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CECS 5200 Website Prospectus-K-5 Game Caf

Tanja Carrillo

K-5 Game Cafe Multimedia Website

I. Introduction
K-5 Game Cafe is an online educational gaming site created for Texas K-5 educators, K-5 learners, and their
parents. It connects learners to free online gaming links for Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and
Strategy games that can enhance elementary learners skills in preparation for middle school instruction. Links
are categorized by grade and easy to navigate.
II. Purpose
Learners are more engaged when using online games during lessons, and educators may choose to integrate
these games into lesson plans and class activities to reach various learning styles.
III. Homepage
A. About Page Link
1. Who: K-5 Game Cafe is an online resource for Texas Kinder through fifth grade learners,
educators, and parents that are seeking free online educational categorized gaming links
for easy user access.
2. When: The site is currently in development and will launch on August 9th 2016.
3. Why: The site was developed for a graduate course to empower and assist educators and parents of
Kinder through fifth grade learners by integrating gaming to better enhance the learning process.
4. Using a free Weebly website, over 100 gaming links are categorized by grade level that learners can
easily access at school or at home.
B. Kinder Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational gaming Kinder links table
C. 1st Grade Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational gaming 1st grade links table
D. 2nd Grade Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational 2nd grade links table
E. 3rd Grade Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational 3rd grade links table
F. 4th Grade Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational 4th grade links table
G. 5th Grade Gaming Page
1. 20+ educational 5th grade links table

CECS 5200 Website Prospectus-K-5 Game Caf

H. Survey Link
1. What game(s) did you like or dislike-Please explain.
2. What is your age?
3. What is your level of education?
I. Contact Us-Feedback Form Link
1. User can leave feedback on a form or ask questions concerning site content.
J. Gaming Video Links- Gaming in education can enhance learning-the following video links
explain why educators should consider using games during instruction as teaching tools:
1. Games in Education - How Games Can Improve Our Schools
2. Classroom Metrics - Real World Case Study for Games in Schools
3. Gamifying Education
4. Classroom Game Design: Paul Andersen at TEDxBozeman
K. Additional Gaming links
1. 20+ gaming links for ages K-5 learners
L. Prospectus PDF Link
M. Resources/References-add 20+ references and sources
N. Overview-Insert YouTube video link created using Google extension Screencastify to explain
how and why the site was created.
O. Social Media-add Twitter gaming link, email, and YouTube video links

Anderson, P. (2012). Classroom Game Design: Paul Andersen at TEDxBozeman. Retrieved from

Banchero, S. (2013). Now teachers encourage computer games in class. Retrieved

from http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324665604579081030943142894

Bristow, E. (2015). Gaming in education: gamification? Retrieved from


Edutopia. (2012). James Paul Gee on learning with video games. Retrieved from

Extra Credits. (July 2016). Classroom metrics - real world case study for games in schools. Retrieved
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBzBJPBcJ8E

Extra Credits. (May 2012). Ramifying education. Retrieved

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuDLw1zIc94

Extra Credits. (Aug 2013). Games in education - how games can improve our schools. Retrieved from
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1HTS2nxpRqM

CECS 5200 Website Prospectus-K-5 Game Caf


Holland, B. (2015). Gaming in education holds power for student learning. Retrieved from

Kiang, D. (2014). 3 ways coding and gaming can enhance learning. Retrieved from

10 Loo, K. (2014). 7 ways video games will help your kids in school. Retrieved
from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kara-loo/7-ways-video-games-help_b_6084990.html
11 Malykhina, E. (2014). Fact or fiction? Video games are the future of
education. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-video-games-are-the-future-ofeducation/
12 Miller, A. (2013). Free tools to incorporate game-based learning. Retrieved from
13 Nackerud, R. (2015). What is the future of gaming in education? Retrieved
from https://www.iste.org/explore/ArticleDetail?articleid=77
14 Russell, D., Laffey, J. (2016). Handbook of research on gaming trends in P-12 education. doi: 10.4018/978-14666-9629-7.
15 Schaffhauser, D. (2013). Will gaming save education, or just waste time? Retrieved from
16 Shapiro, J. (2014). Games in the classroom: what the research Says. Retrieved
from http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2014/06/27/games-in-the-classroom-what-the-research-says/
17 Shapiro, J. (2015). How video games in the classroom will make students smarter. Retrieved
from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jordanshapiro/2015/03/30/how-video-games-in-the-classroom-willmake-students-smarter/#b3cf53d18289
18 Stathakis, R. (2013). Five Reasons to Use Games in the Classroom. Retrieved
from http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/reasons-to-play-games-in-the-classroom.shtml
19 The National Survey Among Digital Game Use Among Teachers. (2013). Teachers survey on using digital
games in class. Retrieved from http://www.gamesandlearning.org/2014/06/09/teachers-on-using-gamesin-class/
20 University of Michigan. (2013). Digital games and classroom learning: study finds helpful features, gaps.
Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150219090456.htm
VI. Summary/Future Trends
Gamification is a new trend in learning both in the classroom and in distance learning. Game-based learning
technology can teach many subjects to learners, and can motivate learners to participate both intrinsically or
extrinsically. I believe if learners are engaged they are more likely to learn, and that gaming is a language that
all levels of learners can identify with regardless of their learning style. I also feel that the use of games during
instruction will increase as educators have noticed that gaming interaction makes the learning process much more
interesting and challenging for a learner.

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