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Subject: U.S. History Grade Level: 9/10 Time Allotted: 20-25 Minutes Materials Required: Music from Vietnam War period, Short anti whiteboard, lyries of songs. ar and pro-war readings, ‘Benchmark and/or GLCE/HSCE/EGLCE (write out) 8.2.4 Domestic Conflicts and Tensions: Using core democratic values, analyze and evaluate the competing perspectives and controversies among Americans generated by U.S. Supreme Court decisions, the Vietnam War (anti-war and counter-cultural movements). Objective(s): A portion of a GLCE or HSCE stated in terms of Bloom’s taxonomy (level/verb) ~ ‘The student will describe the divisions within American society over the Vietnam War. Purpose: Introduce students to the anti-war and pro-war movements in American society in regards to the Vietnam War. Instructional Procedure: What information do students need to accomplish the objective? 1. Anticipatory Set: (3-4 Minutes) a. Open class by playing an anti-war song and put lyrics up on the board (From 00:48 — (2:50 — Born in the USA) b. Discuss: What is the song about? What event is it dealing with? How does the artist feel about the event they are singing about? Vietnam War- and the treatment of veterans once home, treated wrong once they returned. 2, State Purpose and Objective of Lesson: ‘a. Describe the divisions within American society over the Vietnam War. 3. Differentiation Considerations: a. Leaming Preferences (auditory/visual/kinesthetic) 4, Instructional Input: a. Modeling i. While passing out pro/anti war readings — begin to discuss why US originally got involved in Vietnam War (main reasoning was to keep communism out of Vietnam- France withdrew and Us originally supported with only money and advisors ~ Gulf Of Tonkin off Vietnam coast US ships apparently got attacked by North Vietnam.(1 minute) b, Groups i, (Small Groups) Instruct students to go over both readings and begin discussions regarding the reasons for anti/pro war feelings in small groups. Walk around to each group to listen/assist in discussions and prepare chart on whiteboard for next activity. (8 minutes) ii, (Large Group) Come together as a large group to form a chart covering both pro/anti war sides on the white board (have students from each group write one point for their side) (7 minutes) iii, Go over these points and add any important points if students missed any. (2 minutes) 5. Closure: (2 Minutes) a. Ask for clarification on anything before closing the class. b. Have students turn in a list of one fact/reason from the anti-war perspective and one from the pro-war perspective (.c. why we should stay in war, and why we shouldn't stay in war) on their way out of the door. 6. Assessment: Throughout the entire lesson, walk around the classroom to listen to discussions, during large group activity, have students create chart not teacher, and the out the door activity.

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