Psychometric Assessment and Psychometric Test With Neurofeedback, LLLT and Brain Therapy in Mumbai

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Mind Care And Management Associates

Psychological Tests
Psychometric Assessment or Psychometric test is one of the latest and
qualitative technique which help in ascertaining the ability of human mind. It
gives the quantitative measurement to compute the competency of mind and
thus helps in finding the reasons for minds ability and disability

Psychometrics is basically a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of
educational and psychological measurement (Wikipedia) measurement of knowledge,
abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. It involves two major research tasks.
1. The construction of instruments and procedures for measurement
2. The development and refinement of theoretical approaches to measurement

Test is a measurement device or technique used to quantify behavior or aid in

the understanding and prediction of behavior. In other words, a test may be
defined simply as a measuring device or procedure.
1. Testing includes a wide range of procedures for use in psychological,
occupational and educational assessment.

2. Testing may include procedures for the measurement of both normal and
abnormal or dysfunctional behaviors.
3. Testing procedures are normally designed to be administered under
carefully controlled or standardized conditions that embody systematic
scoring protocols.
4. These procedures provide measures of performance and involve the
drawing of inferences from samples of behavior.
5. They also include procedures that may result in the qualitative classification
or ordering of people (e.g. in terms of type). (British Psychological Association)

Psychological Test a set of items designed to measure characteristics of human beings

that pertain to behavior. Behavior can be overt i.e. observable activity of the individual
and covert i.e. takes place within the individual.

A psychological test is a standardized method of comparing the behavior of two or

more persons at the same time and/or comparing the behavior of the same person in
different periods of time. A standard is that in terms of which we measure something,
e.g. a kilometer, a kilogram, or a foot; measurement is attributing a number according
to well defined rules.
Psychometric Assessment Standardization is a process of exactly fixing the stimulus
variables, the exact situation of administration and of observing the behavior, in terms
of well-defined units of measurement and the exact method of interpretation, in the
light of relevant norms, having high reliability and validity.

Psychometric Assessment Objectivity refers to freedom from subjective factors

in administration, measurement and interpretation. Reliability means consistency
of scores over a period of time and consistency in administrative methods,
administration by self or by others, the method used by scorers as well as the
tests internal consistency. It makes one confident that every time a test is used,
the same test is used and similar methods are used for administration, scoring
and interpretation. Reliability can be of the total score, of various parts of the
test or of every individual item. It is mostly measured in terms of coefficients of
correlation, but can also be estimated in terms of percentage of agreement or

Mind Care and Management ; is committed in providing best in

class Brain therapies in Mumbai, hence our center in Mumbai provide
psychometric assessment in Mumbai and together with this also provide
complementing services to enhance the results and betterment of health. In this
series we also provide Brain therapies in Mumbai and also have a division of LLLT
Mumbai which provides low level laser therapy in Mumbai branch. If you are
looking for any services related to any of our division in Brain therapies Mumbai
or LLLL Mumbai then do contact us. We have a proven record on providing
Brain Therapies and LLLT services in Mumbai branch. Our specialist of brain
therapies and LLLT will benefit you as we are using conjunction of methods
inclusive of psychometric Assessments, Neurofeedback, LLLT and Brain


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