Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results, Limited Review Report For June 30, 2016 (Result)

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08 Aug 2016 14:43 HP Fax page 1 BATHIYA 4 ASSOCIATES LLP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. Standalone Limited Review Report Limited Review Report to The Board of Directors Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited, We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results (the ‘Statement’) of Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited (the *Company’) for three months ended June 30, 2016. The Statement has been prepared in pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations. and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, which has been initialed by us for identification purpose, The Statement is the responsibility of the Company’s Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors, Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial results based on our review. ‘We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engegement (SRE) 2410, “Review of Invorim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not ‘express an audit opinion, Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results prepared in sccondance with applicable accounting standards as specified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rule, 2014 and other recognized accounting practices and policies, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in which it is 10 be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For Bathiya & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants Finm’s Registration No. LOLO46W / W100063 Une pf Umesh B. Lakhani Partner Membership No. 044981 Place: Mumbai. Date: 8* August, 2016 anya & ascites LLP 510 Hublown Sou 1S, Pate Read Neo Eatest hover Ts8t206198 000 ‘acta eat sino com Must 420062 ‘bahia. com 08 Aug 2016 14:43 HP Fax page 2 Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited Senapat B (CAN : Lesoi0mHts91P1.c062067; tered Office: Numan Midows, A Wing, 21st Floor, Unit No.2103, ut Marg, Eipinstone Road, Mumbai - 400013 smal: cosecretary@fsLeom; Website: ww, fortune.o.n ‘Statement of unaudited standalone financial results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2016 2 Rupee in tks Farias ariel Verret seneaaie | s1sz016 | Sa06anS [DLs ote Uasudted | Unsied | Unauiied | Andind acome Fam opentana 1 8) Income from operations 18.14 213.20 39.67 325.15 | boner esr income mu] 302] 1800| 2999 eta income trom ope asyas[_aiez2) gsr) save 7 [Expemer 0 Employees expese eros] 7e84) —ssar| asa bs Depeiton nd umortsaton expense us] 050} a3] 367 Lee ed rofsonal wos} wie] 70ef saan lo Renterpenes we} itrs - | ae cer epee soso] sesi| 636) isis ot Expense is908 | iscaa se | sas 3 ert ecard as before Other came and fiance 80.16 59.78, 3937) 330) 4 loner inne : : . : 2 een a aan a Tee wae] ore] om] anal 6 JPmoe cos sai] isas{___ oor] maou oft Le) from Ordinary Activites afer finane its bat before 7 [Pot rom Orin Atte ater ate nas] a4s2] san asaa] 3 fceptondl tens : : : : ert ten fram Ordinary Activites before x a8] me] aoa aan] 10 Par kxpense -Curentax a0] 140 . 140| = Deter at 260} 030] cos|_—_oas TT Rat rat en as Orlary Aa ARN Oy us| tan} asa ara] 12 Estrin tems - - a5 ens 15 fremont ieas) forthe prod ct +12 seis] ama] 203) vaso 17 [Paco gy sas copia ae vale Ra OE por ay Biase} ame} Sma] ae 15 }Resees (tcing reahton sere) : - ~ | ases0s4 16 famine Shar fre exvaoary es (Not sau) on weighed average number of hares (Face vale R10 each) =a (Rupes) oz} on} oan] ons) Died open) oz} an] oi) engl 17 euming pe Ste exodus tena Not nme) on wcght average ur of has (Fae vale of 10 ea) ~Basie Capes) a2} cos} oo ~ Diluted (Rupees) O12 0.08 0.03 08 Aug 2016 14:44 HP Fax page 2 3 Notes; A 1) The above results have been reviewed bythe Aut Comite and aprove by the Board of Ditetors of the Company in their meeting held on August 08, 2016, 3) The Suton Auditors ofthe Company have carsad out Limited Review ofthe above sad result 9) The scheme of amalgamation (“Proposed Scheme") for a Company with effect from January 01, 2016 (eppoi However, the approval othe Proposed Scheme from Hone High Cour and cher applicable regulatory authorities are yet tobe Propel Senate sBbrval of the Proposed Scheme by Honble High Court and oer sanor, compliances, no effect ofthe Proposed Scheme has been given in these financial results, 9, Bxsaortnary ie inthe nancial year 2015-16 represents profit on Sale of Investnent in Fortune Integrated Assets Fi Limited 9) The Company hal filed Letter of Offer (LOF) wih SEBI on March 19,2016 forthe rights issue. The uity shares were offeree cet oe, its isting premium of 80 per share aggregating tO RS 20,410 late. The Compare es nae 2,26,77,977 eauity shares on rights basis tothe subseribers.on April 25,2016 ©) Consolidated informati Rupees in lakhs) ‘Quarter ended Year ended Particulars 36.96.2016 [31.03.2016 [30062018 [ars S016 Unaudited | Unaudited Unaudited ‘Audited income from Operation 3,084.62 2,812.60 3.40022 13,421.05 [Profit (oss) before tax 389.66 G7] 215.65 682.96 Profit / los) after tax 398.54 (62.08 71.99 287.05 [Extraordinary items i ~ 21.49 21.40 it forthe period 395.54 2.04) 92.49) 308.45 7) The gues for coesponding previous period have been restedegrouped earanged and recused wherever necessary. 5) Standsloe results forthe quarter ended June 30,2016 are available on the websit of the Company ww, fortune. For and on behalf ofthe Board Mumbai, August 08, 2016 f Please visit us at www fortune.coin DIN: 05333996 08 Aug 2016 1445 HP Fax page 4 BATHIYA (Bs {ASSOCIATES LLP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Consolidated Limited Review Report Limited Review Report to The Board of Directors Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited cons Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited (the “Company") and its subsidiaries and associates, forthe thos Saaetce une 30, 2016, The Statement hasbeen prepared in pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, which has been initialed by us for identwiecting aa era cuatement is the responsibility ofthe Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial results based on our review, idated financial results (the Statement’) of Tre cimdcted our review in accordance withthe Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, “Review of Gerian Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by taste cf Chartered Accountants of India, This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderaee Fearne Gp f0 whether the financial statements ae free of material misstatement, A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide tee assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit option opinion on the Statement, to the extent they solely on the report of such auditors, We did not reviow the financial statements for one associate whose interim financial statements reflects share of at profit of Rs.8.95 lakhs included in the Statement for the throe months ended June 30, 2016. These interia Eaancial statements and other financial information have been reviewed by other auditors whose reparts here been furnished fo us, and our opinion on the Statement, o the extent they have been derived from cach intern, financial statements is based solely on the report of such auditors ya 8 Associates LLP 910, htm Slr 15 Pack Ras Near Easiest Phone Ts v9) 22618 000 nthe Est E:infe@bariyacam Mute! 20089 au. cam OB Aug 2016 14:45 HP Fax page 5 Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our altenton that causes us to believe thatthe sccompanying Statement prepared in accordance with applicable sceounting standards as specified under section 123.01 the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 ofthe Companies (Accoun's) Rule, 2014 and other recognized pecounting practices and policies, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in tenus of Resultion 3 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 inching the ‘manner in which itis to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement For Bathiya & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants Firm’s Registration No. 101046W / W100063 ‘Umesh B. Lakhani Partner Membership No. 044981, Place: Mumbai. Date: August 8, 2016 08 Aug 2016 14:46 HP Fax page 6 Fortune Financial Services (India) Limited Realstered Ofie: Numan Midtown, A Wing 24s Floor, Unit No21C3, ‘Seoapat Bapat Marg, Elphlastone Road, Mumbai 400013, ‘CIN La9910MIt1591PLLCO62067; E mall: eoseercary@i.coms Welt: war: fortumecain Statement of unaudited consolidated finnncial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2016 (Rupees ia tach) ‘SeNo ‘Quarter ended ‘Year ends Particulars Soo6aors T 31.03.2016 [30062015 | 31032016 Vsaudited [Unaudited | Unaudied [| Avdites income from operations 1 |e) tocome ‘rom operations sasraT| 2.80220] 320746] ts aso J Other operating ineame ss 1040] 10276 16135 [Total tncome from operations 3asse2 | 3812.60[ 340022] 2 [Expenses s) Employee benefits expense sazosi] 123333] amia7] 5098.0 b) Depretaton end amortisation expense woot] 21332] 20924 845.06 lc) Bad debts writen off - 23.15 : 1,868.75 lc) Otter expenses smas| noise] isi9.6s] 415098 Lrotat Expenses aasans | 269842| 2.40016] 11,956.89 [Profit (Loss) from Operations before Other income and finance 2 Neer and repeat en 99. tis} 96006] 1,464.86 4 otter income 1306 81497 on 73206 Profit (Loss) from erdinary activites before finance cost and 7 5 Tremere rao] 19565] 96078] 219862 5 |Pinance costs apis] i972] rasa] 51366 Prot (Loss from Ordinary Activites afer finance cost but 7 ler an tum tinny 399.66 er) 2565 682.56 %[Excepional ems = 5 zi 5 9__|Proft (Lous) tram Ordinary Activites before tax (7-8) 38.86 Bin] ais. 56 10 [Tax Expense: = Current wa 138.00 532] 12600 23798 + Taxi respec of ear years . 223 020 243 Defered tax ssn) 93.16 1836 135.50 U1 | NetProfie (Less) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) asst] 200] t09 28705 | 12 [stracedinary tems : Zi 2140 2140 13, |Net Protit(Loss) for the period (11+ 12) ssst| 200] sas 30845 M4 [Share of ProGiLons of Associates $423 (6209) 7080 285.18 15. | Minority interest 027) 420 97 225 Net Profit Loss after Minority Interest Share of Profit of ‘| "© |associste Company for theperied (3414-15) SOM] ossztts32 $6038 17” Paid equity share capital (Face vale of Bs.10 por hare) suse 283460] 28460] 23060 18 | Reserves (excluding revalistion reserves) - : : 2097189 19° }Earing per Share (before extraordinary items)(Not annualised) Kon welghted average cumber of shares) (Face value of Rs.10 gach) ~Basie (Rupees) 0.80 030} 027 sa Diluted Rupees) 0.80 30} 027 st 20 [Baring per Share after extraordinary tems (Not anmualised) (on weighted average numberof shares) (Faos value of Rs 10 each) ~ Basie (Rupees) 033 160 Diluted Rupes) 033 160 08 Aug 2016 14:47 HP Fax page 7 » y a 4 9 6 a » wa ‘The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company ‘meeting held on August 08, 2016. ‘The Stamstory Auditors of the Company have caried out a Limited Review of the above said results, ‘The consolidated financial results are based on the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard - 21 on ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ and Accounting Standard -23 on “Accouating for Investment in Associates {in Consolidated Financial Statements” and includes the financial results of its subsidiaries namely Intime Equities Limited , Intime Multi Corsmodity Company Limited , Fortune Credit Capital Limited, , ITI Investment Advisors Limited, Fortune Integrated Home Finance Limited, Antique Stock Broking Limited, Inga Capital Private Limited, Neue Allianz Corporate Services Private Limited , Distress Asset Specialist Pvt Ltd, ITT Wealth Management Private Limited and ITI Reinsurance Limited (Formerly known as Kohinoor India Reinsurance Co Limited) and Crest Debt Capital Markers Private Limited and is share of Profit (Loss) of associate namely Fortune Integrated Assets Finance Limited and United Petco Finance Limited, ‘The scheme of amalgamation (“Proposed Scheme”) for amalgamation of ITI Weslth Management Private Limited with the Company with effect from January O1, 2016 (appointed date) is filed with BSE Limited & in-principal approval is reccived However, the approval to the Proposed Scheme from Hon'ble High Court and other applicable regulatory authorities aze yet to be received. Pending approval of the Proposed Scheme by Hon'ble High Court and ether statutory complianees, no effect of the Proposed Scheme has been given in these financial results, Extraordinary item in the financial year 2015-16 represents profit on Sale of Investment in Fortune Integrated Assets Finance Limited ‘The Company bad filed Leter of Offer (LOF) with SEBI on March 19, 2016 forthe rights issue. The equity shares were offered Rs, 90 per share including premium of Rs. 80 per share aggregating to Rs. 20,410 lakhs. The Company has allotted 2,26,77,777 equity shares on rights basis to the subscribers on April 25, 2016 Standalone information: Rupees in aks) Quarter ended ‘Year ended Particulars 30062016 [31.03.2016 | 30.062018 {31.03.2016 Unaudited | Unaudited Uraudited Auaited [Revenue from Operations 239.24 216.22 $867, 352.52 Profit / (oss) before tax 73.85 62 (6938) (56.22) Profit/ (loss) after tax 5825 42.92 69.43) (57.86) Extraordinary items : : 68.75 68.75, Profit forthe period 025 2.92 2932 10.89 ‘The figures for corresponding previous period have been restacd/regrouped, rearranged and reclassfied wherever necessary. Standalone results for the quarter ended Tune 30, 2016 are available on the website of the Company wow Fogand on behalf ofthe Board Mumbai, August 8, 2016 lease visit us at wiew.fortune.coin DIN: 05333936 OB Aug 2016 14:49 HP Fax page 8 A Reporting of Consolidated Segment wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed (Rupees in aks) (Quarter ended ‘Year ended Particulars 30062016 T 31.03.2016 [30062015 | 31.03.2016 Unaudited |" “Unaudited | Unaudited | Audited [Segment Revenue Broking and related services 2,269.57 211045] 2,012.14] 10,088.89 Investment banking and advisory 402.90 525.66 31328| 1,732.16 Financing activities 816.50 473.63 95134) 2,839.42, Total 3488.97 3,109.74] 3,876.76] 14,660.47 Less : Inter segment revenue 39129 215.67 75.82 $07.36 Net Income from Operations 3,097.68 2,894.07] 3,40094[ 14,153.11 [Segment Results - Profit before tax and interest Broking and related services 231.70 191.27 31535] 1,517.68 Investment banking and advisory 58.45) 077.32) 17839 6.53) Financing activities 629.58 181,70 457.04 685.47 Total 602.80 195.65 960.78 | 2,196.62 Less: Finance east 213.14 197.82 745.13 |__ 1,513.66 Profit before tax 389.66 2.19) 215.65 682.96 [Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities) Broking and related services 1277.54 3,986.57] 10,110.37] 3,986.37 Investinent banking and advisory 11,808.17 633653] 5,630.54] 6,336.53 Financing activities 20,896.50 12,822.17] 6,663.08] 12,822.17 [Total 43,982.21 23,145.27 [22,403.99 | _23,14527 08 Aug 2016 1451 HP Fax page 9 a Regstred Oe: Namaa Midtown, A Wing 21 Fr, Unit No.2103, Fortune Financial Services (India) Lit ‘CIN : 1.65910 MH1991P1,C062067; E mail: coseeretary@tiLcom; Website: www. fortunecoin ‘Status of Utilisation of rights issue proceeds for the quarter ended June 30,2016 (Rupees in teks) ‘Amount of funds | Amount uilied | Balance leant required as per the | tit June 30,2016 | unutlised falas Letter of Offer amount as on June 30, 2016 investment in Fortune Credit Capital Limited (Wholly lowned subsidiary) 16,000.00 16,000.00 - [General Corporato Purpose. 4310.00 4310.00 = Issue related expenses 100.00 85.02, 14.98 [Total 20,410.00 20,395.02 1458

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