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (see note)

I prefer the flavor of vanilla seeds or pure ground

vanilla bean, but you can also use vanilla extract if
you want to add that touch of flavor.


Blender Note:

In a high-speed blender, combine all ingredients

(see note if using a standard blender).
Puree until very smooth.
Transfer to a container to freeze (see note for
mousse/pudding ideas).
It will take 4-5 hours to freeze to a firm set,
but will soft-set like a gelato in less time
(about 2-3 hours).
Idea: As a mousse, try serving topped with fresh
fruit or layered in a parfait glass with Vanilla
Cashew Yogurt!

A standard blender may have difficulty churning

the dates and frozen bananas into a smooth mix.
You might want to first process the bananas and
dates in a food processor, adding a small amount
of the milk and then transferring to a blender to
achieve a smoother puree.
Nutrition Information: Number of servings:
5, Serving size: 126g, Calories: 352, Fat: 10.6g,
Saturated fat: 9.4g, Carbohydrates: 66g, Sugar:
57.4g, Sodium: 138.2mg, Fiber: 3.9g, Protein: 2.4g,
Cholesterol: 0mg
Recipe by Dreena Burton,


Cacao-Nut Truffles

Yield: 4 servings, 20 truffles

Serving Size: 5 truffles
Calories per serving: 369
Fat per serving: 28g

Youll have fun making these tasty and easy-tocreate truffles. You can eat them right after you
make them, or you can chill them until youre
ready to serve them. These make great party food
or small treats for dessert or as a snack. You can
also roll them in other ingredients, like shredded
coconut or goji berries.

1 cups raw pecans or walnuts (any size)
1 cup pitted dates
1 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 teaspoon maple syrup
2 Tablespoons cacao powder or cocoa powder

Combine nuts, dates, cinnamon, vanilla, cinnamon,
salt, and maple syrup in food processor and
process until it holds together.
Using about a tablespoon of dough for each, roll
the dough into balls.

Roll each ball in the cacao powder or cocoa

powder until lightly coated.
Eat, or chill until ready to serve.
Variations: The Food Revolution Networks intern,
Rachel, suggests: After making the dough, roll
the balls in various sorts of ingredients such as
coconut, peanut butter, or goji berries. You can
also put little treats in the center of them such as
nuts, dried fruit, or chocolate.

Nutrition Information: Number of servings:
4, Serving size: 80.14g, Calories: 369, Fat: 28g,
Saturated fat: 3.1g, Carbohydrates: 30.4g, Sugar:
23.2g, Sodium: 84mg, Fiber: 7.6g, Protein: 5.2g,
Cholesterol: 0mg
Recipe by Veg-Appeal


Join The Food Revolution

We are John and Ocean Robbins, a father and son team
that founded the Food Revolution Network to empower
YOU with cutting edge, must-have information about the
most critical diet and health related issues of our times.
We find the status quo, in which hundreds of millions of
people suffer from diet-related ailments while corporate
and government policies make junk food normalized and
subsidized, unacceptable.
We want a heath industry that acts like food matters.
We want a food industry that acts like health matters.
And we want government policy that looks out for the
wellbeing of we, the people.
Most of all, we want you to be informed, so you can
make healthy choices for yourself, your loved ones,
and your planet. Thats why were so excited to bring you
the Food Revolution Summit.
Every year, you have the opportunity to spend an
inspiring and life-changing week with revolutionary
thinkers and visionaries that will put the POWER IN
YOUR HANDS when it comes to the food you eat!
Dare to discover the most cutting-edge information,
startling facts, and inspirational wisdom that will heal
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Perhaps youre aware that were entering a food crisis,
unless something is done. And done now. Never before
have the stakes been so high - and the risks. Food is
fundamental to your health and to the health of our
world. Information is power. We want to empower you
with what will help you and your loved ones thrive.
For each summit, well personally interview 24 of the
worlds most respected food experts and activists in
a week-long virtual summit. These visionaries have
inspired hundreds of millions of people and changed

the way we think about food. Youll have direct access

to 3 highly focused half-hour interviews - personally
conducted by John Robbins every day for a week.
You can listen via phone (conference call), or over the
Internet. Between every interview, Ocean Robbins will
share his top tips and take-aways, answer live questions,
and give away special prizes.

Heres whats in it for you. Youll get...

Information and practical tips from modern day
heroes of health and sustainability.
Extremely current answers to your burning questions.
Tools for talking with your family and peers.
Inspiration, useful insights, ideas, motivation
and new understanding.
A deepened relationship with the food you love!
When voices are rising up everywhere to preserve access
to healthy food, its never been more important to roll
up your sleeves, get involved, listen and be heard.
Please join us and invite your friends and family along!

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