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Alcantara, Julius Eric T.

JD 1 - 2

August 31, 2015

Atty. Vera

The Iglesia ni Cristo Public Assembly

In light of the main conflict of this issue, The INC is in pursuit of its hope to send
the government their message to invoke the inviolable separation of church and state by
means of unruly public assembly which was held in the middle of EDSA, the busiest
highway in Manila. Such actions have caused absolute disturbance for those people
praying to go home at an early time of the day considering the fact of a long weekend.
From these scenarios, the religious sector was criticized by a mass of commuters
including netizens in regards with the unauthorized public assembly.
A public assembly is defined in the Public Assembly Act of 1985 as means of
any rally, demonstration, march, parade, procession or any other form of mass or
concerted action held in a public place for the purpose of presenting a lawful cause; or
expressing an opinion to the general public on any particular issue; or protesting or
influencing any state of affairs whether political, economic or social; or petitioning the
government for redress of grievances.

The processions, rallies, parades, demonstrations, public meetings and

assemblages for religious purposes shall be governed by local ordinances. INC, in
regards of the requisites to held a public assembly had failed to comply within the
provisions of this code.

It is stated in the public assembly act 1985 that the constitutional right of the people
peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances is
essential and vital to the strength and stability of the State. To this end, the State shall
ensure the free exercise of such right without prejudice to the rights of others to life,
liberty and equal protection of the law.
By acts of the INC blocking the EDSA, resulting a massive interruption to
everyone using the highway especially to the commuters is a clear disregard of right of
the latter.

The Iglesia ni Cristo have not observed proper decorum in acquiring and

applying steps by the use of a permit. The latter did not even gave a deliberate
information in regards of their action.
Every person must, in the exercise of his right and in the performance of his
duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, observe honesty and good faith.

It is true that everyone, especially the religious sectors have the absolute right to
practice freedom of speech in regards of the conflicts of encroachments of the state to
the church, however, it does not limit the power of the government to regulate agitations
between people who are members of a religious sectors. No one is above the law,
everyone who undermines the government, regardless of their circle of influence, shall
be dealt in accordance with the law.
The persons behind this mischievous act must be penalized in compliance with
the provisions of the Philippine law.

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