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Time Management>>Time Data Recording and Administration>>Absences>>Absence Catalog

Group Personnel Subareas for Attendances and Absences (V_001P_D)

2 Define Absence Types (V_T554S)

Define Absence Types

In this step, you define absence types for your different personnel subarea groupings. You can
also define the checks the system performs when you enter an absence.
You want to define the Educational leave absence type for a particular personnel subarea
grouping. When this absence is recorded for an employee and the start or end date is a day off,
the system should reject the entry

3. Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes (V_554S_O)

4. Absence Counting>>Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule (V_T551C)

Managing Time Accounts Using Attendance/Absence Quotas:

1. Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas (V_503_E)

Give ur Grouping No for Employee Subgroup.

2. Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas (V_001P_I)

Time Quota Types

a) Define Absence Quota Types (V_T556A)\

Calculating Absence Entitlements

a) Automatic Accrual of Absence Quotas

b) Rules for Generating Absence Quotas
Set Base Entitlements for Abs Quota Generation (V_T559E)

Determine Validity and Deduction Periods (V_T559D)

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