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July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Johnie Scaggs, Jr.
What should be the attitude Christians have toward
Satan? It is imperative for every Christian to understand
who Satan is and what he is capable of doing. For one to
not have a good understanding of Satan would be foolish. He is our enemy; he is not our friend and those who
befriend him are likewise our enemies. We are introduced to Satan in the third chapter of the book of Genesis when he enticed Eve to sin. She, along with Adam,
gave into temptation and thus sin entered into the world.
Satans whole purpose has been, and is, to overthrow
man as Gods crowning creation and destroy his happiness.
The Christian needs to understand Satan is real. He
is not some scary bed time story told by someone; he is
not like the boogeyman. The pictures men have printed
to describe to us who Satan is are unreal. These pictures
do not come close in helping us understand how ugly
and evil Satan truly is. If one were to see Satan in his
true form, he/she would stay as far away from him as
possible. The book of Job describes Satan as one who
goes to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and
down in it (Job 2:2). Peter describes him as a roaring
lion, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the
devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he
may devour: (1 Pet. 5:8). Satan is the very opposite of
God; whatever God is, Satan is not. God is love; Satan is
not love. God is merciful; Satan is not. God wants the
very best for mankind; Satan wants the very worst for
mankind and works daily to ensure mans doom. Hence,
the first thing we need to know about Satan is he is real.
The Christian should also recognize the nature and
devices of Satan. We are told by Paul, Lest Satan
should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of
his devices (2 Cor. 2:11). Paul informs us we can know
the devices Satan uses to try and get an advantage over
us. If we can know these things, then we can fight
against any and all things Satan would use against us. As
one reads about the different times when Satan is at
work trying to deceive Gods elect, we learn he is cunning and crafty. In the Garden of Eden as Satan was deceiving Eve, he was cunning and very crafty about how
he went about to deceive her. He used Gods Word
against her by changing it ever so slightly. Likewise,

when Jesus was at His lowest point in His life, we find

in Matthew 4 Satan comes to Him tempting the Lord to
deny God and worship him (Satan). Once again he is
very crafty and cunning in how he uses his words and
misuses the word of God in trying to convince the Lord
to follow him instead of doing Gods will. Paul declares
Satan can, and does, appear somewhat different than
most would believe. And no marvel; for Satan himself
is transformed into an angel of light (2 Cor.11:14). As
false teachers do not show us who they are, so their
leader, Satan does not show us who he is. Jesus tells us
Satan is a murderer and the father of lies. Ye are of
your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode
not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When
he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of it (John 8:44). How can anyone trust a
murderer and a liar? You cannot do so and thus we must
not trust anything about Satan. Satan hates the Word of
God and does his best to make sure it does not take up
root in the heart of mankind (Luke 8:13). He knows if
the Word of God has full course, it will convert the sinner from his evil life and bring him to live a life in harmony with the will of God. He knows the Word of God
and will use it to his own advantage as he perverts it and
tries his best to make it say that which it does not say.
The Christian must never underestimate Satan. We
must always understand Satan is very dangerous. He is
at work always trying to steal away every child of God
and he will use whatever means before him to accomplish his goal. James says we must resist Satan, Submit
yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will
flee from you (James 4:7). If we submit ourselves to
God, we can resist whatever Satan throws at us. James
says when we do this, Satan will flee from us. Resisting Satan will not always be easy; he will do his best to
trap us and destroy us. There are those who have been
overcome by Satan, but with Gods help they can be
recovered. As Paul stated, And that they may recover
themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken
captive by him at his will (2 Tim. 2:26).
Continued on page 5

July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Keith A. Mosher, Sr.
On one occasion Jesus challenged the ecclesiastical
leaders of that time with: Search the scriptures; for in
them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which
testify of me (John 5:39; KJV). In possessing the scrolls
of the Old Testament, those Jews of Jesus day thought that
salvation was a certainty, for God had not entrusted those
writings to anyone else. Jeremiah had warned the Jews of
his time not to put such trust in the material (Jer. 7:4); and
the emphasis by Jesus was that the possession of the ancient texts was not salvation, but that they pointed to Him,
the only One who could bring remission of sins to the Jews
and to the rest of the world (cf. John 3:16). [Yet, some
brethren, today, have taken it upon themselves to insist that
there is no prophecy concerning the Christ and His mission
in the Old Testament and have written a commentary to
that end. See The Transforming Word: A One Volume
Commentary on the Bible, General Editor, Mark Hamilton, Abilene Christian University.] Is Jesus, as He said, the
center-point of the scriptures? Note the following Old Testament verses.
Jesus is the seed of woman and is Shiloh, Who
will come when Judaism no longer is in force (Gen. 3:15;
49:10). Both the virgin conception of the Christ and His
mission to fulfill the law of Moses were predicted nearly
1500 years before their occurrence! Jesus is also the antitype of the passover lamb (Ex. 12:1-51; cf. I Cor. 5:7).
John the baptizer was fully aware of Jesus coming to be
the perfect sacrifice for sin and said: Behold the lamb of
God which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
Jesus is now the High Priest of the Christian faith as was
the Aaronic family under Judaism (Lev. 4:3; Heb. 4:14).
He is the antitype of the rock in Horeb (Num. 20: 10; 1
Cor. 10:4) and is the fulfillment of Moses prophecy of a
new lawgiver Who would take Moses place (Deut. 18:15;
Acts 3:22).
Joshua met Him (Jos. 5:13-15) and Jesus is the Savior
as were the Judges, (Hebrew saviors) who were called on
by God every time the Jews were oppressed (cf. Jud. 3:9).
Ruth, of course, is in the lineage of Jesus (Ruth 4:22; Mat.
1:5). Jesus is the full antitype of the mercy seat emphasized in Samuels history of the troubles of the Jewish
priests (cf. Rom. 3:25) and He is the king of all kings, espe-

cially of those mentioned in 1 Kings through the Chronicles (cf. Rev. 1:5). Jesus is a ready scribe as was Ezra
(Ezra 7:10) and overcame all opposition as Nehemiah did
(Neh. 6:16; cf. Rev. 1:18). Jesus is the light of the
world (John 8:12) and had Esther not interfered to save
the Jews (Est. 4:14), no Messiah would have come, for
the promise of His coming would have to be in Palestine
and not in Persia (Gen. 12:3). The Jews celebrate Purim
or the feast of lights to celebrate Esthers triumph (John
5:1) and the Christ is all the light.
Job wished for Him (Job 19:25) and the psalmist described Him and His death (Psa. 23 and Psa. 22). He is the
antitype of wisdom (Prov. 8:1ff.; 1 Cor. 1:30) and of the
preacher of Ecclesiastes (Eccl. 1:1; Matt. 4:17). He is a
groom married to a bride (the church of Christ), as was
the groom of the Song of Solomon, although this latter
book does not seem to be describing any antitype (Eph.
Isaiah mentions the Christ and His mission often,
and Isaiah is known as the Messianic Prophet. Note
Isaiah 2:1-4; 7:14; 11:1-2; 53:1ff., etcetera. Isaiah insisted that Jesus would start a new kingdom after being conceived by a virgin and would arise from the tribe of Judah
as a Suffering Servant. Jeremiah prophesied of a New
Covenant that would be initiated in the Messianic era (Jer.
31:31) and Ezekiel, as Joshua before him, saw the glory
of the Second Person of the Godhead who would come as
the Savior (Eze. 1:26). Daniel saw Him as a stone cut
out of a mountain whose kingdom would never end (Dan.
Hosea said He would come out of Egypt (Hos. 11:1,
cf. Matt. 2:19). Joel prophesied of an outpouring of the
miraculous when Messiah began to reign (Joel 2:28-32)
and Peter insisted that Joels vision was fulfilled on Pentecost when the church of Christ started (Acts 2:17).

As was Amos, Jesus is a sword bearer (Amos

8:9ff.; Mat. 10:34) As Obadiah, Jesus is opposed to
pride (Oba. 18), and as Jonah, Jesus had a mission to
the Gentiles as well as to the Jews (Jon. 1:2; John
10:16; 3:16). Micah pinpointed the very village in
which Jesus would be born (Mic 5:2) and, as Nahum,

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

the Christ is a salvation giver (Nah. 1:4; Luke

19:10). Saving faith is in Christ and Habakkuk knew
that (Hab. 2:4; cf. Rom. 1:16-17). Jesus is the antitype of Zephaniahs day star (Zep. 3:15) and the
encourager of rebuilding as did Haggai (Hag. 2:6-9).
Zechariah pictured Him riding on the colt of a donkey as would a King and sitting on His throne as a
priest and king as the BRANCH (nazar; He would be
called a Nazarene, Mat. 2:23)(Zec. 9:9; 6:12-13).
And at the end of the Old Testament, Malachis inspired vision was of the Sun of righteousness coming with healing in his wings (Mal. 4:2). The Sun
of righteousness is the Son of God.
Given all of the above evidence, is not the Old
Testament filled with prophecies of the Christ and
His mission? Who could miss all of those amazing
visions and deny their import?

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Continued from page 3Scaggs

We should understand Satan is powerful and he is
dangerous. He can entrap anyone who lets him do so.
But remember you are stronger than Satan if you are a
child of God. You can overcome anything he places in
your way. As Paul said, I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me (Phil 4:13). God has given us the victory, But thanks be to God, which giveth us
the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57).
Satans destiny is eternal damnation in the lake of
fire. Jesus said, Then shall he say also unto them on the
left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting
fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matt. 25:41).
Those who serve Satan will spend their eternal life with
him and not with God. What a great loss that would be.
Lets make sure, we understand who Satan is and stay out
of his hands of deception.

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Bill Goring
The Bible does not provide any specific and detailed information relative to the origin of Satan. In the
oldest book of the Bible, Satan appears along with "the
sons of God" (Job 1:6). He is present in the Garden of
Eden (Gen. 3:1ff). From "the beginning" the devil was
a murderer, a liar, and "abode not in the truth" (Jn. 8:
44). It appears to be a necessary inference that Satan
was created (Col. 1: 16). Since God manifestly did not
create Satan innately evil, Satan must have chosen to
oppose rather than serve God. There are actually three
views as to the devil's origin.
The devil was created either as man or some life
form and phenomenally evolved to almost possess God
-like abilities. There is no intimation of such in the
scriptures to even allow this view as being perceived as
plausible. A necessary inference to suggest such a view
is precluded because this view presents contradictions
as far as the Genesis account of creation (Gen. 1-3).
How anyone could even entertain such a view is beyond me.
The devil was one of the Godhead who went bad.
This view is blasphemy. God inherently and innately is
good and cannot "go bad". God not only knows the
past and the present, but the future as well (Acts
15:18). Indeed, how unsearchable are his judgments,
and his ways past tracing out (Rom. 11:33). Satan, by
comparison, does not possess these qualities. For example, he is not omnipotent. Scripture affirms:
greater is he [God] that is in you than he [Satan] that is
in the world (1 John 4:4). When he sought to sift
the apostles as wheat, he first had to ask for them
(Luke 22:31). Satan is not omnipresent. His position as
god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) was delivered unto
him (Luke 4:6). When he eventually is cast permanently into his place of eternal torment, the devil will be
powerless to resist (Rev. 20:10). In discussing the
apocalyptic literature of the book of Revelation which
speaks of Satans being bound (20:2), Hardeman
Nichols observed: The binding of Satan, we conclude,
equally means that his work will be restrained in a certain realm... Omnipresence, by definition, is not restrained. Further, Satan is not omniscient. If we are

sufficiently knowledgeable of the Word of God, and

carefully wield that knowledge to resist him, the devil
does not possess a superior knowledge sufficient to
overcome us, but will flee (Jam. 4:17; cf. Matt. 4:4).
He is not intelligent enough to outwit us in order to
snatch us from the Lords hand (John 10:28). Satan
is not deity. Deity has to do with rank and the essential
nature of God. Here are some attributes of deity which
the devil does not possess: Deity cannot be restrained.
Job 42:2 states. I know that thou canst do every thing,
and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Job
1:12 says, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power;
only upon himself put not forth thine hand. Deity is
all powerful (Gen. 17:1-8). Satan is not. His power is
limited (Job 1:12; 2:6). He can snatch no one from
Gods hand, And I give unto them eternal life; and
they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck
them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me,
is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out
of my Fathers hand (John 10:28-29). When resisted,
he flees (Jam. 4:17). When cast into hell, he will have
no power to resist Gods judgment. And the devil that
deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (Rev. 20:10).
Since he is not deity, he then is created. All things
outside of God were created For by him were all
things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were
created by him, and for him: and he is before all things,
and by him all things consist (Col. 1:16-17).And all
that God created was good.- NO evil at all! And God
saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was
very good. And the evening and the morning were the
sixth day (Gen. 1:31). With the term very good, the
existence of anything evil in creation is denied. Thus
the devil was created good and became bad. Since the
devil was created good and is now evil, it is obvious
that he fell. The New Testament seems
Continued on page 28

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Andy Cates
Our archenemy is Satan. It is his mission to see
that our souls are destroyed eternally in hell fire. For
this reason, Peter wrote, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8).
Let us never underestimate our enemy. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
The Devil was an angel. Angels have always been
subject to God (Psa. 103:21). However, Satan rebelled
against God, along with his followers, and they were
cast down from heaven (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6).
Satan was allowed to roam, to go to and fro in the
earth (Job 1:7). He was able to access the ear of God
(Job 1:6). Various passages speak of Satan as a prince
denoting rulership. The realm of his rule is the world.
Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the
prince of this world be cast out. (John 12:31). Of
judgment, because the prince of this world is
judged. (John 16:11). Wherein in time past ye
walked according to the course of this world, according
to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now
worketh in the children of disobedience: (Eph. 2:2).
In the world, Satan disguises himself. He did so
before Eve in the Garden of Eden, (Gen. 3:1). Job did
not recognize that it was Satan demonstrating such evil
against him (Job 1:21). Also in Job, it is impressed upon the reader how quickly Satan can operate (Job 1:1219).
Satan tempts man (1 Thess. 3:5), and because his
influence is so powerful, few will be saved. Enter ye
in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is
the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be
which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there
be that find it (Matt. 7: 13, 14).
Satan does not work on the heart of man directly,
but through mediums. Some of his resources include
wicked people, filthy and lewd movies, internet sites,
television programming, magazines, and books; some

types of music; the advertising of sinful products; doctrines of men; etc. Satan works to tempt, deceive, and
lead men using those devices. Lest Satan should get
an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Cor. 2:11). The wicked one hates the Word of
God, and if allowed, snatches it from human hearts
(Matt. 13:19), and blinds the minds of men to the Gospels saving message (2 Cor. 4:4). Satan hates the
church that was bought with the blood of Christ and
sows tares therein (Matt. 13:38, 39 cf; Acts 20:28).
Paul compares false teachers coming into the midst, to
the serpent entering Eden. But I fear, lest by any
means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3). In this same letter, Paul wrote that Satan pretends to be an angel of
light and his servants are falsely fashioned as ministers
of righteousness. For such are false apostles, deceitful
workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of
Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great
thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to
their works (2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Satan was created by God (Col. 1:15-17 cf).
Though very powerful, our adversary is not omnipotent. Though he has vast knowledge, he is not omniscient. Though he has a wide area of circulation, he is not
omnipresent. There are very definite limitations to Satans power. Only with Gods permission was he able
to directly afflict Job, but was not allowed to take Jobs
life (Job 2:6). In the garden, he could not force Eve to
eat of the forbidden fruit (Gen. 2:1-6). He cannot force
us to do that which God has forbidden today. Jesus resisted Satans temptations in the wilderness. Then the
devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him (Matt. 4:11). Submit yourselves
therefore to God. Resist the
Continued on page 28

July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Berry Grider
Anytime we delve into the mind of God and ask
questions as to why He did or did not do something,
we are treading into an area where much caution must
be observed. One of the fundamental lessons He desires we learn early in life is this, For My thoughts are
not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says
the Lord (Isa. 55:8). Truly the question why was Satan allowed to test Job? must be handled carefully and
cautiously so that one does not impugn the motives of
the Almighty.
The story of Job is one of the most noteworthy
Biblical accounts. Job was a righteous man who lived
during the Patriarchal Age (Job 1:8). He offered sacrifices before God on behalf of his family (Job 1:5). He
was blessed abundantly by God (Job 1:3). On a particular day the text reveals that Satan came before God
(Job 1:6). Why he was allowed this opportunity to
come before the Almighty one can only surmise.
Brother Curtis Cates, a masterful scholar of the Book
of Job, sometimes said to his students, remember every dog has his day. So it was with Satan. When God
asked what he had been doing, Satan replied, From
going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back
and forth on it. Satan considers the earth his realm.
Even our Lord identifies him as the prince or ruler of
this world (John 14:30) and John would also record,
We know that we are of God, and the whole world
lies under the sway of the wicked one (1 John 5:19).
God understands the mission and motive of Satan. He
hates God and therefore he hates man. His mission is
murder and he manipulates through the lie (John 8:44).
God asked Satan, Have you considered My servant
Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns
evil? (Job 1:8). Well, indeed, Satan had considered
Job but was under the delusion that Job only served
God because of the abundant blessings God had bestowed upon him. God had blessed Job. God enjoys
blessing His people (Jas. 1:17). However, this was not
the reason that Job served God. Satan challenged God.
But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he
has, and he will surely curse You to Your face! (Job.

1:11). God accepted Satans challenge but why? God

does not have to prove anything to anyone. He certainly does not have to bow to the whim of the devil for the
devil is subservient to him no matter how rebellious
and resistant he may be to the power of God. Let us
consider a few reasons why perhaps God allowed Satan to test the righteous Job.
First, consider that God demonstrated to the devil
the futility and folly of his thinking. Job proved to the
devil that no matter how much he was persecuted that
he would not turn from God. It is true that tribulations
sometimes cause Gods children to lose heart and turn
from the Father in Heaven. The same is true with riches. Some who have great wealth leave God because
they have found their security in their wealth. But Job
proved that his faithfulness did not depend on Gods
blessings. Job said, Naked I came from my mothers
womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave,
and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of
the Lord (Job 1:21). Remember, Job did not know
what Satan was doing. As far as he understood, God
had taken away his blessings. Yet he would not lose
faith in God. Imagine the anguish the devil feels when
we refuse to serve him, despite the trials we face in
life. Job proved to the devil that men can love and
serve God regardless of mans circumstances.
Second, through the lesson of Job we learn that all
must suffer. Sorrow accompanies sin and we live in a
world smitten with sin. The people of God are not immune from suffering. James wrote, My brethren,
count it all joy when you fall into various trials (Jas.
1:2). Notice the inspired writer said, when you fall,
not if you fall. There is a thread that runs throughout
humanity and it is called suffering. The account of Job
reinforces two tremendous truths. (1) Bad things happen to good people, and (2) God never leaves us during
such trials (Heb. 13:5).
Third, through his suffering, Jobs faith was perfected
Continued on page 15

July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Stan A. Stockton
A centuries-old impression regarding Satan is that
of a terrifying man-like creature with a red body,
horns, pointed ears and tail, giant bat-like wings, and
who possesses irresistible powers. Part of that view
includes an army of hideous, mean-spirited demons
scurrying about with instruments of torture, gleefully
tormenting the damned in a giant underground cavern filled with flames and smoke. Medieval and Renaissance painterscommissioned or influenced by the
Roman Catholic Church selected written descriptions
from the Bible and applied their vivid imaginations to
portray biblical scenes of Satan and hell in graphic
and horrifying detail. They used visual means to teach
illiterate believers (who could not read the word of
God for themselves) of the awful sufferings in hell, and
to thus convince them of the need to obey the doctrines
of the Catholic Church. On the other hand, modern caricatures depict a powerful, scheming, occasionally
comical manifestation sporting a pointed black beard
and wearing a red-and-black satin cloak that uses
clever lies to trick people into selling their soul to the
Such erroneous representations distort the truth
about Satan and diminish the facts of his existence and
his character. They fail to acknowledge that the Scriptures teach the deadly and serious reality of a place of
eternal, fiery punishment prepared for the devil and
his angels into which God will also discard
whosoever was not found written in the book of
life (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:15, 21:8). Therefore, it is
sometimes necessary to study what a thing is not, before learning what a thing is. One must first unravel the
myths and dispel false ideas surrounding Satan (no
doubt promulgated and encouraged by him), to better
understand his true character.
Satan is not eternal. God created Satan as one of
the angels, not as a physical creature in the fashion of
man, whom God created from the dust of the
ground (Gen. 2:7). Satan had a beginning, and therefore cannot be an eternal being.
Satan is not omniscient. He cannot and does not
know all things, though he is a thinking, rational being.
He had the free will to obey or disobey God and chose

to rebel against God, who cast Satan and the angels

that sinned out of heaven, condemning them to eternal
punishment (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:9).
Satan is not omnipresent. He cannot be everywhere at the same time. He is bounded by time and
space, as is all of Gods living and non-living creation
(cf. Job 1:7, going to and fro in the earth).
Satan is not omnipotent. God placed limits on his
actions and his powers (Job 1:8-12, 2:3-6). Furthermore, man can resist Satan (Matt. 4:1-11; Jam. 4:7),
and Satan cannot use overwhelming temptations to
cause man to act against his free will (1 Cor. 10:13);
when one yields to temptations, though, Satan
wins (Jam. 1:13-15).
Next, the careful Bible student may gain insight
into Satans character by examining his descriptive
names used in the Bible. He is called: accuser (Rev.
12:10), adversary (1 Pet. 5:8), deceiver (Rev. 12:9),
liar (John 8:44), murderer (John 8:44), ruler of a
kingdom of demons (Matt. 12:24-26; Luke 11:14-18),
and the god of this world that blinds the minds of men
(2 Cor. 4:3-4). One may thus draw several conclusions
about Satans character from rightly dividing these
and other verses (2 Tim. 2:15).
Satan is clever and deceitful. Paul instructed Timothy to warn brethren of the snare of the devil (1
Tim. 3:7; 2 Tim. 2:24-26). Paul also compared the
work of false teachers masquerading as ministers of
righteousness, with Satans tactic of transforming
himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Satan uses deception and countless lies, delivered via
his ministers, to lull Christians into complacency and
trap them into error. Sadly, far too many brethren not
only believe his lies, but they actively defend their error and deride loving brethren that try to correct them!
Satan is intelligent and calculating. Satan beguiled Eve in the garden because he was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God
had made (Gen.
Continued on page 16

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Fundamental Principles


...those things which are most surely believed

among us (Luke 1:1).

Stephen Wiggins
Sometimes questions can cause us to reflect on
matters that we ordinarily would never think about.
This happened to me not long ago. A person asked me
the following questions: Do you study Gods word
because you believe? Or, do you believe because you
study? The answer is as follows: There is a sense in
which one may answer yes to both questions without
fear of contradiction. There is a sense in which one
studies the scriptures because one already believes
them to be Gods inspired word. There is another sense
in which one may study the scriptures and through that
study are led to become believers. For example, study
of the scriptures often precedes one coming to faith.
The Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). In this sense
one hears the gospel, or studies it from the written
word, and comes to faith in God and his Son. They are
now obedient believers because they studied. This
seemingly is what took place concerning the noble Bereans. The text says they examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true (Acts 17:11).
Thus, they studied to see if the apostle was telling the
truth. Once they discovered he was true to Gods inspired revelation they became believers in what he was
preaching, the gospel. In this sense the study or hearing
of Gods word precedes faith; and actually initiates
faith within a persons heart.
In another sense, however, ones faith may precede a study of the scriptures. One studies because they
are already believers. I know this is now true for me
personally. There is not a day that goes by that I do not
study and reflect on Gods word for direction in my
own life and the preparation of lessons in order to
preach the gospel to others. I engage in this study of
Gods word because I am already a believer and desire
to grow in the knowledge of the Savior; and to help
others mature as well as I teach the wonderful truths of
Gods word. The fact that I already am a believer in
God and his word serves as motivation for me to study
that Divine revelation all the more. In this sense, I
study because I believe. May God give us the desire to
know more about his precious word that we may become the type of people he wants us to be.


Question: Brother Wiggins, some of my family
have questions about a situation concerning divorce. If
a man and woman are married, then they divorce because she leaves him for another man. What are the
circumstances for the left man?
Answer: Gods general rule is that divorce is sinful; and whoever divorces their spouse and remarries
enters an adulterous state. Hear the Savior: Anyone
who divorces his wife and marries another woman
commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced
woman commits adultery (Luke 16:18). This general
rule is true whether it is the man or the woman. Read
from the Master again: Anyone who divorces his wife
and marries another woman commits adultery against
her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery (Mark 10:11-12). The
idea is that, generally speaking, anyone who divorces
their spouse and remarries is guilty of adultery. There
is, however, an exception to this general rule. Read
from the Lord again: I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another woman commits adultery (Matt. 19:9; cf. 5:32).
From this statement we learn there is an exception to
the general rule. Remember the general rule is that is
anyone who divorces their spouse and remarries is
guilty of adultery. But now we learn that one may divorce their spouse and remarry with Gods approval IF
one divorces their spouse for fornication. In other
words, if ones spouse is guilty of illicit sexual activity
with another person God allows that guilty person to be
divorced and the innocent spouse the right to remarry.
In the question above the woman left her husband
and committed fornication with her new lover. The
husband, who had remained faithful, now has the right
to remarry without the fear of committing adultery in
Gods sight. I might also mention that the best thing
that could happen is that the two be restored in their
marriage relationship. The innocent husband, in this
case, could forgive his errant wife, and the marriage be
restored. One does not have to divorce their unfaithful
spouse. On the other hand this might not be possible
because of her unwillingness to do remain in the mar-

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

riage. Another alternative is that he remain single following his divorce. The third option is that he later remarries. If he should do so he can remarry with the assurance that he has Gods approval in the second marriage; provided he marries someone who also has a
God-given right to marry.

Question: Mr. Wiggins, could Jesus really have
yielded to the temptations of Satan? Since there would
be no sin in being tempted, and sin only comes when
one yields to a temptation, I have a hard time embracing the idea that Jesus could have succumbed to the
temptations of Satan. I would appreciate your opinion
on this. If he had succumbed, it seems to me that
God's plans for man would have been totally thwarted
and He would not have been sinless.
Answer: This is a good question and I will offer
my thoughts. I take the references to Jesus being
tempted at face value. This does not mean that Jesus
desired to sin, that Jesus had a proclivity to sin, or that
Jesus even wanted to sin. But it does present the concept that Satan presented real "offers" for Jesus to go
contrary to God's divine plan for him. This seems to be
presented in Matthew 4:1-11. The devil was trying to
get Jesus to do something against God but Jesus did
not yield. Consider Hebrews 4:15. The point here is
that we have a high priest who knows exactly what we
go through as human beings. Why? Because Jesus was
tempted in all points like we are. The writer then underscores that this happened without sin on Jesus part.
Why bring up that Jesus was tempted but did not sin if
sin was not a real possibility? As far as Satan offering a
threat to the divine scheme of redemption by tempting
Jesus that is exactly what the Devil wanted to accomplish. He wanted to "thwart" God's plan and gave it his
best shot. This does not mean that Jesus almost fell into
sin; or that he thought about it and later decided against
it; or that Jesus was weak and he barely made it
through the test in order to be proven. But it does suggest that the real presentation of choice was available
to go against the scheme that God had in place for him.
If not, it is difficult to see how what Jesus did could be
called resisting "temptations" presented to him. I believe that in some way the "temptation" of Jesus needs
to be taken at face value in order for there to be a real
threat from Satan. In some sense Jesus was "tempted
like as we are." Otherwise it makes no sense for the
Bible to say that Jesus was tempted like we are tempted.


July 2014

The Gospel Journal

John Moore
Satan is as real as God. While some see the
devil as nothing more than the figurative embodiment of evil, according to the Bible he is an actual
being that has power, wisdom, and superior intelligence to man (Gen. 1: 1; 3: 1, 2; 2 Cor. 11: 3, Rev.
12: 9). The devil is the archenemy of man, seeking
man's spiritual destruction (1 Pet. 5: 6-9) and desires
to have souls that he might sift them as wheat
(Luke 22:31). In the book of Revelation he is portrayed as a serpent and dragon that once made war
with the angels in heaven and now has come to the
earth to fight against the church and her children
(Rev. 12:17). His title reveals much of what we
need to know about him, for the name Satan means
one who is an adversary and opposes another in
purpose or act. The title of Satan is given to this
prince of evil spirits, the incorrigible adversary of
God and Christ whose goal is to create havoc and
make men turn from God to sin. For those seeking
joy and peace in their life, and for those who want
to make heaven their home, it is imperative that they
know and understand what Satan aims to do, and
how and in what ways he seeks to operate. In sum,
his work involves the following three objectives.
First, Satan seeks to devour and destroy. While
Jesus came not to destroy mans soul, but save it
(Luke 9:56), the devil, as the antithesis of good,
wants nothing more than to wreak havoc among the
righteous. In the vivid imagery of 1 Peter 5:8, Satan
is described as a roaring lion walking about seeking
to devour. Both animals and humans become very
driven when hunger strikes. The need to lessen the
pains of hunger can be intense, causing a person or
animal to do or eat most anything to quiet the
sounds of hunger rumbling inside the body. While
humans have the capacity to be discriminate in their
choices, a lion doesnt appear to have such inhibitions. It walks about indiscriminately seeking to devour whatever may cross its path. Souls must likewise take heed to know that Satan is on the prowl.
He aims to devour mens souls, and his roar of hunger ought to produce fear and healthy respect for


what he aims to achieve.

An electrician of many years was once asked
how it was that he had never had been electrocuted
after all those of year of working around the dangerous and potentially like-taking power of electricity, to which he replied it all begins with having
respect for its power and a full understanding of
how it operates. Indeed, something with this kind
of power should be respected for the kind of harm it
can produce and likewise all men everywhere
would be truly wise to know of the powerful, destructive work of Satan and what he aims to
achieve. We would all do well to understand that he
desires to tempt us to sin and thereby threaten our
relationship with God. He desires to destroy our
faith by agitating us with lifes hardships and fears.
The devil was responsible for the introduction of
sin into the world as the result of the successful deception of Eve (Gen. 3, 1 Tim. 2: 14). Sickness,
disappointment, and spiritual alienation from God
along with all that is unpleasant are the results of
the devil (2 Cor. 12: 7). As seen in Peter's statement, the devil definitely has a role and work to
perform that involves destroying the faith of others.
Second, Satan works to deceive. He knows that
if any of us ever saw what sin really is and how it
maims and destroys, most would run from the evil
it causes and the damnation it brings. Sin is always
ugly, but Satan makes it look attractive. As in the
case with Adam and Eve, Satan appeals to our appetites by promising what he couldnt possibly deliver. He lies about what is true and seeks to turn us
away from the commands of God through his deceptive schemes. His major tactic involves perverting the truth, for he was a liar from the beginning:
the father of lies (John 8:44).
Because truth is what will deliver a soul from
bondage (John 8:32), and since Jesus is the truth
that leads one into eternal life (John 14:6; 1 Pet.
1:22), the devil specializes in falsehoods and deceit
about the Bible. When compared to the revealed
Word of God, one can easily see the lies being em-

July 2014
braced by others. Every day, friends of ours are being deceived by the lies of secular humanism and
the religious doctrines of men. Whether it is an attempt to pervert the simple plan of salvation through
the false doctrine of faith alone (see Jam. 2:14- 26 ),
or the lies of classical liberalism which attacks the
inspiration of scripture, the devil as the father of all
lies is doing all he can to pervert and undermine the
truth that saves mens souls. It never ceases to
amaze me to know of the kinds of lies being told by
others about God, the Bible, or His church, for the
devil is skilled at misapplying scripture (Matt. 4:67) and adept at getting others to twist its meaning (2
Pet. 3:16).
Third, Satan seeks to deter us through the work
of others. In Acts 13 Luke records the story of a
man named Sergius Paulus who desired to hear the
word of God from the mouths of Paul and Barnabas,
two great missionaries of the Lord. However, his
efforts to hear the word were being interrupted by a
sorcerer named Elymas who sought to turn away
the deputy from the faith (Acts 13:8). Likewise
today, there are many who are playing the role of
Elymas by turning their friends and family away
from the truth. Either through their willful ignorance
of Gods word, or through their selfish and rebellious actions, they are keeping their friends and family from hearing and obeying the soul saving message of the Gospel. When any one of us plays the
role of a modern day Elymas by deterring one from
hearing the word, we need to know that we are involved in the work of Satan and could be properly
identified as a child of the devil and enemy of
righteousness (Acts 13:10). While Satans work is
through the spread of falsehoods, may none of us be
guilty of either spreading a lie or living in such a
way that would deter others from knowing truth.
The devil should not ever be underestimated.
He is a crafty chameleon, and diabolical demon, and
subtle serpent. He is also without pity and compassion. He wants you and he will do whatever he can
to have you! Let none of us therefore be ignorant of
his devices, lest he gain the advantage over us (2
Cor. 2:11). With Gods help we can conquer the
devil and defeat his evil ways. By knowing truth we
can defeat the devil just as Jesus resisted the devils
temptation by quoting scripture (Matt. 4:1-11).
Truth exposes error and light is exposes darkness,
so let each of quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one by arming ourselves with the gospel armor
and go to war with the sword of the Spirit, which is
the word of God (Eph. 6:10-12).

The Gospel Journal

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July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Don Walker
Though one familiar with the teaching of the
New Testament might be tempted to simply answer
in the negative (and in the end a resounding NO!
will be the answer this writer will present), it would
be of greater value to consider not only the above
question, but other questions that are associated with
the question posed in our title. What are demons?
may be a question some would ask. If we answer the
above question in the negative, we could follow with
the following question. Have demons ever
possessed people in this world? Ultimately our
question should be What does the Bible say about
these matters? Though our space is limited, we will
attempt to give a b biblical answer with the hope that
what is presented will be of benefit for all who take
the time to read this article.
Let us begin by addressing the question, What
are demons? In the KJV the first reference we
encounter concerning our question is Matthew 4:24.
Of Jesus this passage says, And his fame went
throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all
sick people that were taken with divers diseases and
torments, and those which were possessed with
devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that
had the palsy; and he healed them. The ASV has
the word demons in the place of devils. The
Greek word for devils as stated in the KJV is not
diabolos, which should be translated devil, but
rather it is a form of the word daimonizomai. This
word and other forms are found over seventy-five
times in the New Testament. It means to be
possessed by a demonto be demon possessed.
In Matthew 7:22 we read of exactly who it was that
was possessing individuals in the first century.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have
we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
have cast out devils? The word translated devils
is the Greek word daimonion and it means an evil
supernatural being or spiritdemon, evil spirit.
We must recognize that Satan is the devil and
the demons are ones that appear to do his bidding.
In secular writings there are attempts in describing


these that are revealed in Scripture they were viewed

as intelligent beings somewhere between the
human and the divine.
Next we ask If Demons do not possess
individuals today, have they ever possessed
individuals? Biblically we would have to answer in
the affirmative. However, there are those who would
answer in the negative. William Barclay wrote:
We need not argue whether demons were
realities or not. One thing certain is that in
the time of Jesus people believed in them
with terrified intensity. If a man believes he
is ill, he will be ill. If a man believed that
he was demon-possessed, then, illusion or
no, he was definitely ill in mind and body
(1976, 26).
Of course such a conclusion is an affront to the New
Testament and displays a poor view of our Saviour
Who most certainly encountered individuals who
were possessed by such as recorded in the divine
record. Scripture confirms clearly and often in the
Gospel accounts that demons did in the first century
possess individuals.
Finally, we will answer the question posed in
our title and explain Biblically why we have
answered in such a way. Do demons possess people
today? The answer to that question is No! In
establishing the validity of this answer, we would
first consider What was the purpose of demon
possession in the first century? Though there is no
explicit Biblical answer to this question, there is
information that may help us in, at least, a
consideration of the question. When Jesus was upon
the earth, He displayed a miraculous power over
every arena disease, elements of nature, and even
death. He also displayed power over the demonic
realm when he cast out demons. Thus, there was in a
very real way a proclamation of His power and
authority having no boundaries or limitations. It may
be this was the reason for such upon the earth.
With that in mind, we would remember in the
first century others possessed miraculous power and

July 2014
exercised such powers to cast out demons. Mark
16:20 and Hebrews 2:4 tell us it was for the purpose
of confirming the w Word as being from Heaven and
not from men. Just as clearly, the Bible teaches that
the miracles would cease at the close of the first
accomplished (1 Cor. 13:8-13; Eph. 4:8-16). It is
only reasonable that with the cessation of the
miraculous abilities of Christs servants so too
would the broadened arena of Satan and his demons
activated, which was allowed by God, be narrowed
and the ability demons had to possess individuals
would be removed. The claims today that are made
concerning such things are out of line and evidence
of the fact that Satan is a great deceiver (Rev. 12:9).
When men love not the truth (2 Thess. 2:10), they
present themselves as prime candidates for such
As we consider these things, may we study our
Bibles more and more with a determination to be
doers of the word to the glory of our God.

Continued from page 8Grider

While he was a righteous man before his trials, I am
confident he was an even better man after his testing. God
can make us stronger through the trials we face. We learn
much more in the valley than we could ever learn on the
mountaintop. James continues, knowing that the testing
of your faith produces patience (Jas. 1:3). All of us have
known people who suffered what seemed like unbearable
pain. It would be difficult to find one who suffered more
than did Job. What an example he serves. Indeed we
count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the
perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the
Lordthat the Lord is very compassionate and
merciful (Jas. 5:11).
Fourth, God abundantly blessed his servant after his
trial. Remember that Job was blessed abundantly after
enduring such pain and affliction. The day came when
Satan could afflict no more. God doubled the blessings
upon Job (Job 42:12). He even gave him seven more
children, after his other children had gone on to be with
the Lord (Job 42:13). Dear Christian friend, no matter
what heartache and grief you suffer, endure to the end and
keep on serving the Lord. And let us not grow weary
while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do
not lose heart (Gal. 6:9).

The Gospel Journal

By Roger Jackson

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Special Note


July 2014
Continued from page 9Stockton
3:1-5). He twisted Gods commands and altered the
truth to make the lie sound reasonable. A successful
liar and deceiver must know facts well enough to twist
them, use techniques to manipulate people, and exercise a good memory; Satan is certainly the author of
these methods!
Satan is opportunistic. Satan cannot override
mans free will, but uses many devices to distract the
lost from obeying the gospel. Jesus described Satans
opportunism in the Parable of the Sower: The seed
is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that
hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word
out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be
saved (Luke 8:11-12). Peter warned of Satans incessant search for increasing the number of lost souls:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour (1 Pet. 5:8). A hungry lion does not attack
the strongest, but the weakest prey. Satan actively targets our weaknesses and vulnerabilities with worldly,
fleshly temptations (1 John 2:16-17)which we can
Satan is enraged. He knows from the word of God
his inescapable eternal destiny (Matt. 25:41-46). Satan
hates with spiteful indignation the one, true God, but
like the devils, he also trembles (Jam. 2:19). He is
maddened that he failed to defeat Gods plan to redeem
mankind through His Son (Col. 1:12-13). He is furious
that Jesus Christ, through His death and resurrection,
destroyed him that had the power of death, that is,
the devil (Heb. 2:14) and that For this purpose
the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy
the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). All he can do until
Jesus returns is to lash out at God in his rage by cheating as many people from a heavenly reward as he possibly can. Brethren, be warned and be vigilant!

Stan A. Stockton currently serves as an elder in the

Schertz church of Christ and is Director of the Annual
Schertz Lectures. He married Kathy (Hyback) 30 years
ago, and they have two sons, one daughter, and one
daughter-in-law. He served for 24 years in the U.S. Air
Force as an Imagery Intelligence Officer (retired in
2005), and continues to work as an Intelligence Analyst. He is a graduate of Oregon State University (B.Sc.
General Science Earth Sciences), University of Oklahoma (M.A. Communication), and American Military
University (M.A. Ancient and Classical History).


The Gospel Journal

The Gospel Journal

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year present.
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July 2014

The Gospel Journal

God Is Worthy of
By June Smith
When you come to the end of the day,
and you bow your head to pray,
You thank the Lord for his
watch and care, and for the
goodness He did share.
You know that it was He who
stood by your side,
when the waves of life were at high tide.
You thank Him and praise his name,
you know without him life wouldn't
be the same.
Your life, your love, your
trust you fully give,
when day by day with him you live.
No one is greater and more
worthy than He,
to serve Him is the best that you can be.
He is your protector, counselor
and friend,
and you give your pledge to serve
Him to the end.
You know deep in your heart for
all your days
He is worthy of your devotion
and your praise.

Jesus Christ, in spite of the claims of many atheists

and other opponents of Scripture, was an actual historical
person! The fact that he lived is one echoed through the


July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Affirming Our Faith

In The Scriptures

The Biblical Credentials of Inspiration Part 3

Lesson #6
Melvin L. Otey
Learning Objectives
1. The reader will describe the implications of predictive
prophecy on the question of the Bibles inspiration.
2. The reader will briefly survey select examples of
accurate predictive prophecies in the Bible.
3. The reader will consider the implications of the
Bibles predictive prophecies on Christian faith.
The word prophecy refers to the content of either
forth-telling or foretelling activity. Most prophecy in
Scripture is of the former, generic variety, which we
typically call preaching. However, we are principally
concerned with material of the latter ilk, that is,
predictions of future events. The Bible unambiguously
predicted the rise and fall of great powers, the desolation
of notable places, and the emergence and activity of
important people. Repeated accuracy along these lines is
necessarily undergirded by miracles of knowledge
because human beings simply do not know the future.
When aggregated, then, the fulfillment of these
predictions offers powerful corroboration of the Bibles
claims of inspiration.
Embarking upon a discussion of the Bibles
predictive prophecies, a note of caution is warranted.
Some make the mistake of discounting the possibility of
their authenticity because they are incredulous about
supernatural matters. They would rather go to incredible
lengths in denying the evidence rather than embrace the
implications of it. Others err in the other direction by
finding a prediction in every minute detail of typology
and prophetic utterance (Geisler and Nix 119). Neither
approach is warranted. Here, we will briefly consider a
select few of many instances where the Scriptures
foretold future events.
Prophecies About Powers
Inspired men made correct predictions about political
powers. For example, several rightly prophesied that the
Hebrews would be taken away into captivity and
subsequently restored (see, e.g., Isa. 11:11; Amos 9:8-14;
Zeph. 3:19-20). Similarly, Jeremiah forecast the fall of the
Babylonian Empire, the world power of his day (Jer.
51:24-64), as did Daniel, who additionally predicted the
ascension and demise of three successor kingdoms (Dan.


2:26-45). Today, we know the Persians, Greeks and

Romans followed the Babylonians over a span of 500
Notably, the Scriptures also predicted the
establishment of Gods spiritual kingdom on earth during
the reign of Daniels fourth empire, which most readily
identify as the Roman Empire today (see, e.g., 2 Sam.
7:12-14; Dan. 2:44). The entire New Testament depicts
the fulfillment of this promise via the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy
Spirit (see, e.g., Mark 9:1; John 18:36; Col. 1:12-13; Rev.
1:9). Honest people, even those otherwise inclined to
discount the significance of the events described in the
New Testament, must acknowledge that the events
snugly fit the timing forecast in the Old Testament.
Prophecies About Places
Inspired men made correct predictions about
significant places as well. As Daniel forecast the demise
of the Babylonian Empire, Isaiah foretold the obliteration
of its well-fortified capital. Babylon was the largest city
in the world at the time, yet he said it would be
overthrown and perpetually uninhabited (Isa. 13:19-21).
The notion would have seemed more incredible when it
was written than announcing a similar fate for our own
New York City. Ultimately, the great metropolis was
toppled and, today, 2,700 years after Isaiah lived, the area
where it once stood is still an extensive field of ruins
south of Baghdad in Iraq.
Jesus prophesied that Jerusalem, the principle city of
Israel, would be utterly destroyed (Matt. 24; Luke 21).
Regarding its magnificent temple complex, He said,
There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that
shall not be thrown down (Matt. 24:2). By mid-August
of AD 70, less than forty years after Jesus statements,
the prophecy was fulfilled. An eyewitness, the historian
Josephus, described the extent of the damage as follows:
there was left nothing to make those that came thither
believe it had even been inhabited (Wars 7.1.1). Clearly,
then, Jesus was correct.
Prophecies About People
In addition to powers and places, inspired prophets

July 2014
made correct predictions about key people. Consider the
rule and benevolence of Persias Cyrus the Great. Isaiah,
whom most scholars agree wrote in the early 7th century
BC, called him by name and announced his instrumental
role in restoring Jerusalem and the temple (Isa. 44:2445:6). Later texts confirm that he, in fact, allowed Jews to
return in the first year of his reign. He even returned the
sacred vessels Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the
temple when he sacked the city (2 Chron. 36:22-23; Ezra
1). Of course, Isaiah was right. The Cyrus Cylinder,
which toured the United States in 2013, records Cyrus
decree freeing deported people after he captured Babylon
in 538 or 539 BC.
The collection of predictive prophecies concerning
the Christ, which some number above three hundred, are
the most important and impressive concerning
individuals. Among other things, the Scriptures presented
Him as the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15), born of a virgin
(Isa. 7:14) in the city of Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2), similar to
Moses (Deut. 18:15), and a descendent of Abraham (Gen.
12:3), Judah (Gen. 49:10), and David (1 Sam. 7:12-14).
Beyond such details, though, there is a larger sense in
which all of the Old Testament Scriptures collectively
presented a mosaic image of the Messiah which only
came into sharp focus once they were all fulfilled in the
person of Jesus hundreds of years after they were penned
(Luke 24:25-27, 24:44; Acts 3:24).
Concluding Observations
The Scriptures confirm what we naturally deduce
regarding the significance of these and other fulfillments,
i.e., that accurate foretelling is indicative of divine
activity while inaccurate predictions would conclusively
disprove it. For example, Moses wrote, And if thou say
in thy heart, How shall we know the word which Jehovah
hath not spoken? when a prophet speaketh in the name of
Jehovah, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is
the thing which Jehovah hath not spoken: the prophet
hath spoken it presumptuously, thou shalt not be afraid of
him (Deut. 18:21-22). Similarly, Jeremiah 28:9 says,
The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of
the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be
known, that Jehovah hath truly sent him.
Superhuman influence is required for consistent,
accurate forecasts of future events. Hence, the collection
of fulfilled predictive prophecies is corroborative of its
inspiration, and Christian faith rests upon the testimony
of unique writings derived from a source who clearly
knows the future as well as the past. The inspired
writings themselves identify this source as God. Indeed,
He is the only possible source for reliable information
regarding the future. He alone confirmeth the word of
his servant, and performeth the counsel of his
messengers (Isa. 44:26). He alone declared the former
things from the beginning . . . and they came to
pass (Isa. 48:3).

The Gospel Journal

Questions to Ponder
1. Why is repeated accuracy regarding predictive
prophecy consistent with the Bibles claims of
2. What became of the Babylonian Empire following the
prophecies of Jeremiah and Daniel?
3. Is there independent corroboration of the fulfillment
of Jesus prediction regarding the destruction of
Jerusalem and the temple?
4. What physical proof verifies fulfillment of Isaiahs
prophecy regarding Cyrus?
5. What are the implications of the Bibles predictive
prophecies for Christian faith?
Works Cited
The British Museum. The Cyrus Cylinder travels to the
United States.
cyrus_cylinder_travels_to_us.aspx (accessed 6/21/2014).
Geisler, Norman and W.E. Nix. A General Introduction
to the Bible. Chicago: Moody Press, 1968.
Josephus. Josephus: The Complete Works. Trans.
William Whiston. Nashville: Nelson, 1998.

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July 2014

The Gospel Journal

Part V: Juvenal
Daniel F. Cates
Decimus Junius Juvenalis, commonly called Juvenal, was
born, traditionally, around A.D. 55-60 and died sometime
after A.D. 138 probably in Aquinum near modern MonteCassino, Italy. He was a writer of satires--sixteen of
which are extant. Not much is known of Juvenal, for he
did not reveal much about himself and neither did others-until the fourth century--have much to say about him. Due
to an inscription in Aquinum which mentioned the name
__nius Juvenalis, it is thought by some that he served at
various times as commander of a Dalmatian Roman
cohort in Britain, as mayor of Aquinum, and even as
priest of Vespasian's imperial cult; however, another
could have shared the name. It is likewise thought by
some that Juvenal spent some time in exile, perhaps in
Egypt, but proof or particulars of such an exile are
unavailable. What is certain of Juvenal is that he was a
Roman who lived during the first century A.D., and that
he was neither Jewish nor Christian. The latter things are
sure given his unfavorable references to Jewish law
(XIV.100-106)1, shortcomings (III.15), and stereotypes
(VI.159-161,542-548) and his speaking of the burning of
Rome so as to allege that Christians were responsible
(VIII.232-239; cf I.155).
When one reads the satires of Juvenal, he finds a
writer who is practically if not actually stoic. Juvenal did
not care for pretense, matters of business, or
governmental corruption. On the other hand, Juvenal was
more cynical than the typical stoic might be, and that
cynicism comes out in his writing as anger, or disgust, at
Rome ("for who could endure this monstrous city" [I
30,31]), and at Roman society in general. Apparently, that
anger drove him to write; as he said, "Though talent be
wanting, yet indignation will drive me to verse, such as I-or any scribbler--may still command. All human
endeavours, men's prayers, fears, angers, pleasures, joys
and pursuits, these make the mixed mash of my
verse" (I.79-83).
What did Juvenal write? He wrote satires which
presented a bleak picture of human existence (X.169174); he wrote satires that hinted at Roman pride and
ethnocentricity (X.148-188) while addressing such
characters as Hannibal who was the bane of Rome (X.148


-168), Alexander who could conquer the world but be

contained in a grave (X.169-174), and Xerxes who
whipped the Hellespont and Herodotus who recorded it
(X.174-188); he also wrote satires which were a frank
condemnation of Roman excess (VI.290-293) and
immorality (cf II.121-129) concluding that "even among
the dead Rome stands dishonoured" (II.160-170). While
he wrote about the danger of a guilty conscience
(XIII.192-197, 209-235), he showed no respect for the
religions of his day (II.147-151; XV.1-13)--even Roman
ones (VI.558-560, cf 549-558). While he may not have
intended to do so, he also wrote of matters corresponding
to Biblical events, providing a reference to the Greek
version of the flood (I.84-86) and providing a picture of
Berenice and Agrippa (VI.156-161; cf Acts 25:23).
What is the value of Juvenal today? Much of what
Juvenal wrote nearly two thousand years ago is as
poignant today as it was then and is as valuable a
commentary on modern society as it was on classical
society. A modern study of Juvenal demonstrates that
what some might call a "Judeo-Christian" ethic does not
have to come from Scripture; rather, it can simply come
from experience as nature bares out the morality of
Scripture. Juvenal differentiated between what was at the
beginning given beast and man--the latter receiving the
ability to show mercy (XV.131-151). He condemned the
emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-96) for committing
incestuous adultery with his niece and having her abort
the offspring (II.32-37). He condemned the emperor Otho
(A.D. 69) for "peeking at himself [in his mirror] to see
how his armor looked before riding into battle " (II.99101). He condemned the emperor Nero (A.D. 54-68) as a
murderer (VIII.212-230). He condemned Rome, writing
that "even among the dead Rome stands
dishonoured" (II.158,159); why? because "these
conquered tribes abhor the vices that flourish in their
conquerors' capital" (II.161,162). He condemned the
apathy and worldliness of his society, writing, "Now we
are suffering the evils of too-long peace. Luxury deadlier
than any armed invader, lies like an incubus upon us still,
avenging the world we brought to heel" (VI.290-293). He
condemned male worshippers of Athena who practiced

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

their religion in homosexual orgies (II.86-96). Perhaps his

greatest commentary on society--from a perspective which
would surely be viewed as Scripturally biased had it come
from a believer in Jehovah--was one derived simply from
natural observation: In condemning homosexuality, he
This is the kind of talk we soon shall hear: 'I
must go down-town tomorrow first thing: a
special engagement.' 'What's happening?' 'Need
you ask? Im going to a wedding. Old So- andsos got his boy-friend To the altar at last just
a few close friends are invited. We have only to
wait now: soon such things will be done, And
done in public: male brides will yearn for a
mention In the daily gazette. But still they have
one big problem Of a painful kind: they cant
keep their marriage solvent By producing
babies. Nature knows best: their desires have no
physical issue [emphasis added-DFC]" (II.134144).
It is extremely likely that Juvenal never had read
Romans 1:26,27; however, through natural observation
alone he could write a thought along the lines of that Paul
was inspired there to write:
For this cause God gave them up unto vile
affections: for even their women did change the
natural use into that which is against nature: And
likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of
the woman, burned in their lust one toward
another; men with men working that which is
unseemly, and receiving in themselves that
recompence of their error which was meet.
In writing his satires, Juvenal was providing a
commentary on the immorality and excesses of Roman
society ... as a member of that society. It is interesting how
closely some of his commentary accords with a Biblical
approach to such immorality!
1Due to the inconsistent numbering of lines among
various translations of Juvenal's Satires, the numbering
maybe a line, or even a few, different in other translations;
generally--though not solely--this writer uses the
translation by Peter Green (Baltimore, MD: Penguin
Books Inc., 1970).


July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Annette B. Cates
Who will be victorious? is a rhetorical
question; we already know the answer. The
righteous followers of God will defeat Satan. And I
will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his heed (Gen. 3:15).
However, no victory is won without some
skirmishes and outright battles that must be fought.
The only time Satan can win is when our defenses
weaken and we allow him to forge ahead. What are
some areas Satan uses to defeat us, and how can we
fortify to gain the victory?
Satan wins when we fall to temptation. We can
overcome. Blessed is the man that endureth
temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the
crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them
that love him (Jam. 1:12). Our temptations come
through the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life. These avenues lead one into immorality
and into doing whatever it takes to acquire anything
we want.
Temptation begins with a thought which is
allowed to grow. We know it is wrong, but we begin
to rationalize: it may be sin but; I deserve to
have; no one will know. Soon we are in fullblown sin. Temptation can be stopped at any point,
the sooner the better and easier. Can a man take fire
in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? (Pro.
6:27). Christian, stay away from the fire! Do not let
Satan win this battle.
Satan wins when we fail to do that which we
know to do, or when we simply do not care enough
to be involved in the work of the church. Therefore
to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to
him it is sin (Jam. 4:17). For example, we may have
obeyed the first principles, but not understand the
importance of regular worship. In this case, Satan
wins in two ways: 1) God does not receive the glory
and praise due Him; 2) we do not receive the
edification and fellowship with others of likeminded faith, thus stunting our own personal


spiritual growth.
There are many tools in Satans war chest. One
of these is apathy or indifference. If he can convince
Christians merely to give lip-service to God instead
of the heart, he has won a battle. We are to be a
living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God... (Rom.
12:1). According to Peter, we are lively [living]
stones, and a holy priesthood (1 Pet. 2:5). Jesus
told the Pharisees, Woe unto you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! Woe unto you, for ye pay
tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have
omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment,
mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and
not to leave the other undone (Mat. 23:23). These
Jews were doing as little as possible, and were proud
of their obedience. They were letting Satan have
the victory.
None of us can do everything. We have varying
abilities, but we are winning over Satan when we are
active in the service of the Lord. It may seem to be
little, but the widows two mites were little
compared to the much cast into the treasury by the
wealthy people. Observing this, Jesus taught His
disciples (and all of us) the lesson that it is not the
amount, but the motive and attitude of heart in the
obedient that matters (Mark 12:41-44).
Satan wins when we allow him to ruin our
influence for good. We have influence in practically
every area of life: our attitude, our conduct, the
ethics of our dealings with others, and our
faithfulness to the church. We influence everyone
we meet: acquaintances, friends, co-workers,
neighbors, and family. What is the impact of our
Solomon said, The path of the just is as the
shining light (Pro. 4:18). In the Sermon on the
Mount, Jesus expressed the same thought. Ye are
the salt of the earth the light of the worldLet
your light so shine before men, that they may see
your good works, and glorify your Father which is in
heaven (Mat. 5:13-16). The impression we make
before others should be such that God gets the

July 2014
victory, not Satan.
For Christians to have the victory, we must
never let our defenses down. We must be vigilant,
aware that Satan as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). We do
this by staying as far away as possible from sin, and
putting God first in our daily life (Mat. 6:33).
How do we put God first? We lay the
foundation by learning Gods Word and applying
its principles. When Jesus was tempted, He
responded to the devil with Scripture, it is written
and quoted from the Old Testament. If one does not
know the Word, he/she cannot go to that resource
to rebuke Satan. Such verses as Philippians
3:13,14; 4:13, and Romans 8:38,39give the believer
comfort and strength. The Bible has the answer we
just need to apply its words on a daily basis.
Next, we need to commune with God through
regular prayer and worship. Yes, God is
omniscient; He knows our needs even before we
ask. In prayer we have the privilege of praising
Him. We can ask for Gods protection and
guidance. We ask Him to meet our needs. Through
prayer we ask for Gods forgiveness when we sin.
In prayer, we yield ourselves to God. These simple
guidelines were given by Jesus in His Sermon on
the Mount (Mat. 6:8-13). When His disciples asked
Him to teach us to pray (Luke 11:1).
Worship also allows us to commune with God.
Some seem to expect worship to be a spectator
sport. No, no, no. Worship brings us closer to God
and to our fellow Christians. Worship is a solemn
occasion. We should approach it as such. Through
the elements of worship we sing praise to God; we
give of our means; we learn through the sermon;
we pray to God; we observe the Lords Supper
commemorating the death, burial, and resurrection
of our Lord by partaking of the Lords Supper. The
Bible shows the importance of our worship, God
is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship
him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
Bible knowledge, prayer, and worship would
be in vain if we neglect living as Christians. We
treat others s we would like to be treated (Mat.
7:12). In Micah 6:8, we read that God has showed
thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord
require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God (Micah 6:8).
At the end Satan and his followers will be the
losers. The victory will go to those who remain
faithful to Him. We won!

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July 2014

The Gospel Journal



GRACE (1 PET. 5:6-11)

Donald Z. Underwood
In 1 Peter 5:6-11 we read, Therefore humble
yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may
exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for
He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the
faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by
your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all
grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish,
strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the
dominion forever and ever. Amen.
The God of all grace is the God of mercy and
comfort. Our Lord will provide for all things in life. In
Christ we are thankful for all
God has done for us,
we are grateful for the church of Christ, our jobs, homes
and families, and so much more that our heavenly Father
has provided for us.
Within the context of 1 Peter 5:6-11 we read of
several truths. We are encouraged to humble ourselves
before God. Also, God cares for us in this world, that He
has provided a pathway to our home in heaven. Life in
this world is challenging and filled with trials and
tribulations, and on top of all of these events in our lives
we are to resist the devil. Finally, we read where we must
praise and glorify our Lord and this we must do.
We learn from the text to humble ourselves
before the throne of our heavenly Father
We must humble ourselves before the throne of our
heavenly Father and when we do, He will lift us up. In
Matthew 23:12 Jesus spoke to the multitudes and His
disciples and taught them the following words, And
whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who
humbles himself will be exalted. Within our text of study,
Peter would echo the same teaching after our Lords
death, burial and resurrection. God will resist the proud
of this world, but He will give the greater or more grace
unto the humble. Therefore we must humble ourselves
before the Creator of our world and He will lift us up.


(Jam. 4:6, 10) The servant of God learns the quality of

humility or meekness through submission unto the will of
God, in turn we submit unto one another.
The God of all grace cares for souls
In verse seven of the text we are instructed to cast all
of cares or concerns into the hands of God. Casting our
cares or concerns means to deposit our cares and concerns
into the presence of God. We have all experienced
various concerns in life and as Christians we know to take
our cares to the throne of His grace and make our deposit
of cares into His loving hands. Likewise we help our
fellow man to do the same, in doing so we make our
world a better place. The Psalmist wrote a similar
thought, Cast your burden on the L, And He shall
sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be
moved. (Psalm 55:22) In Luke 12:6, 24, and 28 we read
how God cares for the sparrow, raven and the grass of the
field, and He cares for us too. We were created to be
Gods friends and that is why He cares so much for us.
God loves all souls and desires the salvation of all souls.
We must resist the devil
We must actively fight against Satan and his ways or
influence. There are three words found within verses
eight and nine that will aid us in our war with Satan. We
must be sober in the fight against Satan. To be sober
means to be serious minded about Satans activities.
Today we see his influence more and more in our world
than in times past (Eph. 6:16). The second word of
wisdom in our battle is vigilance. To be vigilant means to
be watchful and on guard for Satans attacks, we must be
wise to his ways (Eph. 4:14). The final word is to resist
him. James is clear about this matter to resist, Therefore
submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
(Jam. 4:7) If we resist the devil, he will flee or run from
us, but we must resist. Friends do not leave a forwarding
address to sin.

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

The God of all grace is to receive glory

In verses 10 and 11 we must praise the God of
heaven. Like in the previous two verses the final two of
our text contains several words to help us to glorify our
Lord. There is the promise God will perfect us but only
in Christ for no defect shall remain in you (2 Tim. 3:1617). God will establish us in Christ, that is, nothing will
shake us (2 John 9). In Christ we will be strengthened
and we can overcome any adverse force in life. Paul told
the church at Philippi these words I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) The final
word is settle you, that is, in Christ we will become
established or set in concrete spiritually. In 1 Corinthians
15:58 we read, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be
steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of
the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the
Lord. Hence, we are immovable, that is, settled or set as
concrete. As a result of our doing the will of our Lord,
the God of glory will be praised forever.
We have learned several truths from our brief study
of 1 Peter 5:6-11. First of all, we must humble ourselves
before the Almighty God. Secondly, the God of all grace
cares for souls. Furthermore, if heaven is to be our home
we must resist the Devil. Finally, the God of all grace
and mercy (2 Cor. 1:3-4) is to be exalted and glorified.

Donald Z. Underwood is the Minister for the

Lemon Grove church of Christ. He serves as an
instructor for the Online Academy of Biblical
Studies, He teaches Old Testament
history: Joshua through II Chronicles, fall and
spring semesters. He does international and national
work. He is the author of several teaching tracts
and brochures. He has authored a poetry book on
friendship. Donald has also conducted a public
debate with a Baptist preacher, it can be found at
the website.


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July 2014

The Gospel Journal


Wayne Price
In 1 Corinthians 5:11, the apostle Paul
delivers an edict that brothers in Christ who
live certain types of sinful lifestyles are to
judged (see v. 12). These comments are not
directed to non-Christians, but rather to those
who are Christians (i.e., a brother, etc.). The
apostle has been dealing with the issue of
sexual immorality since the beginning of this
5th chapter (see verses 1-5, 7, 9, and 10-12).
We expect to see fornicators in the world (i.e.
without), but not in the church (i.e. within).
In Ephesians 5:3, the same inspired writer
penned these words: "But fornication, and all
uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be
once named among you, as becometh saints."
Obviously, Paul is not condemning the verbal
pronouncing of these sins (i.e., "the naming of
them"), but rather the practice of such sins.
Oddly enough, we seem to be more eager
to withdraw from a brother who is a fornicator
than one who is guilty of covetousness! Have
you ever experienced the withdrawing of
fellowship from a brother who was greedy or
covetous (vss. 1 Cor. 5:11)? How is
covetousness gauged? Where is the line
drawn when a brother is guilty and when he is
not guilty?
But the question arises regarding what is
to be done when relatives are involved in
these matters. Bro. Guy N. Woods writes in
Questions and Answers, Vol. 2 (p. 33-34)
these words: "It seems clear that Paul was not
alluding to a relationship involving husband
and wife in the passage (1 Cor. 5:11). The
laws of God are never in conflict; all truth is
harmonious with itself, and the principles


under which God ordains we are to live are

never contradictory. Wives have duties to
their husbands - whether they are Christians
are not - and these duties harmonize with their
obligations as well. Marriage relationships
were designed of God to take precedence over
all other relationships; and a situation later
arising must be understood in light of this
fact. The Christian wife should therefore
continue to live with her husband and use her
influence to bring him to repentance..." Bro.
circumstances," and this fact extends to other
family members as well, does it not?
Some have concluded that the phrase "No,
not to eat" refers to eating the Lord's Supper,
but this verb in the New Testament usually is
used in connection with an ordinary meal. It is
found in four other verses in the N.T. with
this meaning, three times in Luke's writings
(Luke 15:2; Acts 10:41 and 11:3) and is used
twice by Paul (1 Cor. 5:11; and Gal. 2:12).
But now the question is this:
Is Paul
condemning eating with a sinning Christian,
or eating with the same and giving him the
impression that you are sanctioning and
approving of his lifestyle?
Surely we can see a grave inconsistency
in refusing to eat with him, but inviting him to
play golf next Saturday! If we go to a
basketball game with him, play dominoes
with him, or go hunting with him, why would
it be wrong to eat with him? The answer
ought be that the prohibition should apply to
ANY social relationship with him that would

July 2014

The Gospel Journal

give him the idea that you approve of his

lifestyle, should it not?
But this brother should NOT be ignored,
and banished from all interaction ("keeping
company") with Christians. What Paul wrote
in his first letter to these Corinthians they
obeyed, and it worked (see 2 Cor. 2:6).
Notice that this same Paul wrote the
Thessalonians: "...if any man obey not our
word by this epistle, note that man, and have
no company with him, that he may be
ashamed" (2 Thess. 3:15).
Paul continues "Yet count him not as an
enemy, but admonish him as a brother"? (2
Thess. 3:16). How can that be accomplished
if the two of you never communicate with
each other?
Which brings us to this
Can a brother participate in
playing golf (or go to a basketball game, or
go hunting, or play dominoes) with a sinning
church member without giving him the
impression that he sanctions his sinful
lifestyle? Assuredly! When is that? Answer:
Whenever we admonish him in the process!
(2 Thess. 3:16).
How can we admonish a person without
communicating with him? It is important to
remember that Paul (1 Cor. 10:27) and even
Christ (Luke 15:2) do not object to eating
and drinking with non-Christians. Yet
Christians eating with Christians guilty of
flagrant sin appears to be giving the latter an
endorsement to their conduct. There is
something involved here that is more than
merely eating with a person, and that is the
element of appearing to sanction their sinful
It would seem that this is
illustrative of any relationship which appears
to condone unrighteous conduct on the part
of an erring brother. However, let it never be
forgotten that this cannot refer to total noncommunication, for then it would be
impossible to "admonish him as a
brother" (2 Thess. 3:15).


July 2014
Continued from page 6Goring
to confirm that such a revolt did take place. In
two separate passages, reference is made to just
such a revolt. The apostle Peter said that God
spared not angels when they sinned, but cast
them down to hell, and committed them to pits
of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment (2
Pet. 2:4). Another inspired New Testament
writer wrote: And angels that kept not their
own principality, but left their proper habitation,
he hath kept in everlasting bonds under darkness
unto the judgment of the great day (Jude 6).
Since the Bible also refers to Satan as the
prince of demons (Matt. 12:24), and speaks of
the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41, emp.
added), the only possible conclusion is that the
devil is the leader of a group of angels who
rebelled against God and were therefore expelled
from heaven to eventually spend eternity in hell.
It should also be observed that correctly
speaking, there is only one devil. The devil is the
very epitome of evil and is responsible for all
temptation (Eph. 6:11, John 8:44). The Bible
presents Satan as a real spiritual being who is
opposed to all that is good and is tremendously
powerful (but not as powerful as God). We first
encounter him in the third chapter of Genesis as
he takes the form of a serpent to tempt Eve.
Matthew 4:1-10 calls him the devil, the tempter,
and Satan as he tempts Jesus. In neither of these
places is there the least indication that Satan is
some kind of metaphorical character, or that
these passages should be considered as allegory.
Jesus Himself said that Satan had asked to have
the apostles that he might sift them as wheat
(Luke 22:31). How does a metaphorical
character do that? Jesus also referred to Hell as a
place prepared for the devil and his angels. What
sort of place would be prepared for an
allegorical character? Inspired writers and
speakers mention Satan in over 30 New
Testament passages; in not one of them is there
any indication he is anything but a real being.
The Devil is mentioned in 36 verses, and
again, not once is there any reason to say he is
an allegorical or metaphorical character, just
there to illustrate evil in some abstract way.
The apostle Peter warned: Be sober, be
vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he
may devour. Whom resist steadfast in the faith . .
. (1 Pet. 5:8, 9). We would do well to heed the
apostles warning. Fortunately, we have the
assurance that we can indeed, resist Satan, and
that he cannot sift us like wheat. The apostle


The Gospel Journal

John wrote, greater is He who is in you than
he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Continued from page 7A. Cates

devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).
Satan accuses us before God (Revelation 12:10),
but Gods faithful children, My little children,
these things write I unto you, that ye sin not.
And if any man sin, we have an advocate with
the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John
The slave will always stay with his master.
When the wicked one is cast into hell, so will be
his servants. Know ye not, that to whom ye
yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants
ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto
righteousness? (Rom 6:16). Only the servants
of Christ will go to heaven with Him (John 14:1
May we never underestimate our enemy,
Satan. He is seeking to destroy our souls, now
and for eternity.

July 2014

The Gospel Journal




Heaven's Vocabulary: Words and Phrases of Spiritual

Significance (2007), Victory Through Transformation (2006),
Lives in Scripture: A Study in Comparisons and Contrasts
(2005). Past lectureship books: Great Questions in the Bible,
Balanced Christianity, Practical Christianity, Exalting Jesus
Christ, Introducing the Prophets and Their Message (2). The
cost is $12 each or $9.00 each for orders of 5 or more.
Shenandoah church of Christ, 11026 Wurzbach Rd. San
Antonio, TX 78230. 210.696.5532, shenandoah@shenadoah, www.shenandoah



Considering attending a school of preaching? For four decades,

the Southwest School of Bible Studies has provided one of the
most academic and comprehensive programs in Biblical Studies
to be found anywhere. Academic credits earned at Southwest
are accepted at select colleges and universities. Contact the
school today for a free catalog and application packet.
Southwest School of Bible Studies, 8900 Manchaca Road,
Austin, TX 78748. (512) 282-2486 Southwest@


The Willette church of Christ is searching for a preacher to

work part time in our local prison ministry. A house and small
salary can be provided. Please contact Joe Lynn at 615-6994342."

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July 2014

The Gospel Journal

BrantleySasser Church of Christ, 4 miles south on Hwy. 29. Sun.
10, 11 a.m., 5 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m, Jeff Grimes, preacher, email:
BridgeportRocky Springs Church of Christ, 209 County Road
574, (just off Hwy 72). 256-495-2460, Sun. 9, 10 a.m., 6 p.m.
Alabama's oldest congregation. Henry Camp, preacher.
BryantGlendale Church of Christ, 532 Co. Rd. 308, 35958 (near
Chattanooga, TN). Sun. 9, 10 a.m., 5 p.m.; Wed. 6:30 p.m. (CT).
Daryel Haynes, preacher, 256-597-2207.
Fairhope890 North Greeno Rd. (Hwy. 98), POB 1525, 36533,
251-928-9053, Fax: 251-928-9033. Sun. 9, 10 a.m., 6:30 p.m.;
Wed. 7 p.m. Mike Ray, preacher.
Jacksonville-Church of Christ, 321 Nesbit St.. 36265, 256-4359356. Sun. 9:30,10:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Allen Webster,
TuscaloosaEast Pointe Church of Christ, 1 block from exit 76, off
I-20,1-59. Sun. 9,10, 6 p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Abiding in God's Word
the Old Paths. LJ of A student, visitor, resident? Welcome! 205-5563062.
Crossett-Church of Christ, 301 Pine St. 71635. 870-364-2721. Sun.
9:30, 10:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m.
MabelvaleChurch of Christ, 10820 Mabelvale West Rd., PO Box
345, 72103, 501-455-2548. Sun. 9:30,10:30 a.m., 5 p.m. Wed, 7:00
p.m. Dennis Gulledge, Cliff Boyd and Wayne Brewer, preachers,
email mabelvalecoc@sbc global. net
SwiftonChurch of Christ, 313Ashley, Swifton, Arkansas 72471.
870-485-2472. Sun. 9:30, 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Mac Ballard,
Galt --330 N. Lincoln Way 95632, Sun. 9, 10 a.m. 6 p.m.
(12:302nd Sun): Wed 7 p.m. http-//
dan22/Menu17. Html; Dan Morris, preacher 209-7453512. email dan22@mac. com (cong. sub. given by Dan
and Sheri Morris)
Norwalk -- Church of Christ, 15333 Pioneer Blvd. 90651,
562-664-2204, Sun. 9:30 10:30, 6 p.m. Thurs. 7p.m.
Visalia -- West Visalia Church of Christ, 4525 W Caldwell
Ave, 93277. Sun. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed. 7
Aurora -- East Alameda Church of Christ 13605 E. Alameda 303-344-4050, Sun 9,10 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7p.m.
Nathan Liddell, preacher.

The congregations listed are either advertisers in The Gospel Journal

or they have purchased congregational subscriptions to The Gospel

32570. 650-623-6191, Sun 9:30, 10:30 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7

Pensacola -- Innerarity Point Church of Christ, 13250
Gulf Beach Highway, 32507 (Perdido Key area) 850-9105942, Sun 9:00, 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Wed 7:00 p.m.
Andy Cates, Preacher
Wewahitchka -- Church of Christ. 2247 Hwy. 71 South
(1/4 mi N of CR 386, 2 mi. S. of town), Po Box 929,
32465, 850-639-5401 Sun 9,10 a.m. 5 p.m. Wed 7 p.m.
Bremen -- Bremen Church of Christ, 650 Alabama Ave S.
30110. 770-537-3013, Sun 9 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7 pm.
Sidney White, preacher
Cartersville -- Cartersville Church of Christ, 1319 Joe
Frank Hams Pkwy NW 30120-4222. 770-382-6775, email; Sun 10, 11 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Wed 7:30
p.m. Bobby D. Gayton, preacher.
Dalton -- Highland Church of Christ, 901 Chester St.
30721, 706-226-4126 Sun 9:30, 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Wed 7:00 p.m. Barry Gilreath Jr, preacher Home of GBN,
Fayettevllle -- Fayetteville Church of Christ, 870 Redwine
Rd. 30215, 770-461-3617 Sun 9,10 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7:00
p.m. Website: www.fcoccom. Dave Rogers, Minister, Greg
Nash, Associate/Youth Minister
Kennesaw--North Cobb Church of Christ. 885 Shiloh Rd.
30144, 770-424-6611 Sun 9:00 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
Wed. 7:00 p.m. Lee Davis, preacher
McCaysville -- McCaysville Church of Christ, 134 Bridge
St. PO Box 699, 30555, 706-455-2793 Sun 10,11 a.m. 6
p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. Bill Johnston and Keith Ritchie
preachers, email kritchie@ellijay com
Villa Rica -- Villa Rica Church of Christ, 515 Dallas Hwy,
30180,770-459-3478 Sun. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed. 7
p.m. Preacher Patrick Gray
Zion -- 23rd St. Church of Christ, 2218 Hebron Ave 60099
Sun 10:30, 11:00 a.m. Don Fianagan, preacher, 847-6726097, email, We invite you to
attend a growing Biblically sound congregation.
Crown Point -- Church of Christ, 660 Burrell St. 96307,
219-671-0561 Sun 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Thurs 7:00 p.m.
Jeff Collet preacher.
Evansville -- Westside Church of Christ, 3232 Edgewood
Dr 47712, 812-421-8645 Sun 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed
6:30 p.m.

Denver -- Bear Valley Church of Christ. 2707 S Lamar SI,

80227. 303-986-2707 Sun 9 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed
7 p.m. Preacher Neal Pollard. Home of Bear Valley Bible

Muncie -- Towne Acres Church of Christ, 2411 E. Riggin

Rd 47303, 765-269-5138 Sun 9:30,10:30 a.m. 6 p.m.,
Wed 7 p.m. Brian Howard, preacher.

Kissimmee -- Kissimmee Church of Christ, 921 W. Vine
St. 34741. Sun 9:00 10:00 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7:30 p.m.
Nathan Franson. Preacher, 407-847-5749
Milton -- Margaret St. Church of Christ, 6745 Margaret St.

Hickory -- Spring Creek Church of Christ, 970 State Rt.
1684, 42051, 270-658-3381 Sun 9:30, 10:30 a.m. 6:00
p.m., DST (5:00 p.m. CST), Wed 7:00 p.m. Ty Barnette


Chalmette -- Chalmette Church of Christ, 200 Delaronde
St. 70043, 504-279-9438, Sun 9,10 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7
p.m. Mark Lance, preacher
New Orleans -- DeGaulle Drive Church of Christ, 4700
DeGaulle Dr. 70131. 504-392-4110 Sun 9:00,10:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. Wed 7:00 p.m.
Scott Cain preacher, email
Springhill -- 902 N Arkansas St., Po Box 201, 71075, 318
-539-5880 Sun 9:45,10:30 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7 p.m., Please visit us.
West Monroe -- Bawcomville church of Christ, P.O. Box
3057, 2325 Jonesboro Rd 71294, 318-323-2945, Sun
9:45, 10:30 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7 p.m. Bill Schooley elder
318-396-7296, email
Coldwater -- Coldwater Church of Christ, P.0. Box 321.
2006 Hwy 306 @ Golden Way. 38618 Sun 9:30 10:30
a.m. 5 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Clifton Angel, preacher, www
Courtland -- Church of Christ, Hwy 51 N. 38620, 662-563
-5100 Sun 9:30 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Wed 7:00 p.m.
Southaven -- Southaven Church of Christ, 1483 Brookhaven Dr @ Hwy 51, 662-393-2690 Sun 9:30 10:30 a.m.
6 p.m. Wed 7:00 p.m. Wade
Webster and Robert Jeffries, preachers
Farmington -- Sunnyview Church of Christ, 2801 Hwy H,
2 miles south of town. 573-756-5925 Sun 10:00 10:45
a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7 p.m.
Las Vegas -- Boulevard Church of Christ, 4000 W Oakey
Blvd. 69102, 702-877-9629 Sun 9.10 a.m. Wed 7 p.m.
Preacher, Randy L. Mabe, Home of Southwestern School
of Religion
Albuquerque -- Northeast Church of Christ 11000 Paseo
del Norte NE, 87122, 505-797-3025 or 292-3856, Sun 9:30, 10:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Wed
7 p.m. John Phillis, preacher
Jal -- Jal Church of Christ, 200 E Utah Ave, PO. Box
Drawer N. 88252, 575-395-3010, fax 575-395-2303, Sun
9, 10 a.m. 6 p.m., Wed 9:30 a.m. (Ladies) 6:30 p.m. email, Daryl Micham, minister
Syracuse -- Kimber Road Church of Christ, 408 Kimber
Road, Syracuse NY 315-446-5732
Rocky Mount -- 3309 Sheffield Dr. 27801 (take S. Winstead
2 mi from US Highway 64, turn night on Sheffield Dr.) 252-937
-7997 Sun 10. 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Wed 7:30 p.m. Jack Tittle,
preacher, email

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