Navigating Towards Disaster: February 2009 Volume IV Issue 1

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Volume IV Issue 1 February 2009

Inside this issue:

Navigating Towards Disaster
Once again, the Army Corps of Engineers is
attempting to resurrect an ill-conceived plan Back in 2003, the GRN, along with our
Protecting the to expand the lock complex in New partners, the Holy Cross Neighborhood
2 Orleans’ Industrial Canal. This project has Association and the Louisiana Environmental
Green Swamp
been pushed by the Corps for over 50 years Action Network, filed suit because the
now, despite the fact that it is socially and Corps failed to adequately study the
Gulf Gathering environmentally unacceptable and lacks environmental consequences of this project.
and Aveda Raffle 3 economic justification. The judge ruled in our
Winner During Hurricane Katrina, favor and instructed the
the Industrial Canal was Corps to again undertake
breached – devastating an assessment of the
Fecal Matters and
adjacent environmental impacts.
Courtesy of US Army Corps of Engineers

Phosphate 4
neighborhoods like Now the Corps has come
the Lower 9th Ward. out with a new
Now this project assessment, and it still
threatens to destroy does not come close to
hundreds of acres of justifying the damage that
urban wetlands which the new lock will cause.
help protect these
vulnerable One of the most striking
neighborhoods from things about this new
flooding and storm proposal is the Corps
View of the Industrial Canal and Lock Continued on page 2

Fight Continues to Protect Gulfport Communities, Waters

In 2007, the Mississippi Department of absorbing wetlands into asphalt. Several
Transportation (MDOT) applied for a permit organizations including, North Gulfport
to construct a four lane highway known as Community Land Trust, Turkey Creek
the “Port Connector” through North Community Initiatives, Sierra Club, and Gulf
Gulfport and Turkey Creek communities. Restoration Network have joined together to
These communities, are home to a unique protect this area.
cultural, historical, and environmental
heritage that reaches back generations. The simple truth is that there are a number
Unfortunately, this project could have a of alternatives to the proposed highway that
profound effect on the individuals and the engineers at MDOT have never wanted
communities that call this area home. to consider. From better timing stoplights on
Highway 49 to widening and expanding the
The proposed highway would destroy 162 existing Canal Road, MDOT has failed to
acres of wetlands, pollute the nearby Turkey envision any alternatives but the one that puts
Creek, increase air pollution in the a major new highway through a low-income
community, and worsen existing flooding community that already has flooding
problems by converting flood water-
Continued on page 3
Page 2 Wave Maker’s News

Protecting the Green Swamp and the Withlacoochee River

It has been said that the Green Swamp is the hydrologic

Courtesy of Anthony Rue

heart of Florida. Located in west central Florida, the
Green Swamp is an essential area of recharge for the
Floridan Aquifer (the source of drinking water for
millions of Floridians). Four of Florida’s major rivers are
born in the Green Swamp, including the Withlachoochee
River and the Hillsborough River. It would be hard to
find a natural area in Florida more important in terms of
water supply and water quality. Millions of Floridians
depend on the Green Swamp.

So, it would seem to be simply logical that the absolute

last place to site a massive landfill would be on the edge
of the Green Swamp, only a few thousand feet from the
banks of the Withlacoochee River. In Florida, what is
logical and what is proposed are seldom the same. Kayaking Gum Slough off the Withlacoochee

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection to oppose this landfill.

(FDEP) is currently considering a permit for a massive
one thousand acre landfill at the edge of the Green We are working with Protector’s of Florida’s Legacy and
Swamp. A private corporation has submitted a permit the newly formed Withlacoochee River Alliance (which
request despite that fact that numerous local we are a founding member of) to pressure the Florida
governments (City of Tampa, Dade City, City of
DEP to deny this permit. A growing number of
Zephyrhills, etc.), conservation groups, chambers of
commerce, and community groups are strongly opposed statewide conservation groups, including the Florida
to a massive landfill on the edge of Florida’s drinking Wildlife Federation and Audubon of Florida have joined
water supply. The area in question, eastern Pasco this effort to protect the Green Swamp and the
County, is well known for sinkholes and geologic Withlacoochee River. Florida DEP has set a February
features that could lead to contaminants reaching the 12th, 2009 date for a decision on this permit and Gulf
aquifer, the Green Swamp, or the river. The potential Restoration Network will continue to work with our
for contamination and environmental damage to the
allies and partners to achieve the denial of this permit
Green Swamp and the Withlacoochee River is clear, and
Gulf Restoration Network is helping to lead the charge and protect the hydrologic heart of Florida. 

Navigating Towards Disaster (continued from page 1)

failed their own mandate to only undertake projects where benefits outweigh the cost to the tax-payers. Traffic
through the lock has been decreasing, yet the Corps continues to push this unnecessary project. According to one
economic analysis, this project would only return 30 cents on every dollar invested in this $1.3 billion project! This
analysis also concludes that the Army Corps’ most recent report is primarily meant to “justify a fundamentally flawed
decision to continue to construct a replacement lock.”

Additionally, the environmental impacts to these communities could be severe. This project will impact 244 acres of
wetlands. According to recent studies, these wetlands could provide well over one million dollars of services, including
wildlife habitat and storm protection. These are urban wetlands provide important protection from flooding events and
storm surge, yet the Corps has failed to take into account the vital services that these wetlands provide to
neighborhoods like New Orleans East, the Lower 9th Ward, and St. Bernard Parish.

For all these reasons and more, the lock expansion is not in the best interests of local communities. Gulf Restoration
Network will continue to watchdog this and other Corps projects to ensure that they do not unnecessarily impact and
destroy the vital resources that they have been tasked to protect. 
Volume IV Issue 1 Page 3

Fight Continues to Protect Gulfport Communities, Waters (continued from page 1)

problems. A one acre wetland can store roughly one million
gallons of water. Thus, by destroying 162 acres of
wetlands, the state would be removing 162 million gallons
of water storage capacity, only exacerbating the likelihood
of future flooding.

In January of 2009, our coalition dealt MDOT their first

setback. Due to concerns over MDOT’s failure to avoid
wetland destruction, the EPA threatened to veto their
permit application. MDOT has since agreed to put its
application on hold. This positive news means that MDOT
will likely have to devise a better plan, but it does not mean
the highway project is dead. Gulf Restoration Network and
its allies will continue to fight for an alternative to the “Port
Connector” that better protects the local community and
the wetlands that the community relies upon for flood Local community members fish along Turkey Creek

Join us May 8-9 at a Gulf-wide conference for coastal advocates and organizers concerned about the Gulf
of Mexico. If you're interested in Clean Water, Climate Change, Coastal Habitat Resiliency, Wetlands and Cypress
Swamps Conservation, or would like to meet other folks from across the five Gulf states who want to protect the Gulf
- this is the environmental conference for you.

To receive agenda updates and further information, contact Briana Kerstein, (504) 525-1528
ext. 208. 

Aveda Earth Month Raffle Winner

Last April, Aveda salons across the southeast partnered with GRN to support our Healthy Waters work with an
Earth Month raffle. The raffle was a ringing success and GRN would like to thank the salons that sold raffle tickets
and all the individuals who took part in helping to protect our waters. The winner of the grand prize is Ms. Pamela
Kowzan of Orlando, Florida. She received two nights and brunch from the Intercontinental New Orleans, a $500
gift card on the airline of her choice, dinner from Gautreau's and Lilette, and spa services from Paris Parker Salons.

Congratulations to Pamela! This Earth Month, we are proud to once again partner with Aveda Salons to raffle off
some great prizes and keep our waters healthy. 
Fecal Matters
Scientists test public water for fecal coliform bacteria, but
what does that mean? Feces, poop, excrement, dung - I think
you get the picture. When you flush, the water and waste
heads to a sewage treatment plant where it gets cleaned and
released back into the environment. Sometimes though, the
treatment plant releases untreated or undertreated sewage
into waterways where it can make people sick. State agencies
are supposed to protect the public but this process can also
break down.
New Orleans Office
338 Baronne St., Ste. 200 That is why the Gulf Restoration Network and Louisiana
New Orleans, LA 70112 Bayou Keeper produced the Our Waters Our Health, a Citizen’s Guide to Sewage Pollution, a how-to
Phone: 504-525-1528 on stopping sewage pollution and protecting your community. The manual is free to our member
Florida Office
groups and interested parties can contact us for trainings on where experienced staff will walk you
34413 Orchid Parkway through the ways you can fight sewage pollution. For more information please contact our Special
Ridge Manor, FL 33523 Projects Coordinator, Casey DeMoss Roberts at 504-525-1528 extension 212 or by email at
Phone: 352-583-0870 
Phosphate Monster Poised to Gobble Up More Wetlands
Most Americans do not think of Florida as a mining state. Despite the perception of Florida as a
state of beaches and sunsets, Florida has a major mining industry which poses a direct threat to
the environment and tourist economy. Sand mines, limerock mines, and phosphate mines are scattered across Florida. The mining of phosphate, which is used as a fertilizer, poses the greatest
threat to Florida’s rivers, wetlands, and bays. Now more than ever Floridians are facing a
fundamental choice: fish or phosphate.

Phosphate strip mining rips the soul from the landscape. The earth is torn asunder by massive
GRN Healthy Waters drag lines that scar the landscape. The hydrologic system that has supported rivers, wetlands, and
Program Staff creeks for thousands of years is forever altered and mining runoff pollutes downstream rivers
and estuaries. All of this is done with permits granted to the phosphate industry by the state of
Florida: Joe Murphy Florida and the federal government. One is left to wonder what future generations will think as
352-583-0870 or they ponder the destruction of Florida that has been done primarily to benefit a few companies. Surely, they will judge us harshly for not putting the health of our rivers, wetlands, and coastal
estuaries ahead of drag lines and strip mining.
Mississippi: Jeff Grimes
504-525-1528 x 205 or Mosaic is Florida’s 800 lbs. gorilla when it comes to phosphate mining. This company owns thousands of acres from central to southwest Florida and is actively working to mine Florida of
this non-renewable resource. Despite the overwhelming evidence of tattered landscapes lost to
Raleigh Hoke the strip mines, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of
504-525-1528 x 204 or Engineers routinely grant permits for the continued destruction.
In the summer of 2008, the Gulf Restoration Network joined with the Sierra Club, Manasota-88,
Louisiana: Matt Rota People for the Protection of the Peace River, and Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund in going to
504-525-1528 x 206 or court to challenge to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permits that would have allowed wetlands to be destroyed in the Altman Tract in Manatee County. After we filed suit, the Corps suspended
the permits. Our shot across the bow let state and federal agencies know we are serious about
Special Projects protecting wetlands and rivers from destruction caused by phosphate mining.
Casey DeMoss Roberts
Unfortunately, a victory we achieved in 2008 was reversed when the Manatee County
Commission changed courses due to legal threats from Mosaic. The County voted to approve
local government permits for Mosaic to mine wetlands in the Altman Tract. The phosphate bullies
convinced Manatee County to abandon principles and disregard the public interest. However,
Gulf Restoration Network continues to pressure Manatee County to revisit this decision and do
what is right for taxpayers, the environment, and the region’s future. We can and will take on the
phosphate monster and protect Florida’s future. 

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