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The PWS WP Ad Manager Plugin

by Tony Lee / Privateer Web Solutions

Provided you have purchased a copy of this plugin from me, you have the right to use this plugin on
any and all web sites run by you, whether they be clients web sites or your own. You can sell web sites
that you create and use it on. The main thing that you have no right to do is to sell copies of this plugin,
give copies of it away, and/or present it as something that you have created.


If you use this plugin on clients web sites without their buying copies and/or use it on web sites that
you resell without removing the plugin, those who buy sites from you or have them maintained by you
will not get support or updates from me. Nor will they have access to the owners forum. If they want to
be able to get updates directly from me and/or have access to the owners forum and new versions of
this plugin they should buy their own copy.

Thank you!
I hope that you find good value for your money in this plugin. There is a lot that it can do, provided one
takes the time to set things up properly. Without your support, this project would not continue to

If you are using this plugin and have not picked up a copy, please consider doing so.
Table of Contents
Setting up Filter Usage..........................................................................................................................3
The Use Header Filter option:......................................................................................................3
The Use Content Filter option:....................................................................................................3
The use Filter On Multi Pages Option:........................................................................................4
Setting up the Coin Types......................................................................................................................4
User Description..........................................................................................................................4
Wrap this Coin Type in a Link.....................................................................................................4
Method for Displaying Coins.......................................................................................................5
Order for Displaying Coins..........................................................................................................5
Method for Limiting Coins..........................................................................................................5
Exclude Current Post or Page from Coin Results........................................................................6
Visual Display Method................................................................................................................6
Text Above Coin List...................................................................................................................6
Text Below Coin List...................................................................................................................6
Style the Coin Lists and Items.....................................................................................................6
Custom Non-Post, Non-Page Coin Options.................................................................................7
Setting up Container Styles...................................................................................................................8
Creating Ads and Content Areas:...............................................................................................................8
Post and Page Related Content and Ads................................................................................................8
Custom Content and Ads.......................................................................................................................9
Placing Ads and Content Areas:.................................................................................................................9
Placement with the Privateer Theme.....................................................................................................9
Placement with other Themes.............................................................................................................10
Using Content Filters for Post and Page Coin Placement..............................................................10
Placing Coins outside of Posts and Pages.......................................................................................10
Using Short Codes to Place Ad and Content Blocks................................................................................11
Basic Short Codes for Default Displays..............................................................................................11
Advanced Short Codes to Override Defaults......................................................................................11
Bugs, Feature Requests, Help, and More.................................................................................................13
Check The Manual.....................................................................................................................13
Check The Forums.....................................................................................................................13
Contact Me.................................................................................................................................13
PWS WP Ad Manager version 1.0 page 1

This plugin is designed to allow one to place content of different types in various places on a
WordPress web site.
By default, there are four different types of content, called “coin types”, which you can use for
whatever type of content you want, provided that the content is processed by the client. ( e.g. you can
place text, html, and javascript, but php and asp will not work properly as of this version ).
When placing content, you can set up the defaults for each content type and then override the
defaults as needed when placing particular content blocks.
A content block consists of one or more pieces of content, presented in a row or column ( or with
rows and columns if you are showing more items than you have set to be allowed in a single row or
column ).
Because I do not define your content types for you, you will need to know a little html and css in
order to make good use of this plugin, but the included copy of my simple html and css manual should
show you everything you need quickly to get excellent results.

In order to install this plugin, you will need to first extract the zip archive that it is contained
within...which you have likely done if you are reading this manual. However, in case you are reading
this online or have been sent a copy.
In Windows, you can extract the zip archive by right-clicking on it and selecting one of the
displayed extrac methods.
For the Macintosh, try dragging the zip archive to the suffit expander.
For Linux users...shame on you if you don't know how to open a zip archive! But you should be able
to use the command line unzip utility to do so.
Once extracted, you should see the following files and directories:
• Directory / Folder : pws-wp-ad-manager
• This is the plugin directory that you should upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on
your web server. Alternately, you can zip it up and upload it through the built in plugin
installer in wordpress.
• Zip Archive: pws-wp-ad-manager-widget
• This is a plugin that adds a sidebar widget which can be used to place coin spots in your
side bars or widgetized areas. To use it, extract it and upload the contents to your /wp-
content/plugins directory.
• File: simple-html-and-css.pdf
• A quick guide to the basic html and css knowledge one needs to make reasonably decent

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looking web pages. Useful for creating content for use with this plugin.
• File: readme.txt
• Basic information about this plugin
• File: short-codes-info.txt
• A quick reference for short code options and usage
• File: pws-wp-ad-manager.pdf
• This manual.
• File: pwsPageRender.class.php
• If you are using version 1.6 of the Privateer theme, you can upload this to your
/privateer/classes/ folder and overwrite the existing copy of this file to give the theme
native short code support without using any filters.
• Do not use this file with any version of the Privateer theme higher or lower than 1.6!
• File: header.php
• If you are using version 1.6 of the Privateer theme, you can upload this to your
/privateer/ folder and overwrite the existing copy of this file to give the theme native css
support for this plugin.
• Do not use this file with any version of the Privateer theme higher or lower than 1.6!
• File: footer.php
• If you are using version 1.6 of the Privateer theme, you can upload this to your
/privateer/ folder and overwrite the existing copy of this file to give the theme native
shortcode support for this plugin.
To install the plugin, upload the /pws-wp-ad-manager folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
on your server.
Once installed, go to the Plugins – Installed option in your WordPress admin menu and locate the
newly installed plugin. If it does not show up then chances are good that you uploaded the plugin
directory to the wrong location.
Select Activate to turn the plugin on. Doing so will set up the default options for the plugin and
create a new custom table in your wordpress database for use in creating custom content items that are
not associated with particular posts and pages on your site.
Once activated successfully, you should see five new menu items under the normal WordPress Tools
menu in your admin panel:
• AdMan General – Some basic info along with filtering and table cell styling options
• AdMan Coin 1 – Default options setup panel for coin type 1
• AdMan Coin 2 – Default options setup panel for coin type 2

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• AdMan Coin 3 – Default options setup panel for coin type 3

• AdMan Coin 4 – Default options setup panel for coin type 4
• AdMan Custom – The Custom Content Management Panel

With the plugin installed and activated, it is a good idea to configure it before you start making use
of it. Basic configuration consists of choosing whether or not to use filters and setting up at least one
coin type to show content the way that you want.

Setting up Filter Usage

This plugin can use filters and actions to automatically place necessary css styles in the html header
and / or process coins entered into your wordpress posts and pages.
If you don't want to do any template editing and are not using the privateer theme, then you can
make partial use of this plugin by turning on the filters, allowing you to place coin blocks in your
wordpress posts and pages without doing any template editing. You can also install the included pws-
wp-ad-manager-widget plugin to add a widget for displaying coin spots in your side bars.
Filters can be turned on via the following menu in the WordPress admin panel:
• Tools – AdMan General

The Use Header Filter option:

Set this to Yes to have the plugin automatically place the correct links into the html head section of
your site to make styles work properly.
If you are using the Privateer Theme, version 1.6, leave this set to No and copy the included
header.php file to your /privateer/ directory, overwriting the current one.
If you are using a newer version of the Privateer Theme, the theme already has support for this
plugin and you need to do nothing more than ensure that Use Header Filter is set to No.

The Use Content Filter option:

Set this to Yes to have the plugin automatically replace short codes entered into posts and pages with
coin blocks.
If you are using the Privateer Theme, version 1.6, leave this set to No and copy the included
pwsPageRender.class.php file to your /privateer/classes/ directory, overwriting the current one. This
will give version 1.6 native support for the plugin.
If you are using a newer version of the Privateer Theme, the theme already has support for this
plugin and you need to do nothing more than ensure that the Use Content Filter option is set to No.

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The use Filter On Multi Pages Option:

Set this to Yes to have coins drawn for posts and pages when they are shown on multi pages such as
your search page, home page, and archive pages.
Set this to No and short codes will be stripped out of them so that neither the short code nor the coin
blocks will be shown inside of posts on such pages.

Setting up the Coin Types

The PWS WP Ad Manager plugin has the ability to support four different types of content.
Configuration for how each content type is displayed is configured on the appropriate AdMan Coin
menu ( e.g. AdMan Coin 1 sets up your first content type ).
Rather than limit what can be displayed, this plugin lets you choose the types of content you want to
use and ( if wanted ) completely ignore them. The primary limitation on content types is that they must
be able to be processed by clients. This means that while you can use plain text, html ( images, tables,
divs, etc. ), and javascript ( widgets, rotating banners, etc ), you cannot use asp and php.
The method of setting up your coin types is the same for each coin type.
First, go to the Coin menu for the coin type that you want to set up. For coin type 1, you would go to
the following menu in the WordPress admin panel:
• Tools – AdMan Coin 1
The following options are available for each coin configuration panel. Make sure to note that you
are setting up defaults here...which can be overridden when placing coins whether you place them by
editing templates or by using short codes.

User Description
This option is simply to provide those who are creating wordpress posts and pages ( or adding
custom ad spots ) information about what should be placed into this coin type.
It is best to note what kind of item should be placed in this coin type as well as any dimensions that
should be used if you are placing items with widths and heights such as images or banners.
That way, people adding coins can easily see what they should be entering for each coin type.

Wrap this Coin Type in a Link

Do you want the coin to have the content entered wrapped inside of a link to the post or page that it
is being created for?
If set to No, then the content entered will not be clickable unless it has its own link mechanism built
in or you enter a link manually into the content box.
Normally, this should be set to Yes if displaying text ( not links ) or images, but not when displaying
widgets or other javascript type items that have built in link mechanisms.

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Method for Displaying Coins

You can choose to have coins displayed either by showing the first X coins or by finding the first Y
coins and choosing X coins from among them.
Random ( X oc newest Y ):
This setting will cause the Y newest coins to be chosen and then X of them displayed. You should
specify values for both the number of newest coins to choose from and the number to be chosen.
Newest ( Newest X )
This setting will cause the X newest coins to be chosen and displayed. You should specify a value
for the Choose the ___ newest coins setting or a value will be chosen for you.
If showing both custom coins and coins associated with posts and pages, these settings will be
applied to both queries and the number to be chosen will be selected from the final results.

Order for Displaying Coins

Here, you can choose whether to display the chosen coins at random or by date order.
At this time, if you are mixing custom coins and post / page coins then coins will be shown
randomly from the chosen results.

Method for Limiting Coins

The options in this section are used to tell the plugin how to choose coins when showing post and
page coins.
Choose From ID Listing means that coins will only be chosen from the list of IDs that you have
entered in the Permitted IDs option.
A valid example of an ID list:
• 1, 354, 23, 98
To reduce processing times by avoiding unnecessary parsing, leave no spaces in the id list.
Limit by Cat, Tag, and Author means that coins will be chosen based upon any limiters that you
have set for Cat, Tag, and Author. If no limiters are set, then all post and page coins can be chosen
If limiting by category, tag, and author, you can enter multiple categories and tags to choose from by
entering multiple values with a comma between them.
Categories: These must be category names ( not slugs! ) A valid example:
• My Category, Your Category, Some Other Category
Tags: These must be category slugs ( not names! ) A valid example:
• my-plugin, her-plugin, lysander-spooner
Author: This must be a single entry, if provided, matching the name of a post or page author.

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Exclude Current Post or Page from Coin Results

If you want wordpress posts and pages not to have coins associated with themselves to be shown, set
this option to Yes. This is handy when using coins as advertisements as it makes little sense to have an
ad for the current page shown to anyone.
Of course, if you use this plugin to display items for the current post or page ( perhaps you want the
current posts associated movie to be shown when on the current post page ) then set this to No.
Finally, you can set this option to Only to have only coins associated with the current post and page
displayed. This options should normally not be used...and instead be set via overrides where it makes
sense to do so.

Visual Display Method

When showing coins, you can choose to have them shown vertically or horizontally and set a
maximum number of coins to be displayed for each row or column. When showing more coins than
allowed on a single row or column, more rows and columns will be added as needed.
For example, to set up four ads in a 2 by 2 block, you could set coins to be displayed horizontally
( forcing one table cell per item ) and set the maximum per row or column to be 2 while having 4 coins
displayed. The output would then be a 2 x 2 block with four ads shown.

Text Above Coin List

If you want something to be shown above the coin list, you can set it here. This can be text, html, or
even a widget...even though the name might lead one to suspect otherwise.
Note that what you enter here will be shown above every coin block shown on a page.

Text Below Coin List

If you want something to be shown below the coin list, you can enter it here. As with the Text Above
Coin List option, you can use text, html, and javascript here.
If you use this plugin on a site and would like to make some extra cash by doing so, consider joining
the affiliate program for this plugin and placing a styled link to the plugin sales page here. For
<a style=”color: #C0C0C0; display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 0.8em;” href=”Your-
Affiliate-Link”>Powered by PWS AdMan</a>
If someone clicks on the link and buys the plugin, you would then make a percentage of the sale.
See the PWS AdMan Plugin Affiliate Program page for more information.

Style the Coin Lists and Items

Each coin block is created by placing coins inside of divs and then placing the divs into a table.
For vertical displays, each column of coins is placed into a single table cell.

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For horizontal displays, each coin is placed into a single table cell.
You can style the Container Table and Coin Div by using the options in this section. To style the
cells themselves, use the Tools – AdMan General menu.
Note that you use normal css syntax in these options. For example:
• width: 100%; float: right; text-align: center;
• border: 2px solid #880000; padding: 5px;
Coin List Container Style:
• Set styling for the table directly. This is done via css.
Coin List Container Class:
• Set css clases to be used for the table here. You can use multiple class names by placing a space
between them.
Coin Item Style:
• Set styling for the individial divs which contain each coin here.
Coin Item Class:
• Set css classes to be used for each coin item here.
Coin Item Above Text Style
• Set css styles for any text shown above individual content areas.
Coin Item Above Link Style
• Set css styles for links within any text shown above individual content areas.
Coin Item Above Link Hover Style
• Set css styles for the hover state of links within any text shown above individual content areas.
Coin Item Below Text Style
• Set css styles for any text shown below individual content areas.
Coin Item Below Link Style
• Set css styles for links within any text shown below individual content areas.
Coin Item Below Link Hover Style
• Set css styles for the hover state of links within any text shown below individual content areas.

Custom Non-Post, Non-Page Coin Options

The settings in this section are for displaying custom coins. These are the coins you enter via the
Tools – AdMan Custom panel rather than the wordpress post and page editors.
Here you can choose whether to show just custom coins, just post and page coins, or a mix of the

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two. You can also set a list of custom coin ids to choose from or tags, categories, and authors to choose
from when picking custom coins.

Setting up Container Styles

Styling for the table containers that hold each block of coins as well as the divs that hold each
individual coin was covered above.
However, if you need to style the table cells that contain coins, you can do so via the Tools – AdMan
General panel.
Note that horizontal coin blocks have one cell per coin while vertical coin blocks have all coins in a
column sharing a single cell. If you want one cell per coin in a vertical display, set the display method
to horizontal and the maximum number of coins per row to 1.

Creating Ads and Content Areas:

Content areas are created in two ways.
First, you can create content via the wordpress post and page editors by placing it into one of the
four available coin blocks in the PWS WP Ad Manager box. This associates them with the post or page
in question and you can have links built to the associated page automatically if you want.
Second, you can create content via the Custom Coin editor, located in the Tools – AdMan Custom
You do not have to use any particular content type, but to get the nicest looks it is often a good idea
to use coins that are of the same size and/or type.

Post and Page Related Content and Ads

Inside of the WordPress post and page editors, you will find a sub-panel titled PWS WP Ad Manager
(post or page) Options, where you can enter content for each of the four coin types as well as alternate
text for use if you have a displayed coin type set to create links around your content automatically.
To use a content type, simply enter content into the appropriate ad spot.
If you want text shown above or below coin cointent for a particular item, enter it into the
appropriate box.
Recommendations set via the User Description field on the appropriate coin admin panels will be
shown under each coin type to help remind you what you are currently using each coin type for.
Content entered can be text, html ( images, etc. ), and javascript ( videos, galleries, etc. ).
Boxes in the post and page editors:
• Text Above Ad: To place text above individual coins for this item.
• Text Below Ad: To place text below individual coins for this item.
• Alt Text: Text to be used instead of the post or page title when building links, if the coin type in

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question is set to have links built for it.

• Coin Type 1: Content for display when showing coin type 1.
• Coin Type 2: Content for display when showing coin type 2.
• Coin Type 3: Content for display when showing coin type 3.
• Coin Type 4: Content for display when showing coin type 4.

Custom Content and Ads

Custom Content ( or Custom Coins ) can be added to the system with the Tools – AdMan Custom
menu. There, you can view the currently entered content areas, add new ones, and edit or remove
existing ones.
When managing custom content spots, keep in mind that you need to provide the link mechanism
for if you are using images, be sure to wrap your entered images inside of links.
An example of a linked image:
• <a href=”http://yourlink”><img src=”http://your-image.gif” /></a>
If you are not at all familiar with html, please read over the included simple html and css manual as
it covers the basics that you will need to create custom content areas.

Placing Ads and Content Areas:

To display coin blocks ( or individual coins ), you need to either place short codes where you want
your ad blocks to be displayed or to edit your templates and add function calls where you want your ad
blocks to be displayed.
Which of these you do will depend both on what you want to do and what WordPress theme you are
currently using.
You can also activate the included pws-wp-ad-manager-widget plugin to place coin spots into your
sidebars using widgets.

Placement with the Privateer Theme

If you are using the Privateer Theme, then you can place ad blocks by using short codes where you
want them to be displayed. If you are using version 1.6, be sure to replace your current
pwsPageRender.class.php file with the one included with this plugin. If you are using a newer version,
then full support is built right in.
See Short Codes below for full details on using short codes, but note that you can currently place
them into the following areas in the theme and have them shown properly:
The Site Header:
• Inside the Logo Bars content area, inside of the three available custom content bars, and inside
of either of the custom bars available when using a custom site header for a post or page.

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The Sidebars:
• Inside of any of the Above or Below content areas for each side bar
• Inside of any sidebar, provided you have installed and activated the pws-wp-ad-manager-widget
plugin that is included with this plugin.
The Templates:
• Inside of the Page Kicker, Title, Byline, Above Postlist Area, Below Postlist Area, or Footer
• Inside of the body copy area, though not when shown on multi-page templates ( they will
currently be stripped out of individual posts on the home page, search results, and archive
templates )
If you want to be able to place short codes into other areas and own the theme and the plugin, just let
me know and I should be able to make it so.

Placement with other Themes

For themes other than the privateer theme, there are two ways to place coin blocks. The first is to
place them inside of post and page content by using filters. The second is to edit your templates to add
calls to get and display coin blocks where you want them.

Using Content Filters for Post and Page Coin Placement

This is the simplest method of using this plugin with most themes. Just enter short codes into a post
or page and the appropriate coin blocks will be drawn in place of the short codes.
See short codes below for full details.
To use this method, be sure that filters are turned on in the Tools – AdMan General menu.

Placing Coins outside of Posts and Pages

To place coins outside of posts and pages in themes other than the privateer, you will need to make
function calls to get coin blocks and add code to display them.
First, open the appropriate template and find the place that you want a coin block to be displayed.
Then add the following lines of code to display a coin block:
echo pwswpam_getcoin(COIN_NUM, OPTIONS_STRING);
COIN_NUM should be either 1, 2, 3, or 4. This tells the system which coin type you want.
OPTIONS_STRING should be either an empty string, '', or a string containing the options that you
want to use to get a coin block. The options available are discussed below under Short Codes.
To display coin type 1 with the default options:
• echo pwswpam_getcoin(1, '');

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To display coin type 3, but force it to be displayed vertically with 3 options per column:
• echo pwswpam_getcoin(3, 'dir=vertical|maxperline=3);
If you would rather save the coin block to do place it later, assign the function call to a variable
• $myCoinBlock = pwswpam_getcoin(1, '');

Using Short Codes to Place Ad and Content Blocks

Short codes are simply short pieces of text that can be used by the plugin to know where content
should be displayed it. With the Privateer Theme, you can use short codes to place ad blocks all over
the place ( your site header, side bars, page sections, etc. ). With other themes, you can use short codes
to place ad blocks inside of posts and pages.

Basic Short Codes for Default Displays

This plugin scans content for the following short codes:

• [[[pwsadcoin]]] : Displays coin type 1 using default options

• [[[pwsadcoin1]]] : Exactly as above, but more explicit
• [[[pwsdacoin2]]] : Use default options to show coin type 2
• [[[pwsadcoin3]]] : Use default options to show coin type 3
• [[[pwsadcoin4]]] : Use default options to show coin type 4
These are the most basic short codes. However, you can use short codes to override the default
settings for any coin type as shown just below.
These correspond to making the function calls made above with either 1, 2, 3, or 4 as the first option
and an empty string as the second option.

Advanced Short Codes to Override Defaults

In addition to the basic short codes shown above, you can choose to provide overrides that will be
used for that instance only. To do so, add a horizontal bar ( | ) inside of the short code just before the ]]]
at the end of it and then place name=value pairs with horizontal bars between them.
The following options are available:
• showtype : overrides the type to show. Can be either newest or random.
• newest: the number of newest entries to use if using 'newest' as the show type.
• rget: the number of entries to pick at random if using 'random' as the show type.
• rfrom: the number of newest entries to choose from if using 'random' as the show type.

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• order: can be date or random. The order to show coins in once picked.
• limit: how to limit coins. must be idlist (use an id list) or cta ( use category, tag, and author
limiters )
• ids: comma separated list of id values to choose coins from. needed if limit is set to idlist
• cats: comma separated list of category names to choose from. optional and used if limit is cta
• tags: comma separated list of tag slugs to choose from. optional and use if limit is cta
• author: a single author to limit posts to. optional. used if limit is cta
• dir: direction to display lists of coins in. valid values are horizontal and vertical.
• maxperline: maximum number of coins per row or column. exceeding this number causes the
plugin to start a new row or column of plugins
• bstyle: css styling attributes to override or add styling to the table containing the coin list
• bclass: the name of a css class to use
• istyle: css styling attributes to override or add styling to the div containing a coin
• iclass: the name of a css class to use for the div containing each coin
• iabove: css styling attributes to override or add styling to text placed above individual coins
• ibelow: css styling attributes to override or add styling to text placed below individual coins
• above: text or html to be shown above a coin list
• below: text or html to be shown below a coin list
• nocurrent: specify whether to exclude items for the current post or page. Valid values are Yes
( exclude ), No ( include ), and Only ( show only ).
• cuse: whether to use custom coins or not. Valid values are postpage ( don't use custom ), custom
( use only custom ), or both ( use both types of coins )
• cids: a comma separated list of custom coin ids to choose from when showing custom coins.
• ctags: tags to choose from when showing custom coins. Note that these are not wordpress tags,
but simply text entries called tags.
• ccats: categories to choose from when showing custom coins. Note that these are not wordpress
categories, but simply text entries called categories
• cauth: an author to choose form when showing cusotm coins. Note that these are not wordpress
author names, but simply text entries.
• ignore: specify this option with a value of 1 ( ignore=1 ) to include what is found whether or not
it has already been shown and avoid having the items it finds added to the list of items to be
ignored by further content areas.

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Bugs, Feature Requests, Help, and More...

If you put this plugin to use and can use a hand with it, you can get help in a number of ways.

Check The Manual

This manual contains a good amount of information about setting up and making use of the pws wp
ad manager plugin. Be sure to refer to it if you aren't sure what something is for.

Check The Forums

If you are having troubles with the plugin, looking to have some extra functionality added, or
wanting to find interesting methods of using the plugin, be sure to check the Ad Manager Owners
Discussion forum.
It will contain any patches and updates as well as information on how to use this plugin to do a
number of things which are not immediately obvious.
Note: The owners discussion forum is only available to those who have bought a copy of this plugin
from me. If you found it somewhere on the internet and want me to help you with it, be sure to pick up
a copy.

Contact Me
Provided you have picked up a paid copy of this plugin from me, I'll be happy to help you with
problems that you run into with it. You should have received my email address as part of the package.
Of course, I'm a rather busy guy so please be sure to check the manual and forums before emailing
me about something directly...unless you have just picked up the plugin and are running into technical
problems with it.

by PWS ©Tony Lee – Privateer Web Solutions 2010

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