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Hands-on Workshop on Research Methodology and

Report Writing
With the objective for continuous improvement and capacity building in
Research of the faculty members in the Faculty of Business Administration,
Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and
Faculty of Arts, and IQAC staff, a series of comprehensive workshop sessions
are being organized by the Department of OM in collaboration with the FBA
Deans Office. The workshop is a combination of theoretical lectures and
hands-on application on the conduct of research. The area of research has
been identified by the external peer reviewers that needs strengthening. This
is an in-house workshop in response to the comments of the reviewers.


Enhance research capacities of the faculty members in conducting

basic and applied research.
Developing research as a tool for academic enrichment.
build awareness and appreciation of the various issues confronting
the academic discipline and how research can address these issues
using models based on empirical data and qualitative approach
wherever it is applicable.
Impart knowledge to students in inculcating consciousness and career
building through basic application of research

The First Workshop will be held on Thursday, June 16 from 10:00am1:00pm

Venue: Room #151.
Target Participants 40 (20 FBA, 4 IQAC, 6FIST, 6FE, 6FASS)
The following is the schedule of activities for the first session:

Part I- Research Problem Identification

10:00AM-10:45AM: Introduction by Prof. Dr. Charles C. Villanueva
(The purpose, scope and significance of the workshop. Research activities in
AIUB, ongoing projects, benefits for the faculty members for pursuing a
research project and participating in conferences.)

10:45AM-12:00PM: Methodology for Business Research by

Dr.Ahmed Neaz (Overview of Literature review, Problem formulation,
Research Questions, Establishing the objectives and Hypothesis testing)

12:00PM-1:00PM: Brainstorming for Research Ideas by Dr.Nisar

Ahmed (Identifying the research problem, setting up the objectives and
research questions, rationale for conducting the research, Group discussion
and at the end of the session each group would be able to establish the
research problem and based on that will carry on Data Gathering, Analysis
and Interpretation. Research Format)

Part II: Presentation and Justification of Output by Groups

Thursday, 23 June 2016
Venue: Room# 151
10:00AM 10:15AM: Recap of the First Workshop
10:15AM 12:30PM: Group I (Problem Presentation and Discussion by
Group of 5 Members)
Group II (Problem discussion)
Group III (Problem discussion)
Group IV (Problem discussion)
Group V (Problem discussion)
Group VI (Problem discussion)
Group VII (Problem discussion)
Group VIII (Problem discussion)
12:30PM 1:00PM: Feedback from the Panel Members:
- Dr. Charles C. Villanueva
- Dr. Nisar Ahmed
- Dr. Ahmed Niaz
1:00PM 2:00PM: Mr. Obaidul Islam, (Jr.) Discussion on Data
Analysis and Application of Relevant Statistical Tools

Part 111- Final Presentation of Research Report

June 30, 2016, 10:00AM-1:00PM

Venue: Auditorium
10:00AM-12:30PM Group Presentation (8 Groups @ 15 mins. Per
12:30-1:00PM Awarding of Certificate of Participation

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