Flyer 30 000cbm LNG Datasheet

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30K LNG Carrier

30,000 m3 LNG Carrier with IMO Type C Tanks

The vessel is designed as a gas carrier for
handling and transporting liquefied natural gas
(LNG) stored in four bilobe-shaped IMO type C
cargo tanks.

Principal particulars:
Length o. a.:
Length b. p.:
Breadth moulded:
Depth moulded:
Draught/Dead weight:
Design draught:
Corresponding dead weight:

Dual fuel propulsion system running directly
along the shaft line via a reduction gear box with
a shaft generator connection for power take-off
services. The propulsion engine may either burn
standard HFO or environmentally-friendly LNG
boil-off gas from the cargo tanks.
Dual fuel engine:

approx. 9,000 kW

Cargo tank capacities:

Cargo volume (100%):

approx. 30,000 m

184.60 m
175.20 m
27.60 m
18.50 m

8.80 m
approx. 17,600 t

Service speed at design draft:

approx. 12,000 NM

For further information, please e-mail to

TGE Marine Gas Engineering GmbH, Mildred-Scheel-Str. 1, D-53175 Bonn, Germany;
This document is the sole property of TGE Marine Gas Engineering GmbH. It must not be copied or used without the written consent of TGE.

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