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The Utility of Metaphysics Within the Professional Paradigm

Erroll Najee
University of Metaphysical Sciences

Chapter I: Introduction

p. 5

Chapter II: Review of Literature

p. 5

Chapter III: Methods

p. 18

Chapter IV: Findings

p. 21

Chapter V: Discussion

p. 30

Chapter VI: Conclusion

p. 34


p. 37

University of Metaphysical Sciences

The Utility of Metaphysics Within the Professional Paradigm

This is to certify that the Ph.D. Dissertation of

Erroll Najee
Has been approved by the Examining Committee for the thesis requirement for the
From University of Metaphysical Sciences

Thesis Committee: _________________________

Dissertation Supervisor



Erroll Najee

A dissertation submitted pertaining to the requirements for the degree of

From University of Metaphysical Sciences


Chapter I: Introduction
The overarching purpose of this treatise is to illustrate the practical applications of
metaphysics and pragmatic metaphysical modalities within professional training frameworks;
particularly in terms of training medical professionals, lawyers and law enforcement
professionals. Throughout 25 years of practical training experience utilizing metaphysics, and
over 40 years of learning about metaphysics, I have learned that key tenets of metaphysics (such
as affirmations, the power of positive thinking, self-confidence and holistic-empathic
communication) engender a positive and lasting effect in terms of training business professionals
in a variety of trying fields. Furthermore, my emergency business training company uses
metaphysical imperatives and strategies to aid professionals in overcoming difficulties with
workplace violence, communicational imbroglios and interpersonal areas of work where
miscommunications must be troubleshot effectively. Metaphysics helps professionals to hone
their skill-sets, optimize the value they provide to the community, and create a positive and
empowering environment for themselves and others to thrive in. The purview of this paper is to
explain metaphysics, outline its practical applications and define how it can proactively better
peoples lives, potentialities and achievements. Metaphysics is a system of psychological inquiry
that uses interdisciplinary cognitive, emotional and spiritual methods to influence ones own life,
the life of others and the external environment.
Chapter II: Review of Literature
Title: The Sacred Journey: You and Your Higher Self
Author: Lazaris (channeled through the medium of Jach Pursel)

Credentials: Previous President for Concept: Synergy, a company promoting disciplines of selflove (incorporated in California 37 years ago and currently disbanded).
Synopsis: The transmissions of Lazaris outlines the main tenets of spiritual enlightenment by
way of recognizing the power of divine self-love. Lazaris teaches strategies for opening ones
heart to love, joy, light, love and happiness. He teaches that ultimate transcendence over physical
limitations and suffering can be begotten by way of fully accepting the responsibility of our pain
and loss. Lazaris also discusses multi-tiered approaches of positive thinking and mantra-oriented
affirmations that help the truth-seeker and acolyte in terms of achieving transcendence through
knowing oneself intimately and unrestrictedly.
Recommendation: This book is highly recommended. It is an unorthodox book, since it is written
by a channeled entity, but its teachings on the principles of the higher self and the astral
principles of selfhood are astounding and enlightening. This book is very thought-provoking and
provides innovative insight into the nature of coming-of-age and maturation in a time where
spirituality is continually morphing and metamorphosing.
Title: The Greatest (My Own Story)
Author: Muhammad Ali & Toni Morrison
Credentials: Muhammad Ali was a legendary boxer and athlete, unapologetic anti-war advocate,
alluring showman and humanitarian goodwill ambassador. Toni Morrison is an acclaimed literary
provocateur and artist par excellence.
Synopsis: In Alis own jarring words, the heavyweight champion of the world pulls no punches
as he anecdotally chronicles the battles he faced in an out of the ring in this fascinating and

riveting memoir edited by Nobel Prize-winning novelist, Toni Morrison. Ali details his staunch
work ethic, his core beliefs in himself and his enthusiasm for achievement, goal-setting and
making dreams into a blueprint for reality. He also discusses techniques of visualizing positive
results in order to manifest them into reality.
Growing up in the racial divide and discriminatory environment of the South, Ali fought not just
for a living, but also for respect and life rewards far more precious than money or accolades. He
was also named Sportsman of the Century by Sports Illustrated and the BBC. Ali redefined
athleticism by giving hope to millions around the world and inspiring everyone to fight for what
they believe in. As such, Alis book emphasizes his motivational approach to athletics and life.
Recommendation: This is a very useful and multifaceted book since Alis own words are used to
show the dynamism of his life and his beliefs. This book is devoid of dull moments and chock
full of positive outlooks on life, freedom through work, and earning success and self-confidence
through triumphing over adversity and travail.
Title: The Power of Positive Thinking
Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Credentials: Raised as a Methodist and ordained as a Methodist minister in 1922, Peale changed
his religious affiliation to the Reformed Church in America in 1932 and began a 52-year tenure
as pastor of the famed Marble Collegiate Church in New York City.
Synopsis: Peales controversial tome details how to overcome the pressing problems that plague
everyday life. Namely, Peale delves into how to eliminate the crippling nature of self-doubt, how
to free oneself from worry, stress, anxiety and resentment, how to take a birds eye view of

problems in order to visualize solutions and attain them, and how to effectively use simple prayer
and mindfulness exercises in order to reinforce newfound habits of happiness at any point
throughout the day. Peale explicates upon a regimen for how to eliminate negative thoughts and
self-talk that prevents one from achieving happiness, self-actualization and success. His inspiring
and effective program linearly adds on to the wisdom of Earl Nightingale by showcasing how
people are completely able to take responsibility for their own happiness and change their life for
their better by systematically modifying their outlooks, attitudes and behaviors.
Recommendation: This book is intensively useful for those who seek a practical and structured
regimen for purging negativity from ones life and supplanting such negativity with selfconfidence, positivity, wonderment and fulfillment. Peales program stresses confidence,
powerful affirmations, emotional clarity, psychological probity and realistic assessments of
practical solutions.
Title: A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Author: Mary Baker Eddy
Credentials: Mary Baker Eddy (July 16, 1821 December 3, 1910) was the founder of Christian
Science a watershed religious movement that took hold in the United States during the latter
half of the 19th century. Her most famous book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
(first published in 1875) met with critical acclaim and she founded the Church of Christ,
Scientist in 1879. Eddy also founded the Christian Science Publishing Society in 1898 which
continues to publish a number of widely read periodicals, including the popular Christian
Science Monitor (initially printed in 1908).

Synopsis: Eddy expounds upon the positivistic scientific marriage of spirituality and objective
analysis of reality in order to cure lifes ills in multi-tiered interdisciplinary ways that do away
with the antiquated divide between religion and science. The book also highlights the syncretic
ways in which spirituality and scientific inquiry mirror each other and complement each other by
way of making a well-functioning unity out of a duality. The practice of Christian Science is
certainly not perfect. However, while no therapeutic system is perfect, todays readers of Science
and Health who have been cured of cancer, diabetes, asthma, or HIV, who also read The New
Yorker, play jazz, are academicians, members of the literati and interfaith groups, medal athletes
or soccer moms and dads, are a testament to Eddys system for packaging spiritual sciences in a
system that is pragmatic and suitable for modern-day living. Moreover, the polymaths and gifted
folks who benefit most assiduously from Eddys precepts would find Christian Science, as a
whole, a breath of fresh air and a delightfully refreshing take on spirituality; much different from
Frasers or Ballietts views on the subject.
Recommendation: This title is useful in terms of understanding the proverbial alchemical
marriage between religion and scientific inquiry. Eddy stipulates how the linearity of the
scientific method and the holistic non-linearity of spirituality are not mutually exclusive. They
actually complement one other and help shed light on the totality of the human experience.
Title: Im Ok --- Youre Ok
Author: Dr. Thomas Harris
Credentials: Im OK --- Youre OK is a 1969 self-help classic written by Thomas Anthony Harris.
It is a practical guide to transactional analysis as a method for troubleshooting problems in life.
The book stayed on the New York Times bestseller list from 1972 -1974. The publisher estimates


that the book has sold over 15 million copies to date and has been translated into over 12
Synopsis: Harris uses transactional analysis to explicate upon the four life positions that one
can take throughout life. These four positions are

Im Not OK, Youre OK

Im Not OK, Youre Not OK
Im OK, Youre Not OK
Im OK, Youre OK

The most common position, in Harriss view, is Im Not OK, Youre OK. Harris touches upon
how transactional analysis, by way of communicational acuity, can help people to understand
how their life position affects the way in which they interface and relate to others and the world
as a whole. As such, Harriss four positions show the power of cognition in terms of imprinting
and molding reality. For instance, a negative attitude filled with self-doubt and fatalism will
engender and project that worldview into palpable external reality. Conversely, a satisfied view
that one is OK and the world is also OK leads to a corporeal reality where everything is in its
right place and the best of all possible worlds is manifest. Harris uses practical advice to decode
the semiotics of physical and verbal communicational cues that underlie ones world view. For
instance, a person in a Parent-ego state uses evaluative words that imply automatic and axiomatic
judgment (i.e. utilizing words such as stupid, naughty, ridiculous or should). As such, words are
powerful and can imprint reality in lasting and mutable ways.
Recommendation: This book is highly recommended due to its in-depth definition of
transactional analysis as the delineation of three observable ego states (i.e. Parent, Adult and
Child) as the formative basis for the content, quality and accuracy of interpersonal
communication. Happy childhood notwithstanding, Harris states that most people are living


out the Not OK feelings of a defenseless child who is dependent on OK others (i.e.
adults/parents) for nurturing and caring. Harris also accurately shows how early positional
stances taken in childhood about ourselves and others imprints and determines how we will act
out our communicational values later on in life. Moreover, negative life positions, shared by
successful and unsuccessful people alike, contaminates ones rational adult capabilities and
potentialities, leaving people vulnerable to inappropriate emotional reactions of an uncritical
child. Harris shows how exploration of structural aspects of personalities and comprehension of
old decisions can help people to find freedom and positive changed within their lives.
Title: As a Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen
Credentials: James Allen (28 November 1864 24 January 1912) was a British philosophical
writer known for his inspirational books and poetry which pioneered the self-help movement. As
a Man Thinketh, his best known work, has been mass-produced since initial publication in 1903
and has acted as a primary source of inspiration and motivation for many self-help authors.
Synopsis: Written during the rigors and innovations of Britains industrial age, during an age of
proletariat oppression, James Allen showcases how a persons thoughts, and not mere
circumstances, are the driving force behind the creation of ones life events. Allen shows how
every action is a derivative of an initial thought and that thinking is the fundamental law that
causally begets actions. Allens book is a precursor to the 21st century principles of the law of
attraction. Allen pinpoints how thoughts and positive intentions induce commensurate actions.
He also portrays how divinity and God fit into the picture of self-affirmation and clear and
concise positive thinking.


Recommendation: This book is incredibly instructive. Based on the Biblical passage of Proverbs
23:7, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, Allens short treatise on positive thinking brought
him posthumous fame and defined the genre of motivational thought. Moreover, Allens life is
inspiring in that he quit his secretarial work in order to take a large risk and pursue his writing
and editing passion. In 1903, Allen and his family retired to the town of Ilfracombe where he
continued to publish the Epoch. Throughout this book, and the rest of his oeuvre, Allen maintains
that man is the singular master of thought, the molder of character, and the artisan and shaper of
conditions, environments and destinies. He compares the human mind to a garden and the man to
a gardener. Just as a gardener removes weeds from the garden, so must we discard the impure
and self-defeating thoughts from our mind in order to concentrate on cultivating useful and pure
thoughts. Thoughtful applications and correct choices aid man in ascending towards perfection.
Moreover, this book lays the foundation for the modernly popular law of attraction.
Title: The Quickening
Author: Stuart Wilde
Credentials: Stuart Wilde (24 September 1946 1 May 2013) was a British writer best known for
his works on the new age, self-empowerment and spirituality. He was also an eminent lecturer,
teacher, humorist, essayist, scriptwriter, lyricist and music producer. He authored twenty books
including the popular series The Taos Quintet: Miracles, The Force, Affirmations, The
Quickening and The Trick to Money Is Having Some.
Synopsis: The Quickening offers bold and insightful aphorisms on how to empower oneself,
developing a lifestyle devoid of rote and mechanical actions, choosing the speed of what happens
in ones life via the inner I in the subconscious, and so on. Wilde uses colorful and innovative


figurative language and examples to call attention to the beauty of the universe and the
potentialities of life. For instance, he implores readers to go stare at a flower until the awareness
hits that there are entire universes (both large and microcosmic) that are as ornate, individualistic
and full of life as our own. Wilde also showcases teachings of abundance (i.e. insist on more and
youll soon get it), being committed to oneself through mindfulness, dedication to the higher self,
gratitude for the WEALTH of health and the gift of life, principles of desperation and hesitation
and the necessity of selectively choosing ones friends, associates and loved ones since they are a
reflection of oneself. Wilde closes the book with explaining how, as ones power grows, ones
ability to bring goodness to the world become even more expansive.
Recommendation: Even though Wilde has journeyed back to the non-physical realm, his
teachings are still very much a part of this world. Seekers of truth can use this book to embark
upon a stolid life journey and mission, just like Wilde, in order to rise above despair and
confusion in service of harnessing and using positive energy for self-transformation. Peace,
positive thinking, and abundances of love can make the world a much better place, as Wilde
states, due to the inordinate power of thought on our actions.
Title: Volunteers of America
Author: Robert Pratt
Credentials: In 1968, Bob Pratt joined VOALA. After years on the front lines, he was named
President in 1984. A firm belief in the innate health and unlimited potential of people, combined
with hands-on experience and 25 years as President, gave Bob an unparalleled view of the
realities and challenges facing modern communities.


Synopsis: Pratts book highlights how Volunteers of America is ultimately committed to finding
lasting solutions to pressing issues that burden us as individuals and as a collective society. The
challenges for VOALA is to move beyond impacting one life at a time to creating an
interdisciplinary latticework of ripple effects that enact positive changes that permanently
transform entire neighborhoods. Bob Pratt explains how VOALAs commitment to implementing
lasting solutions and policy changes has unearthed innovative ways to support personal growth
and self-sufficiency in holistic and sustainable ways. Moreover, VOALA believes that the first
step towards positive change is to see people as fundamentally healthy rather than broken and ill.
Pratts fundamental wellness model focuses on strengths rather than weaknesses and does not
rely on external interventions. Rather, trust is put in innate competence and the resilience of
people to reclaim hope, dignity and purpose in service of living meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Recommendation: This book offers an in-depth exegesis on the human condition, what types of
support people need in order to bolster effective change, and how positive changes can take root
and last. This book is highly recommended for its inspirational outlook on the fundamental good
in people.
Title: Dark, Light, Almost White - Memoir of a Creole Son
Author: Warren Barrios Wilson
Credentials: Warren Barrios Wilson (18 January, 1921 26 October, 2012) was a successful
businessman, civil rights attorney, entrepreneur, philanthropist, author and community activist.
For 43 years, Wilson led the Thomas Bros. Maps, the renowned street-mapping company, which,
long before Google Street Views, Garmin and GPS, was the go-to guide for every destination in
California. Upon selling Thomas Bros. Maps, Wilson and his wife established the non-profit


organization, The Barrios Trust, in order to support disadvantaged young people in their pursuit
of higher education.
Synopsis: This book offers a fascinating insider glimpse into Warren Wilsons life and how, in
the face of brute racism, he overcame many challenges in order to become a prominent civil
rights attorney. Wilson believed that Poetry can be perceived as threads of insipired thought like
the warp and the weft, woven into a meaningful fabric. As such, his book poetically alludes to
his Creole background, his migration from New Orleans to Pensacola, Florida and, ultimately, to
Oakland, California and the troubles he encountered along the way. Wilson depicts how Creoles
were treated within the wider societal context at the time and the wide gamut of educational
experiences he went through in terms of finding himself and coming of age.
Recommendation: This book, coupled with The Amistad Research Centers informational
Warren Wilson papers, showcase a vast understanding of Creole heritage and diaspora within the
United States. The anecdotes present in this book, coupled with Wilsons personally bound
diaries, explicate upon the importance of personal growth, steadfastness and personal resolve in
the face of adversity, challenges and seemingly insurmountable discriminatory environments.
Title: The Mainspring of Human Progress
Author: Henry Grady Weaver
Credentials: Weavers The Mainspring of Human Progress is a recognized libertarian history
book published in 1947 by Talbot Books. In 1953, the Foundation for Economic Education
printed a revised edition and all subsequent printings.


Synopsis: Weavers book recounts how capitalism has been the generative force of civilization
for centuries. It has thrived most beautifully in America; the country that threw off the shackles
of the static old world in order to create a new world rooted in meritocratic progress and rugged
individualism. This book tells the true story of the human races progress throughout the epochs
with a wealth of acuity and understanding of the fundamental cause of all social progressions:
freedom in and of itself. It is freedom, as an ideological guiding light, that has enacted
unimaginable flights of fancy in terms of creativity, wealth creation and technological savvy.
Weavers erudite commentary draws attention to the basic tenets of capitalism and the profit
motive as the main catalyst for self-achievement, societal dynamism and civilized progress.
Recommendation: Written in 1943, this book is still prescient in terms of highlighting the merits
of capitalism in terms of personal and societal development. Leonard Read of the Foundation for
Economic Education initially proclaimed the glories of the book, reprinted hundreds of
thousands of copies and fomented intellectual revolutions as a result of Weavers words.
Weavers text, newly reprinted by the Mises Institute, also offers insights into interesting
revisionist history detailing Islamic contributions to capitalistic frameworks.
Title: Successful Seminars & Workshops
Author: Howard L. Shenson
Credentials: Howard Shenson shares proven-to-be-effective, research-oriented strategies that
have been responsible for filling more than one million seminar seats in order to show anyone
with marketable knowledge how to succeed in the dynamic seminar business.
Synopsis: Shensons text acts as a complete guide to succeeding in the modern worlds
burgeoning seminar business while also having applications to multi-level marketing modalities.


Shenson developed a program for market testing, pricing, promotions and advertising that
teaches acolytes the ins and outs of the adult education business (i.e. seminars, workshops,
classes and conferences). The adult education business is one of the fastest growing industries in
America and, for many, extremely profitable and fulfilling since purveyors can add vast value to
end-users lives. Shenson shares insider advice and pragmatic tips pertaining to:

How to select a marketable subject and test market any seminar for less than $1,000
How to develop a multi-faceted dynamic program featuring effective program materials
How to create a powerful, registration-producing marketing strategy with winning

promotional materials
How to assess promotional effectiveness and fine-tune marketing imperatives for

increased sales
How to evaluate and choose where and when to conduct seminars/workshops for

maximal optimization
How to select hotel and conference facilities for maximal location and aesthetical

How to price your program to ensure maximum registrations, customer satisfaction and

How to develop and obtain program materials and how to add to profits through back-of-

the-room sales of ancillary products and services

How to creatively select and rent mailing lists in order to maximize direct mail responses
while reducing marketing expenses

Recommendation: This tell-all instructional manual on the seminar business, explains how
budding entrepreneurs can break into such a fast-paced industry and realize spectacular success
through ingenuity, innovation and marketing savvy. Shenson provides the necessary fundaments
and sophisticated add-ons that can turn any persons million dollar idea into a seminar


Chapter III: Research Methods

The primary research methods utilized centered on utilizing effective meditation
techniques within professional training modalities that put students/participants receiving
training in a frame of mind conducive to imbibing particular subject matter. These
interdisciplinary meditational, mindfulness and calmative techniques engaged psychological,
emotional, psychosomatic and spiritual processes of cognition and personality structures in order
to aid participants in terms of connecting with the subject matter in an intriguing and effective
way that would lead to optimal retention.
On a yearly basis, I conducted approximately three group meetings per month featuring
25 participants per session. This equates to an annual participation sampling size of
approximately 900 people. This explains how the data of this research method technique was
framed, collated, collected and evaluated. Within these qualitatively evaluated sessions, each
participant was given an opportunity to provide an in-depth self-evaluation pertaining to the
metrics of how professional training affected their professions and the overarching quality of
their lives. Most of the evaluations were held in my office while the remainders were held by the
State of California. The evaluations were assessed on a bell-curve as a normative mode of
distribution. The evaluation took the form of a questionnaire and used 4-tiered Likert scales to
gauge participant responses.
Personal Relevance
Each time that I conduct a professional training course, it is an honor and a privilege to
go before a group and train the participants from a metaphysical perspective steeped in the prime


tenets of affirmation, self-discipline, positive thinking and optimism. Personally, I find training
to a be an intensive form of self-therapy in that it allows me to interact and lead a group of
disciplined and promising participants in order to help them unify and openly become one so as
to reach our group-oriented goals. The whole is much more than the sum of the parts and I find
that my therapeutic group training sessions delve into optimizing humanitarian imperatives while
also digging deep into the core principles of the psyche. Moreover, I use motivational techniques
in order to elicit the fullest potentialities out of each and every participant. In this sense, training
become inherently personal in that I understand, empathize and connect with each and every
participants professional needs and their personal aspirations.
I was initially exposed to metaphysics at the ripe age of 15. I received my first book on
the subject and it quickly enlightened my sensibilities and spurred my imagination and curiosity
onward. I continued my metaphysical self-education during outreach programs. My high school
outreach curriculum allowed me to attend UCS in Los Angeles where I was able to read in-depth
tomes on metaphysical sciences. As I matured and became older, metaphysical ways of thinking
became a way of life that influenced many, if not all, of my thoughts, core beliefs and actions.
The most important principle that metaphysical inquiry instilled in me was the notion that
everyone creates their own reality and is the prime arbiter and architect of their own life. This
realization taught me that I am truly the only party responsible for the trajectory of my life.
Importance of the Topic
Metaphysics is very important to me, because it is the overarching thread that ties
together cognition, spirituality, emotions and physicality. Metaphysics is the seemingly magical


way of taking thoughts as blueprints and catalyzing them into concrete reality. Throughout my
religious studies, going as far back as the dawn of Christianity, I can see the affects that
metaphysics has had on various peoples and civilizations. Metaphysics has shaped world leaders,
innovators, iconoclasts and everyday people. Furthermore, metaphysics has primed individuals
to use motivation as a tool to achieve goals. Metaphysics has informed and shaped my life and
the lives of my family and friends by way of optimizing personal development and aiding in
clear decision-making.
Further Relevance
The relevance of metaphysics is steeped in how it helps people synthesize their life
experiences (i.e. learning, training and development) in service of expressing such experiences in
creative and life-affirming ways that promote sustainability, positivity and growth. Putting my
metaphysical theories down from mind to paper is a cathartic act that displays the erudition that
metaphysical study has bestowed upon me. Metaphysics has underlined and informed my
personal metamorphosis from my coming-of-age teenage years to my adult years. For instance,
my earliest metaphysical inquiries taught me the pragmatic value of good deeds and positive
thoughts being rewarded in commensurate ways. This award-response is a form of metaphysics.
How This Subject Matter Has Impacted My Life
Metaphysics has vastly affected my life especially in terms of goading me to pursue and
attain my goal of achieving numerous higher educational degrees. For instance, I received a B.A.
in Human Service Administration, certificates from UC-Berkeley for Business Development, a
Bachelors Degree in Divinity from the University of Metaphysical Science, and a Masters in
Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Science which I all contribute to the passion


for knowledge that metaphysical inquiry instilled in me. Moreover, metaphysics has permeated
the fabric of my entire life and has expansively influenced the upbringing of my children, the
way in which I interact and share time with my loved ones and the way in which I interface and
connect with the world around me. I continue to integrate metaphysical knowledge within my
daily life in novel and interdisciplinary ways. The science of metaphysics helps me to view the
world objectively without prejudice, discrimination, fallacious thinking or faulty beliefs.
Chapter IV: Findings
The research methodology of Likert scale self-evaluations for professional training
programs identify how principles of metaphysics can be utilized in training modalities in order to
optimize a persons professional acumen and skill-sets. Both self-evaluation questionnaires used
4-tier and 5-tier Likert scale metrics in order to qualitatively and quantitatively assess how
participants felt about the efficacy of the program, the content and visual aids utilized and the
sagacity of the instructor. A bell-curve distribution model was utilized in order to collate and
analyze the data effectively. The CPU & First Aid Training Evaluation used a 1-10 response
system (where 8-10 equals excellent, 5-7 equals good, 2-4 equals fair and 0-1 equals poor) in
order to gauge how respondents felt regarding the instructors presentation, safety orientation
content, instructors knowledge of the subject, usefulness of the assessment, safety issues
purveyed and knowledge accrued from the course. The other course evaluation used a 5-tier
Likert Scale structure (where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither, 4 = agree and 5 =
strongly agree) in order for the respondent to rate factors such as practical applications of subject
matter learned in the course, the efficacy of the physical environment of the classroom, the
course content, the length of the course, the organization of the curriculum, effective usage of


course materials, PowerPoints and media aids, and efficacy of the professors knowledge bases
and teaching style.
Both of these evaluations clearly showcased the main tenets of metaphysical
underpinnings, such as positive thinking, affirmations, optimism and self-confidence. Once the
data was collated, the bell curve distributions showcased that respondents gave very high marks
for all aspects of the training courses. These satisfactory responses inferred that the instructors
presentation, skill-sets and organization of class modalities was optimal, the curriculum was
pragmatic and effective and the ancillary aspects of the course structure was palatable to the
majority of respondents. Moreover, both self-evaluations outline the basis of metaphysics: using
cognition as a blueprint to turn thoughts into concrete reality. As a result, the evaluative input
given by the participants can be used to metamorphose the training courses to that they are even
more optimal in future iterations. Furthermore, any dislikes or complaints can be adequately
addressed by tweaking course variables in ways that are positive and amenable to the greatest
number of participants.
The content of both evaluations highlight the metaphysical premise that thoughts and
ideas are the fodder and raw material for creating reality. Following in the wake of Thomas
Anthony Harriss Im OK Youre OK, the positive catharsis of the self-evaluation process can
be seen as a capitulation of the Im OK Youre OK framework where the respondent feels
self-confident and accepted while also viewing the external societal environment as healthy, too
(Harris, p.37). Unlike the fragmented and self-defeating sophomoric framework of Im Not OK
Youre OK, which Harris argues much of society falls into, self-evaluations use emotive and
cathartic inputs and outputs in order to create mental and emotional liaisons between
participants, instructors and the overarching subject matter (Harris, p.41). In this sense, self-


evaluations symbolize gestural affirmations since completing such a survey in and of itself
intimates that a participant at least acquiesces to the validity and premise of the queried subject.
Much like Muhammad Alis storied metaphysical journey from hardship and adversity to
success and achievement, self-evaluations are metaphysical in nature since they offer participants
the opportunity to reflect upon how they have grown throughout the course in interdisciplinary
and intellectual ways. They are also able to highlight any shortcomings or areas where they feel
that hardship or struggle got the best of them or served to goad them towards greater
achievements. Evaluative metrics within professional training paradigms also provide the
participant with a meta-narrative for success that is predicated on the power of positive thinking,
the galvanization of intention and will power, and the efficacy of positive self-worth (Ali &
Durham, p.84). As a result, evaluations fit within the coming-of-age paradigm in that the latent
meta-narrative purveys how the blueprint for success, individuation and maturation is based on
knowing that one can create ones own reality by metamorphosing positive and pragmatic ways
of thinking into concretized external situations and circumstances.
Evaluative metrics also utilize metaphysical frameworks by mixing subjective feedback
with the rigor of objective science. Just as Mary Baker Eddys Christian Science religion merges
emotional and spiritual religiosity with traits of positivistic scientific inquiry, so does selfevaluation merge subjective anecdotal thoughts with objective scaling methodologies that can be
qualified and quantified in mathematical and discernible ways. Eddys Christian Science tenets
embodied efficacy by coupling the power of faith and belief with the analytical systems of
ratiocination and knowledge encapsulated by modern science (Eddy, p.59). The metaphysical
underpinnings of professional training evaluations utilize positive feedback loops to better the
participant and instructors yield from the course. The evaluation of the comprehensive learning


environment becomes an intellectual biome where cognition is reified and symbolized as the raw
material of personal development and individual/collective maturation. One cannot exist without
the other. Matter progresses as a result of the impetus of the mind to change it at will. As such,
evaluation acts as an important metaphysical tool for reflecting upon prior educational modalities
and volitional actions by way of a mixed-methodology framework.
Evaluations, moreover, are metaphysical in nature and scope due to their self-reflective
nature. One must look back and reflexively cogitate upon their past strengths and weaknesses in
order to provide input and feedback for data analysis. Such input creates a transistorized effect
where a small input of feedback can enact a large output of ways to further ameliorate ones life
and goals (Eddy, p.74). Hence, self-evaluations provide the mixed methodology frameworks
necessary for self-betterment by way of metrics being used as guideposts for continual
incremental achievement.
Self-evaluative frameworks also optimize the learning environment in ways similar to
how seminar workshops optimize the way in which seminars are held, crafted and broadcast to
interested audiences. Positive feedback loops are used in order to generate vaster interest in
bettering programmatic aspects for the sake of optimization (Pratt, p.9). Just as the seminar
industry monetizes how to create seminars and galvanize audiences, so do self-evaluations offer
situations for multi-tiered feedback that can offer new and improved ways to optimize the
experiences of all parties involved in the learning process (Shenson, p.28). Where seminar
presenters are always looking for innovative angles to reach out to new audiences and induce
their interest, evaluative frameworks allow for training instructors to reach out to their students
and participants in order to accurately gauge the way in which they feel about the course, the
instructor, their personal progress and any ancillary feelings they have in regard to the course. In


this manner, self-evaluative assessments benefit both the instructor and the participants in
cyclical and mutually beneficial ways that are interdisciplinary in scope and magnitude due to
the purview of the evaluations.
My academic studies and beliefs in metaphysical science bring me to the informed
conclusion that metaphysics is the singular core thread that runs through gradients of personal
and professional development. Metaphysical sciences provide the grist for transformative
developmental changes that stress positivity, achievement, discipline, confidence and selfassurance. Metaphysical sciences also underlie volitional strength and tenacity of will power.
The drive to succeed and better oneself, like a potter forming a clay bowl out of amorphous raw
material, is the fundamental basis of the practical applications of metaphysics. Throughout the
ages, great thinkers, inquisitive minds and spiritual leaders, such as Mohammed Ali, Mother
Theresa, Tony Robbins and Jesus Christ, have all utilized forms of metaphysical programs to
inform their outreach, training and healing efforts. To this day, acolytes can still tactilely,
perceptibly and intellectually feel the facts of what these great thinkers and leaders have shared
with others through their imbued humanitarian efforts.
Metaphysics represents the glue that binds together intellectual affinities and actionable
realities in the external world. Metaphysical inquiry allows for the continual usage of ones brain
in order to probe the depths of the psyche in order to plumb the depths of the soul and refine its
true nature within the dynamism of real life. This marriage between intellectuality and the
realism of action provides a balanced methodology for creating ones reality through using
thoughts and perceptions as the blueprint for self-esteem, strong volition and commitment to
action. Systemic metaphysical regimens bring about strong commensurability between ones
thoughts and the potency and efficacy of ones actions. The true measure of metaphysical


effectiveness and accuracy is the fidelity between ones thoughts and goals and the degree of
fulfillment and enactment in the real world. It is this quotient of fidelity that can be used as a
quality metric to define the true vigor of metaphysics at work; especially if there is high
congruency between thoughts and actions.
My personal metaphysical training techniques have been informed and shaped by many
great and influential teachers. For instance, one passage from Henry Grady Weavers seminal
book, The Mainspring of Human Progress has continually shaped the way in which I train
others. Weaver defines the great multiplier by stating that, mans material progress depends on
natural resources plus human energy multiplied by tools (p.66). In other words, the American
Economic Foundation puts his words into the formula MMP = NR + HE x T in order to stipulate
objectively how manmade progress occurs in reified and demonstrative ways (Weaver, p.68). I
originally first read Weavers anecdote when I was 15 years old and it has subsequently informed
my training imperatives for well over 30 years. I believe that human ingenuity and
resourcefulness is a multifaceted toolbox of wonderment that can lead to quantum leaps and
bounds of progress and determination. Such resourcefulness and thoughtful innovation opens up
untold possibilities and creates a world where anything is possible and negative self-chatter is
In the words of Stuart Wilde, The Force is the inner light and liveliness in all things.
The more life-force a thing expresses, the more complicated and greater is the force with it
(p.33). Like Wilde, my training imperatives encapsulate the inner volitional forces of the trainees
in order to hone their determination, will-power, skill-sets and overall comprehension. The force
is the key to opening up and unlocking understanding and a persons full potential. This segues
into the Norman Vincent Peale saying that, Weve all heard that we have to learn from our


mistakes, but I think its more important to learn from successes. If you learn only from your
mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors (p.103). Thus, in my training programs, I
constantly utilize positive reinforcement and operant conditioning methods that highlight
achievements while downplaying failures. After all, success is impossible without initial failure.
Thus, failure is only a necessary stepping stone and component towards the alchemical marriage
of effort and determination into success. Peale also declares that, Our happiness depends on the
habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking every day. Cultivate the merry heart,
develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast (p.81). In line with Peales
thinking, Ive imbued my training programs with the inculcation that progress happens when one
truly thirsts for knowledge and personal development. Thus, metaphysically speaking, happiness
must become habituated through continually desiring personal achievements and betterment of
oneself. In this sense, happiness is trained like a muscle. If not used, it atrophies. If used and
trained every day, the ability to be happy grows continually and exponentially. This creates a
positive and concentric feedback loop that engenders even greater modes of happiness.
Mary Baker Eddy also calls attention to the minutiae of thought and how it affects our
realities. She states, Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true and you
will bring these into your experience proportionately to their occupancy of your thoughts (p.74).
Essentially, this means that positive thinking, devoid of negative self-chatter, begets positive
actions and results since resultant actions will not be tainted by self-doubt and the nihilism of a
tempestuous inner monologue. In my training programs, I always call attention to the importance
of clearing ones mind of intent in order to focus on the journey of self-development instead of
the teleological end point. To sacrifice the journey for the achievement is to miss out on the
totality of personal betterment. This ties into the necessity of courage in terms of bettering ones


life. James Allen once said that, Whether you be man or woman, you will never do anything in
this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor (p.49). Like
Allen, I teach my trainees that courage equates to valor and self-confidence. To commit to
courage is to live ones life from a position of abundance where one can use ones talents to help
others. Lack of courageous zeal implies a self-doubting scarcity mentality while living
courageously implies that one trusts in the bounteous aspects of nature and the self-determination
located within ones mind and heart. Self-doubt is a reflection of inner fear and feelings of
lacking. Lack of self-doubt, conversely, is chiefly enacted by lack of fear and feelings that the
world is one of plenitude and legions of positive possibilities.
Metaphysics also goes hand in hand with aesthetic concerns. The symbolic, subtle and
allusion-centric nature of poetry calls attention to the semiotic meanings of metaphysical
principles. Warren Wilsons The Bridge Between highlights and stylizes the crux of personal
achievement, individuation, spiritual concerns and the power of love.
The pathway to the Golden stars
So distance now from where we are
Lies just beyond the Bridge Between
Love once despairingly standing by
While descending sense reveals a sign
Of deliverance from
fear and paying that bind
In my search for the Bridge Between
Inspired thought
Soul doth reveal
Piercing the shadow
that sense conceal
On the spiritual pathway to
the Bridge Between
Along the way, Minds
Light dothe guide
Unerring footsteps to
the other side beyond
the Bridge Between


A distance star now

lights the night
And mist no longer
clouds the sight to
the Bridge Between
The arms of Love and embrace me now
With a promise fulfilled a and there no
Bridge Between (Wilson, p.92).
Aesthetic concerns also segue back into real-life experiential knowledge of metaphysics.
After conducting 1,500+ group sessions with various trainee audiences (composed of volunteers,
doctors, lawyers, emergency responders, youth, and religious persons), I stand firm that the use
of metaphysics within professional training frameworks constitutes an effective interdisciplinary
system of communication techniques. Metaphysics in todays world deals with the basic
macrocosmic questions of life; the relationships of man to the mind and the greater universe.
These inquisitive questions lead to intriguing answers for those who are brave and patient
enough to truly pause and reflect on lifes import. Reflection on the questions, Who am I? What
am I? Where have I come from? Where am I going? leads to the unearthing of new pathways in
terms of conducting ones life in a natural, holistic, sustainable and fulfilling manner. When used
in training, metaphysical systems allow for participants to address the subject matter from a
position of expanded consciousness, health, wellness, eagerness and happiness.
Aldous Huxley once stated, From their experience or from the recorded experience of
others (history), man learns only what his passions and their metaphysical prejudices allow him
to learn (p.14). As a former network cable television host, I have seen the significance of
Huxleys statement in real life situations. For instance, I have interviewed many institutional
professionals, such as policemen, fire chiefs, FBI agents and government officials, and I have
seen how they have broken through the rigid frameworks of their previous training in order to
allow for metaphysical understanding to open up and permeate their overall consciousness.


Truly, metaphysical inquiry helps people to clear away their old faulty understandings and
prejudices in order to supplant such thoughts with newfound openness, inquiry and excitement.
At this point in time, I have now reached over 50,000 people directly using metaphysical
principles as an educational and training-oriented underpinning. Including the purview of the
television and internet, I am sure that I have directly touched and reached many more individuals
and seekers. These metaphysical principles include putting other peoples needs precedentially in
front of my own, sharing philosophical information, assessing peoples potentiality trajectories
and helping them develop and grow towards their goals and ambitions. I have collected and
collated collective learning evaluations for the past three years. I have been rated highly as an
effective trainer and have earned an overall evaluation status of 98%. One testimonial, given by a
former participant, is indicative of the effect Ive had on others. Erroll has the ability to hold
peoples attention when conducting training that is fascinating. He has trained for Alameda
County Probation Department for over 13 years. During that time, he has trained over 5,850
people. We are aware of the use of metaphysics when training and I must say that it is very
effective. In summation, metaphysics and professional training are complementary and fungible
modalities and aspects that help people to better understand themselves and plan accordingly for
how they can ameliorate their lives and reach their goals in pragmatic ways.
Chapter V: Discussion
Throughout my life, I have been lucky to have met some of the most eminent
metaphysicians to have ever graced the earth. From Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, to Muhammad
Ali, to Warren B. Wilson, to Lazaris speaking through Jach Pursel, I have engaged in many
auspicious and edifying talks with leading lights in metaphysical inquiry. As such, these
conversations with such luminaries have informed and molded my professional training


programs and the way in which I interface with my pupils and participants. Moreover, from the
many hours of attending metaphysical workshops full of guidance and support at the University
of Metaphysical Sciences, I have learned how to synthesize and concretize metaphysical
principles into practical strategies for teaching and living. Listening to the wonderful meditation
tapes provided by Christine Breese, the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, has
spurred me on to embark upon a career in the field of emergent metaphysical sciences. I plan on
utilizing my decades of experienced as a professional trainer as the groundwork for starting a
career as a public speaker, spiritual counselor, teacher and lecturer on metaphysical notions. I
also have a long-term goal of opening up a spiritual center in order to act as a focal gathering
point for truth-seekers and fellow light-workers on the path towards self-betterment and
communal achievement.
Since my aegis as a professional trainer has greatly informed my thesis, I plan on
continuing to utilize similar metaphysical methodologies with my new audiences so that I can
stay purposeful and true to the spirit of metaphysics while also engaging my audience in the most
effective manner. For instance, I will focally use the tried and true metaphysical techniques of
meditation, affirmation and visualization in order to create rapport between each participant and
their higher selves. I also will stay true to exclusively and selflessly focusing on the progress and
performance of each student so as to focus on the goal and attainment of learning and accruing
knowledge; not merely processing data. I will also focus on terminal behavior instead of only
focusing on the microcosmic purview of subject matter. By focusing on terminal behaviors, I can
assure each participant that they will accrue hands-on practical experience that is much more
dear to the heart and mind than mere secondhand book learning.


I wholeheartedly know that metaphysics makes learning powerful, impactful and

intrinsically exciting. As such, I believe that continuing the usage of metaphysical modalities in
professional training environments will always bring about positive effectiveness and expansion
of self-growth. I believe that, when using metaphysics in training, participants:
1. Improve their emotional life and release negative and repressed emotional holdings
2. Improve their mental clarity, efficacy of memory, mental peace, happiness and holism
3. Are better able to incur and build support in order to strengthen trust in their
4. Improve their own spiritual connections, self-confidence, volition, determination, inner
wisdom and creative scansion
5. Are better able to relax in order to free their mind from prior strictures and holdbacks
The research that I have presented comprises the metaphysical outputs of the most
preeminent metaphysicians from the past two centuries. I have striven to make interdisciplinary
interconnections between the powers of positive thinking, cognitive behavioral modifications,
positive conditioning of the mind, affirmations, self-belief, meditation and other metaphysical
exercises and lines of thinking that aid in self-help and self-achievement. I have also endeavored
to show how metaphysics can fit into professional career-oriented paradigms. My professional
training programs are proof positive that metaphysics and the real world of the workplace are
not mutually exclusive. Nay, metaphysics has been shown to sharpen the powers of the mind,
enhance determination, hone goal-oriented thinking and help professionals to take the necessary
steps towards achieving what they want out of life while bettering themselves and helping others.
As such, metaphysical regimens bring big picture questions (such as who am I? What is my
purpose? How do I fulfill my full potential?) into the pragmatic world of commerce and public
utility. The true nature of the workplace is to help others by providing goods and services. Thus,
metaphysics is in alignment with the workplace since metaphysical principles help individuals to


become the best people they can be while also purging themselves of nihilism, negative selfchatter and useless defeatism. Metaphysics teaches the power of directional volition, the power
of affirmative thinking and the ability for an individual to create their own reality using thoughts
and volition as the blueprints for changes in objective reality.
My understanding of the research is that I have come to the understanding that
metaphysical understanding and curriculums can vastly improve the way in which a professional
conducts themselves within the workplace. My training programs have shown that metaphysics
inculcates greater self-awareness, higher quotients of empathy, better critical thinking and
deduction skills, and the ability to multitask and prioritize short-term and long-term goals
efficaciously. Furthermore, metaphysics eschews negativity and promotes self-achievement and
positive pragmatism as the most effective way to better oneself. Metaphysics also aids
professionals in terms of dealing with stress effectively and controlling their emotions so as to
avoid emotional outbursts and avoidably negative situations. Additionally, metaphysics rounds
out the personality in comprehensive ways and helps professionals to think and view situations
objectively from multiple perspectives. Along with higher rates of empathy, professionals
steeped in metaphysical thinking are also better able to render superior customer service. All of
these attributes showcase how metaphysical understanding and proper training can aid
professionals in a variety of fields with conducting their professional responsibilities in the most
effective manner possible.
The research presented brings new clarity and additional support the extant literature on
the subject by way of shedding light on interconnections between how the many facets of
metaphysical systems affect professional training imperatives. For instance, while the extant
literature review has shown how positive thinking can ameliorate workplace behaviors and


productivity, the research presented here also shows interconnections between how thoughts
create reality and positively affirmative changes in cognition can drastically improve ones
overall workplace performance and empathy towards coworkers and customers alike. In other
words, the research presented here underlines how multi-tiered usage of metaphysical principles
can bring about lasting changes within the workplace. Metaphysics enhances morale, galvanized
productivity and imbues the acolytes personality with greater cheerfulness and a positive
magnetism that is infectious to the others around him/her. Finally, metaphysical understanding
brings clarity and decisiveness to ones actions; which is especially important in fast-paced and
strenuous in law, policing, firefighting, etc.
Metaphysical systems, within the purview of professional training environments, helps
professionals to reach for the stars and fulfill their true potentials. Metaphysics expands the
optimism and self-esteem of practitioners by de-calcifying their intellect of the rigidly negative
confines that were previously inculcated in them by the negative self-chatter of their inner
monologue. Metaphysics dampens the authoritarian strictures of the superego and allows for the
persona to maturate and individuate at an accelerated and richer pace. Additionally, metaphysical
tenets allow for an acceptance of failure as a natural process that must be encountered on the way
to success. Metaphysics teaches that failure can be converted to success if the striver does not
give up. Failure is a signal that the striver has taken action, but it has not yet achieved the end
goal. By constantly iterating and modifying the action, in service of the end goal, it is assured
that success will eventually be reached. Thus, metaphysics teaches the value of accepting failure
and not being scared of it. Failure guarantee success. In a larger scope, metaphysics also assures
that there are truly no opposites even though the world appears dualistic in nature. Since failure
guarantees success, other opposing forces in life also guarantee each others existence. As such,


apparent dualities are really just unities that appear to have been fractured. As a result, all things
are one and singular in nature. This is the essence behind the metaphysical principle that humans
can create their own reality if there is enough passion, force and power in their volition.
The primary benefit of my findings is that continued metaphysical understanding, and
training in emergent metaphysical paradigms, can better hone professionalism and effectiveness
within the workplace. Metaphysics encourages higher quotients of professionalism and aids
workers in fulfilling their true potentials and surpassing their physical and mental expectations of
themselves. Proper metaphysical training can lead to breakthroughs in self-attainment, selfdirection and the ability to take charge of ones life effectively and proactively. The chief benefit
of these attributes is that self-confidence augments when one experiences positive changes in
ones life. Another chief benefit of metaphysical training is the ability to critically think and
troubleshoot ones problems and flaws in objectively clear ways devoid of negative self-talk.
Negative inner monologues are a result of deep-seated operant conditioning and programming
that is self-defeating, naysaying and nihilistic in nature. As such, eschewing negative self-talk
and replacing it with positive affirmations and optimism clears the way towards accelerated and
expansive personal growth and understanding of the multi-tiered facets of the self. A deep
understanding of metaphysical truths also prepares a professional to be able to view a situation
from many sides instead of merely being able to see from the circumscribed subjective view of
self-interest and ego. Further metaphysical research is helpful in terms of expanding the extant
literature on the subject while also expanding the purview of the practical applications of
metaphysics. Another long-lasting benefit of metaphysical inquiry is the ability to think
abstractly and in novel ways that expand consciousness and cognitive interaction with the higher
self and the external world. Metaphysics enables thinkers and professionals to expand their mind


and think outside of the box in order to come to novel conclusions and solutions for their day-today scenarios. An education steeped in metaphysics also provides the proper basis for exhaustive
philosophical inquiry which can sharpen ones intellectual faculties and offer greater education in
the humanities and soft sciences. Such skills are extremely helpful in a wide variety of
professional fields. Even basic customer service-oriented jobs can benefit from a wider
understanding of human nature, empathy and positive thinking. As a result, metaphysics benefits
the student by helping them take charge of their life intellectually, emotionally, physically and
spiritually so as to bring about lasting positive changes in their lives while also helping others to
better themselves so as to fulfill their true potentials.
Chapter VI: Conclusion
The usage of metaphysical principles in professional training imperatives is effective and
innovative in that it enhances the scope of professional growth and various interpersonal skillsets. Knowledge of metaphysics allows the instructor the opportunity to display interconnections
between all phases and nodes of the presented subject matter. The practical application of
metaphysical principles in professional frameworks invigorates the conscious mind to eschew
repressions and blockages in favor of optimally receiving and processing information in a way
where retention and proper integration and usage is enabled. Once these blockages have been
surmounted, self-confidence exacerbates rapidly and mature personal growth ensues. As such,
internalized metaphysical knowledge results in knowing thyself and understanding how to
more optimally interface with ones goals, external reality and society at large. Metaphysics
hones social skills, personal development, careerism imperatives and the drive to succeed and
experience living life to the fullest. Metaphysics injects an acolytes consciousness with verve for
life, excitement for the unknown instead of fear of the unknown, and the galvanized will to


achieve and live up to ones fullest potential. In this way, metaphysics benefits those who wish to
plumb the depths of their psyches and better understand the inner workings and manifestations of
the human experience. Not only does metaphysics create greater excitement for life, it also
teaches the metaphysical student the value of patience, arduous devotion, diligence and
dedication towards personal betterment.
The utility of metaphysics within the professional paradigm is interdisciplinary in scope
and magnitude. Metaphysics teaches the power of positive thinking, affirmations, mindfulness,
self-growth, optimism and achievement. Metaphysics teaches people how to create their own
reality using healthy cognition and volition as the underpinnings of transmuting thoughts and
perceptions into reality. As such metaphysics represents the liaison and overarching blueprint
underlying the connection between thoughts and actions. Metaphysics marries the higher self and
inner subjective world to the objective external world. In this manner, metaphysical inquiry
allows professionals the ability to expand their empathy, hone their troubleshooting skills,
heighten productivity and morale, and better engage with coworkers and customers within the
workplace environment.
The benefits of research into metaphysics and professional imperatives is manifold. It,
first and foremost, hones personal development and aids in translating information effectively
from ones mind to paper. Metaphysical inquiry also sharpens ones memory and provides an
exhilarating framework for personal development and attainment of personal goals and
objectives. Such research provided me with a true sense of personal fulfillment, honor and
privilege since I feel that my findings have expanded the extant literature review on the subject.
Moreover, such research aids professionals in terms of framing their work experiences and how
they can better optimize their skill-sets in order to fulfill their job responsibilities to the best of


their ability. Additionally, this research framework provide clarity, on a personal level, pertaining
to where I came from and how Ive grown on a conscious and meta-conscious level.
Metaphysical inquiry has helped direct me towards my life path and how I want to go about
embarking upon a path as a practicing metaphysician. I credit all of these feelings of
righteousness and fulfillment to my longstanding years of metaphysical research.
Further research could certainly prove to be useful in that it can add to the extant
literature review while also shedding light on how metaphysics pertains to group dynamics and
individual applications. Further metaphysical inquiry can showcase how metaphysical thought
differs when used in quantitatively and qualitatively different population samples. Moreover, I
think that such practical applications would be similar since metaphysical principles always start
with the importance of the inner being, the higher self and the subconscious. Then, these
principles are deductively analyzed in terms of circumscribed individual consciousness in order
to promote healing and personal growth. More time, evaluation, research and controlled trials are
needed in order to prove the efficacy of such comparisons.
Expansive metaphysical inquiry is fuel for the fire of the inquisitive mind. Thus, further
research will benefit by probing the depths of how metaphysics influences feelings of self-worth,
self-esteem and self-starting behaviors. These traits, connected with the dictates of positive
thinking and mindfulness, can influence the way in which metaphysics unlocks further potentials
of the human mind. In this sense, this research, and further research, can view metaphysics as a
touchstone for unlocking human potential in systemic and scientific ways. Metaphysics is the
science of the mind within the totality of the human experience. All further research can expand
the current literature review by taking into account the lack of present research regarding how
metaphysical principles change and optimize consciousness and self-starting behaviors.


Although this particular thesis focuses on metaphysical interactions within professional

training environs, I must admit that I have also benefited greatly from the formulation and
execution of the dissertation process. Writing this scholarly paper has shown me the importance
of staying focused, paying attention to minutiae, and catering to my target audience. In
presenting this thesis, it is my goal that it be received favorably by the committee and have
fulfilled all of the expectations as are required for approval. May the angels of consciousness
prevail and may metaphysical inquiry continue to expand and inform various individuals and
professional fields worldwide.

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