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Why use Sticky Notes?


Sticky notes can aid
students in keeping up
with assignments still
left to do, what to do
next, and what is for
homework, etc.

Sticky notes can
serve as reminders
when students have
acted appropriately
or inappropriately.

Sticky notes can be
used as placeholders,
bookmarks, or extra
spaces to take notes in
their readings.

Sticky notes can ensure
that every student will
be a part of the
discussion by using
their sticky note as a
token to talk or give
their opinion.

Sticky notes should

be used as support
materials and are
present in most
educational settings,
inexpensive, easy to
use, and portable so
children can be
taught to use similar
strategies at home.
-Melissa A. Stormont

Sticky Notes can be for EVERYBODY!

Sticky Notes are so versatile, meaning they can serve many purposes
to get the job done! While sticky notes can benefit just about every
student in your class, and maybe even help the teacher out from time
to time, sticky notes are extremely beneficial for students with:

Learning Disabilities
English Language

Behavioral Challenges
Visual Impairments

Lorem Ipsum

Issue | Date

Weve all had that

experience of waking up
after half an hour of
reading to realize that our
minds were elsewhere,
mulling concerns in the
rest of our life, and we
have no idea what weve
just read. STICKY NOTES
- Harvey Daniels

Sticky Note Strategy: How does it work?

1. Before students begin using
this strategy, teacher needs to
decide the sole purpose for
students using the sticky

to a partner and discuss

read, and what to write on

some of the sticky notes

their own sticky notes.

they posted to their

(Confirmation, Question,


Connection, etc.)

2. Then, the teacher models (on a

shorter piece of text) what it is
they want their students to do
exactly with their sticky notes.
3. Then teachers give directions
about specifics that students


need to be mindful of as they

6. After students have had

4. Allow students time to read,

sufficient time to discuss,

annotate, and post their

call everyone together for

sticky notes to these

a whole-class sharing of

sentences directly to the

the sticky notations

piece of text itself.

5. Then, allow students to turn

Meyer, K. E. (2010). A Collaborative Approach to Reading Workshop in the

Middle Years. Reading Teacher, 63(6), 501-507.
Stormont, M. A. (2008). Increase Academic Success for Children with ADHD
Using Sticky Notes and Highlighters. Intervention In School And Clinic,
43(5), 305-308.
Daniels, H., & Zemelman, S. (2004). Subjects Matters: Exceeding standards through powerful
content-area reading (2nd ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Howard, K. L. (2004). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All
Students. In the Curriculum--Multidisciplinary. Learning & Leading With Technology, 31(5), 26-29.

Dolor Sit Amet

Bursuck, W. D., & Damer, M. (2011). Teaching reading to students who are at risk or have
disabilities: A multi-tier approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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