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eTour is one of the primary modules of the eOffice portal. This module will be used by
employees, Admin section, protocol section, cash and Accounts section and Pay and
Accounts Sections to process all the tour related activities through electronic mode.
eTour comprises of different sections as follows:

Tour Log Sheet


Lets have a quick overview of the different sections of eTour one by one.

TOUR LOG SHEET....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Tour Log Sheet........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Pre Tour ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Post Tour .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
International Tour ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Dashboard................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Status ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Pending Approval.................................................................................................................................................. 9
DSC Registration ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Draft Request(s).................................................................................................................................................. 12
CLAIM DETAILS........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Settlement and Expense Claim(s).............................................................................................................. 13
Confirmed Expense Claim.............................................................................................................................. 16
Claim History ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Claim Draft(s)....................................................................................................................................................... 18


Tour Log Sheet
Tour Log Sheet has two parts i.e. Pre Tour and Post Tour.
Pre Tour
Pre Tour is classified in four sub parts as follows:

Tour Details
Tour Plans
Leave and TA/DA
Tour Summary

The steps to perform the Pre Tour Log Sheet are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 1

Fig.eTour. 2

Fig.eTour. 3

Fig.eTour. 4

Tour Details
Step 1: Go to Pre Tour Log Sheet of Tour Log Sheet as shown in Fig.eTour.1.
Step 2: Enter all the mandatory fields for the Pre Tour and User can save the Tour Details
Step 3: Save as Draft to save the pre tour details.
Next to move forward the details to next tab to complete the tour details.
Tour Plans
Step 4: The page is moved next, only when the Tour Details are filled as shown in
Step 5: Provide the mandatory details to complete the Tour Plans.
Step 6: Click Add button to add the details and click Next to next Tab i.e. Leave TA/DA.
Leave TA/DA
Step 7: Leave TA/DA describes about the number of leaves taken if applied as shown in
Tour Summary
Step 8: Tour Summary is the complete details of the Submitted Tour Plan, Tour
Details and Leave TA/DA. A request number is generated on successful submission as
shown in Fig.eTour.4.

Post Tour

Note: The process of logging a Tour Request is similar to Pre Tour.

Advance cannot be claimed in Post Tour except Pre Tour.
International Tour
International Tour Log Sheet comprises of two sections i.e. Personal Details and Tour
Personal details are preloaded values from the Personnel Information System.

Fig.eTour. 5

The steps to perform the International Tour log sheet are as follows:
Step 1: User need to fill the details of International Tour as shown in Fig.eTour.5.
Step 2: Click Save button to save and a message prompts After you return please fill the

The steps to describe the Dashboard are as follows:
Dashboard describes the details of the Tour with respect to the User (logged into the

Fig.eTour. 6

Fig.eTour. 7

Step 1: Click the Request No to View Tour Request Details as shown in Fig.eTour.6.
Step 2: User can also generate the Tour Request Details in a PDF.

The steps to view the Status are as follows:
Step 3: Tour Request can also be viewed on behalf of Self or Others as shown in

Fig.eTour. 8

Pending Approval
The steps to view the Pending Approvals are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 9

Fig.eTour. 10

Fig.eTour. 11

Pending Approval can be either done on the Behalf of Self or Others as shown in
Fig.eTour.9 & 10 and 11.
Step 1: Select the Behalf of Self (Yes) to view the details of Self .
Step 2: Choose the User to view the Pending Approvals.
Step 3: User can search the employee by providing the Employee Name.
Step 4: Click Request No to view Tour Request Details and Approve/Reject Tour
Step 5: Go to Approve Comments and either Approve or Reject the Tour Details.
Step 6: Enter Comments or Reason when Rejected the Tour Details.
Step 7: Submit the comments for the Pending Approval Request for Tour .

DSC Registration
The steps to Register the DSC are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 12

Fig.eTour. 13

Step 1: Select the certificate displayed as DSC Enrollment as shown in Fig.eTour.13.

Step 2: Click Register button to register the DSC.
Step 3: Enter the PIN Number to register.
Step 4: Click Ok Button.
Step 5: Registered DSC is displayed as Signing Certificate.

Draft Request(s)
The steps to view the Draft Request(s) are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 14

Step 1: User can view the Draft Request by Self as shown in Fig.eTour.14.
Step 2: User can take Action of Edit or Delete on the Draft.

Settlement and Expense Claim(s)
The process to settle and claim expenses are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 15

Fig.eTour. 16

Fig.eTour. 17

Fig.eTour. 18

Fig.eTour. 19

Fig.eTour. 20

Step 1: User can view the claims details for Self as shown in Fig.eTour.15.
Step 2: User can take action for the claims by clicking the Action Button.
Step 3: User should enter Tour Details and click Add button as shown in
Step 4: Claim can be saved as Draft by Save as Draft or can be moved to Next.

Step 5: User should enter Free Board and Lodging details.

Step 6: Click Add button add the entered details as shown in Fig.eTour.17.
Step 7: Click Next to move to next tab.
Step 8: Enter Food Expenses details and click Add as shown in Fig.eTour.18.
Step 9: Click Next to move to next tab.
Step 10: Enter Hotel details and click Add to add the entered details.
Step 11: Click Next button to move to next tab.
Step 12: Enter Tour TA Bills details and click Submit as shown in Fig.eTour.19.
Step 13: A message prompts of successfully applied as shown in Fig.eTour.20.
Confirmed Expense Claim
The steps to process the Confirmed Expense Claim are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 21

Fig.eTour. 22

Step 1: Click Action button to view the claimed expense details as shown in
Step 2: Click Generate Receipt button to generate receipt.
Claim History
The steps to view the Claim History are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 23

Fig.eTour. 24

Step 1: Click Action button to view the claims details as shown in Fig.eTour.23.

Claim Draft(s)
The steps to Claim Status are as follows:

Fig.eTour. 25

Fig.eTour. 26

Step 1: Click Action Button to perform entering the Tour details or can delete the record
as shown in Fig.eTour.25.
Step 2: User can save the claim as draft Save as Draft or click Next button to move to

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