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EDAD 693 & 694 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 4.0 Community Collaboration

Element 4.3 Building Positive School Relationships with
Activity: Music Programs (Winter/Spring Concerts, Annual Variety
Time: 7 hours
Artifact: Concert Program Spring 2016 RF Grand Finale
Description: Various music programs are performed throughout the year for
parents, family, and friends at each school. At Grantsville all students (PK-5) perform
in the Winter Concert in addition to band and chorus. In the spring, Grantsville
students can participate in the Annual Variety Show and Band/Chorus students
perform in a spring concert. At Route 40 all students (PK-5), Band, and Chorus
perform twice a year (Winter and Spring). Their Talent Show is put on by the PTO.
Reflection: Parents love to see their kids on stage. It doesnt even matter how they
perform as long as they are up there! I used to stress over every little part of each
performance, but after becoming more seasoned, I realized that the kids are going to
do whatever theyre going to do and I cant really control that! We practice as much
as time allows, but only to the point where its still fun. If they arent having fun, it
will show in the performance as well. I want the performances to be positive for both
the kids and the parents. I still spend an exorbitant amount of time planning and
preparing for each show, making sure that I choose songs that highlight the strengths
of each group. I even go to the extent of choosing different music for each school! In
the end, I just love that the parents get to celebrate their kids being kids! Though
the winter concerts at each school are very practiced and rehearsed, the spring show
at Route 40 began just as a showcase of something weve done in class. We practice
a little, but its really just to give the parents an idea of what we do every day in
music. My favorite part of these programs and being a music teacher is being able to
show the parents the fun that we have while learning to make music. As I said in
4.3.1, its so important that schools showcase the success and talents of our
students. Its a great way to build positive school relationships with families and

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