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ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

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ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet, Ver. 1.0

Copyright 2015 Brooks Duncan
Published by DocumentSnap Solutions
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Interior layout by Charfish Design
Not Affiliated with Fujitsu Ltd.
Neither this book, nor any of the contents of this book, are approved or
endorsed by Fujitsu, Ltd., or any other companies or brands mentioned
All company and product names may be trademarks of their respective
All rights reserved.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

While the publisher and authors have used their best efforts in preparing
this work, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the
accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically
disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for
particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales
representatives, sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies
contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold
with the understanding that the publisher and authors are not engaged in
rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If professional
assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person
should be sought. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for
damages arising therefrom. Any organizations or websites referred to in
this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information
does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the
organization or website may provide or recommendations it may make.
Readers should be aware that products and Internet websites listed in this
work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was
written and when it is read.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................6
ScanSnap Models.....................................................................7
Keeping Updated .................................................................... 8
Included Software.................................................................... 9
Scanning ................................................................................11
If You Want To Scan ............................................................14
Resources ..............................................................................18
About The Author.................................................................. 19

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet



since 2008 and have spent a lot of time learning its ins and outs.

Many people just like you have asked me questions over the years about
the ScanSnap. They dont want to dig through a 400 page manual they
just want to get what they need to get their stuff done.
If thats you, hopefully youll find this ScanSnap Cheat Sheet helpful.

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

ScanSnap Models


older models, and some of what I talk about in this cheat sheet will
work with them, but you can assume that unless I specify otherwise, the
features in the guide will apply to these current models:
ScanSnap iX500 - The desktop model that works on both Mac and
Windows and has wireless scanning capabilities. Holds 50 sheets.
ScanSnap S1300i - The personal model that works on both Mac
and Windows. Holds 10 sheets.
ScanSnap iX100 - The portable model that works on both Mac and
Windows and has wireless scanning capabilities. Holds 1 sheet.
ScanSnap S1100i - A portable model that works on both Mac and
Windows. Its like the iX100 but does not have a battery and is not
wireless. Holds 1 sheet.
ScanSnap SV600 - The desktop book and object scanning model that
works on Mac and Windows. Its contactless so it doesnt hold any
sheets: it scans whatever is underneath it.

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Keeping Updated

UJITSU RELEASES SOFTWARE UPDATES from time to time. If things

look different on your computer from what I describe in this cheat
sheet, it may be time to update.
To make sure you have the latest version of the ScanSnap software,
right-click on the ScanSnap icon in your Dock (if you use a Mac) or your
notification area (Windows). Choose Help and then Online Update.

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Included Software


ScanSnap. Some of them are made by Fujitsu, and some of them are
third party packages.
They all come on a DVD shipped with the scanner, but if you dont have
a DVD drive (I sure dont), there are instructions in the box to download
ScanSnap Manager (Windows and Mac): Everything runs through
this. ScanSnap Manager controls the scanning, and it is where you
choose your scan settings. When you hit the scan button on your
scanner and a window pops up, thats ScanSnap Manager.
ScanSnap Organizer (Windows and Mac): The document
management software that comes with the ScanSnap. If youd like,
you can store your documents here (but you dont have to).
ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap (Windows and Mac): A
customized version of the OCR software that turns PDFs into
searchable documents. Typically you dont have to directly use this
software. Just checking a checkbox in ScanSnap Manager to turn it
on is all you need to do.
CardMinder (Windows and Mac): A business card management/
scanning software. You can store your scanned business cards here
or export to another application.
ScanSnap Receipt (Windows and Mac): A receipt scanning and
management application. Organize and extract information from
your receipts. You can store them here, or export them to CSV or
Adobe Acrobat X Standard (Windows - iX500 only): Full version of
Adobes PDF editing application.

ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Included software, continued:

ABBYY FineReader Express Edition (Mac - iX500 only): PDF
conversion and manipulation application. You can convert items to/
from PDF and extract text from them.
Rack2-Filer Smart (Windows - SV600 and Deluxe Bundles only): A
document management system that will display your documents in
binders and allow you to create digital books. I personally am not
a fan of this software, but some people like it.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet


HERE ARE TWO MAIN WAYS to scan with the ScanSnap: using the
Quick Menu and using Profiles.

Either way, there is one thing you need to know about the ScanSnap that
is different than other types of scanners: everything happens by pressing
the Scan button on the scanner.
Dont try to use the scan button in a document management software
it probably wont work with the ScanSnap.
For us, everything gets initiated from the scanner itself.
Most ScanSnap users will use the Quick Menu (thats the default way to
scan), but real power becomes unlocked when you start digging into


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Scanning With The Quick Menu

As mentioned, the Quick Menu is the default way to scan. Put a piece of
paper in the scanner and hit the Scan button, and this window will pop up.
From there, you can decide where you want the scan to go.
The most common destination is Scan To Folder, but you can choose
another application as well.
You can change which order the applications appear, hide the ones you
dont want, and adjust the scan settings from the Quick Menu settings
and the ScanSnap Manager settings.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

Scanning With Profiles

The Quick Menu is a great way to do one-off scans, but the real power
of the ScanSnap is unlocked by ScanSnap Manager Profiles.
A Profile is a saved group of ScanSnap settings that you can set up in
ScanSnap Manager.
If you have regular types of documents or scan locations that you use,
you can have Profiles set up and quickly switch between them. Its also a
great way to do batch scanning you can scan a bunch of documents to
a folder in one go and then deal with them after.
To use Profiles, you need to disable the Quick Menu. Right-click the
ScanSnap icon in your Dock (Mac) or Notification area (Windows) and
choose Settings (Mac) or ScanSnap Buttons Settings (Windows). Then
un-check Use Quick Menu.
Once you do that, youll see the Profile box on the right. Click that and
you can add a new profile or edit and existing one.

Once you have your Profiles set up, just left-click on the ScanSnap icon in
your Dock or Notification area and select it.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

If You Want To Scan

CANNING IS NOT JUST ABOUT putting a document into a folder.

Usually you have a specific task you want to accomplish. This section
will run you through some common scenarios.

If you want to scan receipts, you can either scan them to PDFs like any
other type of document, or you can use the included ScanSnap Receipt
If you want to use ScanSnap Receipt, choose it in the Quick Menu (or
create a Profile) and scan your receipts into it. From there, you can
categorize, make any needed corrections, and (if desired) export the
receipts to PDF, CSV, or to Quickbooks.

Business Cards
The ScanSnap comes with a business card software called CardMinder.
Fire up CardMinder or just scan a card and choose CardMinder on the
Quick Menu (or use the built-in CardMinder profile).
CardMinder does a decent job extracting the information out of the
card, but youll probably need to make some corrections.
From there, you can leave it in CardMinder or export to Excel, Outlook,
Goldmine, ACT, or Salesforce. You can also export to CSV, text, or vCard.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

The ScanSnap does an OK job at scanning photos, but it is not strictly a
photo scanner.
If you do want to scan photos, choose the Scan To Picture Folder or
Photos Quick Menu option, or create your own Profile with your desired
JPG scan settings.
Remember that the ScanSnap (other than the SV600) uses rollers, so be
careful with delicate photos or photos that have sticky materials. You may
want to use a carrier sheet to put the photo in before scanning.
The carrier sheet comes with the iX500, and you can buy a 5-pack on
Amazon if you need.

To Microsoft Office
The ScanSnap has built-in support for scanning to Microsoft Word and
Choose the appropriate option on the Quick Menu, or you can create a
Profile with Scan To Microsoft Word or Scan To Microsoft Excel.
In my experience, there is a big variance with how successful this is.
Some documents convert really well, some not so much. It really depends
on how complex the document is.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

To The Cloud
The ScanSnap cant scan directly to the cloud, but it has built-in
integration with Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, Salesforce and
The trick is you need to have the software for that service installed on
your computer first.
Just choose Scan To [your cloud service] on the Quick Menu, or create a
If you use a service that is not supported by default, you can always
create a ScanSnap Manager Profile to scan to that services sync folder on
your computer. Your services software will do the rest.
If you use ScanSnap Organizer to store your documents, it has a feature
called ScanSnap Sync built-in to synchronize documents between
ScanSnap Organizer on your computer and their ScanSnap Connect
Android/iOS app. The catch is it does not actually do the syncing you
need to use Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.

To Another Application
Earlier in the Cheat Sheet I said that the ScanSnap doesnt work with the
Scan button in most applications. This is true, but there are alternatives.
In many cases, you can add the application on the Application tab of a
ScanSnap Manager Profile. Then you can scan right to that application.
On Windows, you can use the ScanSnap Folder functionality to scan to
anywhere that has a File Open box. Just choose ScanSnap Folder and it
will prompt you for the scan.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

To A Mobile Device
Fujitsu has released a free app for iPad, iPhone, and Android: ScanSnap
Connect. Install it on your mobile device of choice. You can then scan
directly from a ScanSnap iX500 or iX100 to your mobile device.
ScanSnap Connect For iPhone and iPad
ScanSnap Connect For Android
If you are on the same Wi-Fi network as your scanner, you can hit the
Scan button in the app and the document will appear on your mobile
You can then keep it in the ScanSnap Connect app, or send it to another
app on your device.
If you have ScanSnap Sync set up, the document will also appear in
ScanSnap Organizer on your computer.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

The Unofficial ScanSnap Setup Guide

HIS IS A HANDBOOK that I put together for anyone who wants to

shorten the learning curve with their Fujitsu ScanSnap.

The documentation that comes with the Fujitsu ScanSnap is fine. In fact,
its so fine there are 485 pages of it!
However, when I bought my first ScanSnap, I struggled with putting
together the best workflow.
I wrote the Unofficial ScanSnap Setup Guide to give you the actionable
knowledge I didnt have back then. It takes the information in this Cheat
Sheet (and much more) and gives you step-by-step instructions in plain

Click here to learn more about the Unofficial ScanSnap Setup Guide.


ScanSnap Cheat Sheet

About The Author

Hi there, Im Brooks Duncan from Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada.
I am the founder of DocumentSnap, the
website that helps individuals and small
businesses go paperless.
I have spent time as a computer programmer,
an accountant, a Director of Client Services,
and have done all this in startups, government,
and 55,000 person corporations.
I started DocumentSnap in 2008 as a way to share going-paperless tips
with others, and I appreciate you joining me. Thank you for your interest,
and good l wish you success in your paperless journey.


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