Simple Facts in Life

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Simple facts in life:

Our sun is the center of the universe. Take that, lunocentrics! Or is it?
o What if the sun already explodes? Remember the supernova?
There is only night and day in this world unless
o Again, what if the sun already explodes?
Humans have their brains on top of their heads unless
o What if in the future, we can already modify?
Humans have their feet at the bottom of their body unless
o Again, what if we can modify this
Dogs bark and cats meow unless
o What if there is surgery to change the dogs voice??? And the felines?
Humans cannot live for more than 1 hour in deep sea without aid of an
external apparatus unless
o What if our lungs were made to endure more air???
So many more facts, but I am not sure how long this will last
o Yeah so true!

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