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No. 08-3220
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
(D.C. Criminal No. 1-08-cr-00017-001)
District Judge: Honorable Sylvia H. Rambo
Argued January 11, 2011
Before: SCIRICA, BARRY and VANASKIE, Circuit Judges
(Opinion Filed: February 1, 2011)
James V. Wade, Federal Public Defender
Frederick W. Ulrich, Assistant Federal Public Defender (Argued)
Office of Federal Public Defender
Suite 306
100 Chestnut Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Counsel for Appellant
Peter J. Smith, United States Attorney
Michael A. Consiglio, Assistant United States Attorney (Argued)
Eric Pfisterer, Assistant United States Attorney

Office of United States Attorney

228 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 11754
220 Federal Building and Courthouse
Harrisburg, PA 17108
Counsel for Appellee
VANASKIE, Circuit Judge.
Brian Gadsden pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of a firearm in furtherance
of drug trafficking on the condition that he could appeal the District Courts denial of his
motions to suppress evidence and an eyewitness identification. Because we conclude that
the suppression motions were properly denied, we will affirm the Judgment of the
District Court.
As we write only for the parties, who are familiar with the facts and procedural
history of this case, we will set forth only those facts necessary to our analysis.
On October 18, 2007, the United States Postal Service delivered a mysterious
package to Allstar Auto, an auto supply business in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Over the
course of that day, several people visited Allstar Auto to inquire about the parcel, the
receipt of which was denied by Allstar Auto employees. The visitors threatened to get
the mailman on the route, and one individual brandished a gun. (A. 121.) It was later
discovered that the package contained many pounds of marijuana.

On the morning of October 19, 2007, Angelica Matos, an employee of Allstar

Auto who interacted with the individuals who inquired about the package, notified a local
post office of the previous days events, including the fact that a weapon had been
brandished and some sort of threat had been made against the postal carrier who would
have delivered the package. The post office relayed Matoss complaint to postal
inspectors, who in turn contacted the Harrisburg Police Department for assistance. Victor
Rivera, a Harrisburg detective who participated in the investigation, was told that at least
two African-American individuals visited Allstar Auto regarding the package. One of the
individuals might have been a woman. Detective Rivera was informed that a red or
burgundy vehicle, likely a Volvo, was one of the cars that the suspects drove. (A. 97.)
Detective Rivera also remembered hearing about a dark brown or maroon Jeep
Cherokee. (A. 107.) A white minivan and a gray four-door Chrysler might also have
been mentioned. (Id.) Detective Rivera was told that the individuals would return to
Allstar Auto on October 19.
Joseph Corrado, a postal inspector who also participated in the investigation, was
told the suspects drove a red or burgundy vehicle, a dark brown Jeep, and a white
minivan. He believed a gray Chrysler might have been used as well. Inspector Corrado
was informed that as many as five African-American males were involved. He did not
recall being told a woman was one of the suspects. He was, however, told that the
suspects would come back to Allstar Auto on October 19 to retrieve the package.
Postal inspectors and Harrisburg detectives drove in unmarked vehicles to Allstar
Auto on October 19 to investigate. Inspector Corrado and another postal inspector drove

to Allstar Auto in Inspector Corrados Chevy Blazer. Detective Rivera and other
Harrisburg detectives drove in an unmarked burgundy Chevy Caprice that, according to
Inspector Corrado, scream[ed] law enforcement vehicle. (A. 123.) Both vehicles
parked in the Allstar Auto parking lot. From there, Detective Rivera and Inspector
Corrado observed a burgundy four-door Saturn parked across the street from the store.
Brian Gadsden was in the passengers seat, and his brother Reginald was standing
approximately thirty yards away from the vehicle, talking on his cell phone. Both
Gadsdens were watching Allstar Auto. When Reginald saw the unmarked vehicles, he
slowly walked back to his car. Brian, still seated in the passenger seat, opened the door,
leaned down so you couldnt see him anymore, and then proceeded to close the door.
(A. 98.) The Gadsdens then drove away.
At that point the detectives and the postal inspectors conferred briefly and agreed
that they should follow the Gadsdens vehicle. After trailing the Saturn for a short
amount of time, the police initiated a traffic stop. The officers asked for and received the
Gadsdens photo identifications and detained them in police vehicles. While the
Gadsdens were being held, Detective Rivera and other officers drove back to Allstar Auto
and told Matos that they had stopped two individuals. They then drove her to the scene
to identify the Gadsdens. The police did not show Matos the Gadsdens ID cards before
bringing her to the scene of the stop.
The police brought Matos to the Gadsdens in a vehicle with tinted windows.
When Matos arrived, officers removed the Gadsdens from the police vehicle and Matos
was driven to within approximately thirty feet from where the Gadsdens stood. She

positively identified the Gadsdens as the men who were at her store the day before, and
the police placed them under arrest. Then, approximately seven hours after the initial
traffic stop, the police searched the area where the Gadsdens had parked their car across
the street from Allstar Auto and found a nine-millimeter semiautomatic pistol. The guns
caliber matched ammunition that was found in the Gadsdens car.
On October 22, Inspector Corrado reviewed an Allstar Auto surveillance tape
depicting Matos and her husband interacting with certain African-American males
repeatedly over the course of October 18, during the daylight hours. Matos told Inspector
Corrado that the individuals in the video were the men who were inquiring about the
package of marijuana. According to Inspector Corrado, the individuals in the video were
Brian and Reginald Gadsden.
The Gadsdens were subsequently indicted on drug and weapons charges. They
sought to suppress the evidence police obtained as a result of the stop and search, as well
as Matoss positive identification. Brian Gadsden also attempted to suppress his
statements to police on the grounds that he was never given his Miranda warnings. The
District Court held a suppression hearing at which Detective Rivera and Inspector
Corrado testified. Matos, however, did not testify. The post office employee to whom
Matos made her complaint also did not testify.
The District Court denied the motions to suppress. United States v. Gadsden, Nos.
1:CR-08-017-01, 1:CR-08-017-02, 2008 WL 794944 (M.D. Pa. Mar. 24, 2008). With
respect to the traffic stop, the Court determined that the following facts gave rise to a
reasonable suspicion: the Gadsdens were African-American men in a burgundy sedan

and appeared to be casing Allstar Auto on the same day Matos said the suspects would
return to her store, and the Gadsdens drove away upon seeing the unmarked, but
ostensible police vehicles. Id. at *4. With respect to Matoss identification, the Court
assumed without deciding that the identification was unnecessarily suggestive, but it
found that there was no substantial likelihood of misidentification because Matos had
ample opportunity to observe the Gadsdens, the identification happened within twentyfour hours of the initial encounter, and there was no evidence that Matos wavered in her
identification of the Gadsdens. Id. at *5-6. Finally, the District Court determined that
Brian Gadsdens claim that police failed to give him Miranda warnings was not credible.
Id. at *6. After the Court denied the motions to suppress, Brian Gadsden pleaded guilty
to a charge of possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking on the condition
that he could appeal the denial of his suppression motions. The District Court sentenced
him to sixty months imprisonment, and he now appeals.1
The District Court had jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. 3231. We have jurisdiction
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1291. We review the District Courts denial of Gadsdens
motions to suppress for clear error as to the underlying facts, but exercise plenary
review as to its legality in light of the courts properly found facts. United States v.
Gatlin, 613 F.3d 374, 378 (3d Cir. 2010) (internal quotation marks omitted).

Reginald Gadsden pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to possess with intent to

distribute marijuana and was sentenced to seventy-seven months imprisonment. He
appealed his sentence and we affirmed. United States v. Gadsden, No. 08-4366, 2011
WL 179621 (3d Cir. Jan. 20, 2011).

Gadsden argues that the police unlawfully stopped his vehicle. He maintains that
Matoss tip conveyed only that the suspects were African-American males. He
emphasizes that the car the Gadsdens drove, a Saturn, was not among the cars identified
to law enforcement officials. He also argues that the Gadsdens conduct on the morning
of October 19 did not justify a stop.
A police officer may initiate a brief investigatory stop under Terry v. Ohio, 392
U.S. 1 (1968), if he has a reasonable, articulable suspicion that criminal activity is
afoot. Illinois v. Wardlow, 528 U.S. 119, 123 (2000). [T]he reasonable suspicion
analysis is objective; subjective motive or intent is not relevant for Terry purposes.
United States v. Goodrich, 450 F.3d 552, 559 (3d Cir. 2006). To determine whether
reasonable suspicion exists, we must consider the totality of the circumstancesthe
whole picture. United States v. Robertson, 305 F.3d 164, 167 (3d Cir. 2002) (internal
quotation marks omitted). [R]easonable suspicion is measured before the search;
information acquired subsequent to the initial seizure cannot retroactively justify a Terry
stop. Goodrich, 450 F.3d at 559. Conduct justifying a stop may be ambiguous and
susceptible of an innocent explanation. Wardlow, 528 U.S. at 125. Courts give
considerable deference to police officers determinations of reasonable suspicion, and the
cases are steadily increasing the constitutional latitude of the police to pull over
vehicles. United States v. Mosley, 454 F.3d 249, 252 (3d Cir. 2006) (citation omitted).
Gadsden has not shown that the District Courts factual findings are clearly
erroneous. The District Court found that at the time of the Terry stop, law enforcement

officers had been told that at least two and up to five persons had been casing Allstar
Auto and had been inquiring about a package to have been delivered through the postal
service; at least two of the five individuals were African-American; a weapon had been
brandished; a threat of some sort had been made against the postal carrier; the persons
casing the store on October 18 said they would return the next day; and vehicles
associated with the individuals included a red four-door sedan, possibly a Volvo. The
District Court also found that when investigators arrived at Allstar Auto on the morning
of October 19, they saw a tableau that was similar, if not identical to the picture painted
by the complaint filed that morning. Gadsden, 2008 WL 794944, at *4. Two black
men, one inside and the other near a burgundy sedan, appeared to be watching Allstar
Auto from across the street. The Gadsdens behavior once the detectives and postal
inspectors arrived at Allstar Auto further aroused the investigators suspicion. Reginald
Gadsden, who had been talking on a cell phone approximately thirty yards away from his
car, slowly walked back to the Saturn while looking at the unmarked vehicles. Brian
Gadsden, seated in the passenger seat, opened the door, crouched down so he could not
be seen, and then closed the door.
Given the considerable deference accorded to police officers, who must make
split-second judgments in dangerous contexts, we cannot say that the facts, as found by
the District Court, were insufficient to support a reasonable suspicion that the Gadsdens
were engaged in illegal activity. Accordingly, we will affirm the District Courts denial
of Gadsdens motion to suppress evidence obtained as a result of the Terry stop.

Gadsden also argues that the procedure that the police used to identify him was
unnecessarily suggestive. He further maintains that because Matos did not testify at the
suppression hearing, the District Court did not have a sufficient factual basis for
determining that the procedure did not pose a substantial risk of misidentification.
Our assessment of an identification procedure contains two steps. The first
question is whether the initial identification procedure was unnecessarily or
impermissibly suggestive. United States v. Stevens, 935 F.2d 1380, 1389 (3d Cir. 1991)
(internal quotation marks omitted). When determining whether a procedure is
unnecessarily suggestive, we focus on the suggestiveness of the identification, and . . .
whether there was some good reason for the failure to resort to less suggestive
procedures. Id. (emphasis and internal quotation marks omitted). Second, we ask
whether the procedure was so conducive to . . . mistaken identification or gave rise to
such a substantial likelihood of . . . misidentification that admitting the identification
would be a denial of due process. Id. (internal quotation marks omitted). In
determining whether misidentification was likely, we consider the totality of
circumstances including: the witnesss initial opportunity to view the suspect at the
crime scene and degree of attention at that time, the witnesss level of certainty in the
disputed identification, the length of time between initial viewing and disputed
identification, and the accuracy of any intervening description of the suspect occurring
between those two events. United States v. Mathis, 264 F.3d 321, 330 (3d Cir. 2001).
The United States has conceded that the identification procedure in this case was
suggestive. Like the District Court, we will assume, without deciding, that the procedure

used to identify Gadsden was unnecessarily suggestive. And, like the District Court, we
conclude that the procedure used to identify Gadsden did not give rise to a substantial
likelihood of misidentification. Inspector Corrado testified that the surveillance
videotape showed that Matos had an opportunity to observe the Gadsdens, in the
daylight, over the course of several hours. The District Court acted within its bounds in
admitting Inspector Corrados hearsay testimony that Matos identified the individuals in
the surveillance video as the people who inquired about the package. See United States v.
Raddatz, 447 U.S. 667, 679 (1980) (At a suppression hearing, the court may rely on
hearsay and other evidence, even though that evidence would not be admissible at trial.).
The record contains no indication that Matos wavered in her identification. Fewer than
twenty-four hours passed between Matoss initial interaction with the Gadsdens and her
subsequent identification of them. And, while Matos provided only a general description
of the Gadsdens in her complaint to the post office, her description was nonetheless
accurate. Accordingly, the District Court properly denied Gadsdens motion to suppress
Matoss identification.
Finally, Gadsden argues that his statements to police should have been suppressed
because they resulted from the allegedly illegal stop and identification. Having
determined that the stop and identification were lawful, we conclude that Gadsdens
statements should not have been suppressed.


In sum, Gadsdens motions to suppress were properly denied. Accordingly, we

will affirm the Judgment of the District Court.


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