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Careful study of the following exercises will not only develop great fast technique, but foster the fine motor
control needed to create artistic phrasing. The hand, wrist, arm, and shoulder should be relaxed at all times.
The finger should never leave the pearl of the key. To accomplish this focus on simply relaxing the finger after
it has been pushed down, rather than lifting it up. The natural position of the finger is up as can be easily
demonstrated by having a partner push your fingers down. They will return to the raised position without any
effort on your part. As with many things, these exercise help us to get out of our own way

Using either patterns 1 and/or 2 play the note pairs on the next page. Use the following tempos:
72 - 96 - 112 - 120 - 132 - 144 - 152 - 160

Left Hand - Four fingers

Right Hand - Four fingers

Palm keys

2nd Finger - 3rd Finger/Pinkey

Side Bb/A# (Ta)

Cross fingerings - The middle D break

Low Register

Awakward fingerings

* Practice using the Bis fingering as well

+Practice with the chromatic F (Tf) and C (Tc) as well

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