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I. E. P.

Pedro Paulet

First Peruvians
The ______________________________________________ in Peru were about
9,000 years _________________________________________________ (B.C) in
________________________________________ (Caral and Cupisnique
Norte Chico Civilizations are Santa, Nepea, Sechn,
Culebras, Huarmey, Fortaleza, Pativilca, Supe, Huaura, Chancay and

The first communities in Peru were about

Circle the correct answer:

Caral and Cupisnique communities were in
a. South Lima Civilization
b. Norte extreme Civilization
c. Norte Chico Civilization

I. E. P. Bilinge
Pedro Paulet

I. E. P. Bilinge
Pedro Paulet

I. E. P. Bilinge
Pedro Paulet

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