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IX GRADE 2016-2017
1. Anton : Hello, can I speak with Prabowo?
Prabowo's Mother : Sorry, I didn't catch you said. Can you repeat again,
The underlined is showing....
a. Certainty
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. Hesitation
2. Which the following sentence is asking for repetition?
a. Sorry, I'm not sure.
b. Well, That's all right.
c. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
d. Really?
3. Which the following sentence is the respond asking for repetition?
a. Do you understand?
b. What did you say?
c. Ok. Listen it well.
d. Really?
This dialogue is for number 4 and 5
Kesya :Hello, Resty. Look at my purse. I made it my self.
Resty : Hello, Kesya. Hey that's nice. Isn't that your older purse? The
one that we
bought one year ago?
Kesya : Yup, That's right.
Resty : How did you do that?
Kesya : Sorry, what did you say?
Resty : .......................................(5) , Kesya?
Kesya : Oh. Well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, fourfive glittery beads.
Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he.. he..
4. The underlined phrase is showing....
a. Hestitation
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. Certainty
5. a. How did you do that?
How are you?
What did you said?
How do you do?
This dialogue is for number 6 and 10
Andi : Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?
Ardi : Huh?! Sorry, what did you say? It's very noisy here.
Andi : I said, Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?
Ardi : Yes. Mr. Doni told us to do the Science homework for tomorrow.
Andi : I that true?
Ardi : Yes, it is.
Andi : Thank you. I have to go home now.
6. The underlined is showing........
a. Asking for clarification
b. Expressing Gratitude
c. Asking and giving information

d. Asking for Repetition

7. Which statement is false?

a. Ardi and Andi have Science homework.
b. The home work should be submitted tomorrow.
c. Ardi will do the Science homework at home.
d. Ardi and Andi will do the Science homework together.
8. What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
a. Homework.
b. What Mr. Doni's intruction in the Scince class is.
c. Science book.
d. Science homework for tomorrow.
9. What expression is used by Ardi to ask repetition?
a. I beg your pardon, please?
b. Sorry, can you repeat again?
c. Huh?! Sorry, what did you say?
d. Sorry, could you repeat what you just said?

What the Andi says to answer Ardi question?

a. I said.
b. I don't know
c. Really?
d. Can I believe it?

Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?
Dinda : Guess what? I got an A on my English test.
Awan : Sorry? Its very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, I got an A on my English test.
Awan : Really? Thats fantastic.
a. What did you say?
b. Is it important?
c. Can you believe it?
d. How come?
12. Anton
: Hello, can I speak to Prabowo?
Prabowo's Mother : Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Can you repeat
again, please?
The underlined phrase is showing .
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. hesitation

Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?

Sorry, Im not so sure.
Well, thats all right.
Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?

Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for
a. Do you understand?
b. What did you say?
c. Ok. Listen it well.
d. Really?


Which of the following sentence is not correct of asking repetition?

a. Im sorry would you mind repeating that word again, please?
Would you be louder, please
Would you like to come?

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