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English 11: Course Outline & Syllabus

Contact via e-mail:
Website/Lesson Plans:

Miss Dawn Landis

Course Description

The goal for English 11: This is the third credit in the Basic English curriculum. Students will study the short story,
drama, and novel and continue to refine their writing skills with emphasis on the persuasive essay. English 11 is to
continue to build upon the foundation established in 9th and 10th grade developing knowledge, skills, and
strategies. Students will develop their reading and writing skills by studying literary techniques and novels,
short stories, and poetry. English 11 students will also be taught the skills needed for success on the SAT, which
include grammar instruction and editorial and persuasive writing strategies, as well as standardized test-taking
techniques. This course will be enriched by a thorough study of grammar and vocabulary in preparation for the

Course Outcomes
In this course students will improve close reading and analytical strategies to prep for ACT. Students will:
read, analyze, and react to a variety of literature, recognizing various literary devices and author strategies
write narrative and persuasive essays
practice SAT strategies daily
increase vocabulary in preparation for SAT
Methods of Instruction
Considerable emphasis will be placed on strengthening writing skills through the use of the writing process as well as
analyzing how well a piece of writing is written. Because the connection between writing and literature is of primary
importance, reading will be an integral part of the class. A variety of literary genres (short stories, poetry, plays, and
novels) will be explored. Reading, discussing, and writing about literature are the primary ways in which students come
to understand a particular text or concept. Projects/assignments will be completed individually; however, cooperative
learning groups will also be utilized used in class. Some assigned texts are to be read independently; others we will read
or listened to as a class. Online resources will be used as much as possible to enhance learning including but not limited
to blogging.
In the coming year, your son/daughter may be viewing some videos in his or her English 11 class, directly relating to the
curriculum. Films may be used in part or in their entirety and will mostly be rated PG-13 or lower. If they have an R rating
you will be asked to sign a permission slip. You have the right to excuse your child from viewing any or all of the films,
without him/her being penalized or losing academic credit. Please note an excuse in the comments section of the syllabus.
As you enter the classroom, a vocabulary activity will be projected on the board. After you take your seat, complete the
vocabulary activity for that day into the vocabulary section of your notebook. Each class will begin with a brief discussion
of this vocabulary activity, which will be relevant to the literature we are reading and/or the SAT. The purpose of this
procedure is two-fold:
(1) To get class started right away while I take attendance and prepare for class;
(2) To strengthen vocabulary.
NOTE: If you are absent it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the vocabulary word or activity for that day. For your
convenience, the word or activity will be posted daily on our class website:

Writing about Literature

Students will be involved in narrative and persuasive writing throughout the school year as well as completing a research
Students will write reflective, more personal responses to literature and various topics throughout the year in their writers
notebooks or blogs.
Resources/Texts: Not all inclusive--subject to change
SAT Online and other Prep Resources
No Red Ink Grammar Review Website
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobson
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
The Body by Stephen King
The Tell-Tale Heart, Cask of Amontillado, The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe
Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulson
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Assessment & Grading
BHS has a unified and common grading scale for all courses. The following scale will be used to determine the letter
grade assigned to each student for each class taken:
95 - 100 = A
90 - 94 = A-

87 - 89 = B+
84 - 86 = B
80 - 83 = B-

77 - 79 = C+
74 - 76 = C
70 - 73 = C-

67 - 69 = D+
64 - 66 = D
60 - 63 = D-

59 and below = F

A semester grade is made up of two marking period and a mid-term or final exam. The semester grade will be calculated
by using the following formula:
Marking Period 1 Grade
Marking Period 2 Grade
Mid-Term/Final Exam



Course Outline
SAT Prep assignments and assessments: Close reading of articles & Vocabulary
Grammar assignments and assessments
Persuasive Writing & Persuasive Essay
Spooky/Horror/Gothic Stories
Narrative Scary Story Writing
Poetry and Music
Drama: Somewhere In Time

SAT Prep assignments and assessments: Vocabulary & Charts & Graphs
Grammar assignments and assessments
Civil War & Realism: Research Paper & Presentation
Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulson
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Course materials
1. Chrome book

2. Pens and pencils you cannot write without them; a highlighter should be on hand as well.
3. A 3-ring binder or notebook --may be completed virtually if desired--with two (2) dividers or sections labeled as follows:
(1) Vocabulary and (2) Class Notes

4. A Journal (this will be kept in the classroom and distributed when prompted to write in it). You may complete this
virtually if desired.

5. While not required, I suggest you keep a separate binder to keep class handouts, notes, vocabulary and grammar
assignments, etc. in a binder. You will need this material for various assignments throughout the school year. Keep ALL
handouts and assignments until the end of the semester.



Classroom procedures
Grading: All written work will be graded on how well you have met the specific goals/objectives for a given assignment
as well as personal improvement. All students are expected to improve.
Typing: All major writing assignments, including poetry, must be typed.
Writing: This is a reading and writing class, so you will be expected to write almost every day. Assignments may be
shared with the class; at times, you may be required to make oral presentations of your poems/stories/essays.
Grading Policy: The BHS district, grading policy is followed.
Due Dates: On time is defined as at the beginning of the hour on the day assignments are due. If you miss class on the
day an assessment is due, but you are in school for part of that day, you are expected to submit that day.
If you are absent on the day(s) of or before a test and are aware of the scheduled test / materials to be covered, you will
take it upon your return (if you are absent on a day homework is due and were aware of the assignment, it is also due upon
your return).
If you are not aware of the scheduled test / materials to be covered, you must take the assessment within two days after
returning to school. Failure to do this will result in a zero for that test/quiz grade.

c. It is your responsibility to check the lesson plans online and have required assignments completed when

possible. Students will not be excused due to lack of responsibility in obtaining the assignments.
d. Under other circumstances, all school absence policies apply.
7. Late Work:
a. The handbook will be followed: You will have until the 8th week of the marking period to complete late
work for a reduced grade. The amount of deduction will increase the more time that passes from the due
8. Plagiarism is the intentional and unauthorized misrepresentation of anothers work as ones own. In addition, any
unethical practice which compromises the integrity or intent of an assignment or assessment shall be deemed
plagiarism/cheating and will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.
NOTE: Do not cheat you learn nothing, but I learn volumes about you.
9. Behavioral Expectations: Respect for others is mandatory. No student is to conduct himself or herself in a
manner that interferes with other students opportunity to learn or my ability to teach. Please refer to the student
handbook for further information regarding school policies for behavioral expectations.
Your actions represent who you are! Remember that our classroom is one of respect, trust, and tolerance. Be mindful of
what you say, how you conduct yourself, and how you treat other people.

Classroom rules
Be Prompt

Be Prepared

Be respectful to your peers and myself by being on time.

Bring all supplies and required reading or homework to class.

Be Productive

Respect class time by working to learn as much as possible during class time.
Follow direction the first time they are given.

Respect yourself, your classmates and your teacher(s)

Raise your hand to make a comment or respond to a question
Use appropriate language

Be Polite

Phone, headphone/earphone, electronic device policy

The use of cell phones, iPhones, iPods, iPads, other portable music players, portable gaming devices, and any other
electronic device except for your Chrome book is strictly prohibited. Any visible electronic device will be confiscated for
the class period. If such an issue happens more than once, it will be given to administration for the remainder of the day.
(There will be instances in which I will find it useful to employ an electronic device, such as a cell phone, as a learning
tool. At such times, explicit directions about when/how to use such devices will be provided). Be sure to communicate
with me about issues with your Chrome book. If yours is being repaired, speak with me and permission may be granted to
use other electronic devices instead.
Remember that gaming is prohibited on Chrome books during school hours. If you abuse this, your Chromebook will be
taken away for the hour or even longer.

Always remember
As your teacher, I am committed to helping you build your confidence by acquiring knowledge, developing educated
opinions, and communicating effectively. It is my goal that you learn, grow and succeed. If you have a question,
comment, or concern, please do not hesitate to talk to me. I am available to you before school and after school. Please feel
free to email me at any time.
Guardians: Please fill out and have your son/daughter return back to me. Thank you.

Breckenridge Schools: Caring People Committed to Excellence

Please read over my classroom syllabus with the student as it explains my expectations in this class. Please sign as a
statement that you have read and understand its contents, and then ask students to do the same. Students will submit this
page but keep the syllabus. I hope that you will state below if you are aware of any problem that will impair your childs
classroom performance or if you have any concerns. Any comments that would be helpful to me in teaching your child
would also be appreciated. For future correspondence, e-mail is best.
Miss Landis
(Print) Student Name ______________________________ (Print) Guardian Name_______________________________
Student Signature_________________________________ Guardian Signature__________________________________
Day Phone _____________________________ Email _____________________________________________________
Comments or Suggestions: ____________________________________________________________________________

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