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By J F Dubeau

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

A Foreword by EON:
The Unofficial Trinity Comic Book was a project started on Europnet back in 1999
by J F Dubeau. Although the project was never completed for a variety of reasons,
I was digging through the old Europnet archives and realised Id still got all the artwork, the character bios and the various sketches that were done.
After being asked about the project by a couple of visitors to the website, I
decided to turn the content and art I had into this document for ease of reference.
The project may never have got fully off the ground, but at least you can still see the
work that J F Dubeau did manage to get competed. I hope you can appreciate the
time and energy he put into the project. If youve missed the point this was all
extremely unofficial and did / does not challenge any White Wolf
Copyrights. Visit
Cheers EON admin.

Chapter 1: About the Unofficial Trinity Comic
Chapter 2: Production Gallery
Chapter 3: Art Gallery

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

the unofficial trinity comic:

Trinity : the Unofficial Comic Book
This is the story of Ian Banks, an ISRA clairvoyant. Five years ago, Ian lost everything to a devastating Aberrant assault upon the Esperanza orbital station. It took
three years for Ian to come to terms with the disaster but finally he's back in a
fighter doing what he does best; defending the Earth against the Aberrant threat.
This is also the story of Zoe Savino. Zoe is an angry Vitakinetic who works for Proteus. She's a dedicated doctor and a fine physician, unfortunately, this is not what
she wants to do. Zoe trained hard to be a Biokinetic but when the time came she
was rejected. Now she is working with a Proteus relief team in the Paris wasteland
and about to meet with Ian's past reincarnate.
This is also and finally the story of Dao. A proud Biokinetic, Dao is the posterboy for
psions everywhere, handsome and charming he embodies what everyone dreams
being a psion must be. He is also in Paris with a Proteus team.
These three are going to run head first with Ian's past, his long lost wingmen turned
Sub-Aberrant by one of the Colony's children leading the attack on the Esperanza.
Strobe used to be the call sign of a agile fighter pilot flying alongside Ian Banks
back before the Upeo disappearance. Strobe was neutral but flew like a member of
the Phoenix Legion. When Esperanza was attacked, they both flew to the rescue
but were quickly overrun by the Aberrants. Strobe's ship was attacked directly by
one of the monsters and Ian saw it tumble down toward the planet with the creature
attached to it's cockpit. Presumed dead, Strobe was actually transformed by the Aberrant into another monster.
When Zoe and Dao accidentally stumble onto Strobe in Paris, he is a changed
man...if a man indeed. Strobe has become a monster capable of corrupting, mutating and controlling biotechnology. Strobe instinctively attack the psions but the fight
is quickly interrupted by Ian flying in with his Locust to attack the horror. The three
psions quickly gather the two relief teams and evacuate the area.
Unbeknownst to them however, Strobe has attached himself to the evacuation ship
and has taken control of it via his mastery of biotech! The ship is not heading for it's
planned rendezvous but has changed course for space, more specifically the Luna.
The prospects are grim. If Ian is right, then Strobe is heading for the Qin embassy,
where he will have access to their incredible biotech devices. Most of the crew escapes the corrupted ship and head off to Luna to warn Proteus, but Dao and Zoe
are left behind!
As the rescue ship arrives at Olympus, Ian senses something wrong about his theory. At the same time, Strobe makes a course adjustment towards a low Lunar orbit, where a massive Leviathan jumpship is stationed. Realizing their predicament,
Zoe and Dao start to think of a plan to stop the creature.
EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity
Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Ian musters up some aerial support for an all out attack on the then corrupted jumpship while Dao and Zoe try to stop him from within. Only after a severe confrontation is Strobe talked into pulling his guard down and surrendering, having been
promised a new role in the defence of Earth...only to be gunned down by Dao and
The story is mostly base on how the character interact. It's obvious that Zoe and
Doa are not meant to be best of friends. Dao is a show off and is everything Zoe
ever wanted to be. She is fiercely jealous of him and this does not go unnoticed. Ian
on the other hand is having a hard time dealing with the return of his lost friend. Zoe
and Dao's last minute betrayal does not sit well either.
The story ends ambiguously as the three psions argue over the ethic and morality
of what has transpired.
The story is meant to drive in two points:

That Aberrants were once human beings

That Aberrants are monsters that destroy lives. The balance between pitying
and fearing the

Aberrants must be very finely tuned. We want the readers to feel that there is more
to the monsters than just killing machines, but on the other hand that whatever
more there is does not make them less dangerous.
The three main characters are, as you might have guessed, a trinity. It's a rather obvious play on the title of the game but I think it works well. Dao and Zoe are opposite corners. Dao is the positive side of being a psion. Powerful aptitudes, respect,
glory. Zoe on the other hand proves that being a psion isn't always wonders and
fun. She represent resentment, anger and failure. Ian is the balance between the
two. Ian represents failure overcome and success ignored. He is the one who
brings the two together. A fitting role for an ISRA.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Zoe Savino
Zoe Savino was born in Spain but quickly moved to the more
comfortable Rio De Janeiro. She was apparently raised in a
most luxurious environment and quickly picked up the habit
of getting what she wanted. She tested as soon as legally
possible for latency and as per her wishes turned up to be
In a rare fit of patience, she waited until after her graduation
before applying with any Order. She majored in Eco-biology
and got her Doctorate degree in Environmental BioEngineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus.
After graduation she quickly applied to Nora for membership. After meeting with
Del Fuego for approbation however, she was refused, twice. Del Fuego's reasons
for rejecting Zoe are unknown but probably have something to do with her attitude.
She was redirected to the Aesculapian Order where she met with difficult acceptance. The Vitakinetic Proxy was not thrilled to accept such a reluctant member.
Zoe has met with a fairly good psionic development but slow hierarchical progress.
Even though she is a respectable Vitakinetic she is still assigned menial work as assistant instead of being handed her own research. Zoe Savino is currently on staff
for Biotechnological field testing.

Ian Banks
A veteran of the Esperanza/African conflict, Ian was a British born psion forced to
move out because of England's view on psions. Ian lost a lot during the Esperanza
crash, his girlfriend (she died in the Esperanza crash), his wingmen, and much of
his self esteem. He disappeared during three years and has only recently come
back to active duty. A pilot of remarkable skill, Ian trained with the Legion as a pilot
and then went on to serve the Trinity as a Proteus agent, standing on orbital patrol.
Ian is the posterboy for an ISRA clairvoyant. His psionic aptitude is well mastered,
he is calm and at peace with himself. Recommended numerous times for promotions that would have pulled him out of the dangers of piloting fighters, he has refused on all counts saying he prefers to keep to the field where his abilities are of
greater use.
Updated information:
It seems Ian spend most of his three years of absence offering relief efforts to the
Esperanza crash victims. Leaping from one relief group to the next, always keeping
out of the Trinity's eye. It is unknown if he did this to look for his lost girlfriend or if
he only did it to confront the horror of the disaster or some other more obscure reason. His reasons for coming back into the Trinity fold are yet unknown, however Ian
claims it is on the suggestion of Otha Herzog.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Seems there is very little information on the Nora
operative calling himself 'Dao'. From what I've pieced
together he is from a family of Mexican refugees who
themselves were immigrants from the FSA or even
the USA if this information goes farther up his family
tree. 'Dao' paid someone a hefty sum to keep his
past as wrapped in mystery as possible. It's very
likely that he needed to hide some/all of his past to
be accepted within Nora.
Of the many images available of 'Dao' only one is
from his time before his triggering. It shows a very
different man. At least 75 pds heavier and must less sculpted than the 'Dao' seen in
news cast and poster shots.
'Dao' is a skilled biokinetisist and has also shown he is capable of limited electrokinesis. It is no wonder Nora is so fond of putting him in front of cameras. Charming,
obviously intelligent and a natural show-off, he is an adequate spokesman.
Currently 'Dao' has been assigned to a Proteus relief team in Paris. It is seldom that
the Nora will loan one of their star operatives for such low profile work. I suspect
that Del Fuego might be trying to score points to ask a favor in the near future.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Production Gallery:
Well, production has started and is going well...actually it's going better than expected. It's too early for me to move my deadline, but I'm optimistic that I will finish
by, or before scheduled. I draw, color and prepare one page a week, which brings
the end of the production for the first book to April. I know, I know. It's a long way
from now, but I can't work full time on this considering I have to feed myself. With
some hopes, if the first book works out, I might be able to work full time on the following books.
Here are the sketches for a medical BioGlove and it's corrupted 'counterpart'. You
could say that this is an important part of the story. The 'corrupted' versions are of
low quality, but these are production sketches so it's to be expected.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Here's a few sketches for the Orgotek Locust Fighter. It's mainly to see if I can draw
the craft at all and figure out some of it's various parts and functions.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Here are some the two final sketches for the new Zoe. Version 2 was the final selection. (Ok, so these images might look sorta sketchy, but they're meant to be that

These are two images of Strobe. Strobe is the bad guy aberrant for the story.

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Art Gallery:
Prototype 1 of the cover art/

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

The complete image of Ian Banks we used for the cover

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Well, here it is. The first page of the Trinity comic book. It depicts Zoe approaching
what used to be a landmark for France as she's entering the heart of Paris. A narrative in the sky will explain some of what goes on to put the readers in context. It
feels kind of strange taking this first step into the book. I mean, the first script is in
and it's gorgeous. I'm starting to think about the cover and have some pretty sharp
ideas, but actually having a page over and done with is a milestone. I guess 'it has

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

These are images of Zoe and Dao, two of the main characters. Although Dao will
stay pretty much the same except for his clothing and accessories, Zoe will go
through a drastic change to better fit her background and demeanor.
First draft of Zoe Savino

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

Dao, Norca enforcer

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

.and finally!
I thought this page might be more nifty if it had a graphic...
and the menace of a suggly cute aberrant might serve to
persuade you to send comments.
"Give suggestions or be DESTWOYED!"

EON: Aberrant, Adventure!, Trinity

Copyright White Wolf Inc (, & J F Dubeau

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