Cari Bbea N Lead ERS: S T - M A R Y

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INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 2
Dr. Keith Claudius Mitchell.................................................................................5
Vere Cornwall Bird Antigua................................................................................ 8
P.J. Patterson Prime Minister, Jamaica 1992-2006........................................10
Kamla Persad-Bissessar....................................................................................15
CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................... 17
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 18





Sir Julian Robert Hunte

Sir Julian Hunte was born on 14 March 1940, in Castries, St Lucia.
He first entered politics in 1967, serving as a councilor, and then
as mayor of Castries from 1970 and 1971. He joined the Saint
Lucia Labour Party in 1978, and became leader of the party in
1984. He was elected to the House of Assembly of Saint Lucia in
1987, and was Leader of the Opposition


Sir Julian Robert Hunte on being conferred with the Most

Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG), by
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, for service to the public and private
sectors and to the Commonwealth Caribbean and Community.
A self-established entrepreneur and businessman
In 2005, Sir Julian was awarded his countrys highest honour, the
St Lucia Cross (SLC), for distinguished and outstanding service.
Also in 2005, the American Foundation for the University of the
West Indies honoured him as a Caribbean Luminary, in recognition
of his outstanding contribution to the global community, and in
particular, to the Caribbean His Holiness Pope John Paul II conferred the Papal Honour of the
Knight of Grand Cross Pian on Sir Julian in September 2004, in
appreciation of his inclusive approach to the work of the United
Nations General Assembly. Sir Julian was awarded the Order of the
British Empire (OBE) in June 1979, in recognition of his dedicated
service to the Government and people of Saint Lucia.
In addition to his diplomatic work, he was as of
2014 Chairman and Chief Executive of the Julian R. Hunte Group
of insurance, real estate and packaging and storage companies.
Moreover, he was the Chair of the Saint Lucia National
Development Corporation, which is the country's
principal development agency. He also served as Director of the


Saint Lucia Development Bank, and the National Commercial

Bank of Saint Lucia.
Hunte played cricket at a national level in Saint Lucia, and
participated as an administrator at the national, regional and
international levels. He was President of the Saint Lucia National
Cricket Association and of the Windward Islands Cricket Board of
Control, and President of the West Indies Cricket Board, which he
represented on the International Cricket Council, the institution
responsible for international governance of the game.


Dr. Keith Claudius Mitchell

Keith Claudius Mitchell was born in St. George on November
12, 1946. He received his primary education at the Happy Hill R.C.
School and the J.W. Fletcher Memorial School.
An avid cricketer, Dr. Mitchell was a member of the Grenada
Cricket Team from 1964 1966.
In 1973 he was made Captain of the Grenada Cricket Team as well
as the combined Windward and Leeward Youth Cricket Team.
He taught at the Presentation Brothers College and was a
Mathematics Professor at Howard University between 1977 and
He also started his own consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and
subsequently worked as a professional consultant to many
Government Departments and private corporations in the United
In 1984, he was elected Member of Parliament for St. George
North West, and has held the seat in each subsequent election.
Dr. Mitchell was elected Political Leader of the New National Party
(NNP) in 1989 defeating Prime Minister Herbert Blaize. He served
as Minister of Communications, Works and Public Utilities,
Cooperatives, Community Development, Womens Affairs and
Civil Aviation from 1988 to 1989 in the New National Party (NNP)


On June 20 1995, Dr. Mitchell successfully led the party to victory

in the 1995 general elections winning eight out of fifteen seats in
the House of Representatives; Dr. Mitchell took office as Prime
Minister, along with his Cabinet, on June 22, 1995.
In the 1999 election, Dr. Mitchell led the New National Party to an
unprecedented victory, winning all 15 constituencies and being
the first Prime Minister since Independence to win two
consecutive general elections. His portfolio included Minister of
National Security, Finance, Trade, Industry, Planning and
Information and later on National Security and Information.
Dr. Mitchell led the Party to another unprecedented but narrowly
won election on November 27, 2003, when the Party was elected
to a third consecutive term in Office. He held the portfolios of
National Security, Human Resource Development, Information,
Information Communication Technology (ICT), Business and
Private Sector Development and Youth Development. Her Majesty
the Queen appointed him to the Privy Council on February 20,
The New National Party was defeated in the general election held
on July 8, 2008 by the National Democratic Congress (NDC),
winning only four seats against 11 for the NDC. Dr. Mitchell
himself was re-elected to his seat for St. George North West and
continued as NNP leader. He was sworn in as Leader of the


Opposition on July 16, 2008.

In his capacity as Prime Minister, Dr. Mitchell has served as
Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) from January
to July 1998 and from July to December 2004; Chairman of the
Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank from May
1997 to May 1998; Chairman of the Ministerial Council of
Association of Caribbean States from 1996 to 1997; Chairman of
the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) from May
2000 to January 2002, being the longest serving Chairman of the
regional sub-group; Chairman of the Regional Security System
(RSS) from April 2001 to March 2002.
On February 19thth, 2013, Dr. Mitchell and his New National Party
defeated the incumbent Tillman Thomas and the National
Democratic Congress, winning all 15 Seats- the second time he
and his party achieved such a historic feat.
On February 20th, 2013, Dr. The Right Honourable Keith Mitchell
was sworn in as Prime Minister, for the fourth time. Additionally,
he is a charismatic leader, one who shows dynamic leadership
and cares for the people of his country.


Vere Cornwall Bird Antigua

Vere Cornwall Bird Snr. was born on the 9th December 1909. Vere
Cornwall Bird, Antiguan politician who overcame childhood
poverty and a lack of formal education to lead his country to
independence from Great Britain; and became the first prime
minster of the country of Antigua and Barbuda. V.C Bird
symbolized Antiguan freedom. The young charismatic leader rode
into power on a wave of support that seemed imperturbable. Papa
bird as he was affectionately called, navigated the country away
from sugar production and set Antiguans course towards tourism.
He attended Caribbean trade union conferences in Trinidad in
1945. Likewise, he decided the creation of the West Indies



Federation. In 1951, the Union Representatives, led by V. C. Bird

Snr. won all eight (8) of the elected seats in the legislature. V.C.
Bird Snr. was made one of the three Chairmen of Committees in
the Executive Council.
During the period 1951-1956, he established the Peasant
Development Scheme under which people received farm lands
and qualified for loans.
In 1953 and 1956, he was a delegate to the Conferences of West
Indian Government at Lancaster House in London that worked out
the mechanics of the West Indian Federation.
The economy grew commensurate with V.C Birds political
He first attained prominence as a labour leader, serving as
president of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union. Under his
leadership, established the right of the Union to negotiate for
workers and for contracts to be signed with management.
Although he was credited with bringing much-needed business to
his poverty-stricken country after its independence. Scandals; he
was, nevertheless, still revered by many Antiguans at the time of
his death. Vere Cornwall Bird Snr. died peacefully on Monday 28th
June 1999 at the age of 89 years.


P.J. Patterson Prime Minister, Jamaica 1992-2006

P J Patterson is Jamaicas most successful politician at national
level, breaking the third-term barrier. His style of leadership is
not to rely on fiery rhetoric, but on fundamental principles of
procedure. He has done more than any other political leader to




date, to empower his associates and to structure a party

committed to negotiate peace and settle differences through a
reconciling process rather than confrontation. PJ Pattersons
interest in politics and international relations began as a student,
when he served as Chairman of the University of the West Indies
External Affairs Commission, during which period he gained
exposure to world leaders and international political thought
through attendance at a number of international student fora. It
was also at university that he developed a commitment to
Caribbean regionalism as well as to the causes of the countries of
the developing world.
His wide experience at national, regional and international level,
as a negotiator, has served him well in office as Prime Minister. To
describe P.J.'s personality and character is to say he is slim in
build, slow of speech, sharp with wit and sure of words.
Also, he speaks in measured tones but prudently and
perceptively, never missing the essence of issues, and never
needing to apologize for statements. His long and distinguished
political career stretches back formally to the year 1958 when he
joined the Peoples National Party (PNP). Patterson led efforts to
strengthen the countrys social protection and security systems
a critical element of his economic and social policy agenda to
mitigate, reduce poverty and social deprivation.
His significant investments in modernization of Jamaicas
infrastructure and restructuring of the country's financial sector
are widely credited with having led to Jamaicas greatest period of



investment in tourism, mining, information and communication

technologies and energy since the 1960s.
P J Patterson served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Development Planning and Production during the years 1989 to
1990. Then his final role of being Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Finance and Planning during the period 1990 to 1991.
After moving through several levels of the party, he finally
become the party's President in 1992. This is the same year he
became the sixth Prime Minister of Jamaica and was conferred
with the Order of the Nation.
PJ Patterson has extensive experience and acknowledged
expertise in national, regional and international policy and
political issues in a broad range of areas including international
trade and negotiations, which he has garnered in his more than
three decades in government. Mr. Patterson has addressed world
leaders in just about every international and regional forum
including the United Nations, Group Non-Aligned Movement,
Summit of the Americas, Commonwealth of Nations and CARICOM
and among others. He has delivered numerous lectures on issues
of international trade and negotiation, the development agenda
for developing nations and regionalization at universities in the
Latin American and Caribbean Region and the United States of
Amidst all, PJ Patterson was a leader. Patterson's reign was
defined by corruption and a laissez faire attitude. It was a free-for-


all, anything goes, you can do as you please style. He made

excuses for everything and everyone.




Charles Angelo Savarin: President of Dominica

Charles Angelo Savarin (born 2 October 1943) is a politician
from Dominica who has been President of Dominica since 2013.
He is a member of the Dominica Labour Party and served for a
time as Minister for National Security, Immigration, Labour and
the Public Service.
Following the expiration of the Patrick John government (in which
Savarin played an integral role), Savarin was made Chairman of
the Committee for National Salvation (CNS). This body comprising
members of the greater cross section of Dominican Society, was
tasked with overseeing the transition to an interim government. In



1983, Savarin was appointed as Minister without Portfolio in the

Prime Minister's Office with special responsibility for Trade,
Industry and Tourism.
In 1986, Savarin was appointed Ambassador/Permanent
Representative to the European Union. He also served as principal
ambassadorial spokesman for African/Caribbean/Pacific States on
bananas. That assignment ended in 1993, when he returned to
Dominica to become General Manager of the National
Development Corporation (NDC).
Subsequently, Savarin remained as Tourism Minister following the
appointment of Roosevelt Skerrit as Prime Minister. In addition,
Savarin was however rewarded for his loyalty to the coalition and
was named Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Labour. In a
2008 Cabinet reshuffle Savarin was made Minister of Public
Utilities, Ports and the Public Service.
Savarin joined the Labour Party and was instrumental in the
public campaign for the 2009 General Elections. He co-hosted a
popular night time show alongside Attorney Anthony Astaphan
and DLP stalwart Eddie Lambert. Moreover, he known for his
platform debating skills was also a key figure on the DLP political



Kamla Persad-Bissessar
One source of fascination with Ms Persad-Bissessar is her
leadership style. She is a good listener, courageously makes
difficult decisions, is politically pragmatic and is sensitive to
political opinion, although not enslaved by it. She exemplifies
power, mystique and rebellion with a touch of compassion.
She is the first woman to serve as Attorney General, acting Prime
Minister and Leader of the Opposition. She also held the portfolio
of Minister of Education. On January 24, 2010 she was elected
political leader of the UNC and in May of that year she became



the first female Prime Minister of T&T. Persads critical skills as a

team player and her interpersonal attributes held the coalition of
parties The Peoples Partnership together.
Mrs. Persad Bissessar exemplifies facets of Cashmans (2003) six
seeds of authentic leadership. In a climate where legitimacy,
transformation, and authentic leadership are capstones of
charismatic leaders. Furthermore, Mrs. Persad Bissessar used her
feminine nurturing quality to garner support for her political
campaign as both leader of the opposition and later for her bid to
become Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Defying the
dictates of an androcentric society, Mrs. Persad Bissessar set the
stage for women to embrace their aspirations, inspirations, and
rise to the challenge of self-leadership and leadership of others.






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