Test English Module-1

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Test of ENGLISH Module-1

Time Test: total Questions=

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Match the following :

1. longed for
2. led up to
3. hit upon
4. fixed upon
5. eaten away
6. dispose of
7. closed with
8. cleared up
9. blow over
10.backed up

a. culminated in
b. corroded
c. desired
d. accepted
e. explained
f. supported
g. sell
h. chose
i. pass off.
j. found

Fill in the blank from italic words given below:

(longed for (desired);led up to (culminated in); hit upon (found) ; fixed upon
(chose) ,eaten away (corroded), dispose of (sell), closed with (accepted),
cleared up (explained). blow over (pass off). backed up (supported) )

11. They _________him to do the work.

12. The present disturbances will soon _________.
13. He is ready to ________ his car for Rs.2 lacs.
14. These events ________ the establishment of a republic.
15. He ________ his friends claim.
16. The matter has been _________.
17. During her long illness she often ________death.
18. I readily _________ his offer.
19. Rust has ________ the plate.
20. I have ________ a good plan to get rid of him.

English Pair of Words

Match the following:
21. Vane:

1. to change;

22. Vain:

2 . a piece of thin material to cover the face

23; Vein:

3. in comparison or opposition to

24. Vary:

4. a blade that rotates

25. Very:

5. plural of verse,

26. Veil:

6. fruitless

27. Vale:

7. hateful

28. Verses: 8. extremely , in a high degree.

29. Versus: 9. : refers to the tubes that carry blood
30. Vial:

10. bad habit

31 Vile:

11. used in the name of some valleys.

32. Vice:

12. narrow glass container

33. Vise:

13. True & honest

34. Vicious: 14. thick and sticky

35. Viscous: 15. cruel and mean
36. Virtuous: 16. approximate
37. Virtual : 17. excessive desire to eat,
38. Voracity: 18. good moral qualities
39. Veracity: 19. A tool with two metal block

Fill in the blanks from the words given in bracket:

( act up, add up , add up to , ask out, ask over, back down, back out, bawl
out, bear down on, bear on, aegis, abysmal, affability, bolster up,
deadbeat, frazzle, gritty, rush)
40. The tournament was held under the _____ of the city council.
41. The government borrowed money to _______ the economy.
42. After the death of his wife he almost became a _________.
43. why dont we ____ him _____ for dinner?
44. Sam never _______. He always wins arguments.
45. The total expenses _______ to Rs.900.
46. I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because its _______ again.
47. Sam ______ at the last second.
48. She _______ him _____ for arriving late.
49. The U.S.A. is ______ on drug traffickers.
50. Constant work and domestic worries have worn him to a frazzle.


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