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Greek Margins: Mysteries of Samothrace

Walter Burkert

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; (. 1)

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. 1 : Samothrace. A Guide to the

Excavations and the Museum, by Karl Lehmann, 5th ed. revised
and enlarged by Phyllis Williams Lehmann, New York 1983.

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Santiago di Compostela ,

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: 'Santiago mata moros',
, ,
St. James ' .
, ,
" " .
Santiago - " Santiago";
' , :
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'' - .
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Zoega, Creuzer, Schelling Welcker-

, , Faust Goethe, Der Tragdie zweiter Teil,
'Klassische Walpurgisnacht'.1
- .
Justus Scaliger
'' kabir,
'', '

kabirim.2 H Scaliger
3 '' ',
, ''.
, ,
, .
, ,

. .
Karl Lehmann,
Mellon ...,
'Bollingen Foundation'. ( Mlions Carl
Gustav Jung "Eranos" Bollingen
, C. G. Jung
). 'Samothrace'

. . Reinhardt, Die klassische Walpurgisnacht, Antike und Abendland 1 (1945) 133162 = Tradition und Geist (Gttingen 1960) 309-356.
2. J. J. Scaliger, Coniectaneae in M. Ter. Varr. de lingua Latina (Paris 1565) 146.
3. 3, 37.


, ,
19 ., 1863,
, ,

1865 1873-1875,


Phyllis Lehmann, Karl Lehmann,
James R. McCredie (. 2).
. ,
, ,

' '


. 2

: Samothrace. A Guide to the Excavations and the
by Karl Lehmann, 5th ed. revised and enlarged by
Phyllis Williams Lehmann, New York 1983, 92.



, - . 4
, .

'' ,
, .

Manfred Korfmann Beshik Tepe, .

. ,
. 5 ,
, ''
, ' .

4. Matsas 1991.
5. L. Godait, CRAI 1994, 710-720.

, 7 . ..
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, .


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7 .

, . 1915
. 1359,
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6. . 10,28,3.


. 7 OL in loto
700 .. Martin West
6 . .. , .
(, , )
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8 ,
9 . 10

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. 177, . 7

(. 8) , "" ,
Martin West, :
, .
, - -, :

7. , . 177, 5-15 Merkelbach-West: [ / "

/ [/ [ / [
- / [ /
[ , / [ / [ / [/ * ['.
8. . 20, 215 ..
9. 4 F 23 .
10. . 3, 138 ..


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: 12
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: . , ,
7/6 .
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ll.Caduff 1986, 133-142.

12. . 20, 216 ..
13. 4 F 31.


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. 14
. 15
. , ,
, ,
, .
1 6 17 -
, ,
. 18 ,
, 19

, .. .
, , ''

14. 4 F 23:135.
15. . 5, 125 ., 969-91 \.
16. . 5, 48, 4: ' ()
i .
17. ., . 13, 3.
18. ., 3, 50-51: , / ^ ,
' .
19. . 5,49.



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, ' '

. ,
'', .

- .
20 , ,
21 . 22
: "
". 23 -

20. 4 F 23.
21. 156 F 64 95.
22. 4, 28 ..
23. FGrHist 70 F 120 = . ., . 7:
(sc. ) .


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" ",
. 24

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25 ''
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6 5
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. 5 .

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24. 1, 915-921: cT
, . yavr\oi
. . . 5, 49.
25. ., . 95-97 Radt.





. 3

(1 . ..): Samothrace. Excavations

conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York
University, Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann
editors, Princeton University Press. VI: The Rotunda of

Arsinoe, ed. J. McCredie, 1992.

, , ,
. ,

. , 26
440/425 ..
, -

26. . 2, 51 ..:
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. , 9
, 28
- " , ,
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". , ,
, ' '
' ' '' ' -
- ,
, ,
' ' ,
, De natura deorum.29 ,
, '' " ,
, -Caelum Dies-
, , -

27. FGrHist 107 F 20 = 10, 3, 19-20:

28. , . 199 = . 8, 33:, , ...
, ...
29. , De natura deorum 3, 56: cuius obscenius excitata natura traditur quod
aspectu Proserpinae commotus sit.


". ,
, ' '.

Varr, Caelum/
. 30 '
: ' ',
. 31 ,
, ' '
5 : ,
. 3 2 , ' ' .


" ",

" ". 33 : "
pudenda -

30. Varr, ling. Lai. 5,58.

31. W. F. Otto, Eranos Jahrbuch 1939, 83-112. W. Burkert, Homo Necans, Berlin
32. Po 12.454, ARV 2 1218, 2. C. Brard, Anodoi (1974) fig. 63
fig. 42 43.
33. , ., 5, 8, 9: , ,

, , , ...
, , -



, .

, ,
, -

, , .
'', ''
, . ,

. Varr
, ,
: "
" " 34 - ,
Varr, . .

'. Karl Lehmann
: ' ',
' ', Varr;
, Varr

34. Varr, ling. Lat. 5,58.


, .

- '' ;
, Varr
. ,

' Lehmann
, , ''
: Deorum sacra qui non acceperunt non
intrant .^ ,
. ,
. . Lehmann

cunni ' .
. "Und man fragt sich, ob nicht auch die in
der Sakristei gefundene eherne Kiste Phalloi enthalten hat" 36
, .

35. LSS 75: . LSS 75 a: Deorum sacra qui non

acceperunt non intrant, .
36. Hemberg 1950, 106.


, .
, , ,
. .
: "
". 37 .
430 -

, .

. 3 8

. ,
' '
, 5 .

37. . . 6, 59. , De natura deorum 3, 89. ,

. M. Winiarczyk, Teubner 1981, T. 36/7.
38. ., 277-279: ' / , / .


, .
5 ., -

, . 39
: 405,
, 386, .
, () .
' . Karl Lehmann

' ', ,

' '

. Karl Lehmann

, ,
. :

39. .,


2 17 e d. 229 d. 236 d.

, , 325 .. - '
' ' .

, ' '
. ,
' ':
- ,
, .
, ''. '',
, , 40 ,
, .

, ' ' . ,
' '
. , :
' ' , conscientia
sceleris. ,
, 41 ' '
. 4 2
-, '
': ' , ', ' ',
. 43

40. G. Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens, Epigraphica AnatoIica22 (1994).

41. . 3, 82, 6 8, 73, 3.
42. ., . 24, 7.
43. R. Merkelbach, Fragment eines satirischen Romans, ZPE 11 (1973) 81-100.


. , ,
'' ' '.
4 3 . ..
, ,
, .
II. ,
, .
. ,
, , :


, ,

. 4 ,
, 340 ..: Samothrace. A Guide to the Excavations and the Museum, by Karl
Lehmann, 5th ed. revised and enlarged by Phyllis Williams Lehmann, New York 1983, 76-77.

44. ., . 2, 2.


"" , ''
. ,
, , (. 4) -
' '
: , II,
'' ,
, ,






, ' -

. 5
( ): Samothrace.
Excavations conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of
New York University, Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams
Lehmann editors, Princeton University Press. VI: The
Rotunda of Arsinoe, ed. J. McCredie, 1992, 53.


' 4 .



: "


. 6 , (
Niemann): Samothrace. Excavations conducted by the

Institute of Fine Arts of New York University, Karl
Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann editors, Princeton ,
university Press. VI: The Rotunda ofArsinoe, ed. J.

McCredie, 1992, 13.

, ,
'' -

- , ,


45. , Or. ( ) 12, 33 =

F 368 Theiler: , ' ,
, ,
, , ,

' ' .
, ' '
. . D. Nock
'. 46 ,
, .
; ,

. 3 .
, '' ',
, , '',
'' . 47 ,
. Karl Lehmann ,
'' ,
, ,
, .
3 .
; Lehmann graffito E
, " 6,
5 4 ." (Samothrace, II 2, 23).
, , , .

46. . D. Nock, A Cabiric Rite, AJA 45 (1941) 577-581 , Cole 1984, 29.
47. LSS75,75 a.


. 48 " ,
". ,
, ,
. ''
. ,

, .
' ' ,
, "
". 49

, ,
, . -

48. . P. 1, 916 b: ,
, ,
49. . 8,221.


. 50
, , 51
: "
: , , , . , ,
, , ,
. ".

. (sic)
. 53
, .
"Juppiter, Juno, Minerva, Mercurius"
Varr. 54
, graffiti ,

50. ., . 579.
51. FHG III 149 ..
52. . . 1, 917 68 F 1: ,
. ' ''

<>. ,
, "-
53. 2 F 20.
54. Serv. auct. Aeri. 2, 296 Serv. Aen. 3, 12 3, 264- 8, 679. Varr in Aug. civ.


PHI hi;

- , ( ;
camillus, " - ' 55
. ,
-- ,
- (
, graffiti.
, Haterii Via Appia (>
, , ,
Pettazzoni , ,

, .. '
. , Haterii
, , , ,
, kabir ''.
, ,
. 13 . Emar
, Rashap-Kabar, Reshef '. 58
, ^

55. 2 F 20.
56. 5, 47, 3: idiav ,
57. Pettazzoni 1908. Bianchi 1976 fig. 58.
58. D. Arnaud, Emar, Recherches aux Pays d' Ashtata VI (Paris 1985) nr. 15 . 23.


. ''
. '' ''
, ,
, ,
. ,
(), ,
' '

; ""
- '',
' ', \ , ,
ioco , , .

"" , ,
'' (. , pius
Aeneas ,
, Penates
. ,
168 .. -
; - 2 . ..
Cassius Hemina 60 -

59. 10, 3, 20: " ,


60. Cassius Hemina Fr. 6.


, .

. 62
, "".

. ,

, :
, . 63
- ,
, .

, ' '.
, ,

61. . . Clinton, Chiron 31 (2001) 27-34, ,

4 100 ..
62. . Cole 1989.
63. Lucr. 6, 1044. Plin., . h. 33, 23. Isidor orig. 19, 32, 5. Et. M. s. v. Magnetis.


: .
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, .
. ,
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, ,
. '
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, ' ' '
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', .


Samothrace. Excavations conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts of New York
University, Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann editors, Princeton
University Press.
I: The Ancient Literary Sources, ed. N. Lewis, 1958.
II 1: The Inscriptions on Stone, ed. P. M. Fraser, 1960.
II 2: The Inscriptions on Ceramics and Minor Objects, ed. K. Lehmann, 1960.
III 1: The Hieron, ed. Ph. Williams Lehmann, 1969.
IV 1: The Hall of Votive Gifts, ed. K. Lehmann, 1962.
IV 2: The Altar Court, ed. . Lehmann, D. Spittle, 1964.
V: The Temenos, ed. Ph. Williams Lehmann, D. Spittle, 1982.
VI: The Rotunda of Arsinoe, ed. J. McCredie, 1992.
: Samothrace. A Guide to the Excavations and the
Museum, by Karl Lehmann, 5th ed. revised and enlarged by Phyllis Williams
Lehmann, New York 1983.
U. Bianchi, The Greek Mysteries, Leiden 1976 (Iconography of Religions XVII 3).
W. Burkert, Herodot ber die Namen der Gtter: Polytheismus als historisches
Problem, MHA2 (1985) 121-132.
- -, Ancient Mystery Cults, Cambridge, Mass. 1989/Antike Mysterien. Mnchen
19943/ , 1994.
- -, Concordia Discors: The Literary and the Archaeological Evidence on the
Sanctuary of Samothrace, in: N. Marinatos, R. Hgg, ed. Greek Sanctuaries.
New Approaches, London 1993, 178-191.
G. A. Caduff, Antike Sintflutsagen, Gttingen 1986 (Hypomnemata 82).
F. Chapouthier, Les Dioscures au service d' une desse, Paris 1935.
S. G. Cole, Theoi Megaloi: The Cult of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Leiden
1984 (tudes prliminaires aux religions orientales dans empire romain 96).
- -, The Mysteries of Samothrace during the Roman Period, : Aufstieg und
Niedergang der rmischen WeltU 18,2 (Berlin 1989) 1565-1598.


. Hemberg, Die Kabiren, Uppsala 1950.

A. J. Kleywegt, Varr ber die Penaten und die "Grossen Gtter", Amsterdam
C. A. Lobeck, Aglaophamus sive de theologiae mysticae Graecorum causis,
Knigsberg 1829.
D. Matsas, Samothrace and the Northeastern Aegean: The Minoan Connection,
Studia Troica 1(1991) 159-179.
A. D. Nock, A Cabiric Rite, AJA 45 (1941) 577-581.
W. Oberleitner et al., ed. Funde aus Ephesos und Samothrake (Kunsthistorisches
Museum Wien, Katalog der Antikensammlung II), Wien 1978.
R. Pettazzoni, Una rappresentazione Romana dei Kabiri di Samothracia, Ausonia
M. L. West, The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, Oxford 1985.

AJA = American Journal of Archaeology.

AR V2 = J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-figure Vase - painters, 2nd ed. (Oxford
CRAI = Comptes rendus des sanses de Acadmie des inscriptions et
belles - lettres [Paris].
LSS = F. Sokolowski, Lois sacres des cits grecques. Supplment, Paris
ZPE = Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik.


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