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INTRODUCTION: - Nursing education is a practice

discipline the will learn the subject matter by doing the

things and practices the skills. Nursing education is
having more emphasis on skill development based
upon two aspects i.e. theory of nursing and nursing
Old nursing curriculum contained only a few hours
of teaching and many hours of practice. Through the
intervening years, the amount of nursing knowledge
has grown exponentially and the allowed to learning by
doing has contracted steadily. The clinical experience
for nursing students will be provided in the places
where the actual clients are being cared for since the
life practice involves human life and handling real life
situation, it is essential, such training and experience
should be supported by good clinical teaching.
The student has the challenge of putting this
knowledge and skills gains in real life situation to make
them practioners in nursing. The bridge the gap
between classroom and clinical instruction is to expose
the students in a series requires the presence of clinical
instructor to guide reinforces and corrects behavior.

OBJECTIVES:Specific Objectives:- At the end of session

the student will be able to
Understand the definition
List down the purpose of clinical teaching
Function of clinical instructor
Qualities of clinical instructor
Define the all methods of clinical teaching

Define conference
Explain conference procedure
Explain types of conference
Merits of conference

General Objective:- At the end of the

teacher will be able to
To be more confident while dealing with
project method.
To be more competent in using of library
To be more confident in using of A.V. Aids.

DEFINITION:The clinical teaching is a type of group conference in

which a patient is observed and studied, discussed
demonstrated, and directed towards the
improvements and further improvements of nursing
In nursing clinical teaching may be given by the
doctor in order to discuss the medical aspects of
patients condition more vividly than can be done in
the classroom.
Clinical teaching may be given by any faculty
member, i.e. clinical instructor or tutor, or ward staff
and will concentrate on a particular patients needs
as a person and how the doctors treatment order
can met by the right understanding and nursing care.

PURPOSE OF CLINICAL TEACHING: To provide individualized care in a systematic,

holistic approach.
To practice various procedures.
To develop high technical competent skill.
To collect and analyze the data.
To conduct research.
To maintain high standard of nursing practice.
To become independent enough to practice nursing.
To develop cognitive, conative, affective and

psychomotor skills.
The students will develop the techniques e.g.

To meet the needs of client.
To improve standard of nursing practice.
To develop various methods in delivering care.
To identify the problems of clients.
To learn various diagnostic procedures.
To help in integration of theoretical knowledge into

To assist physician in assisting procedures
To learn managerial skills.
To become professionally active member.
To develop proficiency and efficiency in carrying out

various nursing procedures.

To learn various skills in giving health education
techniques to the clients and significant others.


Set the objectives, standards for practice.

Develop evaluation tools.
Prepare master rotation plan.
Set up the clinical areas in an ideal manner.
Keep ready equipments in working condition.
Clinical instructor has the chief responsibility in
planning, direction of instructional program within

one clinical area.

Clinical instructor has to direct and supervise the

Demonstrate nursing procedures.
Analyze the difficulties and guiding the students.
Encourage, motivate and inspire students.
Maintain students records.
Assist the students in preparing teaching plans.
To guide the students in requisition of new skills.
Maintain high standard of patient care.
Conduct individual conference with students to

solve any problems.

To help the students to develop ability to adjust
general plans of care to the needs of individual
To guide the students in conducting nursing
research activities.
To develop potentialities of each students.

QUALITIES OF CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR: She should enjoy bedside nursing.

She should have good communication skills and
develop good rapport among the nursing personal.

She should possess adequate theoretical

background and advance knowledge in educational
Ability to implement the knowledge into practice.
She should have good teaching skills.
Very wholesome, healthy, smiling and pleasing

She should understand total nursing program.
She should have positive philosophy of life.
Sincerity, punctuality, cooperative in nature.
Social and professional responsibility.
U8se techniques in guiding, counseling and

evaluating the students.

Sense of fellness, Justice, self controlled.
She should trust worthy, high technical and
mentally alert.
She has to maintain freedom of speech.
She has to participate in professional activities.
She should have detailed knowledge about area in
which she was placed.
Ability to communicate the knowledge to others.


1. Client family centered method
2. Observation
a. Participant
b. Non participant
3. Conference
a. Clinical conference
b. Individual conference

c. Group conference
d. Staff conference
e. Nursing care conference
f. Team conference
4. Bedside clinic
5. Nursing rounds and medical rounds
6. Demonstration and redemonstration of procedures
7. Ward teaching
8. Ward class
9. Ward clinic
Case study/case presentation/case history
Group discussion
Brain storming method
Process recording
Laboratory method
Incidental and planned with health talks
Nursing case study
Organizing exhibition
Incidental teaching
Problem solving method
Research projects

1.Client Family Centered Approach:Individualized case will be provided in holistic

manner. Here not only the client will be assessed for
therapeutic measures, the family members also will
be involved, in education about illness and health
concept, sign and symptoms, treatment, prevention
of the problem thereby the client and whole family
will be aware and involved in meeting the client

needs. It is nothing but bringing awareness and to

reach the goal i.e. Health for All.
2.Bedside clinic: - This method is of helpful, when
some members of the group are unfamiliar with the
client or when there are special observation, which
need to be made, to give the discussion in a more
meaningful. The group knows the purpose of the visit
and what to be observed.
3.Nursing Rounds:- A small group of the staff, not
more than five and a leader or teacher visit the
bedside of clients, nursing superintendents, ward
sisters taking rounds of the hospital wards. It helps
the nursing members to know about all the patients
in the wards their problem and way of solving.
4.Ward Teaching Program:-Ward teaching
program is to supplement, to integrate and utilize
classroom instructions and to make correct
application of scientific principles basis to the
particular nursing activity and to inspire the students
for self development.
5.Ward Class: - A class will be conducted based
upon current clinical experience of the students for
whom the class is planned. Small group should be
planned i.e. all the students at one level of
experience who are having similar experience in
particular department.

6.Ward Clinics:- In this method a client is presented

to the group, who illustrate all sign and symptoms
and require all nursing care procedures and students
will be able to practice. Procedure in real situation.
7.Case Study/Case Presentation:- The students
will be given the opportunity to provide nursing care
for specific client after 4 or 5 days of carefully study.
The students nurse will prepare case study by
comparing with the text, the students presents the
case before the batch of companion general
discussion about the client will be dealt.

8.Case Analysis: - A concentrate case for analysis

and discussion by group of students under the
leadership of the instructor. Sufficient information is
presented to the students to make judgment of
problem or situation in case.
9. Case Incident Technique: - A critical incident
technique which requires immediate decision and
action is taken from a case and presented to the
students for their analysis and decision. No
background informing is given to them regarding
details of the incident at the time it is presented.


Nursing Assignments: - Nursing assignment

is a part of organization in the clinical set up.

Assignment in the clinical field is division of labor.
The assignment applies to that part of instructional
activity devoted to the clear recognition and
acceptance by the pupil of next unit of learning to
take place and of the processes by which this
learning may be achieved most effectively.

Brain Storming Method: - Here the

intellectual capacities of trainees will be utilized in

solving or suggesting solutions to problems make the
group to become active and answer the problem
among them only. The instructor will act as referee
and give answer for the unsolved problem.

Group Discussion: - A cooperative, problem

solving activity which seeks a consensus regarding

the solution of a problem. A discussion is a
conversation with a focal point, such as a specific
topic, question, and concept. Or problem, in which
there is a sincere desire to arrive at a decision.

Demonstration: - Demonstration can be

defined as visualized explanation of fact, concept and



Laboratory Method: - Laboratory method is a

procedure3 involving firsthand experience with

primary source materials, through which the student
can acquire psychologists as well as mental skills.

Process Recording: - Process recording is an

exact written report of the patient during the time

they were together and a record of the nurses
feelings about what was going on at the time, and as
far as possible, how the patient said what he did.

Health Tasks: - This method will be used when

teaching for clients and their relation or a mass. It

can be used in hospital and in community.

Clinical Evaluation: - evaluation of students is

a continuous ongoing process. All clinical instructors

should evaluate the work of students from time to
time. And evaluate the result of their program in
order to determine its effectiveness and value.

Nursing Audit:- The nursing audit, is structured,

standardized, objective, recorded appraisal of

nursing care provided for the clients as revealed by
the data recorded in the medical record of patients
under the care of community health nursing services.


Conference: - A conference is the act of

counseling together. The conference is the nucleus of

the in-service nursing program.

Conference procedure: - A time is planned each

day for the members of the nursing team to meet as a
group. During this period, patients problem are
identified and explored, and an approach is developed
by the team. The nursing care plan revised or further
developed according to changing needs of patients.
Types of conference: - There are five types of
conference in clinical teaching method are as follows:I.

Group conference
Staff conference
Nursing care conference
Individual conference
Team conference

Group Conference: - A conference is the act of

consulting together, any coming together of two or
more individual in an formal meetings for the
purpose of giving or exchanging ideas, it involves a


two way flow of conversation.

Staff Conference: - This type of conference will
be held in teaching instructions e.g. faculty
meetings by hospitals, nursing superintendent will

conduct conference to all nurses. The leader of the

conference opens it by briefly stating purpose even
though the staff should already know the problems
or subjects to be discussed. The leader asks the
questions and accepts suggestions as worthy and

leader summarize the suggestions.

Nursing Care Conference:- Nursing care
conference consist of a group of discussion using
problem solving techniques to determine ways of
providing care for patients to whom students are
assigned as part of their clinical nursing
experience. The use of provide solving techniques
constitute the care of the nursing care conference
with each new patient situation calling for a


Individual Conference: - The team leaders will

suggest that staff members be familiar with the
patients record and that she has read the
literature on the disorder from which the patient is
suffering. The team leaders should recognize when
assistance is needed and arrange to meet with the
staff member. The purpose of conference is come
to the meeting, and given thought to the kind of


help she thinks, she needs.

Team Conference: - The professional, who will
held responsible for particular type of clients.

Usually calls for a team conference. There the

disease conditions. Its pathogenesis, sign and
symptoms, treatment and nursing care will be

Merits of conference: Conference provides free opportunity to think.

Each member will be actively participating in the
Conference fortifies the thinking of members
thereby the creativity and judgment capacity will
be increased.
Conference provides real practical learning
Conference gives an ability to observe report, and
analyze significant findings input to its greatest
Recognize ability and limitations of various team
Utilizes scientific information to influence the cause
of nursing care.
Brings maximum creative potential of the team.

Conclusion: - Conference is an important method

of clinical teaching. The conference is formal or
informal way. It uses problem solving technique in
discussion and students will have to identify the

problems and solutions of these problems. The

learning objectives could be best achieved, when it is
used in a well planned way. These will be much
adding to the knowledge o0f team members as many
members give their constrictions.



B.T. Basvanthapa Nursing education

a. Published by jaypee brothers
b. 2nd Edition
c. Pp 359K.P. Neeraja Textbook of Nursing education
a. Published by Jaypee brothers

b. First Edition
c. Pp 231-250


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