Otba Subject: English Class:Vii: 1. Theme: Freedom and Responsibility

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Freedom and responsibility go together. If you don't want to take responsibility, you can't have freedom either.
When you're free, you're automatically responsible for your own future.
Knowing that we have this great potential, we naturally aspire to freedom. But freedom comes with responsibilities. Many people are
very proud to say: We live in a free world, we are free. Whereas, they are not. It is true that they are given permission to think, speak
and act as they wish, but when such freedom is not supported by wisdom, human beings can behave worse than animals. Although
human beings are unique and intelligent, but, when they lack wisdom, they often misuse their so-called freedom for the wrong
purpose. They misuse their mind, their speech and their capacity to act. For me, giving such so-called freedom to people who don't
have the right knowledge and the right training is like giving sword in the hand of a monkey.
Most people want to be free but don't want to take responsibilities. But freedom is inseparable from responsibility!

If I have the freedom to think, it is my responsibility to think positively.

If I have the freedom to speak, it is my responsibility to speak properly and meaningfully.
If I have the freedom to act, it is my responsibility to act correctly.

You must recognize the consequences of your own acts why you must take responsibility for whatever situation you're in
today why you shouldn't blame others for what you don't like about your life why you must make your own decisions so
you can be responsible for your own future.

Nobody else can take that decision for me. If every human being could feel responsible in that way, the world would be a better
In a classroom, students have the freedom to use the restroom, get materials, consult with other students, take a short break, and
get a drink of water. Their responsibilities are to get their work completed on time and in a neat manner, be respectful of others, and
keep their areas clean.

Each student is an individual and that sometimes what one student needs another doesnt. If one student is having weak eye sight,
he or she probably need to sit in the front row. That doesnt mean that everyone in the classroom needs to sit in the front row. All
the students have to use their best judgment.
Every freedom shall have a corresponding responsibility and a structure to use it. For example, bathroom breaks are allowed, but
only one student at a time can leave the classroom.
With structure comes accountability like nobody should misuse their freedom.
With a balance of freedoms and responsibilities, you have the opportunity to develop respect between each other.
What freedom means to me

Freedom means many things to many people. When we spoke to some children in the age group of 8 to 14, we were amazed to learn the different
meanings they gave to that one word freedom. Here they put their ideas exactly the way their thoughts arose in their minds

Name: Radhika Jain (8 years)

I dont have to study.

Being able to watch my favourite channel Star Plus, Cartoon Network whenever I like.

Cycling in the morning instead of going to school.

Eating as many ice creams as I want.

Going for school tours. Only 4th and 5th class students go for tours. We 3rd class students are not allowed.

Not getting up early in the morning.

Name: Saloni (11 years)

Doing what I like but should be right

I will never do anything bad against rules like corruption.

I wont go against the government rules but only if the rules are right. Out of 100 percent if 80 percent say a rule is bad then it is bad.

School hamare tareeke se chalna chaheye.(school should run according to our method) Teachers should dictate slowly.

Name: Arihant Jain (12 years)

We can do anything we want like not going to school.

Everything should be free. We should not pay money to buy anything.

Can go anywhere I want to the playground when exams are on.

Chatting on phone as long as I want.

To eat dinner outside everyday.

In school being able to play sports and not study.

Flying Kites.

Name: Sujeet (11 years)

Political Independence- final throw of the British from India.

Generally having proper rights.

Not having any studies at all.

Independence day is a holiday when I can do whatever I like.I dont have to study.

Being able to watch my favourite channel Star Plus, Cartoon Network whenever I like.

Cycling in the morning instead of going to school.

Eating as many ice creams as I want.

Going for school tours. Only 4th and 5th class students go for tours. We 3rd class students are not allowed.

Not getting up early in the morning.

QUESTIONS:1: a) How is freedom and responsibility related to each other? (3)

b) How will be freedom without responsibility?


2. Suppose your parents are not at home and you are alone. Your friends are pressuring you for a party. What will you do?


Marking Scheme

Answer 1a): Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance, but at the same time it is
applicable for others also. So while having our freedom, it is our responsibility to not restrain the freedom of others by our act,
speak or think.
In freedom we are free to make our choice, but it is our responsibility to make the right choice under our social and moral guidelines.
In other words, freedom makes people responsible for their actions. Like we are free to think, speak and act, but it is our
responsibility to think positively, speak meaningfully and to act correctly.
Answer1b): In freedom, we can take our own decisions, but, consequences of our decisions are also to be recognized by us only. We
cannot blame others for our own act. A responsible person will always use his intelligence and knowledge before his act. If freedom
is not supported by intelligence, then human beings can behave worse than animals. Freedom without knowledge is like monkey
with a sword. Without responsibility, there will not be any boundaries to the freedom and which makes freedom uncontrolled (2)
Answer 2: (Give your own views on the topic.)

I will call all my friends and have a blast. I will enjoy my freedom to the fullest.

I will straight away tell my friends NO. I will never break the trust of my parents.





2 .THEME - Importance of Games and Sports in Life

Games and sports represent a huge part of life today.

Sports and games have been part of human society for thousands of years. The importance of these things should not
be underestimated. Much of young children's learning comes from participating in sports and games, and this same
participation as adults can lead to happier, healthier and more productive lives.
The benefits of sports in the development of children is well documented. An Ad Hoc Committee on Sports and
Children said the potential benefits from sports to children and adolescents includes the development of healthy
physical and social skills, the development of fine motor skills, and both improved health and sport-specific fitness.
This is particularly true for adolescents who are physically or emotionally challenged. Playing cards and board
games also benefit teens, providing a quiet and yet competitive outlet where they can interact with their peers or
older family members in a positive manner.

Sports and games are very important for us. They keep us healthy and fit. They offer us a change from the monotony
of daily life. It is a useful means of entertainment and physical activity. Sports and games help in character building.
They give us energy and strength.
Sports and games are means of mental and physical growth. During sports we come to learn many things. We learn
how to maintain mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. They make us learn how to tackle the difficult
situation. Sports develop a sense of friendliness. They develop in us team spirit. They help in developing mantel and
physical toughness. They shape our body and make it strong and active. They give us energy and strength. They
remove tiredness and lethargy. They improve blood circulation. This improves our physical well-being.
Sports and games improve our capability. They improve our efficiency. Either study or work alone makes us
exhaust. We remain no longer efficient to do any work. Sports remove our mental exhaustion. Sports are integral
part of education. Education without sports is incomplete. Keeping their value in life, children are taught some sorts
of games in the very early stage in school. These days sports are a part of academic curricula.
Sports are particularly important for the youth. They help in their physical and mental growth. They contribute in the
formation of character. They inculcate in them good values. It is therefore, sports competition is held at school and
college levels. The students who perform well in this competition are promoted to play at the national and
international level. Thus sports help in career growth also.
Sports and games give us opportunity to grow in life. These days sports have been commercialized. They have
become a good means of earning. The sports person who does well in sports is showered with name, fame and
wealth. He becomes a hero overnight. Sports have great potential to offer career opportunities. So we should take
them very seriously from the very early age of our life. Sports are good means of earnings. Sports offer opportunity
to prove talents.
Thus, sports have great value in life. Sports facilities are being developed in rural and semi-urban areas. There are
playgrounds in villages. Sports infrastructure are being developed everywhere so as to promote them. Various sport
organizations are also doing well in promotion of sports.


a)How do sports and game influence your life?

b)Sports offer great career opportunities. Explain. 2
2. Recently we heard news about players involved in match fixing and sport fixing. How does it affect our
sentiments as a sport lover? 5

Marking Scheme
Answer 1a).: Whatever our age, regular physical activity should be part of our lifestyle, and the benefits
will not only last a lifetime but add up to a better quality of life involving:

Greater confidence and self-awareness

Improved health, fitness and overall well-being

Greater social contact and interaction

Less isolation and loneliness

Increased ability to deal with stress

Greater sense of relaxation and well-being

Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression

Improved self-esteem and self-image

Answer b):- Though it is true that cricket is more popular than other sports, but with the
exceptionally good performance of the Indian sportsmen at the Commonwealth Games in
2010, other sports are seen in a new light. A career of a sports person is accompanied with
its share of glamour and fame but this does not come easy. Focus, hard work and
determination are important for a player to excel. Falling in love with the game and enjoying
it is key to developing a career in that field. Proper training is required once you realize you
want to develop your talent in a particular sport. With an inborn passion for sports and a
desire to follow your dreams, a career as a sports person can be very lucrative but full of
Answer 2:- I was genuinely following IPL this year for Sachin, Rahul, Steyn, and few other cricketers.
Rajasthan being my favorite team, I used to get happy when they win and very sad when they lose. The
day when spot fixing news broke out, I was very saddened and disheartened. I lost all of my interest in
IPL. My friends and relatives also stopped watching matches. I felt worse for Rahul Dravid. He was very
passionate as this was his last competitive tournament. I am damn sure IPL won't be the same again for
fans and Indians. Every dropped catch and no-ball is looked as fixing. You simply can't watch cricket like
Cricket has become a business than a game. Players are hurting the sentiments of game, fans and
spectators. Game lovers support and even pray to make their supporting team win but they get deeply
hurt when they come to know that the game was fixed.

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