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1. - 16.sorularda, cmlede bo braklan

yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi


All science is ---- the fact that every natural

event has a natural cause..
A) come across
B) put through


In the Philippines, with its numerous scandals

and continuing power struggle, the public is
frustrated, and economic ---- is in jeopardy..

C) carried on

A) progress

E) set off

B) decline

D) based on


C) recession
D) depression
E) failure

An important aspect of the application of

mathematics is that different ways of making
mathematical sense of everyday questions --- different answers..

keep up

B) bring over

The worlds forests provide many ---benefits, such as prevention of soil erosion,
as well as commercially important timber..

C) lead to
D) show off

A) severe

E) find out

B) dependent
C) extinct


D) desperate
E) valuable

Twenty years ago, the study of aging ---as somewhat misdirected, but now it ---- into
an important science..
A) was regarded / has developed

In an aircraft, the cabin lights are dimmed

during take-off and landing to help
passengers to ---- themselves to darkness in
the event of an emergency..

B) had been regarded / would develop

A) modify

E) was being regarded / has been developing

B) accustom
C) resume

C) has been regarded / would be developing

D) would have been regarded / had developed


A theory ---- only when a hypothesis ---by consistent results from many observations
or experiment..

D) associate
E) relate

In cancer care, Britain still compares ---- with

other similar countries in five-year survival
rates after diagnosis..

A) may have been developed / was being

B) can be developed / has been supported
C) will be developed / was supported
D) has been developed / had been supported

A) vainly
B) unfavourably
C) unreservedly
D) consciously
E) infrequently

E) had been developed / might have been



From Antarctica to the Galapagos Islands,

penguins find themselves threatened by
human activity ---- overfishing, oil spills, and
global warming..

14. The scheme has been ---- consideration for a

long time now, but I doubt whether it will
ever be put ---- effect..
A) under / into

A) such as
B) much more
C) so much
D) the most

B) within / through
C) for / to
D) in / off
E) over / ever

E) much like
10. ---- the annual influx of tourists exceeds
Corsicas population six times, tourism has
not destroyed the place..

15. Sugar causes a decline in tissue elasticity

and function; ---- sugar you eat, ---- elasticity
and function you lose..
A) the more / the more

A) As long as
B) Unless
C) Now that
D) Because

B) not only / but also

C) either / or
D) nor / and
E) as / as

E) Even though
11. Of all the medicines we have tested, this is
obviously ---- effective..
A) much

16. Most milk-consuming countries have a local

dairy farming industry, and most producing
countries ---- significant subsidies and trade
barriers ---- domestic producers from foreign

B) more

A) may maintain / being protected

C) the most

B) is maintaining / protecting

D) a little

C) maintained / protected

E) less

D) has maintained / to be protected

12. The Hollywood studio system in film making,

which began ---- 1920 and flourished from the
early 1930s ---- the 1950s is unique in
Western culture..
A) throughout / into
B) around / through
C) by / until
D) within / over
E) along / till
13. ---- the terms of the forthcoming trade
agreement, Japan wins parity ---- the United
A) Through / above
B) By / of
C) From / from
D) Under / with
E) After / over

E) maintain / to protect

17. - 21.sorularda, aadaki parada

numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. V.
A) similarly
B) extraordinarily

People who (I)---- inmalaria-infested areas or who

travel to them can take certain (II)----. Theycan use
long-lasting insecticide sprays in homes and out
buildings, placescreens (III) ---- doors and windows,
use mosquito netting over their beds, andapply
mosquito repellents on their skin. They can (IV) ---wear enoughclothing, (V) ---- after sundown, to
protect as much of the skin as possibleagainst
mosquito bites.

17. I.
A) reduce
B) live
C) discharge
D) expose
E) persist
18. II.
A) precautions
B) supplements
C) occurrences
D) setbacks
E) levels
19. III.
A) beyond
B) of
C) with
D) on
E) till
20. IV.
A) either
B) more than
C) also
D) as such
E) as well as

C) commonly
D) fairly
E) particularly

22. - 26.sorularda, aadaki parada

numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

26. V.
A) subtract
B) allow

Scientists have been researchingviable alternatives to

petroleum ever since the energy crisis of the1970s.
Asa result, in recent years, the world market for wind
turbines (I)---- by anaverage of 40 percent annually.
Last year alone, wind-power productionworldwide (II)
---- by almost a third.(III) ---- wind plants you build,
thecheaper and more powerful you can make them.
Turbine makers now (IV) ---- giantmachines that once
existed only in theory. Today one standard turbine
can (V)---- at least 1 megawatt of power, more than
double the amount produced 20years ago. This is
enough power for as many as 800 modern

C) provide
D) repeat
E) respect

27. - 36.sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

27. Whenever I hear him speak, ----..

A) I am impressed by his ability to convince

22. I.

B) it reminded me of my father
C) there was a great deal of truth in what he said

A) would have grown

B) will grow

D) we remember similar experiences

E) his opponent objected to the interruption

C) will have grown

D) has grown
E) would grow
23. II.
A) decided
B) remained
C) fluctuated
D) produced
E) increased
24. III.
A) The more
B) As much
C) How much
D) As few
E) The little
25. IV.
A) had produced
B) are producing
C) would produce
D) having produced
E) would have to produce

28. ----, but he always avoided Italy on principle..

A) Eugne Delacroix, the famous French painter,
was born in 1798
B) In his early life, the French painter Delacroix
seemed to be interested in diplomacy
C) Delacroix, the nineteenth-century French
painter, travelled a good deal
D) The work of the French painter Delacroix
strongly influenced the Impressionist painters
E) Delacroix was one of the most prolific of
29. Since all countries need to trade, ----..
A) isolation from other societies may bring some
B) France and Germany have highly
interdependent economies
C) too much economic dependence causes a
country to be affected by events in other
D) today, Bhutan is one example of economic
E) no country has complete economic
independence from other countries

30. ---- so he agreed to write the foreword for it..

34. Mary phoned to give me the good news ----..

A) I shall do my best to persuade him

A) however unlikely it would have been

B) This wont be one of my best books

B) which none of us are expecting

C) He still hasnt read the book

C) just as I was leaving the house

D) I wish youd recommended the book to him

D) even if her sisters are going to be unreasonably


E) He thought the idea behind the book was

31. If the balance of nature is disturbed, ----..
A) there has obviously been great cause for
B) the result may be a number of possibly
unforeseen effects

E) until the whole family knew every detail

35. One really ought to visit Singapore soon, ----..
A) before all signs of its past have disappeared
B) if the old and the new still existed side by side
C) that many of its buildings have already been

C) this would usually have been the result of

mans interference

D) until the Orchid Garden was reopened

D) the extinction of one species has left another

species without a natural predator

E) as there was excellent seafood to be found in

its many restaurants

E) the struggle to exist has continued

36. After take-off, the pilot of an aircraft is often

given a course to steer ----..

32. All opposition to the project vanished ----..

A) as soon as everyone realized how much money
they could earn through it
B) after financial support has finally been

A) though the air traffic control officer will still be

using field glasses
B) whether the weather conditions were suitable
or not

C) which has attracted so much attention

C) since he will be watched by direct visual means

from the control tower unless there is fog

D) if it seemed likely that it wouldn\'t take up too

much time

D) until a specific reporting point or height is


E) as more and more people are starting to work

on it in their free time

E) so long as the landing gear retracts correctly

33. A job interview is a chance for you to find out

A) since first impressions are of great importance
B) as if you really were the one they were looking
C) if you are going to prepare some relevant
D) whether you and the job are right for each
E) so long as you are able to relax

37. - 42.sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye

anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi

37. Ortaa haritalar Hollandann neredeyse

yarsn su altnda gsterir, ama o zamandan
beri denizden geni alanlar kazanlmtr. .
A) In medieval maps nearly half of the
Netherlands is under water, but since then the
sea has withdrawn from large areas.

39. Osmanl imparatorluu dneminde,

Selanik ehrinde ilk futbol man
dzenleyenler, ngiliz ttn ve pamuk
A) It was during the period of the Ottoman Empire
that the first football match in the city of
Salonika was organized by British tobacco and
cotton traders.
B) It was British tobacco and cotton traders who
organized the first football match in the city of
Salonika during the period of the Ottoman

B) Large areas of what is now the Netherlands

have often been claimed from the sea, but in
medieval maps they were under water.

C) The first football match to be organized by

British tobacco and cotton traders was in the
city of Salonika during the period of the
Ottoman Empire.

C) Nearly half of the Netherlands does not exist on

medieval maps but later large areas were
recovered from the sea.

D) British tobacco and cotton traders held their

first football match in Salonika during the time
of the Ottoman Empire.

D) Medieval maps show that large areas of the

Netherlands used to be under the sea, but they
have since been reclaimed.

E) The first football match to be held in Salonika

was during the time of the Ottoman Empire and
was organized by British tobacco and cotton

E) Medieval maps show nearly half of the

Netherlands under water, but since then large
areas have been claimed from the sea.
38. 1 Mays 2004'te on yeni lkenin Avrupa
Birlii'ne girii Demir Perde ile zorla
blnm bir ktann bir araya geliini
A) The entrance, on1 May 2004, of ten new
countries to the European Union symbolizes the
coming together of a continent forced apart by
the Iron Curtain.
B) Ten new countries joined European Union on
1May 2004 symbolizing the reunion of a
continent forced apart by the Iron Curtain.
C) On 1 May 2004, when ten new countries
entered the European Union, the forced division
of a continent by the Iron Curtain symbolically
came to an end.
D) The entrance of ten new countries to the
European Union on 1 May 2004 can also be
regarded as symbolizing the reunion of a
continent forced apart by the Iron Curtain.
E) With the entrance of ten new countries to the
European Union on 1 May 2004, the symbolic
division of a continent by the Iron Curtain was
finally broken.

40. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Earths

magnetic field that shields people on the
ground from cosmic rays, but rather the bulk
of the atmosphere..
A) Yeryzndeki insanlar kozmik nlardan
atmosferin deil daha ok yerkrenin manyetik
alannn koruduu, yaygn bir yanl inantr.
B) Halkn inandndan farkl olarak, yeryzndeki
insanlar yalnz atmosferin kalnl deil
yerkrenin manyetik alan da kozmik nlardan
C) Yaygn inancn tersine, yerkre kozmik
nlardan kendi manyetik alanndan ok
atmosferin kalnl sayesinde
D) Yaygn inancn tersine, yeryzndeki insanlar
kozmik nlardan koruyan, yerkrenin
manyetik alan deil daha ok atmosferin
E) Yeryzn evreleyen kaln atmosferin yan sra
yerin manyetik alannn da insanlar kozmik
nlardan koruduuna yaygn olarak

41. In the last century, much attention was given

to the language of literature and the
question of whether there was in fact a
separate literary language..
A) Geen yzylda, edebiyat dili ok ilgi ekmi ve
gerekte apayr bir edeb dil olup olmad
sorusu zerinde nemle durulmutur
B) Geen yzylda, edebiyat dili ok ilgi ekmi ve
apayr bir edeb dil olup olmad sorusu hep
C) Geen yzylda, edebiyat diline ve gerekte
ayr bir edeb dil olup olmad sorusuna ok ilgi
D) Edebiyat dilinin ne olduu ve apayr bir edeb
dilin gerekten var olup olmad sorusu, geen
yzylda ok ilgi ekmitir.
E) Edebiyat dili geen yzylda ok tartlmtr ve
gerekte ayr bir edeb dilin olup olmad
sorusu ele alnmtr.
42. Owing to infertility treatments, the
percentage of twin births in the US has
nearly doubled in the past 20 years. .
A) Son 20 ylda says ikiye katlanan ksrlk
tedavileri nedeniyle, ABDde ikiz doum oran
ok artt.
B) ABDde ksrlk tedavisinde son 20 ylda grlen
art, ikiz doum orann iki kattan fazla
C) Ksrlk tedavilerindeki hemen hemen 20 yl
sren art, ABDde ikiz doum orannn ikiye
katlanmasna neden oldu.
D) Ksrlk tedavilerinden dolay, ABDde ikiz
doum oran son 20 ylda hemen hemen ikiye
E) ABDde giderek yaygnlaan ksrlk tedavileri,
son 20 ylda ikiz doum orannn ikiye
katlanmasna neden oldu.

43. - 46.sorular aadaki paraya gre


Despite bacterias presence in all parts of the planet,

their diversity in the worlds soils is poorly
understood. To better understand what makes the
organisms thrive, Duke University researchers
trekked far and wide to collect a few centimetres of
dirt as samples from 98 locations across North and
South America, then analyzed each sample for
genetic variation. To their surprise, the strongest
predictor of high diversity was neutral pH. The acidic
soil of the Peruvian Amazon, for example, harboured
far fewer bacterial species than did the neutral dirt of
the arid American Southwest. There are a lot of
variables that didnt turn out to be very important,
says the researcher Robert Jackson, who adds that a
more complete search for different habitats might
turn up other stimulators of diversity, such as carbon

45. The passage points out that the best

conditions for diversity of bacteria species ---..
A) so far seem to exist in soil having a neutral pH
B) were found in the Peruvian Amazon region
C) have not yet been discovered
D) have now been fully researched

are found in a few centimetres of dirt

46. It is clear from the passage that the

researchers from Duke University ----..
A) do not plan to do any more research into
bacterial diversity
B) were more interested in the American
Southwest than in the Amazon basin
C) have largely focused on the types of bacteria
found in acidic soil

43. According to the passage, scientists were

surprised that ----..

they had to trek to so many different areas to

conduct their research into bacterial species

B) carbon abundance was revealed to be the most

important predictor of diversity of bacterial

bacteria is present in all parts of the planet

D) the arid American Southwest is home to many

more species of bacteria than the lush Peruvian

they would have to perform more complete

research in the future

44. It is understood from the passage that

further research must be carried out ----..
A) because the previous research was not
conducted properly
B) in order to find other indicators of diversity in
bacterial species
C) so that all the bacterial species of North and
South America can be identified

to determine exactly the genetic variations of

bacterial species

E) so that scientists can increase the diversity of

bacterial species

D) have carried out their fieldwork to throw light

upon the causes of bacterial diversity
E) had difficulty in trekking during their search

47. - 50.sorular aadaki paraya gre


In 1786 Sir William Jones, a British judge serving in

India, made a discovery that transformed knowledge
about prehistory and began the formal study of
historical linguistics. Turning his spare time towards
the study of Sanskrit, the ancient language from
which the predominant languages of the South Asian
subcontinent derive, Jones discovered that Sanskrit
shares features of grammar and vocabulary with Latin
and ancient Greek to an extent inexplicable by sheer
coincidence. His interest further aroused, he then
examined the early Germanic language called'Gothic',
the ancient Celtic languages of Europe, and Old
Persian, and found that they, too, exhibited marked
similarities to Sanskrit. He concluded that all these
languages must have evolved from a common but
now-extinct linguistic source. In the early nineteenth
century, both this ancient language and the later
languages that derived from it, were labelled' IndoEuropean, ' reflecting their wide distribution from
India and Ireland.

47. One can conclude from the passage that

A) originally derived from Latin and had the same
grammatical features
B) had no relationship whatsoever with Sanskrit
and other languages
C) was an old language which was spoken
throughout Europe, including Ireland
D) was the only language in which Sir William
Jones took a special interest
E) was the language spoken by early Germanic
48. It is pointed out in the passage that Sanskrit
A) is the only language which is widely spoken
among the peoples of South Asia
B) and other Indo-European languages are closely
related with each other
C) was first studied by Sir William Jones in the
eighteenth century
D) was the most ancient language from which
Latin and Greek have evolved
E) has a grammatical structure which is entirely
different from that of Old Persian

49. As one understands from the passage, Sir

William Jones ----..
A) made fundamental changes in the judicial
system of eighteenth-century India
B) was a professional linguist and spent his time
in India by the study of Sanskrit
C) rejected the view that the European Celtic
languages derived from a common source
D) studied Sanskrit only when he was free from his
judicial responsibilities
E) was very interested in the prehistory of India
and made several discoveries
50. According to the passage, the beginnings of
historical linguistics ----..
A) were marked by the discovery in the
eighteenth century that the languages of the
South Asian subcontinent had evolved from
B) can be dated back to the early nineteenth
century when the term Indo-European was
C) are traced back to the work of Sir William Jones
in the eighteenth century
D) have always been controversial, since Sir
William Joness theory about the Indo-European
languages was based on a false assumption
E) were confined only to Joness study of Sanskrit
and did not include his study of the other IndoEuropean languages

51. - 54.sorular aadaki paraya gre

cevaplaynz.72. - 75.sorularda, bo
braklan yere, parada anlam btnln
salamak iin getirilebilecek cmleyi

During the economic depression that affected the

whole Western world in the 1930s, with its mass
unemployment, poverty and other social ills,
governments, for the most part, did nothing. The
accepted wisdom was that, given time, the free
market would solve its own problems and that
government interference would only make things
worse. John Maynard Keynes, the British economist
who challenged this belief, argued that it was the
proper responsibility of governments to prevent both
booms and recessions in order to maintain gradual
economic growth and permanent full employment. He
maintained that this could be done by manipulating
taxation, credit and public expenditure. If the
economy was growing too fast, then money and,
therefore, demand could be taken out of the economy
by higher taxes, lower government spending and by
making it harder to borrow money. If there was
recession and growing unemployment, then the
government could put money into the economy
through lower taxes, higher public expenditure and
easier credit. Thus, demand could be encouraged. If,
as a result, there was money in peoples pockets,
then more would be spent on goods and more people
would be needed to make the goods to fulfil the extra
demand, and this would reduce unemployment.

51. According to the Keynesian argument

summarized in the passage, in order to bring
down unemployment, ----..

new economic policies would be formulated by

the government, so that demand could be

B) governments would follow a policy of

nonintervention in the economy and allow the
problem to be solved through the free market
C) the government had to make new loans
available for businesses at very high interest

the government would prefer to increase

taxation, so that people would spend less
one of several measures to be introduced by
the government would be to encourage an
increase in public spending

52. As is clear from the passage, Keynes ----..

A) differed little from his contemporaries in his
economic theories

had much trust in the free market, which he

believed had a positive impact on the economy
of the 1930s

C) did not think that the economic depression of

the 1930s was serious enough to justify
government interference
D) firmly believed that government intervention in
the management of the economy could be
E) argued that economic prosperity should not be
the prime aim of any government
53. It is pointed out in the passage that, due to
the economic depression in the West in the
1930s, ----..
A) most governments curbed public expenditure
and changed their system of taxation
B) there was unemployment on a very large scale
C) the increasing demand for goods had to be
prevented through harsh economic policies
D) many governments introduced a series of
measures to solve social problems

it was almost impossible for people to borrow


54. As it is stated in the passage, in the 1930s, ---..

A) all governments in the West carefully followed
the economic policies proposed by Keynes

permanent full employment was achieved

through an efficient implementation of free
market policies

C) governments generally felt that the free market

was the only way of solving the problems of the
D) despite high unemployment, people had so
much money that the demand for goods could
not be controlled

the British government gave Keynes full

responsibility to improve the economy

55. - 58.sorular aadaki paraya gre


The most common view among scientists is that

mathematics and physics are quite different. Physics
describes the universe and depends on experiment
and observation. The particular laws that govern our
universe, such as Newtons laws of motion, must be
determined empirically and then asserted like axioms
that cannot be logically proved, merely
verified.Mathematics, on the other hand, is some how
independent of the universe. Results and theorems,
such as the properties of the integers and real
numbers, do not depend in any way on the particular
nature of reality in which we find
ourselves.Mathematical truths would be true in any

55. It is suggested in the passage that, unlike

mathematics, physics ----..
A) makes much use of logic in order to reach a

formulates laws that need not be verified by


C) has undergone much development since

Newtons time

is essentially concerned with the world of


E) states facts about the universe that are taken

for granted
56. We understand from the passage that, for
most scientists, ----..
A) logical reasoning is as essential as experiment
and observation in any scientific study
B) mathematics and physics are the two fields of
science which have similar scientific concerns
and are, hence, interdependent
C) mathematics, like physics, is also indispensable
for a scientific study of the universe
D) the Newtonian laws have completely altered
mans perception of the universe
E) physics is essentially empirical, whereas
mathematics is not

57. As pointed out in the passage, the idea that

mathematics and physics differ from each
other ----..

has often been queried and debated since

is accepted by most scientists

C) has only recently been accepted by the

scientific community
D) is evidence of a prevailing prejudice among
mathematicians and physicists
E) was originally put forward by Newton after he
formulated his laws of motion
58. It is clear from the passage that any
information physics reveals about our
universe cannot be valid ----..
A) as it is impossible for every scientist to agree to
B) so long as it is not explained mathematically
C) since it is not always proved logically
D) unless it is confirmed through experiment and
E) because the methods used for verification are
often controversial

59. - 62.sorular aadaki paraya gre


In an attempt to settle the question of whether ice

exists on the moon, NASA plans to launch the Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in 2008. Travelling in a
polar orbit only 50 kilometres above the moons
surface, the probe will focus a high-resolution neutron
sensor on the suspected ice deposits to determine
their precise locations. But because the ice is
probably buried and mixed with lunar dirt, NASA will
also need to land a probe to dig up and analyze soil
samples. This mission, scheduled for 2011, is a
challenging one because instruments operating in
shadowed areas cannot use solar power. The craft
could land at a sunlit site and send a battery-powered
vehicle into a dark crater, but the batteries would
quickly die. A radioisotope thermal generator could
provide electricity using heat from plutonium decay,
but NASA is leaning against this option because it is
expensive and controversial.Another idea under
consideration is sending a probe that could hop from
place to place on the lunar surface by restarting its
landing rockets, lifting the craft to 100 metres above
its original landing site and moving it to another spot
in the crater basin to hunt for ice. Investigating more
than one site is crucial because the ice may be
unevenly distributed. Yet another alternative would
be to fire ground penetrating instruments at several
places in the shadowed basin, either from a lander at
the craters rim or from an orbiting craft.

59. It is clear from the passage that ----..

A) firing ground-penetrating instruments at the
moon could upset the balance of its surface

there are several options for producing a probe

that could work in the shadowed areas of the

C) NASA will use plutonium decay to provide

power for its newest landing probe
D) the spacecraft that NASA wants to send to the
moon will probably never actually be

NASA plans only to send a probe to orbit the

moon, not to land on it

60. We understand from the passage that, as

part of an effort to prove the existence of ice
on the moon, NASA ----..
A) will make no use of high-resolution radio
B) is currently observing the moon from Earth

is planning to send one spacecraft to orbit the

moon and another to land there

D) is going to send a landing craft that will rely

solely on solar power
E) has already sent a spacecraft there to take
61. It is pointed out in the passage that, since
there may be more ice on one part of the
moons surface than on another, ----..
A) a battery-powered vehicle is an essential part
of the probe

facilities which will examine the ice must be

built near larger ice patches


the search there for ice is expensive and



it is essential to test for ice in several different



it will not be possible to use the ice for future

space exploration

62. We see from the passage that the main

problem of landing a probe on the moon to
test for ice in shadowed areas is ----..
A) that the public is not interested in the project

the hard, rocky surface of the moon

C) lack of government funding for the project

D) the extremely cold temperatures the probe
would have to work in

that it would not be able to use solar power

63. - 67.sorularda, karlkl konumann

bo braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

63. Mary : Recently I have been reading JeanJacques Rousseaus political treatise The
Social Contract, published in 1762. In his
political views, he was certainly more radical
than most of his contemporaries.
Susan : Yes, he was, indeed. For instance, he
was probably the first person in his time to
talk about popular sovereignty and
Mary : ---Susan : Because of his radical views as such,
he caused a great deal of controversy in
eighteenth-century France..
A) His famous novel Emile tells the story of how a
young man learns virtue and freedom.
B) I didnt know that he was better known for his
writing on education and moral virtue.

64. Winston : What does the term global village

really mean? Stanley : Oh, well, it is
essentially related to the global flow of
information. Winston : ---- Stanley : Alright, I
will try. Beginning in the 1990s, increasingly
sophisticated computers have brought people
into instant communication over the internet
with each other across continents in new
cultural and political settings, and this has
had a great impact on the everyday lives of
men and women around the world..
A) In other words, are you suggesting that
advances in electronic technologies have
provided new worldwide platforms and
connections for commercial interests?
B) Do you mean the wide-ranging effects of
information technologies on political struggles
around the globe?
C) Are you saying that electronic systems and
devices designed to create, store and share
information have become more powerful and

C) We know that Enlightenment thinkers

considered education key to human progress.

D) Are you claiming that embattled ethnic

minorities have found worldwide audiences
through on-line campaign sites?

D) The Social Contract was the least understood of

his works, wasnt it?

E) What does that exactly mean? Can you be

more specific?

E) Obviously, he believed that legitimate authority

arose from the people alone.

65. Philip : I see that you are reading Homers

great epic The Iliad? By the way, have you
ever heard about Heinrich Schliemann?
Edward : Yes, I have. He was an amateur
German archaeologist, who lived in the
nineteenth century.
Philip : ---Edward : How come? I wonder what details in
The Iliad must have led him to such a
A) As an amateur archaeologist, many of
Schliemanns perceptions of Bronze Age
Greece were mistaken and superficial.
B) What else? Let me tell you the most intriguing
thing about him. By using The Iliad as his
guide, he found the site of Troy near the coast
of northwest Anatolia.
C) Since the ancient Greeks treasured many
legends about their heroic and distant past,
Homers epics appealed to them a great deal.
D) Actually, Schliemann was right in believing that
the legendary king Agamemnon was buried
with a gold mask.
E) In Homers epics, it is the Mycenaean
civilization of Bronze Age Greece that is
represented, but this civilization came to an
end around the end of the twelfth century B.C.

66. Kevin:- In Asia, it seems, incomes are going

up but this is having an adverse effect on the
health of the people. Sandra: - Yes. I've read
that article. Sad, isn't it? Kevin: - ---- Sandra:
- No. It's that too, of course. But the shift
from agricultural to urban economies is also
aggravating the problem..
A) It certainly is. But I can\'t say I\'m surprised.
B) It is indeed. And apparently it\'s not just that
people are eating more and eating unwisely.
C) People think that eating well means eating
more meat and more fat.
D) It is. But the largest percentage of saturated fat
in the diet seemed to be coming from local
ethnic food.
E) Yes, indeed. The region presently has more
than 60 million diabetes sufferers, and the
number is going up.
67. James: Ive heard that youre selling your
house. But its not really the best time for
selling your property.
Arthur: ---James: I suggest you not sell it. You could get
a bank loan instead, and Ill be your
Arthur: Ive never thought of it; youve given
me a great idea. I really appreciate your
A) The broker in my quarter says a client has
already bought one at a reasonable price.
B) Ive talked to several brokers in town, and they
say Ill have no problem getting a mortgage.
C) Ive already applied to the local bank for a loan
and Im waiting for a reply.
D) I know, but I have to do it, as Ive got a large
debt and I need to repay it urgently.
E) Recently, a relative of mine has advised me to
buy a house in the country.

68. - 71.sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca

en yakn cmleyi bulunuz.

68. The Malaysian make of car should be king of

the roads there, owing to the steep tariffs
imposed on imported cars; but this is not the
A) Malaysian-made cars are only preferable to
foreign makes because they are cheaper,
though not much cheaper.
B) Since foreign cars are so heavily taxed, home
produced makes are far more popular in
Malaysia; this is only natural.
C) Tariffs on imported cars In Malaysia are
prohibitive and this is why people buy home
produced models though they do not wish to.
D) One might expect the Malaysian make of car to
be the most popular make there as imported
cars are so heavily taxed; but it is not so.
E) Surprisingly enough, foreign cars are just as
popular as Malaysian ones there even though
they are heavily taxed.
69. Coffee beans are second only to petroleum as
the most traded commodity in the world..
A) Petroleum is the world\'s most traded
commodity, and after that come coffee beans.
B) Petroleum and coffee beans share the honour
of being the world\'s most traded commodities.
C) Coffee beans vie with petroleum as the world\'s
most sought-after commodity.
D) Coffee beans are not the world\'s most soughtafter commodity.
E) Petroleum has superseded coffee beans as the
world\'s most traded commodity.

70. I don't believe she is particularly clever, but

she has a great deal of charm and people
tend to do what she wants..
A) Though she really is not very intelligent, she
has charm and people are always pleased to
accept her leadership.
B) She may not be very bright, I personally don't
think she is; but she certainly has a winning
way with people so they generally act in the
way she wants.
C) Her intelligence is no more than average, but
she makes up for this with charm, so she can
manipulate people easily.
D) It is as much her charm as her intelligence that
enables her to make people act in the way she
wants them to
E) She doesn't need to be intelligent as she has
the gift of knowing-how to charm people so
that they act in the way she wants.
71. International conventions have long been
prohibiting the use of chemical weapons
during war, but how effective is this likely to
A) If various international bodies agreed to a longterm ban on chemical warfare, couldnt the ban
be put into effect?
B) Can such international bodies be relied upon to
ban effectively and in the long-term the use of
chemical weapons in time of war?
C) For many years now, chemical warfare has
been banned by international agreement, but
can the ban be enforced?
D) How effective might the prohibition of chemical
warfare be if it had the backing of so many
international bodies?
E) Over a period of very many years various
international agreements have been drawn up
to prohibit the use of chemical weapons in
wartime, but they have hardly been effective,
have they?

72. - 75.sorularda, bo braklan yere,

parada anlam btnln salamak iin
getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz.

72. Like many other activities, global health has

fashions. ---- Recently, though, the focus has
shifted to malaria. This tropical disease kills
a million people a year, most of them
children, and debilitates hundreds of millions
more. That is why researchers are racing
against one another to be the first to devise
an effective vaccine..
A) However, not all developing countries are
struggling with health-related issues.
B) Before Jonas Salk came up with his polio
vaccine, many parents lived in fear of their
children being struck down by the disease.
C) In Eastern Europe, for example, there has been
much concern about illicit drug use since the
Cold War ended.
D) For the past couple of decades, AIDS has
captured both the imagination and the
research dollars.
E) In contrast, tropical diseases have not always
received the attention they deserve from either
national governments or international
73. The world's oldest cave paintings date back
some 35, 000 years. They lie buried in the
side of a hill close to Verona in north Italy. ---. Now, new archaeological research is also
proving that the ancients were adept, not
only at the visual arts, but also at the art of
A) Stone Age ears must have appreciated the
'echo-chamber' properties of the sites
B) Archaeologists can use acoustics to study
ancient sites in the following two ways
C) Similarly, the stones of Stonehenge in the
south of England have been found to have
sonic qualities
D) They prove that art was already part of the way
of life for the early civilizations of the time
E) Indeed, some of the stalactites in these caves
issue bell-like notes when struck

74. Like language, music is a uniquely human

activity. Although music is often spoken of as
a kind of language, it is certainly not within
the same space of possibilities as natural
human languages. Music communicates
something, perhaps emotional states. It is
sometimes symbolic; for instance, when the
Wedding Marchis played to symbolize
weddings. ---- Therefore, it seems
appropriate to treat music as a form of
communication, but not as a language in the
technical sense..
A) That is why composers aim at aesthetic
pleasure while they compose their music.
B) The right hemisphere of the brain is involved in
musical perception and in experienced
musicians the left hemisphere is also involved.
C) Yet it shares few of the grammatical and
expressive possibilities found in all standard
D) In the opera, for instance, music and language
E) This shows that musical ability is largely based
on auditory and rhythmic processing.
75. The Africans who go abroad to work usually
send money back home to pay for their
relatives medical care, education, and
housing. Today, most African countries get
the largest part of their foreign exchange
earnings from such remittances. ---- Without
this subsidy, Africas dictators would have to
face the political consequences of an angry
A) In Africa, foreign aid goes mostly to those
governments that have mismanaged their
B) There are over three million Nigerians in the US
and another one million in Britain.
C) From a quarter to almost 50% of universityeducated graduates from Ghana, Uganda, and
Kenya leave their countries to work in the
D) Ironically, African citizens abroad subsidize
state corruption.
E) About three million middle-class Zimbabweans
have migrated to South Africa since 1999.

76. - 80.sorularda, cmleler srasyla

okunduunda parann anlam btnln
bozan cmleyi bulunuz.

76. (I) Health and well-being are too complex to

be simply a medical matter. (II) There is a
direct relationship between susceptibility and
disease: low susceptibility implies a high
resilience. (III) In various realms of the 'bodymind', there are aspects of life that build us
up and break us down. (IV) If we are under
strain in one realm, it may be possible to
compensate by strengthening the others. (V)
For example, playing tennis reinforces the
release of 'feel-good' chemicals that can
offset the damaging effects of emotional
A) I
E) V
77. (I) Reefs are under attack from all sides. (II)
Coral reefs are one of the oldest and most
diverse ecosystems on Earth. (III) Hurricanes
and tsunamis can cause injuries that take
decades for a reef to repair naturally. (IV)
Meanwhile, destructive fishing practices,
pollution, ships running aground and climate
change pose an even more serious threat. (V)
A report issued by the UN Environment
Programme warned that 30 per cent of the
worlds coral reefs are either already dead or
seriously damaged..
A) I
E) V

78. (I) Izmir owes its famously "special"

atmosphere to its turbulent history. (II) What
you see today has mostly risen from the
ashes of Ottoman Izmir and dates from 1922,
when a terrible fire swept across the city. (III)
Before that, Izmir was known as "Smyrna"
and was the most Westernized and
cosmopolitan of Turkish cities. (IV)
Nevertheless, famous citizens of ancient
Smyrna include the poet Homer, the founder
of Western literature, who lived before 700
B.C. (V) It was a city where the Muslims,
Christians and Jewish communities lived in
harmony and got on well with each other..

80. (I) Towards the end of the eighteenth

century, a vast cultural movement began to
sweep across Europe. (II) Within the
Romantic movement, a group of composers
were inspired by new ideas about national
identity. (III) The movement, known as
Romanticism, called into question many of
the principles of the eighteenth-century
Enlightenment. (IV) In other words, the
Romantics began to question human reason
and the uniformity of human nature. (V)
Moreover, they emphasized the diversity of
humanity, and the importance of spontaneity,
creativity, emotion and passion..

A) I

A) I







E) V

E) V

79. (I) The relationship between genes and

proteins was first proposed in 1909 when
English physician A. Garrod suggested that
genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes,
the proteins that catalyze chemical processes
in the cell. (II) The idea came from his
observations of inherited diseases. (III) He
hypothesized that an inherited disease
reflects a bodys inability to manufacture a
particular enzyme, and he referred to such
diseases as inborn errors of metabolism.
(IV) The function of a gene is to dictate the
production of a specific enzyme. (V) His
hypothesis was ahead of its time but
research conducted decades later by other
scientists proved him right..
A) I














































































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