VietHope 2010 Spring Newsletter

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Issue XVII March, 2010

Word from the Board of the charity causes and needs. I cannot change the
VietHope is a non- world. But through VietHope, incrementally, I can do
By Tinh Bui
profit organization my small part.
dedicated to Vietnam’s When I was a young student in Vietnam, our teachers
VietHope was started by a group of seven young college
socioeconomic made us write essays on different topics, as a way to
students in Boston some nine years ago to work on
development. We at train us in the use of the language. I remembered one
educational projects, who affectionately called
writing assignment was to explore the definition of the
VietHope believe that themselves “the Seven Samurais.” This organization
phrase “Một con én không làm nên mùa xuân.” Much
the wealth of Vietnam now has blossomed and was able to grant several
later on when I went to college studying philosophy in
lies in its human capital thousand of scholarships over the years. They have been
the US, I encountered that sentence again in Aristotle’s
and its prosperity able to keep many students in school through their
writing on the theory of happiness, “For one swallow
efforts. But due to the weak economy, donations have
depends on whether does not make a summer, nor does one day; and so too
declined. The current volunteers work tirelessly to ask
we harness this human one day, or a short time, does not make a man blessed
for donations so that they do not have to tell some of
and happy.” The swallows, also known as sparrows or
capital. As such, we those deserving students that the supports that they had
chim én in Vietnamese, are migratory birds normally
believe that good count on for their education have been cut off. There are
heralding the arrival of spring. Not wanting to do
education is so many poor students who would not be able to attend
additional work, I used the same reason that I had given
school without scholarships. VietHope volunteers are the
indispensable to to my elementary school teacher in Vietnam many years
sparrow birds, but there are just not enough of them. I
Vietnam’s growth and back for my college professor: the phase means one or
am asking you to pitch in and help to give these children
its future. two positive events do not imply that everything is all
a chance for brighter future. Please join our flock and be
right. One should not get excited because of a couple of
a sparrow bird! With enough of us, one day we will
good things have happened.
VietHope is a 501(c)3 bring spring to Vietnam.
non-profit. We are a About three years ago I went back to Vietnam to visit for
the first time in more than thirty years. Our family was
fortunately enough to be able to join a group of four
organization with 20 other families whose mission was to do charity work. For
active team members. my children, I wanted them to see the beauty of Vietnam
VietHope members are and to learn about their homeland. For me, I was
based in Boston, San searching for my childhood. We traveled from Tien
Francisco, NewYork, Giang all the way to Quang Tri. Our group leaders, Phu Vietnam children greeting VietHope staff.
Ngoc Nguyen and Thang Do, took everyone to the very
Washington DC and
rural and remote areas where most vacationers would
Southeast Asia. never approach. It was common to see “homes” without
running water or roofs that could not keep inhabitants
Contributing dry from the rain. Some families used the water for
Writers: cooking and bath from the same pond that their cattle
Tinh Bui drink and wallow. Our group donated homes to poor
families and bicycles to students. While expressing Only tears can help express how grateful the candidate was
Sean Le appreciations for the gifts, I can see in the recipients’ to receive VietHope financial support.
Chinh Ky Mai eyes that they would be much preferred to be able to
Uyen-K. Quang-Dang help themselves. While we all felt blessed for being able
Phong Nguyen to do things for our country, I kept questioning what I
can do to make a more lasting contribution.
Editors: There are so many sufferings and there are so many
Ngan Dam worthwhile causes to support. However, there is just not
Lynn Huynh enough money in the world to change these people’s
Quang Tran lives or to solve all of their difficulties. Coming back to
the US, I decided to become a more active volunteer for Students express excitement to received VietHope funds.
VietHope. I found that VietHope’s mission of providing In this Issue:
opportunities for children to continue their education Word from the Board page 1
makes so much sense. With education, one can have a Virginia Lemonade Stand 2
more fulfilled life of realizing his or own potential and Vietnam Fundraising 2
live independently. Education improves lives and betters VietHope Annual Retreat 2-3
society. I do not have enough resources to commit to all
info@ Merit Scholarship 3-4

VietHope | 423 Brookline Avenue # 199 Boston, MA 02215 | info@ | 1
Issue XVII March, 2010

Virginia Lemonade Stand for VietHope Phuong, Y Nhu, My Hue, and Minh Ha, spoke about
Scholarship their experiences and activities with VietHope. Huynh
Programs: Students
By Sean Le Van Thi, the General Director of PSD and one of the
founders of VietHope, recalled memories of the early
Merit Scholarship days of VietHope and urged PSD employees to support
Program: Provide Hello,
the fundraising activities at the event.
access to education My name is Sean Le. I am 9 years old. I live in Virginia
for poor students in
with my Mom and Dad, My Hanh and Tri Hung Le. This
rural areas from
weekend I put up a lemonade stand at a party at my
grades 6-12 ($120
house. I sold lemonade to raise money for VietHope
student/year). Merit is
because I like to help other kids in Vietnam to have
a renewal scholarship
program where-by scholarships to go to school. All of my friends helped
scholarships are me at the lemonade stand. We raised $112. 'Our
renewed on yearly raspberry lemonade was that good!' My Mom gave a
basis until students mathching so we ended up with $250 dollars at the
finish grade 12, or fail end. It was a lot of fun. I want to do this again!
to meet VietHope
criteria. VietHope staff interviewing potential USP candidate.

University Through a sale of photographs taken from VietHope’s

Scholarship Program scholarship programs and a fun auction game facilitated
(USP): Provide access by PSD, VietHope team in Vietnam raised a total of
to education for 71.000.000 VND (3,550 USD) for its operating budget in
disadvantaged 2010.
students at the
university level VietHope 2010 Annual Retreat: Skiing &
($160/year). USP Ramen Noodles!
aims to develop a By Uyen-Khanh Quang Dang
network of university Sean Le and his friends selling lemonade on 4/10/10.
students and potential
community leaders. On January 15-18, 2010, VietHopers traveled from
Vietnam Fundraising different corners of the U.S. to gather in a cozy cabin in
Summer activities are
By Chinh Ky Mai Lake Tahoe, Nevada for the annual VietHope Retreat.
organized for USP
scholars to engage in The retreat served three purposes: to help re-energize
community service On January 1, 2010, VietHope team in Vietnam each VietHoper, to share our thoughts regarding the past
activities. participated in an annual year-end celebration hosted by year and our future, and to set a plan for the direction
PetroSetco Distribution Company (PSD) to raise funds and action for VietHope for the upcoming year.
Community for VietHope.
Scholarship Program: Although we had a smaller group attend the retreat this
Provide monetary year, our laughter could be heard from miles away.
support for uniforms Friday night was spent settling in and catching up into
and school supplies the wee hours since many of us had not seen each other
for the least well-off since last year’s retreat. Our late night chats didn’t deter
students in Vietnam us from waking bright and early Saturday morning with
from pre-k through a 7am conference call; the Vietnam team as well as
5th grade. others called in from Switzerland, Boston, and Michigan.
Chau Nguyen, our Treasurer as well as go-to technology
whiz, set up a new interactive program that helped make
our conference call meetings more efficient and
productive than ever. In the meeting, we celebrated
successes and identified weak spots from 2009.
VietHope staff at PetroSetco End of Year event.

At the event, the Executive Director of VietHope in

Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Phong, gave a brief overview on VietHope’s formation, development, and operation,
info@ since its establishment in 2001. Several attending
VietHope volunteers, including Dai Trang, Minh

VietHope | 423 Brookline Avenue # 199 Boston, MA 02215 | info@ | 2
Issue XVII March, 2010

Afterwards, VietHopers hit the beautiful ski slopes of

Ways to Support Lake Tahoe, where the weather was so warm that we
VietHope: VietHope didn’t even need gloves! Our VP Quang Tran learned
welcomes anyone how to ski after getting pointers from her fellow
who believes in our VietHopers (somehow we convinced her that we were
mission. There are a just as good as professional ski teachers…), and in just
number of ways in mere hours she was swooshing down the slopes with
which you can
support VietHope:

§ Sponsor a student
through one of
VietHope’s 3
Scholarship VietHope Retreat 2010: VietHope staff having fun skiing in
Programs Tahoe.

§ Donate to The economic crisis presented a unique challenge in

VietHope’s fundraising for VietHope’s programs this past year, and
infrastructure we realized that there was a lot of work ahead of us.
investment With hard work and dedication, combined with your help
program VietHope Retreat 2010: VietHope staff working late through as donors, we hope to be able to celebrate VietHope’s
the night to prepare for the next day VietHope conference. 10th birthday in 2012 and our successes in helping
§ Spread awareness students in Vietnam!
about VietHope Two more conference calls took place where we
and VietHope’s discussed VietHope’s 3-year goals and direction, and
mission concrete plans for 2010. The key themes that emerged
from many hours of discussion are: 1) VietHope’s
§ Donate time and programs are running well and have the capability to
energy by expand; 2) We have a pipeline of high quality volunteers
becoming a in Vietnam; 3) We want to improve assessment of our
VietHope programs’ effectiveness; 4) We need to improve
volunteer personnel recruitment in the U.S. and fundraising

Ethan Mai Khaw, a new member to the VietHope family.

Merit Scholarship 2002-2010: 8 Years 1 Journey

By Phong Nguyen

Finally, VietHope staff had the chance to eat dinner after

intense meetings throughout the day.

In the midst of breathtaking views of Lake Tahoe at

10,000 feet elevation, VietHopers celebrated their 8-year
Merit milestone: 8 years of hard work.
anniversary with lots of cooking, cheering for our
favorites in the Australian Open and football rivalries,
For the 2009-2010 cycle, VietHope’s Merit Scholarship
and taking turns tumbling down the ski slopes. As we do
Committee received 542 first-time applications and 256
at every retreat, we shared our hopes and dreams for
renewal applications. The applications evaluation
VietHope’s future and renewed our commitment to our
process involved several phases: mission to help children in Vietnam fulfill their potential.
info@ • Preliminary selection and removal of ineligible
and incomplete applications
• Entry and update of applicants’ information

VietHope | 423 Brookline Avenue # 199 Boston, MA 02215 | info@ | 3
Issue XVII March, 2010

• Online assessment of applications by VietHope

VietHope events and volunteers
• Final selection of scholarship recipients
working and learning from 7AM to 8PM, and often later
§ VietHope Comedy
into the nights.
Night will be in
Boston on May 1st,
2010 (more
information please
visit our website or
contact My Chi and his father are overjoyed to receive Merit
van@ Scholarship.

§ Change for “I owe to my parents for giving birth to me and bringing

Education me up, and owe to my supporters for reinventing and
Campaign (please caring for me. I am deeply grateful to all the supporters
contact Tinh Bui at for their kind help, emotionally and financially. Thanks
tinh@ to this caring, I have the motivation to move ahead and a
Phong Nguyen interviewing Merit applicant in front of the firm ground to reach more achievements in life.” Van
Please visit applicant’s home. Xuyen, a pupil from Dong Thap and recipient of the for Merit scholarship since 2006.
more details on In addition to evaluating applications, VietHope
upcoming events and volunteers visited students’ homes to get a more personal For more information on Merit Scholarship journey,
activities and complete picture of the students’ needs and situation. please visit Merit on Youtube: Merit Tour Part 1-4.
In the end, 317 students were chosen to receive the Merit
scholarship, of which 114 are first-time awards and 213
are renewals.
Youth Development Summit in Vietnam
The Merit scholarship is awarded to students in two
installments: This summer, VietHope will host its 2nd Annual Youth
• semester 1: award ceremony at student’s home Development Summit in Saigon, Vietnam.
• semester 2: award ceremony at student’s class We are looking for 1st-3rd year college student to join
our Youth Development leadership team.
VietHope’s Merit scholarship touches the lives of
disadvantaged students in many ways. It lowers the risk If you or know anyone who will be in Vietnam this
of students quitting school due to financial hardships, summer and meet the program requirements, please let
especially poor students with academic potential in rural us know! This is a great opportunity to spearhead
areas. It creates opportunities for students to study and community service projects, work with our Vietnam
gain skills that help their communities develop in the counterparts and hone on leadership skills. Email
future. The scholarship also eases the burden on the for more information."
students’ parents and thus, enables the parents to focus
on improving the family’s economy.

“On my rough path of studying, the supporters help me

and bring back to me the confidence to overcome all the
difficulties. I always tell myself that I have to study well
to deserve the help from my supporters. I understand that
the key to escape poverty and have a bright future is to
study.” My Chi, a student in Ba Ria Vung Tau and
recipient of the Merit scholarship since 2006.

Youth Development Summit 2009: Students sitting outside to

learn the concept of networking.

VietHope | 423 Brookline Avenue # 199 Boston, MA 02215 | info@ | 4
Issue XVII March, 2010

VietHope would like to acknowledge the generous
Lynn Huynh, for a prosperous Vietnam tomorrow
donations from its corporate supporters.

Quang Tran, Donation Form

Co-Vice President (Online donations accepted via
Alan Tu,
Co-Vice President The objective of VietHope’s Scholarship &
University programs is to provide financial
Phong Nguyen, assistance to children in poor rural areas in
Executive Director (VN) Vietnam who cannot afford the costs of
continuing their education. The students are
selected on the basis of financial need,
performance in school, and their motivation to
excel. Your contribution will directly support the
education costs for these children.




Please check one or several of the boxes:

Please join VietHope in welcoming its four new q I wish to sponsor a child through
volunteers from Boston, MA: Anh Chinh Pham, VietHope’s Merit Scholarship Program.
Quynh Anh, Linh Dang, and Son Le. We are With my support of $120/year, I will
very fortunate to have their expertise, commitment help children in Vietnam attain a higher
and enthusiasm invest in VietHope. level of education
q I wish to make a contribution of $_____
To cut down on printing and postal expenses, towards the University Scholarship
please send an email to to Program
receive an electronic copy of the VietHope
Newsletter. Thank you. q I wish to support and become more
involved in VietHope’s work by
becoming a member for $25
q I wish to make a general donation to
VietHope in the amount of $______
*Please make checks payable to:
VietHope, Inc.
423 Brookline Avenue, #199 Boston, MA 02215
Signature Date

VietHope | 423 Brookline Avenue # 199 Boston, MA 02215 | info@ | 5

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