What Is Chest Pain?

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What Is Chest Pain?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chest pain is one of
the most common reasons that people ages 15 and older visit the emergency room. In
2008, about nine percent of all ER visits were related to chest pain. (CDC, 2010)
Chest pain varies from person to person. It may feel like a sharp, stabbing pain or a dull
ache. While chest pain may be a sign of a serious heart-related problem, it may also
have other common, nonlife-threatening causes.

What Causes Chest Pain?

When you have chest pain, your first thought may be that you are having a heart
attack. While chest pain is a possible sign of a heart problem, many other, less serious
conditions can also cause chest pain. Only about 13 percent of all ER visits for chest
pain result in a diagnosis of a serious heart-related problem. (CDC, 2010)

Heart-Related Causes of Chest Pain

heart attack
anginachest pain due to blockages in the blood vessels leading to your heart

pericarditisinflammation of the sac around the heart

myocarditisinflammation of the heart muscle

cardiomyopathyheart muscle disease

aortic dissectiona rare condition involving rupture of the hearts main artery

Gastrointestinal Causes of Chest Pain

acid reflux (heartburn)

swallowing problems related to disorders of the esophagus

gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas

Lung-Related Causes of Chest Pain


viral bronchitis
pneumothoraxa leak of air from your lung into your chest

Muscle/Bone Causes of Chest Pain

bruised or broken ribs

sore muscles from exertion or chronic pain syndromes

compression fracture, causing pressure on a nerve

Other Causes of Chest Pain

shinglesan infection of the nerves and skin caused by the chicken pox virus
panic attack a sudden episode of intense fear when there is no real danger or

What Other Symptoms May Accompany Chest Pain?

Chest pain may be accompanied by other symptoms that will help with diagnosis.

Heart-Related Symptoms
While pain is the most common symptom of a heart problem, some people experience
other symptoms, with or without accompanying chest pain. Women in particular have
reported atypical symptoms that have later been diagnosed as a heart condition.

pressure or tightness in the chest

back, jaw, or arm pain


feeling light-headed, dizzy, or short of breath

abdominal pain or nausea

pain after exertion

Other Symptoms
Symptoms that may indicate your chest pain is not heart-related include:

sour or acidic taste in your mouth

pain only after you swallow or eat, or difficulty swallowing

pain that is better or worse depending on your body position

pain that is worse when you breathe deeply or cough

tenderness when you push on your chest

pain accompanied by a rash

fever, aches, chills, runny nose, or cough

feelings of panic or anxiety

back pain that radiates to the front of the chest

How Is Chest Pain Diagnosed?

If you think you may be having a heart attack, its important that you seek emergency
treatment immediately, especially if chest pain is new, unexplained, or lasts more than
a few moments.
Your doctor will ask a number of questions to help diagnose the cause of your chest
pain. Be prepared to discuss any related symptoms and to share information about any
medications, treatments, or other medical conditions you may have.

Diagnostic Tests
Your doctor may order tests to help diagnose or eliminate heart-related problems as a
cause of your chest pain. These may include:

electrocardiogram, which records your hearts electrical activity

blood tests, to measure enzyme levels

chest X-ray, to examine heart, lungs, and blood vessels

echocardiogram, which uses sound waves to record moving images of the heart

computed tomography (CT) scan, to look for blockages in blood vessels

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which looks for damage to the heart or aorta

stress tests, to measure your heart function after exertion

angiogram, to look for blockages in specific arteries

How Is Chest Pain Treated?

Chest pain might be treated with medication, noninvasive procedures, surgery, or a
combination of all of the above.

Heart-Related Treatments

medications, including nitroglycerin and other artery relaxers, clot-busting drugs,

and blood thinners
cardiac catheterization, using balloons and/or stents to open blocked arteries
surgical repair of arteries

Other Treatments

lung re-inflation, in case of a collapsed lung

antacids or certain procedures for acid reflux and heartburn

anti-anxiety medications for chest pain related to panic attacks

What Is the Outlook for Chest Pain?

Many common causes of chest pain can be easily treated and resolved. However, chest
pain can also be a symptom of a life-threatening condition.
If you think you may be experiencing a heart attack or other heart problem, seeking
medical treatment immediately can help save your heart muscle and your life. Once you
have been diagnosed, your doctor can recommend additional treatments to help
manage your condition.
Written by Danielle Moores
Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD

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