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Room 262
Twitter: @vbauerreitz
English 12 Overview
This class will give you opportunities to grow as readers, writers, speakers, and
people. This course will help you to be better prepared for future jobs, college, the
military, etc.
Course Content
Quarter 1: Narrative Writing- Common App Essay
Quarter 2: Informative Writing- Research Paper connecting to Senior Project
Quarter 3: Argumentative Writing
Quarter 4: Argumentative Writing
Quarter 1: British Literature and nonfiction articles
Quarter 2: Into the Wild by John Krakauer and nonfiction articles
Quarter 3: nonfiction articles
Quarter 4: British Literature
At the beginning of every class period you will be asked to do a short activity such as a
writing prompt, blog, etc. that will either review previous material or introduce you to
upcoming lessons.
Formative and Summative Assessments:
Mastery of the required skills will be monitored through formative (quizzes) and
summative (tests) assessments. These will be used by all of the senior English teachers to
guide our instruction and measure your progress throughout the year.
Senior Project Fridays:
Most Fridays will be devoted to the ongoing preparation toward the Reitz Senior Service
Learning Project, technology creation, presentation preparation, and the writing of the
portfolio that ALL seniors will complete.

Grading Scale:
Standard: 90 A, 80 B, 70 C, 60 D (Cumulative Grading Periods)
Every day you will need to bring a charged netbook, paper, and pencil.
Late Work:
All work is due by the assigned date or may be docked up to 40%
Everyone will be expected to participate in class. You will need to be respectful of others
opinions and ideas.
Submitting work this is not correctly quoted with citation or is in any form not your own
original work will result in a zero and possible referral to the office.
If you are absent, check google classroom, the class weebly page, or shoot me an email.
There will also be folders posted in the classroom where you will find any work you
missed that was passed out in class. It is your responsibility to make up any work that you
may have missed. You will have the number of days that you missed to make up your
Phones are wonderful, but you DONT need them at all times! There will be times when
your phones will be able to be used in the classroom, but for the majority of the time,
YOUR PHONE NEEDS TO BE PUT AWAY. If your phone becomes a problem, you will
1. Be given a verbal reminder to put it away
2. Have your phone taken away for the remainder of the period
3. Your phone will be sent to the office to be picked up at the end of the day

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