Practice Grammar

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Name: ..........................................................................

Date: ..........................

GRAMMAR: Practices


*Note:- Simple Present Tense is used to show a regular or habitual actions.

I brush my teeth every morning.
It sometimes rains at night.
Sarah always walks to school.
The boys often play in the field.

A Underline the correct answers for the following sentences.

1. Puan Alice ( cook, cooks ) every day.
2. My mother ( jogs, jog ) every Sunday.
3. The children sometimes ( play, plays ) football in the rain.
4. The bus sometimes ( comes, come ) late.
5. Adam ( read, reads ) his books before going to bed.
6. Thalia and Thanna ( drinks, drink ) milk every night.
7. I ( enjoy, enjoys ) reading and singing.
8. Salleh always ( washes, wash ) his shoes.
9. My cats always ( wake, wakes ) up at six.
10. Everyone ( brings, bring ) their own dictionary during English lessons.
11. All the teachers in my school __________( owns, own) a car.
12. One of the boys __________( does, do) not go to the library.
13. Almost all the girls in my class___________( knows, know ) how to play netball.

B Fill in the blanks as shown.
e.g. Murad always does ( do ) his homework after school.
1. I often _____________(buy) things from this shop.
2. He ____________( cook ) himself.
3. The bus usually _____________( leave ) here at nine oclock.
4. My friend ___________( speak ) Japanese but he ________( do ) not know how to write it.
5. Do you often ____________( watch ) television?
6. Khalid ____________( swim ) in the pool once a week.
7. The farmers ______________( use ) tractors to plough the land.
8. Puan Noor _____________( teach ) us English and Science.
9. Aida and her family always ____________( go ) to Penang during school holidays.
10. The man should _____________( collect ) the rubbish in the morning.

11. We _____________( like ) learning something new.

12. Pigeons ___________( fly ) but snakes __________( glide).
13. I usually _____________( read ) a book when I ________( be ) free.
14. Ducks ____________( have ) webbed feet.
15. Ali can _____________( do ) his work quietly.
16. Rashid _____________( want ) to be a doctor while I _________( want ) to be a lecturer.
17. It seldom _____________( rain ) here in March.
18. She does not _____________ (live) here anymore.
19. You _____________ (be) my best friend.
20. _____________ (Do) anyone _______________ (know) the answer?
Circle the correct answer.
1. I ___________in Melaka.
A live
2. Cats ________milk and fish.
A. like B
3. Adam and his friends always _________ together.
A swims B
4. Almost all women __________shopping.
A loves B
5. Fazli _________to school by bus.
A goes B
6. Halims father ___________as an engineer in Kuala Lumpur.
A. works B.
7. Encik Wong always _________the newspaper before taking his breakfast
A. read B.
8. My teacher __________ very hardworking and kind.
A. is
9. Babies always __________when they are thirsty or hungry.
A. cry
10. Roosters always __________in the morning.
A. crow B
Underline the verbs in the following sentence.
1. I cycle to school.
2. She always brings her own food to work.
3. They seldom come late to school.
4. We often have a great time together.
5. Sofia never likes History.
6. The sun shines brightly during the day.
7. We must always take our breakfast before going to school.
8. The Earth moves round the sun.
9. The maid always mops the floor in the morning.

10. That school bus is always late.

11. You must always brush your teeth.
12. She does her homework after 8oclock every night.
13. He has a big house and a brand new car.
14. We must study hard in order to succeed in life.
15. Butterflies are beautiful creatures.
*Note:- For actions that are happening at the time of speaking.
i) I am reading while he is running.
ii) We are playing now.
iii) Siti is sleeping on the sofa.

A Underline the right answers.
1. Tina ( is reading, are reading ) a book now.
2. Malek and Musa ( is eating, are eating ) their cake at the table.
3. Puan Alia ( is cooking, am cooking ) lunch for her family.
4. It ( is raining, are raining ) now.
5. Julia ( is crying, are crying ) while Janet ( is singing, are singing ).
6. The puppies ( is playing, are playing ) in the basket.
7. I ( am doing, is doing ) my work now.
8. The sun ( am shining, is shining ) brightly.
9. My sister ( are closing, is closing ) the windows.
10. They ( is wearing, are wearing ) their shirts before going to the field.
11. I ( is watching, am watching ) television while my family ( is sleeping, are sleeping ).
12. The child ( is playing, are playing ) happily in the park.
13. The girls ( is singing, are singing ) sweetly on the stage.
14. The children ( is dancing, are dancing) gracefully in front of the audience.
15. A bee (is buzzing, are buzzing) around the sunflower.
B Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets.

It ______________________( not rain ) now. We can go out to play.

Maria has just phoned us. She __________________( join ) us for the picnic.
The phone ______________________( ring ). Go and answer it!
Im ill today. I _________________( not go ) to school today.
Listen! Someone ______________________( call ) for help.
Do not disturb him. He ___________________( do ) his homework.
Dont get down from the bus yet. It _______still _____________( move).


The dog ________________( bark ) fiercely because there is a stranger at the gate.
Please hurry up! Your father ________________________( wait ).
Can you hear what the speaker ___________________( say )?

C Choose the correct answers
1. Look at the clouds. They ______________this way!
A. is coming
are coming
2. It is very hot today. The sun ___________brightly.
A. is shining
are shining
3. Someone _____________for you outside. See who it is.
A. are calling
is coming
4. I _____________for my brother. He _________me to school today.
A. is waiting, is driving B.
am waiting, is driving
5. Look at that boy! He ____________a bag from that woman.
A. is snatching
are snatching
6. You ___________it again! Please behave.
A. are doing
is doing
7. Please keep quiet. The baby ______________.
A. is sleeping
are sleeping
8. The children ________________happily in the park.
A. is playing
are playing

Underline the spelling mistakes and write the correct spelling in the space provided.
e.g. I am baking a cake now.




A boy is runing in the field.

Mother is prepareing some sandwiches.
David and Allan are playying football.
The boys are swiming in the river.
Shahila is cycleing with her friends.
A baby is cryying.
The frog is leapping towards the children.
The baker is bakeing the bread.
Puan Tan is sweepping the dried leaves.
The girls are danceing while the boys are singging.


A Underline the correct past tense.
1. The train ( arrive, arrives, arrived ) late yesterday.
2. Mei Lan ( lost, loses, lose ) her purse at the market last week.
3. The choir ( sings, sang, sing ) sweetly at the concert just now.
4. She ( live, lives, lived ) with her uncle two years ago.
5. Yesterday, she ( walked, walks, walk ) home in the rain.
6. Last month, we ( given, gave, give ) away all our old clothes.
7. The lorry driver ( drove, drives, driven ) into the tree just now.
8. On Thursday, they ( buy, buys, bought ) a basket of durians.
9. Last year, an aeroplane ( crashed, crashes, crash ) into the mountain.
10. The pirates ( robs, rob, robbed ) the passengers of a ship two weeks ago.

Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verbs in the brackets.
1. Mrs. Jonathan ( send) ........................... the children to school this morning.
2. Jane ( scold )......................................... her sister for tearing her magazine.
3. We ( catch ) ....................................... a big fish yesterday.
4. Yesterday, they ( celebrate) ................................. a huge party.
5. Those men ( cut ) ..................................... down the big tree.
6. Sheima ( bake ) ...................................some muffins just now.
7. They ( help ) ................................their parents in the evening.
8. I (dig ) .........................................a hole to plant the tree, last week.
9. He ( write ) ................................ to his pen pal in Australia yesterday.
10. She (read ) ....................................... to her child at bedtime last night.


Choose the correct past tense of the verbs in brackets.

Many years ago, there (live)..................... (1) a poor fisherman. One day, he( row)....................(2)
out to sea and ( catch ) .....................(3) only one small fish. He ( is ) ..............................(4) very sad.
When he ( go ) .................................(5) to sell the fish, nobody ( want ) ......................(6) it. So, he
(take)........................(7) it home and ( give ) ..................(8) it to his wife. She ( clean ) .........................(9)
the fish and ( cut ) ...........................(10) it open. She ( find ) ...........................(11) a glittering object. She (
pick ) .....................(12) it up and ( see ) ........................(13) that it (is ) ..........................(14)
a diamond ring.
The fisherman ( sell ) .......................(15) the ring for a lot of money. He ( buy )...................... (16)
a new boat.


A. lives
A. rowed
A. catch
A. are
A. went
A. wanted
A. take
A. gives
A. cleaned
A. cuts
A. find
A. picked
A. sees
A. was
A. sells
A. buys

B. living
B. rows
B. caught
B. were
B. goes
B. wants
B. takes
B. gave
B. cleans
B. cut
B. found
B. picks
B. saw
B. were
B. sell
B. buy

C. live
C. row
C. catches
C. was
C. go
C. went
C. took
C. give
C. clean
C. cutting
C. finds
C. pick
C. see
C. is
C. sold
C. bought

D. lived
D. rowing
D. catching
D. going
D. want
D. taking
D. giving
D. cleaning
D. finding
D. picking
D. seeing
D. are
D. selling
D. buying


Fill in the blanks with past continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. The scouts ........................... ( camp ) by the river when it started to rain.
2. While I ............................. ( study ), my brother ........................... ( play )
computer games.
3. Azman ..................... ( do ) his homework when the thief entered his house.
4. The children .......................( stand ) while the headmaster ................ ( give )
his speech.
5. The girls ................................ ( cheer) loudly for their school team just now.
6. Zarina .......................................... ( stay ) in the hostel in 2005.
7. While Syahirah .................... ( walk ) home from school, she saw an accident.
8. They .................................... ( fish ) when the tsunami struck.

9. We ................................... ( swim ) in the sea when we saw the jellyfish.

10. She .........................( cross ) the road when the accident took place.
11. The pupils ..................... ( write ) their answers when the headmaster walked in.
12. I ...................... ( watch ) television when it rained.
13. My mother .......................( go ) to the clinic around three oclock yesterday.
14. Siti ........................ ( have ) her breakfast when the bus came.
15. The lorry .......................... ( carry ) a huge amount of toxic waste.
16. Azra ...................... ( read ) while Amin ...................................( sleep ).
17. The child ........................( cry ) last night.
18. She .......................( sit ) all alone by herself.
19. The students .......................... ( line ) up at the counter.
20. My fathers friend .................................. ( give ) out the prizes to the winners.

Underline the correct past continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mr. Lee ( was driving, were driving ) his new car to the office.
2. Nina and Nana ( were chatting, was chatting ) throughout the day.
3. The driver ( were talking, was talking ) to a passenger when I boarded the bus.
4. It ( was raining, were raining ) heavily when we ( were walking, was walking ) home
5. The pupils ( was paying, were paying ) attention to the teacher when she ( was
teaching, were teaching ) them.
6. The old man ( was trying, were trying ) to cross the busy road when I offered to help
7. Zarif ( were singing, was singing ) while her brother ( was playing, were playing ) the
8. The baby ( was crying , were crying ) with hunger while her mother ( was preparing,
were preparing ) her food.
9. The cat ( was chasing, were chasing ) a mouse when it fell in the drain.
10. The boys ( were playing, was playing ) football when it started to rain yesterday
11. My dad ( was whistling, were whistling ) while he ( were watering, was watering )
the plants.
12. I ( was surfing, were surfing ) the Internet while my sister ( was watching, were
watching ) television.

Choose the correct past continuous tense.

1. Yesterday evening, Hanim and her friend ...............butterflies by the stream.

A. catch
B. catches
C. are catching
D. were catching
2. The king ...................... his money when the black bird pecked the maids nose.
A. counts
B. was counting
C. count
D. were counting
3. They...................... in a hotel when the burglars broke into their apartment.
A. dine
B. was dining
C. were dining
D. are dining
4. The pupils paid attention while the headmistress .................. a speech.
A. makes
B. is making
C. make
D. was making
5. Last night, I ................ my dinner when I heard a knock on the door.
A. was having
B. have
C. am having
D. were having
6. It ........................... heavily just now.
A. rains
B. was raining
C. are raining
D. rain
7. The baby ..................... soundly when I walked in.
A. is sleeping
B. was sleeping
C. sleeps
D. sleep
8. We .................. the menu when the waiter approached us.
A, reads
B. were reading
C. read
D. are reading
9. The first floor of the building ...................... when the fire fighter arrived.
A. burns
B. was burning
C. is burning
D. burn
10. They ................. near the shore when they heard a cry for help.
A. were swimming
B. swims
C. are swimming
D. Swim


*Note:- For an action that will happen in the future.
i) I shall visit my uncle tomorrow.
ii) He will do his work this evening.
We use shall with = I and We
We use will with = He, She, It, You and They
*Note:- To show an action that has been planned.
i) I am going to town today.
ii) Billy is going to buy a new bicycle on Saturday.
*Note:- To show that something is certain to happen.
Look out! The tree is going to fall.
Please wait, Jehan is going to be here soon.

Fill in the blanks with shall or will.

1. Ali ____________be twelve years old this coming March.

2. I ______________talk to you tomorrow.
3. We ____________wash the floor next Sunday.
4. Miss Dewi __________teach us dancing next month.
5. You ___________come to my house, wont you?
6. The boys ___________paint the fence after playing football.
7. Tina and Gary ___________bring the food for the party.
8. I ______________make a speech before we eat.
9. Minah and I _____________decorate the class today.
10. The cat ___________sleep in the new basket.
11. He ___________the ticket tomorrow.
12. You __________finish your work at home.
13. Mr and Mrs Teow _______move to their new house next week.

Rewrite these sentences as shown.
e.g. I shall buy a car next month.
I am going to buy a car next month.
1 Sarah will see a dentist next week.
2 You will show me your work tomorrow.
3 He will come to my house next Monday.
4 Yahya will bring his painting this evening.
5 We shall clean our class after school.
6 The dog will be bathed this evening.
7 We shall eat chicken rice tonight.


*Note :- For action that happened at unknown time in the past.

i He has just cut down the banana tree.

ii I have already eaten.
iii The boys have completed their forms.

Put in the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. Heres your umbrella. Daud has just returned ( just return ) it.
2. Please may I borrow your pen? I __________________( leave ) mine at home.
3. You can have the newspaper. I _____________________( already read ) it.
4. Mr Sukhdev Singh _______________ (do) his job well.
5. We can go home now. The bell __________________( just ring ).
6. You can eat now. I ___________________( already take) mine.
7. Sheila cant go home. She ______________________( not finish ) her work.
8. Encik Razale _______________ (fly) to Sabah just now.
9. Munah ________________( be ) ill for a month.
10. The cat ______________________( steal ) a fish.

Underline the correct answer.
1. I cant go now. I ( have not finished, has not finished ) my work yet.
2. Adam is full. He ( has just eaten, have just eaten ) some cakes.
3. We have to wait for our teacher. She ( has not come, have not come ) yet.
4. She wont be going with us tonight. She ( has already seen, have already seen ) the movie.
5. He doesnt know anything about your aunt. He ( have not seen, has not seen ) her since last
6. The boys can go as they ( has completed, have completed ) their work.
7. Your bag is there. No one ( has taken, have taken ) it.
8. I ( has done, have done ) my part. Now it is yours!
9. ( Have, Has ) you eaten? No, I ( have not eaten, has not eaten ).
10.( Have, Has ) you ever seen a leopard? Yes, I ( have seen, has seen ) it before.


*Note:- The Past Perfect Tense is used for the first action and the Simple Past Tense for the second

i When I had done my homework, I watched television.

ii The train had left when we reached the railway station.

Change the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect Tense.
1. The plane ___________________( leave ) when they reached the airport.
2. The rain ______________________( stop ) when the baby woke up.
3. He drove off after he __________________( say ) goodbye to us.
4. Shah bought the coat after he __________________( try ) it on.
5. After Puan Minah _____________________( cook ), she laid the table.
6. Shamil said that he __________________( lose ) his pen.
7. After she ___________________( write ) the letter, she went to bed.
8. I washed the plates after I _________________( taken ) my lunch.
9. They __________________( arrive ) at my house before I finished cooking.
10. When they _____________( finish ) reading, they put the books back on the shelves.
Rewrite the following sentences as shown.

I have lost my pen. ( She said that..)

She said that she had lost her pen.

1. I have finished my work. ( Paul said that ..)

2. The boys have gone out. ( Puan Khatijah said that..)
3. Who has taken my ruler? ( Hasnah asked us..)
4. I have had my bath. ( Tom said that..)
5. We have not seen it yet. ( They said that ..)
6. The girls have cleaned the room. ( She told me that ..)
7. I have seen the film. ( He told me that ..)

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