INEW Newsletter No. 7 - December 2015

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Boletn de noticias RIET N 7 December 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

With great attendance, the Argentine Vocational Training meeting,

New Challenges on Education for Work, was held
The First Meeting on Vocational Training called
New Challenges on Education for Work
organized by RESEFOP (Union Network of
Vocational Training Schools Red Sindical de
Escuelas de Formacin Profesional) and INEW
(International Network of Education for Work) was
successfully held and endorsed by the workers of
the sector.

Gustavo lvarez during the opening act jointly with Hctor Cobas, Argentino Geneiro and the members of the
commission directive RESEFOP.

It was held at UATREs Escuela Poltico Sindical, located at Urquiza 836 in the neighborhood of San Cristbal in the City of Buenos Aires. The training
gathered representatives from the educational community of the system offering key courses and
training plans for the productive system of the country.

In this space created to discuss about the

Relationship with the Social-Productive
Environment, there was above all agreements.

The opening act was presided over by Gustavo lvarez, Chairman of RESEFOP and executive director of
INEW, jointly with Argentino Geneiro, secretary of general training at UTHGRA (Union of Tourism, Hotel
and Gastronomy Works of the Argentine Republic Unin de Trabajadores del Turismo, Hoteleros and
Gastronmicos de la Repblica Argentina), Hctor Cobas, secretary general of AMET (Association of
Technical Teaching Institutions Asociacin de Magisterio de Enseanza Tcnica), and the members of
the commission directive RESEFOP.
Work teams
Working areas were divided into 6 broad production lines:
1. Educational and Labor Orientation,
2. Training for Trainers,
3. Institutional Communication,
4. Institutional Assessment and Impact,
5. Relationship with the Socio-Productive Environment,
6. and the workshop composed of students called Sentirte Parte.

After a long debate where the strengths as well as the weaknesses and opportunities were discussed, the teams prepared a document stating a diagnosis on the subject matter, any issues to be improved and proposals to achieve those goals. Thereafter, the contents were unified in the so-called Final
Document, which includes the purposes and duties for the coming year for all the participants and institutions that drafted it.


From November 8 through 11, 2015, the Second International Meeting of Literacy and Education for the Young and Adults (ALFAeEJA) took place in Salvador de Bahia. It was organized by
the Professional Master in Education for the Young and Adults (MPEJA), an INEW member that
reports to the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB).
The panel and moderators jointly with Luca during
the presentation of INEW.

Luca Levis, responsible for INEW Institutional Relations traveled from Argentine to give a presentation on
the Network and participate in the meetings developed in UNEB Campus, with the attendance of
national and international lecturers and speakers and experts in Education for the Young and adults.

During the event, there were six tables presided over by professor-investigators of EJA. The following topics were addressed:
1. Literacy and Literacy for the Young and Adults.
2. Training of Professors of Education for the Young and Adults.
3. Trends and prospects in the research on education for adults.
4. Diversity and identities.
5. Experiences in Education for the Young and Adults and Teacher Education in Brazil, Portugal and France.
6. School Management and innovation in EJAs Management processes.
Furthermore, there were conferences on Literacy and Education for the Young and Adults within the perspective of
Rights and Practices in Education for the Young and Adults. There was also a debate on literacy in the working
The director of the organizing institution, who is also a member of INEW International Advisory Committee, Tnia
Dantas, expressed that the purpose of the meeting was to encourage reflection on teaching innovations in formal and
informal environments, and to strengthen cooperation bonds among the participant institutions.
For further information on the event, visit:

Luca Levis jointly with Tania Regina


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