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Destiny Jacobs
Mentor Essay
August 7, 2016
Effective Mentor Essay
Mentorship plays a vital role within the health care fields. This process is represented
across many professions. Residency programs offer a form of mentorship to physicians and
physicists. Clinical rotations are an example of mentorship within the field of radiation therapy
and medical dosimetry. Mentors have the opportunity to shape the values and practices of a
profession.1 In medical dosimetry, the role of the mentor is a dynamic one. They have a
responsibility to the mentee to teach, guide, instruct, encourage, etc. in order to shape them into
the best possible medical dosimetrist. The quality of the profession is guided by the character,
enthusiasm and communication skills of a mentor.
A persons character can really shape what type of work ethic they exhibit. In order for a
mentor to have an effective impact, it is important that they have good qualities and
characteristics. Knowledge of the field, patience and constructive criticism are some specific
characteristics are very important for an effective dosimetry mentor to have (Michelle Rocque
MS, R.T. (R)(T), oral communication, Aug 2016). The field of medical dosimetry is ever
evolving. The technology changes from day to day. It is very important for a mentor to be
knowledgeable of the field in order to pass on the most current tools and techniques. When a
mentor takes the time to pass on what they know it is most effective. Having patience ensures
that knowledge is not passed along hastily and can be more readily understood and applied. It is
important to allow someone to learn by doing, even if it takes more time to do so, instead of just
telling them what to do (Michelle Rocque MS, R.T.(R)(T), oral communication, Aug 2016).
Lastly, the ability to pass along constructive criticism can really aid in being an effective mentor.
Criticism is easy to give someone. In order for it to be most effective, it has to be constructive.
When given criticism people typically go on the defensive and the lesson is never learned. A
good mentor knows how to make teachable moments enjoyable, even when they are correcting a
Being enthusiastic in what you do is almost like a magnet. People are drawn to those
who enjoy what they are doing and it also helps you to perform better. When mentors teach you
things with enthusiasm it helps you to recall what they have taught you easily and makes it

Destiny Jacobs
Mentor Essay
August 7, 2016
important because it was important to them (Daniel Jacobs BSW, oral communication, Aug
Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. In order for the mentor and
mentee relationship to work effectively, there has to be good communication. The mentor needs
to be able to communicate what is expected and the mentee needs to be able to communicate
what they need assistance with. If there is not healthy communication between the two, barriers
can be made and very little learning will take place. When barriers come up people tend to start
telling people what to do instead of leading them or showing them good practices. An effective
mentor is one who shows you step by step not tells you and expects you to do it (Michelle
Rocque MS, R.T.(R)(T), oral communication, Aug 2016). Mentor and mentee relationships can
often times have better communication when the two are a good fit for one another.1
Mentors have the opportunity to shape a field by molding its students. This shaping can
be done through good characteristics, enthusiasm, and healthy communication skills. Effective
mentors really have a great opportunity make a significant impact on the field. When mentors
are put in place early they can have a positive impact on the student, which in turn is a win-win
for the field.2

Destiny Jacobs
Mentor Essay
August 7, 2016
1. Lenards N. Professionalism & Mentoring: Mentoring. [Softchalk]. La Crosse, WI: UW-L
Medical Dosimetry Program; 2016.
2. Kowtko C. Mentoring practices in radiologic science education. Radiol Technol.

Destiny Jacobs
Mentor Essay
August 7, 2016
Appendix A
Destiny Jacobs
Mentoring Interview with Michelle Rocque, MS R.T. (R)(T) (Transcript)
August 1, 2016
Q: In your own words, what is an effective mentor?
A: Alright let me think, an effective mentor is someone who can take the time to not only teach
but watch what their mentee is doing give effective productive feedback. They allow the mentee
to grow and learn while there teaching instead of telling them this is step one, do it.
Q: What qualities or characteristics does an effective mentor have?
A: Someone who is knowledgeable in the area that they are mentoring, more than just a basic
knowledge. Someone who has a lot of patience to listen as well as teach, and someone who
knows how to give constructive criticism
Q: Are the characteristics you just listed, knowledge, patience and constructive criticism,
something that comes naturally or is it learned within your fields?
A: I think the longer someone has been in the field the better mentor they probably are. For
myself I dont think I would be a good mentor in dosimetry, because I am still learning myself,
but longevity helps them to have those qualities. But that does not mean that someone that is
new could not be a good mentor. Anyone who is willing to help someone to learn and to better
learn in the field could be a mentor no matter how long they have been in the field themselves.
Q: Do you think there can be ineffective or poor mentors? Someone who impacts negatively
A: I do think there can be ineffective mentors. Negative impacts can happen if you have a
personality clash or a mentee that is not used to listening or taking constructive criticism. A lot
of it depends on the ability to communicate effectively. If both people are not open to listening
to each other then it can be ineffective.
Q: Have you ever had someone mentor you?
A: Oh my goodness, yes! I have had many mentors.
Q: What skills did they pass on that were effective?

A: Oh my goodness, if I was to pick just one mentor, she taught me how to work well with
others. She taught me a good work ethic. Not only did she give me the skills to be a good
therapist, but also building blocks to become a good dosimetrist. She exhibited patience and the
desire to help.
Q: Have you ever been a mentor to someone?
A: Um, yes I have.
Q: How did you prepare for that role?
A: I prepared by trying to take- I prepared by knowing my field, by expounding my education in
the area I was mentoring, and building a personal relationship with the person to help them
Q: What are the similarities and/or differences between a teacher and a mentor?
A: A teacher teaches information, a mentor goes deeper and has more of the desire to know that
someone is learning. A mentor has more of a personal connection to the mentees success. We
have all had teachers that teach us subject matter, but it the mentor that longs for us to succeed.
The relationship you build with your mentor makes you not want to disappoint them, so you try
your best. Kind of like a parent to child relationship.
Q: Do you think it is necessary to have a mentor in a health profession field?
A: Necessary? I dont know, but it is extremely helpful. Healthcare needs that personal
connection that can only be learned from a mentor. Someone showing how to care, not just
telling you to care.

Destiny Jacobs
Mentor Essay
August 7, 2016
Appendix B
Destiny Jacobs
Mentoring Interview with Daniel Jacobs, BSW (Transcript)
August 3, 2016
Q: In your own words, what is an effective mentor?
A: An effective mentor is someone who takes time with someone.
Q: What qualities or characteristics does an effective mentor have?
A. Qualities of an effective mentor would be things like good work ethic, enthusiastic,
encouraging, team player. Things like that.
Q: Are those characteristics learned or do you think they come naturally? Are people natural
A: I think that anyone can be a mentor. Whether they are good or not, that would be where these
qualities come in. I think you have to have a natural teaching tendency to be a good mentor. If
you are put into a position where you are a mentor and you are not a very patient or encouraging
person, you could really do the person you are mentoring a disservice.
Q: Do you think there can be ineffective or poor mentors? Someone who impacts negatively.
A: Absolutely. Someone who does not enjoy what they do, and is a mentor to someone in that
field. They could really shed a negative cloud on the whole field for that person who is learning.
They could also pass along some really bad habits.
Q: Have you ever had someone mentor you?
A: Yes
Q: What skills did they pass on that were effective?
A: One particular mentor taught me how to approach problems effective in order to get the best
result quickly. It was very easy for me to learn from this mentor. He was always excited to show
me how to do something. I think that helped me to remember the things he showed me and made
those tasks seem important as well.
Q: Have you ever been a mentor to someone?
A: Not that I can remember.

Q: What are the similarities and/or differences between a teacher and a mentor?
A: Teachers and mentors are a lot alike. They both are tasked to provide you with a skill that
you can perform. A mentor, though, gives you more of the emotional aspect. They are
emotionally vested in your success. So I guess teachers can be mentors too.
Q: Do you think it is necessary to have a mentor in your professional field?
A: I think it is very important to have a mentor in the field of social work. Social work is almost
95% emotional. You have to know how to deal with situations that are not always text book, and
a mentor can help you with different situations through their previous experiences.

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