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Internship Proposal

Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited: Chistia
Market Branch

Supervised by:
Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Ibrahim
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Amzadi Raihan Mahmud
ID: BBA-090350574
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

Date of submission: - 27. 07. 2013

Letter of Proposal:
27th July, 2013
Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Ibrahim
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of Internship Proposal on Customer satisfaction Analysis of Jamuna Bank
Limited: Chistia Market Branch.
Dear Sir,
It gives me immense pleasure to submit you my internship proposal as instructed by you. I
applied my best effort to present this internship proposal entitled Customer satisfaction Analysis
of Jamuna Bank Limited: Chistia Market Branch, according to your guidelines. It is a great
pleasure for me to have the opportunity to work on this topic. I have endeavor my best to come
up with a good outcome. If I do any mistake involuntarily, then please try to see it in the eyes of
Finally I would like to thank you for your valuable guidance and support in preparing this
proposal. I will be grateful for any clarification when required. I shall be highly obliged if you
are kind enough to approve this proposal and provide your valuable judgment on it.
I sincerely hope that you will appreciate my effort.
Sincerely yours,
Amzadi Raihan Mahmud
ID: BBA-090350574
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Northern University Bangladesh

1.1 Problem Statement:

The topic of the proposed report is Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd:
Chistia Market Branch.

1.2 Introduction:
As a partial requirement of BBA program, I have joined in Jamuna Bank Limited, Chistia Market
Branch. As I have special interest in gaining practical knowledge about the banking activities.
So, I have chosen this bank. Jamuna Bank Limited plays an important role in the business sector
and in the industrialization of our country. It is one of the most successful private banks in our
As a mandatory requirement of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program under
Faculty of Business at Northern University Bangladesh, this proposed report entitled Customer
satisfaction Analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd: Chistia Market Branch, is a description of the
three months long internship program at the Chistia Market Branch of Jamuna Bank Limited.
The primary goal of the internship program is to provide the intern a job experience by orienting
with the organization and to provide an opportunity for the internee to relate the theoretical
conception with the real business environment.

2.1 Background of the Report:

Northern University Bangladesh believes that it is important to have theoretical knowledge as
well as practical knowledge in the field of business. For this reason every students of BBA have
to complete an internship, after completing all the credit courses. During this program, students
are placed in an organization for undertaking an internship for a period of 3(three) months in
order to make the students familiar with the real world situation and practical experience in a
business firm.
As a BBA student and as per requirements of this situation, I have been attached with an
organization to undertake internship for 03 (three) months. I have been doing my internship
under Jamuna Bank for the period of June 23 - September 23, 2013.During this period I am
intend to work under various department of Chistia Market Branch of the Bank. However, my

internship report will focus on the Overall Customer Satisfaction level followed by the bank in
general and the branch in particular.

2.2 Objectives of the Study:

The objective of the study can be of two types: Broad and Supporting objective.
2.2.1 Main objective:
To achieve a clear idea of customer satisfaction about the services of the Jamuna Bank Limited.
2.2.2 Supporting Objectives:
1. To identify the factors of customer satisfaction.
2. To evaluate the level of customers satisfaction
3. To find out the problems of customer satisfaction
4. To recommended some suggestions

3.1 Significance of the study:

As I am working three months in Jamuna Bank, Chistia Market Branch in local export and
import department so the proposed topic has much significance for enriching my knowledge and
skills. Firstly, the three-month training helps me to gather some practical experience on local
export and import sector, also helps me to learn some corporate culture to regulative myself as a
perfect regular employee. The proposed report will help me to complete my BBA program as
well. The proposed report will help the bank to make some decision on the local export and
import oriented customer services. Finally, I will have a great opportunity to acquire knowledge
on doing a real research as well as making decisions.

4.0 Methodology of the Study:

There is a long way from problem identification to solution. The way of doing this work is
called methodology. For the necessity of preparing the proposed report the methodologies I shall
follow is given below:
4.1 Type of Research: The research design of the report will be quantitative or descriptive. The
Type of conclusive research which has as its major objective the description of something
usually, the market characteristics or functions. Prescribed research is to describe the
characteristics consumers, purchase peoples, or export-import areas. It will help to make specific
predictions. Descriptive research will help to estimate the perceptions of the specific category of
4.1.1 Research Variables: The customers satisfaction of Jamuna Bank ltd, Chistia Market
Branch depends on some independent variables. Those variables are directly related to the
problem definition in identifying research objectives. For preparing the proposed report I will use
two types of variables:

Dependent Variable
Independent Variables.
Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction of Chistia Market Branch.
Independent Variables:

4.1.2 Research Question: The research question is Customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank,
Chistia Market Branch.

4.2 Data Collection/Analysis: The data will be collected into two ways:
a. Primary data sources.
b. Secondary data sources.

a. Primary data sources:

The primary data will be collected by:
Survey on 20 customers.
Face to face conversation with clients
Telephone interview with the respondents.
Interview with the banks officials.
b. Secondary data sources:
The secondary data will be collected from:

Web site of JBL.

Reports of 2011 and 2012, manuals, relevant papers of JBL.

Published materials in the internet.

Annual report and brochure of Jamuna Bank Limited.

From the supervisors recorded information.

4.2.1 Sampling:
a. Sampling Plan:
The report will be prepared on Chistia Market Branch of JBL. Chistia Market Branch of JBL has
a large number of customers engaged with export - import. It is not possible to make survey on
all of them. So I have resolute that I will use the convenient sampling technique which is a non
probability sampling technique to collect primary data.

b. Sample size: The total sample size of the study will be approximately 30 customers.
c. Sampling frame: Only the local export and import oriented customers will be the
respondents of the study. Therefore, this will be the sampling frame of the study.
d. Sampling techniques: For collecting sufficient data and preparing this report I shall use
convenient sampling which is a non probability sampling technique.

e. Sampling unit: I will take 30 different customers of different areas. The customers will be in
such criteria of businessman, company representatives small medium entrepreneurs, service
holders and other different clients.
f. Scaling technique:
I will use 5 points likert scale in preparing the questionnaire. The coding of the scale would be
like: strongly agree (5), Agree (4), Neutral (3), Disagree (2), or Strongly Disagree (1) with each
statement. There will be 43 questions. There will be multiple choice questions, open-ended
questions and dichotomous questions in the questionnaire.

4.3 Final Format:

Mathematical Model:
Y= a+bX

Y= The dependent Variable (Customer Satisfaction)

a= Constant Value
b= The coefficient
X= The independent variable

The model for our research is given below:


Here, Y= Customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank, customers of Chistia Market Branch.

5. Scope of the Study:

Study deals with the analysis of the customer satisfaction and expectations about services of
Jamuna Bank Limited. This study was limited within the Dhaka city specially Gawshia Market in
Elephant Road and in the neighborhood area under the command area of Chistia Market Branch.

Limitations of the Study:

There will be some limitations in the proposed study while collecting data. I faced some
problems during the data collection, they are mentioned below1) As the time period of preparing the report is only three months, so the time is very limited.
2) The sample size is only 30 which are small enough to be representative.
3) There is no budget allocation for the proposed study.
4) Data from only one branch is taken which may not be representative of the target population.
5) Non Probability sampling technique will be used which may not provide reliable data.
6) Unwillingness of the employees to provide data due to confidentiality of the organization.
7) The respondents may show unwillingness to respond.

6. Financial Budget & Time Budget:

a) No Financial Budget Provided
b) Time Period only 3 months limited

7. Time Period: Gantt chart:


Develop Questionnaire
Develop Other Materials
Assemble all needed materials
Collect data
Code & enter data
Analyze and interpret data
Write Reports
Publicize Findings

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

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