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Determination of lactose% In

Determination of lactose% In Milk
Lactose is synthesized within the alveolar cells of the
mammary gland from material extracted from blood the normal
content of lactose in milk is 4.5-5 Any depression of the
synthesis of lactose is accompanied by increases in the
concentration of sodium and chloride to keep the osmotic
pressure of the milk in equilibrium with that in blood and
therefore the milk taste salty. Dominating of lactose percentage
in milk (<4%) indicate mastitis

Benedict's method
Transfer 5ml of milk sample into a volumetric flask (50ml) .1
and then add
ml of sodium tungestate (10%) drop by drop with 2.5
continuous mixing and then add 5 ml of (2/3N) H2so4 with
continuous mixing and finally complete the volume with
.distilled water up to the mark (50)

Tungestic Acid +Phosphate in milk

phosphotungestic acid

Leave the mixture in the flask for 10 minutes and then filter. .2
Usually the lactose dissolved in water and leave down with
.filtrate (the filtrate should be clear)
.Transfer the filtrate to a burette .3
In a beaker, put 25ml of Benedict reagent with 30 ml of .4
distilled water and 2gm of anhydrous sodium carbonate to
.increase the alkalinity

Mix well the mixture and heat till the solution become clear. .5
While it is boiled precede titration, firstly rapidly by 2ml till you
obtain the first shad of reduction. Then precede the slow
.titration drop by drop till complete reduction of the blue color
and formation of a white (Disappearance of the bluish color )
(Precipitate of coporous thiocyanat

Record the ml of filtrate exhausted in the titration (R) .6

Determination of lactose% In
Calculation: Every 25ml of Benedicts solution are reduced by .7
0.0678gm lactose

100 0.067
= %Lactose

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