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Anthony Bratcher II
Mrs. Raymond
UWRT 1104
20 July 2016

Same State, Different Flag

Coming from a mixed relationship, it can be hard at times to find out your origins, and is
especially hard when you dont know which one to choose. I have decided to choose my great
grandpas side of the family. They originated in Ireland and I decided this is where my story
should begin
Starting with the flag, it is full of history. The two colors of orange and green have
different meanings, green meaning the native people of Ireland and orange meaning the
followers of William of Orange (Irelands Flag). In order for the country to even gain its
independence it needed to rid itself of Great Britain, causing a war. This long war that lasted
from 1919 to 1921 is known as the war of independence (a brief history of Ireland). The national
anthem for the country has a rich history as well. The sing itself brings up much confusion due to
some conflicting views (The Story of the National Anthem). The song is a solider song sung for
those who have fought in combat (The Story of the National Anthem). I do not know if I could
become a citizen of this country or what the procedures would be. I do know however that my
great-great-great-great father came to America during the great famine, but this travel held lots of
trouble leaving the country.

Although there is a lot to learn about the culture and social an economic structure of
Ireland, much of the country is not at peace because of the Irish split between the North and
South Ireland. My family heritage has come a long way and still has a long way to go. Being part
Irish has a huge impact on me because it introduces a new society to me that I have never been
shown. It shed a new light on who I am as a person and my story.

Work Cited

A Brief History of Ireland." Living in Ireland | A Brief History of Ireland. Living in

Ireland, n.d. Web. 21 July 2016.

"Ireland's Flag -" Ireland's Flag., n.d.

Web. 21 July 2016.

"The Story of the National Anthem." History Ireland The Story of the National Anthem
Comments. N.p., 24 Jan. 2013. Web. 21 July 2016.

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