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Schranks 4th Grade Scoop

The Happenings of Room 312 for the Week of Aug. 8-12

O ver the f irst wee k of s choo l, we have spen t a lo t of tim e g ett ing to kn ow
eac h other an d the c lass ro om . W e have disc us sed pr oc edure s and ex pe ctatio ns
and se t our sel ves up f or a gr eat ye ar!

A Peek at the Week Ahead:

In w ri t in g , we are beginning with some basic writing skills as we build our
writing workshop community. Students will be gathering writing ideas and keeping
their writing notebook to influence their future writings this year!
In L it e racy we will be focusing our thinking as readers on multiple reading
skills and strategies. We will work as a class to read with agency and develop as
intermediate readers. This week we will focus on inferring, visualizing, synthesizing,
and questioning! Ask your child if they know what it means to read with AGENCY!
Students should be reading at least 20 minutes at home each night and marking it
on their challenge calendars. I will collect all challenge calendars at the end of each
month whether students have achieved the goal or not.
We are beginning S ci en ce this week as we discuss who is a scientist and how
do they use the Scientific Method.

Notes from Mrs. Schrank :

P le ase che ck out o ur class roo m
we bs ite for m ore info rmation:
Mr ss chrank.we eb m
Stude nts b rought h ome a snack no te
Mo nday. W e notice d that s tude nts
we re having a hard time mak ing it to
our 12 :45 lunch time . S tude nts are
all owe d to b ring a H EA LTH Y s nack to
e njo y during o ur writing tim e e ach
day. I w il l not b e p roviding s nack s and
the y are o ptional .
Stude nts w ill b e e xpe cted to turn in
the ir Reading and Math Panthe r
Chal lenge cale ndars at th e e nd of
e ach month . Of cours e I wo uld lik e to
s e the m re ach the goal s, b ut I w ould
lik e th eir cale ndars ev en if the go al is
not me t. P le as e re mind the m to r ead
and pr act ice facts re gularly!

Dates to Remember:
Wed. August 10th:
First Early Release at 2:55pm
Wed. August 24th:
Early Release at 2:30 pm
** No lunch visitors until
September 6 th due to lack
of space in the cafeteria.
Thanks for your
understanding! **

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