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Gulf Restoration Network

September 2000

Volume 3, Issue 3

Council Considering Permits for the Shrimp Fishery
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Though this may not sound to properly manage shrimp
Management Council (Gulf like the most exciting issue, and other species. For exa m- Inside this issue:
Council) is currently consid- the absence of a license sys- ple, scientists believe the
ering requiring all shrimp ves- tem in the fishery has signifi- recovery of red snapper in New Shrimp Regula- 2
sels fishing in federal waters cant repercussions on many the Gulf is tied to reducing tions Adopted in Texas
to obtain a license, in the aspects of fishery manage- bycatch in the shrimp fishery.
form of either a permit or reg- ment and resource protection Therefore, better data on the
istration, to record their par- in the Gulf of Mexico. The amount of red snapper Needed Grouper 3
ticipation in the fishery. Over data generated by this li- caught incidentally in shrimp Regulations put on
the next month the Gulf cense system is crucial to trawls will provide mangers
Council will conduct public fisheries management in the with a better estimate as to
hearings around the Gulf be- Gulf as it provides managers the status of red snapper and
fore taking final action at with information used to de- what further reductions in
their November meeting in termine shrimp fishing effort, bycatch are needed in the
Biloxi, MS. catch, bycatch, and other shrimp fishery. Special points of interest:
important parameters needed (Continued on page 4)
• Permits for shrimp vessels
considered by the Council
to help gather better data

Red Snapper Rebuilding Plan Targets 2031 • Council to review a pro-

posal to rebuild red snapper
At its November meeting in tant reef fish fishery in the level has been moved five by 2031
Biloxi, MS the Gulf of Mexico Gulf has been under a feder- times. The Council and the
• Grouper management put
Fishery Management Coun- NMFS are currently con-
cil (Gulf Council) will review sidering a plan to rebuild on hold
a proposal by the National red snapper to a level sci-
• Annual Status Report on
Marine Fisheries Service entists consider healthy
(NMFS) to rebuild red by 2031. Fisheries Due out in Octo-
snapper by the year 2031. ber
Adoption of a plan will be Under the proposed 31
instrumental in charting a year rebuilding plan, red • Texas shrimp regulations
course towards achieve- Red Snapper. Courtesy of the South snapper management will passed by the Texas Parks
ment of the elusive goal of Atlantic Fishery Management Coun- be divided into roughly five and Wildlife Department
rebuilding this incredibly im- year intervals to track prog-
portant fishery. ally mandated rebuilding plan ress of the recovery. At the
since 1990. The target date end of the intervals the
Red snapper, the most impor- for recovery to a healthy (Continued on page 2)
Page 2

Texas Adopts New Shrimp Regulations

On August 31, 2000 the Texas Parks and and growth as well as protect additional 5. Require the use of turtle excluder de-
Wildlife Commission (TPW) adopted a bay bottoms from trawling impacts. vices in all trawls in the Gulf except when
set of regulations to ensure a sustainable specifically exempted.
shrimp fishery and protect marine life. 2. Shorten the fall bay shrimping season
As highlighted in our last edition of GRN by fifteen days, effective immediately. 6. Require the use of bycatch reduction
NEWS, staff of the TPW proposed a se- This regulation will protect smaller devices in all trawls, except bait and rec-
ries of regulations to help address warn- shrimp and shift harvest effort in the reational trawls, to reduce the catch of
ing signs in the Texas shrimp fishery and bays. unwanted species such as blue crabs,
help protect sea turtles and other marine croaker, and flounder. This requirement
life. The majority of the proposed regula- 3. Establis h a Northern Shrimp Zone in will go into effect September 1, 2001.
tions were adopted by the Commission. the Gulf from the beach out to three nau-
tical miles. Within this zone the number For a more detailed look at all of the regu-
The new rules seek to address problems and size of trawls will be restricted and a lations adopted, see the TPW website at:
in the Texas shrimp fishery by protect- nighttime shrimping closure will be in
ing small shrimp through deferred har- effect out to five nautical miles.
vest, adding additional harvest efficiency The GRN thanks all of our members and
measures, and increasing spawning suc- 4. Establish a closed shrimping area in friends who were involved in the process
cess of adult shrimp entering Gulf waters. South Texas from the beach out to five of developing these regulations.
They also include measures to help pro- nautical miles from December 1st until
tect other marine life including turtles. approximately July 15th. During the pe-
riod between July 15th and December 1,
Specifically, the new regulations will: restrictions on the number and size of
trawls will be in effect. A nighttime clo-
1. Increase shrimp nursery areas (areas sure will be in effect out to five nautical
where shrimping is not allowed) from 12 miles. Establishment of the northern and
percent of bay waters to 17 percent, ef- Southern zones is designed to help sea
fective December 1, 2000. TPW hopes turtles and protect spawning shrimp.
this regulation will help shrimp survival

Red Snapper….

(Continued from page 1) provided for rebuilding adopt a “pay portant fis heries in the Gulf.
Council and the NMFS will asses the later approach” that maintains the status
condition of the stock to determine what quo for the first five years. For example, We need your help to ensure that the
types of management measures will be a current proposal will keep the 9.12 mil- Council adopts a plan that is consistent
necessary to ensure recovery. This is a lion pound catch level until 2004. After with the best available scientific informa-
welcome change to management as the that time, the Council will have to signifi- tion and the Sustainable Fisheries Act.
current state of management conducts an cantly reduce the catch under a new Please check our website at www.
assessment on the health of red snapper management regime depending on the for ways to
on essentially a yearly basis showing results of the assessment. Future man- get involved.
little to no change in the condition of the agement measures may include a reduc-
stock while utilizing time and money that tion in catch or a reduction in the by-
could be devoted to assessing the condi- catch of red snapper in shrimp trawls in
tion of other Gulf fisheries. order to meet rebuilding goals. Obvi-
ously, both would pose a difficult deci-
With that said, many of the alternatives sion for managers as both are very im-
Volume 3, Issue 3 Page 3

Grouper Management Measures on Hold Until January 2001

Efforts by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery

Management Council (Gulf Council) to A Closer Look at Groupers of the Gulf
address problems in the grouper fishery
remain on hold as their scientific advi- feet on hard bottom reef sites. Speckled
sory panels continue analyzing scientific Throughout the year, the GRN will con- hind are protogynous hermaphrodites,
data. In previous editions of Fish Tales, tinue to highlight grouper species in the meaning they begin life as females with
we have highlighted the problems with Gulf of Mexico. Here is our second sec- larger individuals becoming male over
both red and gag grouper populations in tion of the series. time. They are believed to aggregate to
the Gulf of Mexico. In the summer of spawn. Females reach sexual maturity at
1999, the National Marine Fisheries Serv- Jewfish about four to five years. Fertilized eggs
ice (NMFS) found that red grouper, the are pelagic with newly hatched young
most important grouper fishery in the The largest grouper in the Gulf of Mex- born at the surface before migrating to
Gulf, is significantly overfished. Based ico, jewfish can reach sizes of seven feet greater depths.
on this analysis the Gulf Council began and 800 pounds. They are thought to
drafting a fishery management plan live for over 40 years. Jewfish are found Speckled hind are considered
amendment in November of 1999 to ad- from North Carolina to Brazil and in the “overfished” by the NMFS as well as a
dress this fishery and other groupers in Gulf of Mexico. Jewfish aggregate to candidate species for listing under the
the reef fish complex. Unfortunately, this spawn. Aggregations in the 1980s de- Endangered Species Act. Under Council
amendment will remain on hold until clined from 50-100 fish per site to less management, speckled hind are part of
January 2001 so that questions over the the 5 fish aggregate bag limit for recrea-
length of time necessary to rebuild this tional fishermen with no minimum size
fishery, currently believed to be nine to limit and are part of the commercial deep-
eighteen years, are resolved. water grouper quota.

Actions taken by the NMFS can be in- Black Grouper

strumental in ensuring that this process
is completed in a timely manner. In Oc- Black grouper are managed under the
tober 2000 the NMFS will issue its an- Gulf Council’s shallow water grouper
nual report to Congress on the status of Jewfish. Courtesy of the South Atlantic Fishery subgroup. Black grouper range from
our nations fisheries. The GRN is urging Management Council Massachusetts to Brazil and are found in
the NMFS, consistent with the require- than 10. Fortunately, some aggrega-
ments of federal law, to list red grouper in tions have rebounded to 20-40 fish per
this report as overfished, triggering a one site.
year deadline for the Gulf Council to en- Jewfish are considered “overfished by
act management measures to help end the Gulf Council and the NMFS. They
overfishing of red grouper. are also a candidate species for lis ting
under the Endangered Species Act.
Please call or write Dr. Roy Crabtree of As a result, no capture is allowed in
the NMFS urging him to list red grouper the Gulf of Mexico. As jewfish are a
as an overfished species. The rationale long lived species that do not become Black Grouper. Courtesy of the South Atlantic Fishery
for this is clear: red grouper were identi- sexually mature until 4-7 years of age, Management Council
fied last year as significantly overfished recovery of the species is expected to
and need prompt attention. Dr. Crabtree be slow. the Gulf of Mexico. Black grouper are
can be reached at (727) 570-5305. also protogynous hermaphrodites and
Speckled Hind are thought to aggregate for spawning.
The health of black grouper in the Gulf is
Speckled hind range from Bermuda considered “unknown” by the NMFS.
through the Florida keys and the Gulf of Council regulations include a minimum
Mexico. Speckled hind are usually found size limit and bag and quota limits consis-
in water depths of between 150 and 300 tent with the shallow water grouper com-
Gulf Restoration Network
P.O. 2245
New Orleans , LA 70176

Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director

Chris Dorsett, Program Director for Fisheries This publication is the product of the GRN working on the following
Susie Little, Office Administrator issues of concern: overfishing, essential fish habitat, full implementa-
Phone: (504) 525-1528
tion of the Sustainable Fisheries Act, and public education on the i m-
Fax: (504) 525-0833 portance of sustainable fisheries management.
Email: :
The GRN would like to thank Pew Charitable Trusts, Rockefeller
“Working to Protect and Preserve the Brothers, Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation, the Surdna Founda-
Gulf of Mexico” tion, and the Trull Foundation for making our work possible.

Shrimp Permits…
ters around law enforcement. A registra- Mississippi
Without a permit or registration sys- tion cannot be revoked by law enforcement
tem, fishery managers are forced to making fines the only deterrent to viola- October 10– Biloxi, MS
estimate the amount of shrimp boats tions. A permit on the other hand can be
fishing in federal waters. This creates revoked, removing an offender from the Alabama
a good deal of uncertainty and erodes fishery.
public confidence in the fishery man- October 11– Mobile, AL
agement process. During the month of October, the Gulf
Council will be conducting public hearings Florida
Thus, better data generated by a li- across the Gulf of Mexico allowing the pub-
censing system can help stakeholders. lic to comment. The GRN urges all of our October 12– Apalachicola, FL
Clearly, the most contentious issue members and friends to attend a meeting October 23– Key West, FL
between fishermen and regulators is asking the Council to help improve data October 25– Fort Meyers, FL
the quality of the data used to make collection by requiring either a permit or October 26– Tampa, FL
fishery management decisions. A li- registration system. Here are the meeting
censing system will allow data collec- dates and locations: For specific location information please
tors to obtain more precise numbers on see the Gulf Council website at www.
the amounts and types of vessels fis h- Texas
ing in federal waters thereby address-
ing many of the data problems that October 2– Port Isabel, TX
currently plague fisheries management October 4– Palacios, TX
in the Gulf. October 5– Galveston, TX

After deciding whether or not to imple- Louisiana

ment this system, the Gulf Council will
also decide whether to use a permit October 6– Cameron, LA
system or registration system The October 9– Larose, LA
main difference between the two cen- October 10– Kenner, LA

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