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Gulf Restoration Network

June 2007
Volume 10, Issue 2

Red Snapper To Get Into the Black—Thanks to You!
VICTORY on Red Snapper Lawsuit and tools and other ways to get fish back Inside this issue:
Interim Measures! into the water in better shape when
they are caught accidentally were RED GAG GROUPER 2
At long last, one of the most contentious Gulf required to reduce bycatch mortality. ASSESMENT RE-DO
fish - red snapper - is getting some relief from WHAT’S MAGNUSON 3
years of over-exploitation, depletion and The Gulf of Mexico Fishery MEAN TO YOU?
mismanagement! Management Council is reviewing
similar regulations for the long term
GRN, the Ocean Conservancy and Earthjustice that will be finalized by NMFS later HARBOR RESERVE
filed a lawsuit in June 2006 challenging the most this year. Many thanks to those of
you that responded to our action COMMERCIAL 4
recent set of do-nothing regulations put in place GROUPER CLOSURE
by federal managers. alerts, attended meetings and sent in made a difference!
In March 2007 the judge ruled in our favor,
finding that the rebuilding plan for red snapper

©2006 Ned DeLoach/Marine Life

was “inconsistent with the scientific data” and
had less than a 50% chance of successfully
rebuilding red snapper within the legally
allowable limit. The judges decision required that
an effective management plan for red snapper be
done and in force by December 2007!

Since then, The National Marine Fisheries

Service has enacted interim measures to get red
snapper on a rebuilding track sooner rather than
later. Some of the most important are: the total
annual allowed catch was reduced from 9.12
million pounds to 6.5 and circle hooks, venting
Red Snapper

Marine Fish Farming Hot Topic This Summer

For several years now, federal fish manag- national legislation establishing an open tatives, and provided a “new and
ers have been pushing the United States to water fish farming program, because the improved” bill that was introduced
develop a large scale aquaculture industry proposed bill was too weak on environ- on April 24th. So far there has been
in open ocean waters. Known also as “fish mental standards, failing to consider no movement on this new National
farming,” open water aquaculture is the problems with pollution, and impacts to Offshore Aquaculture Act, but there
growing of fish in large cages, pens or wild fish, among other issues. This year, are rumors a hearing on it will pop
other forms of captivity out in the ocean. the National Oceanic and Atmospheric up sometime during the summer.
Administration (NOAA) decided to try
Last year, the U.S. Senate declined to pass its luck with the U.S. House of Represen- (Continued on page 2)

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), says its re- Plan. Now, both gag and red grouper will likely be included in
cent assessment on the status of red grouper had some prob- the next Reef Fishery Management Plan update using the
lems and needs to be reviewed. newly reviewed assessment.

Primarily, the concerns The previous stock assessment

were with the accuracy of of red grouper, completed ear-
estimated recreational lier this year found that red
catches and use of a dif- grouper was neither overfished
ferent approach than that (depleted) nor experiencing
for gag grouper, a related overfishing (over-exploited).
fish with some similar The most recent gag grouper
characteristics. assessment, finished in 2006,
concluded that the species is
NMFS says they will have overexploited by the current

Photo: Courtesy USGS

experts review the assess- fishing efforts targeting it,
ment and make any neces- though the information was
sary changes, then move insufficient to determine if the
forward with new man- population is at an overall de-
agement discussions as pleted level.
Red grouper on Pulley Ridge, a deep-water reef off Florida Many involved with the fishery
Previously both red and admitted they felt gag grouper
gag grouper were to be discussed in a new amendment, num- was not as abundant as it should be and needs management
ber 30, to the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Management attention.

Fish Farming in Gulf Heats Up — cont. from page 1

On a regional level, both the Gulf of tions with under 100k of fish annually, have been massive releases of captive
Mexico and South Atlantic (SA) Fishery so other regulations should be devel- fish, feed and other pollutants directly
Management Councils are developing oped soon for larger operations. The into Gulf of Mexico waters.
plans and policies on open water aqua- Florida standards include a complete
culture in their respective areas: The ban on use of non-native or genetically In addition, oil rigs are known to have
SA’s policy is fairly strict and protective altered fish, requirements for good feed sediments beneath them that have been
of existing natural resources, the Gulf’s management and have important criteria fouled with the dumping of drilling muds
policy is an actual plan to allow open for siting and maintenance of facilities. high in mercury before the practice was
water aquaculture. Both are slated to be banned. Using these specific areas to
grow fish may hold human health con-
finished by the end of 2007 and will be Rigs to Farms? cerns.
discussed at the summer Council meet- Another related issue came up in recent
ings. weeks with the Minerals Management Oil rigs are erected for certain purposes
Service (the primary agency that deals and when those purposes are completed,
State Level Action with oil and gas structures) taking com-
they should not be transitioned into other
The State of Florida wasn’t about to ments on their new Alternative Energy
uses that might cause serious long term
wait for national legislation or the Coun- and Alternate Use program. One of problems. There are open water net pens
cils to decide its fate with respect to their likely suggestions is to transition
old oil rigs into fish farms! and cages better designed to withstand
open ocean aquaculture. With fishing, storm activity and are better suited for use
boating, diving, swimming and wildlife in open ocean aquaculture, if it does de-
While recycling generally is a good
watching some of Florida’s most prized velop here in the Gulf.
thing, there are some concerns related
activities, the state recently finalized to re-use of oil rigs. For example, during
fairly good standards for fish farming the hurricanes of recent years, oil rigs With so much activity on open water
within its waters...from the shore to were destroyed, some even being carried aquaculture there are sure to be plenty of
about nine miles out on the Gulf side hundreds of miles to shore. Had off- opportunities for public input…so watch
and the shore to three miles on the East shore aquaculture existed on these rigs for action alerts and meeting notices!
side. The new rules only apply to opera- at the time of the storms, there would
Volume 10, Issue 2 Page 3


Just east of the Apalachicola
estuary, at the westernmost edge of
Florida’s Nature Coast, Alligator
Harbor consists of 14,000 acres of
Florida waterbottoms and includes

Map courtesy: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

seagrass meadows, salt marshes,
oyster reefs and beaches. The
preserve was created in 1969 by the
legislature, and has thrived in part
through the creation of local

One is with the University of

Florida’s Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences Department, which leads a
monthly water quality and nutrient
monitoring program, another is
with Florida State University’s
Coastal and Marine Laboratory,
which is in the process of
launching a biological diversity
study of the preserve, and another
is with the Alligator Point
Located on the Florida Gulf coast 40 miles south of the Taxpayers Association, which volunteers for the Alligator
State capitol Tallahassee, Alligator Harbor Aquatic Preserve Point Turtle Patrol, beach cleanups, and bird surveys.
has been called home to one of the largest feeding grounds
for the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, one of the rarest and most The habitat provided by the preserve’s seagrass beds and salt
endangered of all marine turtles. marshes create an important nursery area for popular Gulf
fisheries such as red drum (redfish), tarpon, sea trout
(specks), flounder, pompano, jack, bluefish, and Spanish


As reported in the last Fish Tales, in That all sounds great, what does it ac- ing or killing too many fish and who isn’t
December 2006 Congress passed new tually mean? getting their share…because we’ll know.
revisions to the Magnuson Stevens/
Sustainable Fisheries Act and Presi- For starters, it means we need to figure Finally, new management methods, in-
dent Bush signed the legislation in Jan out who is catching what and how tended to provide greater financial gains
2007. Now, people are wondering much where. We are finally going to for some and initiative for better steward-
what does the new law do for Gulf better count what we catch, and track ship, are coming our way. Thus far these
fish? who catches it. This will enable man- have been highly controversial (such as
agers to use this information to set IFQs, ITQs and LAPPs—see “Getting in
The primary new elements of the law realistic limitations to make sure too the SAVs” pg 4.) but will be making an
deal with the use of annual catch lim- many fish aren’t taken out of the water appearance nonetheless in waters near
its and accountability measures to end to impede reproduction,. OR we are you.
overfishing, provide for widespread going to figure out a more effective
market-based fishery management means to estimate that. One side effect In the end, the hope is for more, better
through limited access programs, and should also be less finger-pointing and managed fish, happier, economically se-
calls for increased international coop- name calling (we hope) between the cure fishermen and a spirit of informed,
eration. assorted commercial gear types and global cooperation to help better protect,
recreational anglers about who is catch- and sustainably use, our resources.
Gulf Restoration Network
This publication is the product of the GRN working
338 Baronne St. Suite 200
New Orleans, LA 70112
on the following issues of concern: overfishing,
essential fish habitat, full implementation of the
Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director Sustainable Fisheries Act, and public education on
Aaron Viles, Campaign Director the importance of sustainable fisheries
Marianne Cufone, Consultant on Fisheries Issues management.
Editor: Aaron Viles
The GRN would like to thank the Regional Marine
Phone: (504) 525-1528 Conservation Project, the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn
Fax: (504) 525-0833 Foundation, and the Curtis and Edith Munson
Email: Foundation for making this work possible.

IFQ’s: Getting in the Submerged MEXICO BANS SHARK FINNING

Aquatic Vegetation While the imagery of Jaws terrifying a peaceful beach commu-
nity has become a cultural icon, the reality of who impacts
(e.g. Weeds) whom is completely different. Sharks kill an average of four
An alphabet soup has developed around a variety of swimmers annually worldwide, while humans kill anywhere from
26-73 million sharks per year. Given sharks slow reproduction,
fishing permit systems that allow participants to access
this escalating total could mean bad news for sharks.
shares in the public’s fisheries:
The Asian demand for shark fin soup has been driving an uptick
IFQ: Individual Fishing Quota in shark catches, and helped fuel an illegal black market. Here
in the Gulf, the Department of Commerce has already closed
ITQ: Individual Transferable Quota (same as an IFQ, the 2007 large coastal shark commercial fishery, estimated to be
but you can transfer it to others) 121% over its quota of 62 metric tons.

LAPP: Limited Access Privilege Program. The same as Elsewhere in the Gulf, Mexico, which has a large shark fishing
either an IFQ or ITQ, depending on how the plan is industry, has followed international leadership and banned the
designed, just a more politically acceptable name: it indi- practice of shark finning, or slicing off the shark fins for soup
cates fishing is a privilege not a right. and returning the shark to the water to die slowly.

How these programs work:: Fishery managers decided

how many of a particular type of fish can be caught an- COMMERCIAL GROUPER CLOSURE
nually (the total annual catch – TAC) and then the TAC NMFS is closing the commercial deep-water grouper fishery
is divided up into “shares” in the form of coupons. in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico at 12:01 a.m., on
These are issued to commercial fishermen to turn in as June 2, 2007. The deep-water grouper fishery includes misty
they catch fish. grouper, snowy grouper, yellowedge grouper, warsaw grou-
per, and speckled hind. The operator of a vessel with a valid
These programs are being presented as systems to track reef fish permit having deep-water grouper aboard must
how many fish are caught (from the number of coupons have landed and bartered, traded, or sold such deep-water
turned in) and a means to allow fishermen more flexibil- grouper prior to 12:01 a.m., June 2, 2007.
ity in where and when fish are caught. In the past, those
fishing had to race to get as much fish as possible before The fishery will remain closed until January 1, 2008. During
the TAC was reached, potentially causing higher levels the closure, if commercial quantities of reef fish are onboard,
of bycatch, because people headed to the closest spot to a bag limit of reef fish is not allowed.
catch fish, and the fish might be under the legal size
limit closer to shore. In the Gulf of Mexico, red snapper was recently put on an
ITQ plan. This year, based on their catch history, commercial
With the implementation of ITQs, there is no longer a fishermen have been given a certain number of “shares” of red
race to fish and some problems may be reduced; those snapper that they are able to use, sell or rent. The Gulf Council
fishing can take their time to find spots with larger, legal is also now discussing ITQs (now called LAPPs) for the grou-
sized fish, because the coupons ensure you a certain
per complex.
amount of the TAC no matter what others are catching.

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