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Research Proposal:

A study into trend forecasting and the contributions

of social media

(Moda, 2015)


The following research proposal investigates the topic of trend forecasting and how
modern culture has lead to major changes within this process. In the current retail
environment, consumer demand is at its highest meaning retailers dont always get it
right for their target customer and are often left with large amounts of markdowns
due to poor trend analysis. Therefore the researcher explores the utilisation of the
consumer and how their opinion can be implemented throughout the trend
forecasting process. The researcher has examined multiple pieces of literature,
where four sub-themes have been discovered. These sub themes focus on the
influence of culture within fashion & how modern culture has developed, the
emergence & utilisation of social networking sites, consumer engagement as well as
advantages of street style and its influence amongst consumers. Through the
development of a literature review, the researcher has explored various components
of the trend-forecasting topic and ultimately developed findings to further investigate.
These findings present that culture ultimately provides a sense of self-identity within
society where the theory of cultural triangulation is concludes that culture
increasingly contributes to trends within fashion. The researcher also found that a
rise in technology usage has advanced social media to become an empowering tool
for brands, particular through social media influencers on Instagram. As users obtain
a sense of empowerment, the researcher further explores the trickle across theory in
relation to street style and fashion forecasting techniques. Through this secondary
data It is therefore concluded by the researcher that it appears the link between
Instagram, the consumer and social media influencers can be effectively used within
the fashion industry. The research proposal then further explores how primary data
can be utilised within the topic and scopes out stakeholders who have the ability to
change the future of tend forecasting.



Trend forecasting is a crucial component within the fashion industry; as it turns

influences within society into relevant trends to be adopted by consumers. As change
is inevitable, the introduction of technology has evidently forced major alteration to
the processes involved in forecasting, and it is therefore vital to embrace technology
and employ it within brands day-to-day practices. The researcher began exploring all
elements within the trend-forecasting category, through the development of a mind
map (see Appendix A), where further research topics were then investigated.
Through a wide exploration into research pieces regarding modern technology, the
researcher found that various forms of trend platforms have been introduced in the
past, yet it cannot be found that brands have used such platforms to produce future,
original trends. Thus, as social media is a continually growing phenomenon, brands
should be going one step further on these sites and using them to their advantageultimately where it may be employed within the forecasting stages. So, within the
research proposal, the researcher aims to develop an over-arching theme of trend
forecasting where various sub-themes are developed throughout the exploration.
These sub themes display a connection with the consumer along with the utilisation
of social media in modern culture, and the researcher therefore aims to scope out
ways in which it can be related to the trend forecasting process. Throughout the
research proposal the context of fashion will be used, where relevant pieces of
literature are analysed and therefore contribute to the further development in the
investigation process.

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