Second Cuisine Exchange Between Mexico and Argentina Suterh - Conalep - Riet

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INEW Newsletter No.

10 August 2016
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina



The Argentine delegation jointly with teachers and authorities of the II staff of the State of Puebla in Mexico.
As part of the International Network of Education for Work (INEW), teachers from Vocational Training School No. 28 (CFP 28), which
depends on the Union of Tenant-based Horizontal Building Workers (SUTERH), traveled on June 13th to the state of Puebla and they
were welcomed by the staff from the National College of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP) of that Mexican province. The
reason of the trip was to participate in the second cuisine exchange between Mexico and Argentina after Oaxacas instructors visited
Buenos Aires in 2015.
Numerous activities were carried out until Friday 17th, in which students and teachers from both countries had the opportunity to meet
and exchange their knowledge on the training paths of the institutions they represent.
The schedule included lessons on the history of the national cuisine
of each country and the preparation of the most renowned dishes of
both cultures.
On Friday 17th, distinctions were given to the Argentine delegation
and afterwards, the authorities gave a speech in order to conclude
the meeting.
During the event, the speeches from Argentinas representatives,
Ricardo Alfredo Albornoz (chef ) and Pedro Orlando Zamorano (principal of Vocational Training School No. 28) stood out. The professor
from Puebla II faculty, Maria de Lourdes Flores Guzmn, Lic. Patricia G.
Guadamarra Hernandez, CONALEPs Head of the Academic studies
and exchange department, Lic. Jess Salvador Zaldvar Benavides
and the General Director of the College of Professional Technical
Education of the state of Puebla.

CONALEPs Mexican students showing traditional

products of their cuisine.

INEW Newsletter No. 10 August 2016
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

The participants of this initiative, who constantly seek to strengthen the educational system to work on concrete courses of
action, were the key instruments to show the scope of theoretical, but mainly practical knowledge transmission.
In this way, the International Network of Education for Work
(INEW) continues to join and approach cultures with the purpose of providing tools to add value to teaching and learning.

SUTERHs Argentine teachers after giving a lesson on

how to prepare the socalled empanadas, a typical
dish of their country.

Since its creation, INEW has been going through an steady growth, driven by the need to build bridges and join forces to cope with the
changes occurring in the educational and labor world. Dialogue among the actors involved, influencing the production system, is of the
essence to stay ahead of the innovations required by established processes. These are some of the variables why important institutions
continue to joint the International Network of Education for Work, a space for debate and construction of opportunities, which the
following institutions have recently joined:
On Wednesday 25th, May 2016, the representatives of the institution, located in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Gerardo
Mastroianni and Carlos Minucci, met with INEW representatives and signed an agreement, to facilitate the development of cooperative instances between both organizations.
Excelencia Foundation has worked on knowledge updating for 20 years. At the beginning, training was focused on the energy field
and then it was extended to commercialization and production.
By means of the signature of the representative of Universidad de San Martn, Carlos Rafael Ruta, and of INEW authorities, the USAM
has become a member of the International Network since May 24, 2016. It is a state and free institution located in Northern Greater
Buenos Aires with 25 years of development. It offers a wide range of graduate and post-graduate courses of study in the Human and
Social Sciences environment as well as in the Exact and Natural Sciences one.
With the consent and execution of a cooperation agreement by Jos Bites de Carvalho, representative of Universidad Nacional del
Estado de Baha, this higher education institution has become member of INEW to design and develop joint actions.
The UNEB is a higher education institution founded in 1983, offering more than 150 courses and degrees in learning methods, remote
education, graduate and post-graduate courses of study.

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