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Donald Trump rejected claims he was advocating violence against Hillary Clinton

when he suggested at a rally Tuesday there might be something Second

Amendment people can do to stop her from picking judges, telling Fox News he
was only talking about their political power and saying of the media coverage:
Give me a break.
The candidate made the comments after telling voters in Wilmington, N.C., that
his Democratic rival wants to abolish the Second Amendment.
If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks, he said.
Trump then added, Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I
dont know.
Almost immediately, social media lit up with accusations that Trump was
essentially calling for someone to kill Clinton.
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook called Trumps comments dangerous.

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This is simplewhat Trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the

President of the United States should not suggest violence in any way, Mook
said in a statement.
But Trump, in an interview with Fox News Hannity, denied he was suggesting
"This is a political movement," Trump said. "This is a strong powerful movement,
the Second Amendment. Hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to
leave you unprotected in your home.

"And there can be no other interpretation," Trump said of his remarks. "I mean,
give me a break."
Trumps campaign also slammed the dishonest media for the characterization of
his comments.
Its called the power of unification 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit
and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power, Jason
Miller, senior Trump communications adviser, said in a statement. And this year,
they will be voting in record numbers, and it wont be for Hillary Clinton, it will be
for Donald Trump.
Trump running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, said electing Trump would ensure
America has a president whose Supreme Court appointments will uphold all of
the liberties enshrined in the Constitution, including the Second Amendment.
"Trump is urging people around this country to act consistent with their
convictions in the course of this election," Pence also said. "And people who
cherish the Second Amendment have a very clear choice in this election."
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who said Monday she would not vote for Trump,
also told MSNBC's "Meet the Press Daily" that she agreed with the Trump
campaign's interpretation of his remarks -- but said the furor "is an example of
Donald Trump's looseness with language that can lead to interpretations such as
the one put out by Secretary Clinton's camp."
Some officials, including Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., went so far as to suggest
the Secret Service investigate.

Donald Trump suggested someone kill Sec. Clinton. We must take

people at their word. @SecretService must
investigate #TrumpThreat.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) August 9, 2016

Michael Hayden, the former CIA director who has come out against Trump, also
said on CNN: If anybody else had said this, theyd be out in the parking lot in a
police wagon being questioned by the Secret Service.
An agency spokesperson told Fox News, "The Secret Service is aware of the
comment," but would not say whether an investigation had been launched.
Fox News' Wes Barrett contributed to this report.

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