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A motion detector is a device that detects moving objects,

particularly people. A motion detector is often integrated as a
component of a system that automatically performs a task or
alerts a user of motion in an area. Robotic motion detector utilizes
the use of multiple motion sensors to detect the movement of
objects from different point by moving its sensory heads from one
point to the other in other to sense objects.
This system makes use of a proximity infrared sensor alongside
with a noise detecting sensor know as ultrasonic sound detector
which detects foot prints when the PIR sensor is not detecting
objects. The microcontroller controls this movement through a
transistorized bidirectional motor controller and also triggers
alarm when object is detected.
This system is applied in different areas where sensing is required
in higher authentication system.


A robot is the main component of a flexible production system
(FPS). Other components of this system are machine tools,
transport machines, control devices, and different auxiliary
elements. A flexible production system is an automatically
operating production system that can be easily reprogrammed
and adapted to manufacture different products
Robotic sensing is a subarea of robotics science intended to give
robots sensing capabilities, so that robots are more human-like.
Robotic sensing mainly gives robots the ability to see, [1] touch,[4]








environmental feedback.
1.1 Background Study
Motion detection
An electronic motion detector contains an optical, microwave, or
acoustic sensor, and in many cases a transmitter for illumination.
However, a passive sensor only senses a signal emitted by the
moving object itself. Changes in the optical, microwave, or

acoustic field in the device's proximity are interpreted by the

electronics based on one of the technologies listed below. Most
inexpensive motion detectors can detect up to distances of at
least 15 feet (5 meters). Specialized systems are more expensive
but have much longer ranges. Tomographic motion detection
systems can cover much larger areas because the radio waves
are at frequencies which penetrate most walls and obstructions,
and are detected in multiple locations, not just at the location of
the transmitter.









commercial applications. One common application is activation of

automatic door openers in businesses and public buildings.
Motion sensors are also widely used in lieu of a true occupancy
sensor in activating street lights or indoor lights in walkways
(such as lobbies and staircases). In such "Smart Lighting"
systems, energy is conserved by only powering the lights for the
duration of a timer, after which the person has presumably left
the area. A motion detector may be among the sensors of a
burglar alarm that is used to alert the home owner or security

service when it detects the motion of a possible intruder. Such a

detector may also trigger a security camera in order to record the
possible intrusion.
Passive infrared (PIR)
Passive infrared

sensors are

sensitive to

person's skin

temperature through emitted black body radiation at mid-infrared









temperature. No energy is emitted from the sensor, thus the

name "passive infrared" (PIR). This distinguishes it from the
electric eye for instance (not usually considered a "motion
detector"), in which the crossing of a person or vehicle interrupts
a visible or infrared beam.
Most modern motion detectors use combinations of different
technologies. While combining multiple sensing technologies into
one detector can help reduce false triggering, it does so at the







vulnerability. For example, many dual-tech sensors combine both

a PIR sensor and ultrasonic sensor into one unit. In order for
motion to be detected, both sensors must trip together. This

lowers the probability of a false alarm since heat and light

changes may trip the PIR but not the ultrasonic sensor, or noise
may trigger the microwave but not the PIR. If an intruder is able
to fool either the PIR or ultrasonic sensing, however, the sensor
will not detect.
Often, PIR technology will be paired with another model to
maximize accuracy and reduce energy usage. PIR draws less
energy than ultrasonic detection which when installed on a
covered ground can detect noise of a foot print you matter how
small it can be and so many sensors are calibrated so that when
the PIR sensor is tripped but with the help of the robitc head
moving in different angles help to catch the object coming from
different angles. If the latter also picks up an intruder, then the
alarm is sounded.
Principles of Motion Sensing
Sensors able to detect three-dimensional motion have been
commercially available for several decades and have been used
in automobiles, aircraft and ships. However, initial size, power
consumption and price had prevented their mass adoption in

consumer electronics. While there are other kinds of motion

detector technologies available commercially, there are four
principle types of motion sensors which are important for motion
processing in the consumer electronics market.
But for my technology, the robotic head is controlled to move per
inch sensing meaning, at every inch of its rotation both left and
right sensing process is activated by the microcontroller itself
which makes it more active at all time.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

a. Alert you in the event that your teen breaks curfew
b. Trigger a doorbell when someone approaches the front door (in
an application)
c. Alert you when kids enter restricted areas in the home, like the
basement, workout room, or medicine cabinet
d. Save energy by using motion sensor lighting in unoccupied
e. Notify you if pets enter areas where they're not supposed to be

1.3 Significances of the project

a. Motion sensors play a vital role in the Internet of Things
(IOT). In fact, the smart home simply cant exist without
smart sensors, so their significance cant be understated.
With their ability to detect movement, intrusion and
occupancy, these sensors are essential to enabling devices
thermostats, lights, home security solutions, etc. to
react and interact with one another.
b. While most human eyes cant see in the dark, passive
infrared (PIR) motion sensors see a glow from everything.
Most humans only see with the presence of visible light
reflecting off of objects, but PIR sensors see the infrared (IR)
glow of objects in the dark as clearly as we see in daylight
because these objects emit IR light. This means they can
easily be employed to activate lighting or report intruders,
providing real-time detection at a fraction of the cost of any
camera. As a result, smart homes can be smart 24/7, at an
affordable price point.
1.4 Scope of Study
a. The design was designed to cover a distance of 30cm way
from the sensor

b. It can detect a noise ratio or -3db when on full voltage and is

limited to 10db so that it can sense acoustic signal in other
c. It can work very well at a voltage of 4.5volts and a current of
The report will show you how an infrared robotic motion detect
works, the various component involve in its design, different
stages of its implementation and the program stages and
software code involve in it.

1.5 Project constraint

a. Things may trigger the motion detector that you don't want
to. An outside detector mounted too close to a light that
stays on at night, will be triggered continuously by bugs.
b. The set shutoff time of the motion sensor may be too short
(maybe only 30 seconds). For outside lights with a motion
detector, if you want more "on time", it's best to buy a
model with an adjustable shutoff time.
c. it has a limited distance to detect the motion
d. It cannot detect the small objects such as insects or
1.6 List of important terms

a. Active Infrared Sensors

Active infrared detectors emit a constant electrical signal that
uses infrared light (heat) beams that connect to a light
detector. If the infrared beams are interrupted, your detector
sounds the alarm.
b. Passive Infrared Detectors
A passive infrared sensor passively waits for an infrared event.
When a heat source, like the human body, passes by, the
sensor detects the moving presence and sounds the alarm.
These are the most common sensors in home security.
c. Active Ultrasonic Sensors
Active ultrasonic sensors use high-frequency sound waves (you
cant hear them) that work like a boomerang: These waves are
sent out and then return to the sensor, reporting any
suspicious interruptions in the sound waves (in other words, a
human body obstructing the ultrasonic path).
d. Passive Ultrasonic Detectors
Instead of actively sending out sound waves, these detectors
wait passively for sound event, like shattering windows. The
sound waves emitted by such an occurrence are what triggers
a passive ultrasonic detector.
1.7 Project report organization

Chapter one carries the introduction, aim and objective, scope

of study, limitation of the work, significance and the project
report organization of the work. Chapter two carries the
literature review of the work along with other reviews of the
project. Chapter three carries the project design methodology
and steps which lead to the construction of the project. Chapter
four testing the project design, observation and Bill of
engineering. Chapter five carries summary and conclusion.


2.1 Origin of the project
Motion detection is the process of detecting a change in the
position of an object relative to its surroundings or a change in the
surroundings relative to an object. Motion detection can be
achieved by either mechanical or electronic methods.[1] When
motion detection is accomplished by natural organisms, it is
called motion perception.


Motion can be detected by:
Infrared (passive and active sensors)
Optics (video and camera systems)
Radio Frequency Energy (radar, microwave and tomographic
motion detection)
Sound (microphones and acoustic sensors)
Vibration (triboelectric, seismic, and inertia-switch sensors)
Magnetism (magnetic sensors and magnetometers)

2.2 Historical overview

The increased demand for detection and monitoring during World
War II generated technological advances in motion sensing.
Radar, which had been invented decades earlier but had not yet
been fully developed, was now being used to counter the
advantage provided by aircraft by enabling its detection [1].

Although the development of radar systems was a great

achievement, its applications were limited to military use. One of
the first applications of motion sensing outside the military was
developed by Samuel Bagno in the mid 1940s. Using his
knowledge of radar and newly developed electrical components,
Bagno began doing research on an ultrasonic alarm, which
worked similarly to radar. His ultrasonic alarm created "a web of
ultrasonic waves inside a room" and detected the motion of a
person [2]. The detector "spins its web by establishing a pattern
in the way that waves bounce off inanimate objects in the room
and return to a receiver." Movement shifts created disturbances in
the pattern and triggered an alarm. The invention of the
ultrasonic alarm generated a demand for other non-military
applications of this technology, especially infrared technology.
Although infrared detection had been invented in the mid 1800s,
its applications were limited to astronomy [3]. Around the same
time that the ultrasonic sensors were being developed, new
materials used for infrared sensing were being researched and
applied [4]. Both radar and infrared motion sensing are widely
used today.

Motion Sensors and How They Work

Radar Sensors
Radar sensors are much like the sensors used by Bango's
ultrasonic alarm system. They work by "radiating electromagnetic
energy and detecting the echo returned from reflecting objects"
[5]. The electromagnetic energy, which is in wave-form, is sent
into the environment by a transmitter. Once the waves reach an
object, they reflect off the object and are sent back in the
opposite direction; this is known as an echo. A receiver is then
used to collect the data from the echo and can assess whether a
change has been made to the environment [5] Radar sensors are
known as active sensors because they emit energy in order to
detect a change [6].

Georg Wiora/Wikimedia Commons

Figure 2.1: How Motion Sensors Work.


Infrared Sensors
Unlike radar sensors, infrared sensors are passive; this means
that instead of having to emit energy to detect changes, they are
capable of detecting radiation emitted by other objects, such as
thermal energy from human beings [6] (see Fig. 2). Infrared
sensors are made from different materials that sense different
ranges of infrared wavelengths. When an appropriate wavelength
of infrared radiation strikes one of the material's cells, it changes
the cell's resistance. By measuring the resistance of the cell, one
can measure its infrared radiation [7]. Since many different
objects, both living and inert, emit a certain level of infrared
radiation, it is convenient for the sensors to detect rapid changes
in infrared radiation instead of a particular wavelength [8]. This
way, a human being can still be detected through the slow
change in atmospheric temperature. When a sensor detects a
rapid change, a device is triggered to either start or stop working.
One example is a motion sensor porch light, in which the sensor
detects a sudden change in infrared radiation and triggers the
light to turn on.


Motion Sensors in Everyday Life

Both radar and infrared sensors are used all around us in places
we might not realize: public restrooms, shopping centers, and
building alarm systems are among these.

Fig2.2 Charles Beichman/CalTech.

This is an infrared image of a Jet Propulsion Lab engineer holding
a burning match. The image is color-coded to show differences in
temperature: note the white and deep red in the flame and the
engineers palm (where his warm blood vessels are close to the
surface of the skin) and the blue of his cool glasses. This picture
demonstrates that infrared images predominantly show heat
energy and its distribution.

Public Restrooms
You may have noticed many new public bathrooms are switching
to touch-free or automatic flushers, faucets, and hand-dryers. This
is only possible with the use of motion sensors. Most of the
motion sensors used in public restrooms today are infrared [9].
The faucets and hand dryers are activated once a change in
infrared radiation is detected [10]. The flushers work by sensing a
person approaching and departing, and then producing signals
that correspond to both. These signals can be used to determine
the correct time to flush [11]. Touch-free systems in public
restrooms are growing in popularity because, after all, restrooms
are not a place most people would want to be in contact with.
How many times have you seen someone open the door with their
elbows after washing their hands?
Shopping Centers
As mentioned in the introduction, motion sensors are also
common in places such as the entrance and exit doors of grocery
stores. Most of these sensors use radar and send out a high
frequency sound wave and "listen" for bounce-back. If the sound
wave returns at a different frequency, the sensor knows there is a

moving object within the detection zone and sends a signal to

open the door (Bircher Reglomat). Automatic doors are not only
convenient because they provide easy access into a building, but
they are also safer: the handicapped, elderly, or anyone carrying
packages or heavy items can enter and exit much more safely
using automatic doors [12].
Building and Home Alarm Systems
Another application of motion sensors that one might experience
every day is the alarm systems in most buildings and in some
homes. Both types of sensors, radar and passive infrared, have
been commonly and effectively used for motion detection in
alarms [2];[13] However, passive infrared systems have been
used more recently in alarms, since the sensitivity of the sensor
can be set to the temperature of the human body [6]. With this
sensitivity, the number of false alarms is reduced since the sensor
does not simply detect motion like radar sensors [2]. Both radar
and infrared sensors can be connected to a sound alarm and
cameras that will only turn on when the sensor has detected a
change in the room [14]. Motion sensors in security alarms are


very effective and are essential for most businesses. With motion
sensors, a whole building can be monitored simultaneously.
Flood and Porch Lights
Motion sensors are also commonly used with flood lights and
porch lights. Most of these systems use passive infrared sensors,
like the alarm systems, and are often connected to a timer [8].
There are various reasons to have motion sensor lights; they act
as a deterrent for criminal behavior, are energy efficient in case
you have kids that refuse to turn the lights off, and offer the
reassurance that you will never be left stranded in the darkness
fiddling with the keys to unlock the front door [15].
The Future of Motion Sensors
Motion sensors are all around us and have assisted in making our
lives more convenient and efficient. With the further development
of technology designed to interact with motion sensing systems,
more applications will arise and this technology will become more
common in our everyday lives.
Although some of the basic applications of motion sensors have
been described here, the use of motion sensors is not limited to

restrooms and alarm systems. With the development of Micro

Electrical Mechanical Systems, or MEMS, it is possible to make
micro motion sensors that are lightweight and affordable. It is
possible that we will see these sensors worn or even sewn into
clothes in which athletes could examine their performance more
closely or allow nurses working at a distance to monitor elderly
people in their homes. It is even possible that motion sensors will
be implanted into bones during surgeries, allowing doctors to
monitor the progress of repairs [16]. Just as we have grown
accustomed to the automatic doors in grocery stores, we will
continue to rely on modern motion sensors to make our everyday
activities more convenient and efficient.
2.3 Importance of the design
Motion detectors detect any sort of motion. When connected to a
transformer the motion gets translated into an electric signal. This
device is connected to a burglar alarm that immediately alerts a
homeowner of any motion that gets detected.
2.4 Applications of the design
Here are a few other ways motion sensors are used:

To open and close automatic Doors

To turn on and off automatic water faucets and toilets
To turn on lights when a person enters a room
To control ATM displays
At automatic ticket gates
For some parking meters


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