Saddest Words

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Saddest Words

by: Raul Amonte

I dont know why those words are invented
The reason why they exist,
The uses of it,
Im clueless
Are they really exist for us to hurt,
To give us the meaning of life or just
Another question that we couldnt answer,
Searching all day without no assurance,
But dictionary defines them,
We define.
Almost. The moment I was there,
The moment I just nearly to see,
Just a little bit move,
Connecting two lines for us.
Like plotting in Cartesian plane,
Like an asymptotic,
We are near to each other
But we will never meet.
Like an intersecting lines
We had that one chance to meet
But we set apart in the end.
Again. He let me broken.
I let him to be part of once he shattered,
I accept the whole-him,
The trust that I gave was the same by the day I give the
And now the yesterday is the same today and for tomorrow.
And I realized that Im a just a shit!
Never. Youve crossed beyond the red-line.
You never say YES!
Like Im talking to the stone, but harder than a metal,
Melting cold.
You was shadowed of pride
Like an I-specialist,
All is too much.
Pity. I have it! She looked at me like Im losing the best of me.

Her grin makes me feel damn it

I thought shes my best friend,
I thought we are the same,
I thought shes my sister-like
But everything was only a I thought
I met her in my worst time, til become best of times but it
was end up as the same as the time I met her.
Friendship for those who cant stand alone, that is how I
define it. Friendship goals to those who pity. Love yourself is
suited words.
Sorry. The last word of my mother before she died. Asking
myself why?
Why she left me a question?
Why her last word still popping on my mind?
Why is that word makes my day broken?
Why her sorry is harder than the real meaning of it.
One thing I know,
Shes the answer of all my whys
I forgive but I cant forget the word she said.
Love. Painful yet the happiest.
I wonder how love can change a person,
I wonder how powerful it is,
I wonder why love may kill you,
I wonder what if theres no love?
But why love is unfair? I let my door open for that so-called
love but everyone shut me out.
Love shits!
Sacrifice. He gave what he had. Willing to die for them. He
woke up every twilight to look for something to eat,
He never failed to make us laugh, to show the reason that we
need to be happy,
He is our man of steel,
That is for him but he gave it.
That one night in a dark room
Looking him crying and trying to heal his wounds but the
moment he saw me
He smiled and like nothing happens.
Thanks. Should I be glad or sad? Should I?

Its seems so hard but we need to accept that not all thank
you is for good cause some thank you meant to say enough!
Goodbye. I have nothing to say but goodbye is hardest word
to let out from your mouth and your voice that keeps syncing
onto my ears,
Like there is a tinnitus.
Those words make us sad,
Still asking why those exist,
Written in every piece.
Saying not all words are meaningful
Some word kills
Like a bullet making a hole in everyones heart.
And heres my saddest words;
Almost. Again. Never. Pity. Sorry. Sacrifice. Thanks. Goodbye.

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